Esempio n. 1
  * Save entities
  * @param b the Board from which the Entities come
  * @param r the writer to which the entities should be written
  * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 public static void saveEntities(GameBoard b, BufferedWriter r) throws IOException {
   Iterator<Entity> e = b.getIngameEntities().iterator();
   while (e.hasNext()) {
     Entity en =;
     if (!Player.class.isAssignableFrom(en.getClass())) {
Esempio n. 2
  * Loads entities from a BufferedReader. Each entity is on it's own line and has it's own custom
  * method of parsing an Entity out of a String However, the first item in the declaration (items
  * are separated by colons) is the classpath of the Entity this has the potential for malware in
  * mods...maybe
  * <p>at any rate, the general form is (Entity type, x, y, layer,....)
  * @param target the GameBoard on to which the Entities should be loaded
  * @param r the BufferedReader from which to load
  * @return an ArrayList of all the Loaded Entities. Not really used at all, just there for the
  *     sake of convenience and potential extension
  * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  * @throws ClassNotFoundException the class not found exception
  * @throws InstantiationException the instantiation exception
  * @throws IllegalAccessException the illegal access exception
 public static void loadEntities(GameBoard target, BufferedReader r) throws SlickException {
   String definition;
   try {
     definition = r.readLine();
     while (definition != null) {
       String[] defInfo = definition.split(":");
       Class<? extends Entity> clas;
       clas = ModLoader.loadClass(defInfo[0]).asSubclass(Entity.class);
       Entity e = clas.newInstance().makeFromString(target, defInfo);
       target.placeEntity(e.getLocation(), e, e.getLayer());
       definition = r.readLine();
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new SlickException("unable to load files for save", e);
   } catch (InstantiationException e) {
     throw new SlickException("unable to Instanciate class", e);
   } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
     throw new SlickException("Dafuq is you doing?", e);