private void logYamlToStandardOut(@NotNull WireIn in) { if (YamlLogging.showServerReads) { try {"\nServer Receives:\n" + Wires.fromSizePrefixedBlobs(in.bytes())); } catch (Exception e) {"\n\n" + Bytes.toString(in.bytes())); } } }
private void logToBuffer(@NotNull WireIn in, StringBuilder logBuffer) { if (YamlLogging.showServerReads) { logBuffer.setLength(0); try { logBuffer.append("\nServer Receives:\n" + Wires.fromSizePrefixedBlobs(in.bytes())); } catch (Exception e) { logBuffer.append("\n\n" + Bytes.toString(in.bytes())); } } }
public static void rawReadData(@NotNull WireIn wireIn, @NotNull ReadMarshallable dataConsumer) { final Bytes<?> bytes = wireIn.bytes(); int header = bytes.readInt(); assert Wires.isReady(header) && Wires.isData(header); final int len = Wires.lengthOf(header); long limit0 = bytes.readLimit(); long limit = bytes.readPosition() + (long) len; try { bytes.readLimit(limit); dataConsumer.readMarshallable(wireIn); } finally { bytes.readLimit(limit0); } }
public static boolean readData( @NotNull WireIn wireIn, @Nullable ReadMarshallable metaDataConsumer, @Nullable ReadMarshallable dataConsumer) { final Bytes<?> bytes = wireIn.bytes(); boolean read = false; while (bytes.readRemaining() >= 4) { long position = bytes.readPosition(); int header = bytes.readVolatileInt(position); if (!isKnownLength(header)) return read; bytes.readSkip(4); final boolean ready = Wires.isReady(header); final int len = Wires.lengthOf(header); if (Wires.isData(header)) { if (dataConsumer == null) { return false; } else { ((InternalWireIn) wireIn).setReady(ready); bytes.readWithLength(len, b -> dataConsumer.readMarshallable(wireIn)); return true; } } else { if (metaDataConsumer == null) { // skip the header bytes.readSkip(len); } else { // bytes.readWithLength(len, b -> metaDataConsumer.accept(wireIn)); // inlined to avoid garbage if ((long) len > bytes.readRemaining()) throw new BufferUnderflowException(); long limit0 = bytes.readLimit(); long limit = bytes.readPosition() + (long) len; try { bytes.readLimit(limit); metaDataConsumer.readMarshallable(wireIn); } finally { bytes.readLimit(limit0); bytes.readPosition(limit); } } if (dataConsumer == null) return true; read = true; } } return read; }
public static boolean readData( long offset, @NotNull WireIn wireIn, @Nullable ReadMarshallable metaDataConsumer, @Nullable ReadMarshallable dataConsumer) { final Bytes bytes = wireIn.bytes(); long position = bytes.readPosition(); long limit = bytes.readLimit(); try { bytes.readLimit(bytes.isElastic() ? bytes.capacity() : bytes.realCapacity()); bytes.readPosition(offset); return readData(wireIn, metaDataConsumer, dataConsumer); } finally { bytes.readLimit(limit); bytes.readPosition(position); } }