Esempio n. 1
  public void onLivingUpdatePre(EntityPlayerSP player) {
    GCPlayerStatsClient stats = GCPlayerStatsClient.get(player);

    if (player.worldObj.provider instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider) {
      stats.inFreefallLast = stats.inFreefall;
      stats.inFreefall = FreefallHandler.testFreefall(player);
      if (player.worldObj.provider instanceof WorldProviderOrbit) {
        this.downMot2 = stats.downMotionLast;
        stats.downMotionLast = player.motionY;
        ((WorldProviderOrbit) player.worldObj.provider).preVanillaMotion(player);

    //        if (player.boundingBox != null && stats.boundingBoxBefore == null)
    //        {
    //            GCLog.debug("Changed player BB from " + player.boundingBox.minY);
    //            stats.boundingBoxBefore = player.boundingBox;
    //            player.boundingBox.setBounds(stats.boundingBoxBefore.minX + 0.4,
    // stats.boundingBoxBefore.minY + 0.9, stats.boundingBoxBefore.minZ + 0.4,
    // stats.boundingBoxBefore.maxX - 0.4, stats.boundingBoxBefore.maxY - 0.9,
    // stats.boundingBoxBefore.maxZ - 0.4);
    //            GCLog.debug("Changed player BB to " + player.boundingBox.minY);
    //        }
    //        else if (player.boundingBox != null && stats.boundingBoxBefore != null)
    //        {
    //            player.boundingBox.setBB(stats.boundingBoxBefore);
    //            GCLog.debug("Changed player BB to " + player.boundingBox.minY);
    //        }