public EntityTrackerEntry(Entity par1Entity, int par2, int par3, boolean par4) { this.myEntity = par1Entity; this.blocksDistanceThreshold = par2; this.updateFrequency = par3; this.sendVelocityUpdates = par4; this.lastScaledXPosition = MathHelper.floor_double(par1Entity.posX * 32.0D); this.lastScaledYPosition = MathHelper.floor_double(par1Entity.posY * 32.0D); this.lastScaledZPosition = MathHelper.floor_double(par1Entity.posZ * 32.0D); this.lastYaw = MathHelper.floor_float(par1Entity.rotationYaw * 256.0F / 360.0F); this.lastPitch = MathHelper.floor_float(par1Entity.rotationPitch * 256.0F / 360.0F); this.lastHeadMotion = MathHelper.floor_float(par1Entity.setRotationYawHead() * 256.0F / 360.0F); }
/** Renders all the overlays that are in first person mode. Args: partialTickTime */ public void renderOverlays(float par1) { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST); int var2; if ( { var2 ="/terrain.png"); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, var2); this.renderFireInFirstPerson(par1); } if ( { var2 = MathHelper.floor_double(; int var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(; int var4 = MathHelper.floor_double(; int var5 ="/terrain.png"); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, var5); int var6 =, var3, var4); if (, var3, var4)) { this.renderInsideOfBlock(par1, Block.blocksList[var6].getBlockTextureFromSide(2)); } else { for (int var7 = 0; var7 < 8; ++var7) { float var8 = ((float) ((var7 >> 0) % 2) - 0.5F) * * 0.9F; float var9 = ((float) ((var7 >> 1) % 2) - 0.5F) * * 0.2F; float var10 = ((float) ((var7 >> 2) % 2) - 0.5F) * * 0.9F; int var11 = MathHelper.floor_float((float) var2 + var8); int var12 = MathHelper.floor_float((float) var3 + var9); int var13 = MathHelper.floor_float((float) var4 + var10); if (, var12, var13)) { var6 =, var12, var13); } } } if (Block.blocksList[var6] != null) { this.renderInsideOfBlock(par1, Block.blocksList[var6].getBlockTextureFromSide(2)); } } if ( { var2 ="/misc/water.png"); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, var2); this.renderWarpedTextureOverlay(par1); } GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST); }
/** Renders all the overlays that are in first person mode. Args: partialTickTime */ public void renderOverlays(float par1) { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST); if (mc.thePlayer.isBurning()) { int i = mc.renderEngine.getTexture("/terrain.png"); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, i); renderFireInFirstPerson(par1); } if (mc.thePlayer.isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock()) { int j = MathHelper.floor_double(mc.thePlayer.posX); int l = MathHelper.floor_double(mc.thePlayer.posY); int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(mc.thePlayer.posZ); int j1 = mc.renderEngine.getTexture("/terrain.png"); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, j1); int k1 = mc.theWorld.getBlockId(j, l, i1); if (mc.theWorld.isBlockNormalCube(j, l, i1)) { renderInsideOfBlock(par1, Block.blocksList[k1].getBlockTextureFromSide(2)); } else { for (int l1 = 0; l1 < 8; l1++) { float f = ((float) ((l1 >> 0) % 2) - 0.5F) * mc.thePlayer.width * 0.9F; float f1 = ((float) ((l1 >> 1) % 2) - 0.5F) * mc.thePlayer.height * 0.2F; float f2 = ((float) ((l1 >> 2) % 2) - 0.5F) * mc.thePlayer.width * 0.9F; int i2 = MathHelper.floor_float((float) j + f); int j2 = MathHelper.floor_float((float) l + f1); int k2 = MathHelper.floor_float((float) i1 + f2); if (mc.theWorld.isBlockNormalCube(i2, j2, k2)) { k1 = mc.theWorld.getBlockId(i2, j2, k2); } } } if (Block.blocksList[k1] != null) { renderInsideOfBlock(par1, Block.blocksList[k1].getBlockTextureFromSide(2)); } } if (mc.thePlayer.isInsideOfMaterial(Material.water)) { int k = mc.renderEngine.getTexture("/misc/water.png"); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, k); renderWarpedTextureOverlay(par1); } GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST); }
public Packet23VehicleSpawn(Entity par1Entity, int par2, int par3) { this.entityId = par1Entity.entityId; this.xPosition = MathHelper.floor_double(par1Entity.posX * 32.0D); this.yPosition = MathHelper.floor_double(par1Entity.posY * 32.0D); this.zPosition = MathHelper.floor_double(par1Entity.posZ * 32.0D); this.pitch = MathHelper.floor_float(par1Entity.rotationPitch * 256.0F / 360.0F); this.yaw = MathHelper.floor_float(par1Entity.rotationYaw * 256.0F / 360.0F); this.type = par2; this.throwerEntityId = par3; if (par3 > 0) { double var4 = par1Entity.motionX; double var6 = par1Entity.motionY; double var8 = par1Entity.motionZ; double var10 = 3.9D; if (var4 < -var10) { var4 = -var10; } if (var6 < -var10) { var6 = -var10; } if (var8 < -var10) { var8 = -var10; } if (var4 > var10) { var4 = var10; } if (var6 > var10) { var6 = var10; } if (var8 > var10) { var8 = var10; } this.speedX = (int) (var4 * 8000.0D); this.speedY = (int) (var6 * 8000.0D); this.speedZ = (int) (var8 * 8000.0D); } }
/** Checks if the current block the entity is within of the specified material type */ public boolean isInsideOfMaterial(Material par1Material) { double d = posY + (double) getEyeHeight(); int i = MathHelper.floor_double(posX); int j = MathHelper.floor_float(MathHelper.floor_double(d)); int k = MathHelper.floor_double(posZ); int l = worldObj.getBlockId(i, j, k); if (l != 0 && Block.blocksList[l].blockMaterial == par1Material) { float f = BlockFluid.getFluidHeightPercent(worldObj.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k)) - 0.1111111F; float f1 = (float) (j + 1) - f; return d < (double) f1; } else { return false; } }
/** also sends velocity, rotation, and riding info. */ public void sendLocationToAllClients(List par1List) { this.playerEntitiesUpdated = false; if (!this.isDataInitialized || this.myEntity.getDistanceSq(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ) > 16.0D) { this.posX = this.myEntity.posX; this.posY = this.myEntity.posY; this.posZ = this.myEntity.posZ; this.isDataInitialized = true; this.playerEntitiesUpdated = true; this.sendEventsToPlayers(par1List); } if (this.field_85178_v != this.myEntity.ridingEntity) { this.field_85178_v = this.myEntity.ridingEntity; this.sendPacketToAllTrackingPlayers( new Packet39AttachEntity(this.myEntity, this.myEntity.ridingEntity)); } if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityItemFrame && this.ticks % 10 == 0) { EntityItemFrame var23 = (EntityItemFrame) this.myEntity; ItemStack var24 = var23.getDisplayedItem(); if (var24 != null && var24.getItem() instanceof ItemMap) { MapData var26 =, this.myEntity.worldObj); Iterator var29 = par1List.iterator(); while (var29.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer var30 = (EntityPlayer); EntityPlayerMP var31 = (EntityPlayerMP) var30; var26.updateVisiblePlayers(var31, var24); if (var31.playerNetServerHandler.packetSize() <= 5) { Packet var32 =, this.myEntity.worldObj, var31); if (var32 != null) { var31.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacketToPlayer(var32); } } } } DataWatcher var28 = this.myEntity.getDataWatcher(); if (var28.hasChanges()) { this.sendPacketToAllAssociatedPlayers( new Packet40EntityMetadata(this.myEntity.entityId, var28, false)); } } else if (this.ticks++ % this.updateFrequency == 0 || this.myEntity.isAirBorne) { int var2; int var3; if (this.myEntity.ridingEntity == null) { ++this.ticksSinceLastForcedTeleport; var2 = this.myEntity.myEntitySize.multiplyBy32AndRound(this.myEntity.posX); var3 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.myEntity.posY * 32.0D); int var4 = this.myEntity.myEntitySize.multiplyBy32AndRound(this.myEntity.posZ); int var5 = MathHelper.floor_float(this.myEntity.rotationYaw * 256.0F / 360.0F); int var6 = MathHelper.floor_float(this.myEntity.rotationPitch * 256.0F / 360.0F); int var7 = var2 - this.lastScaledXPosition; int var8 = var3 - this.lastScaledYPosition; int var9 = var4 - this.lastScaledZPosition; Object var10 = null; boolean var11 = Math.abs(var7) >= 4 || Math.abs(var8) >= 4 || Math.abs(var9) >= 4 || this.ticks % 60 == 0; boolean var12 = Math.abs(var5 - this.lastYaw) >= 4 || Math.abs(var6 - this.lastPitch) >= 4; if (var7 >= -128 && var7 < 128 && var8 >= -128 && var8 < 128 && var9 >= -128 && var9 < 128 && this.ticksSinceLastForcedTeleport <= 400 && !this.ridingEntity) { if (var11 && var12) { var10 = new Packet33RelEntityMoveLook( this.myEntity.entityId, (byte) var7, (byte) var8, (byte) var9, (byte) var5, (byte) var6); } else if (var11) { var10 = new Packet31RelEntityMove( this.myEntity.entityId, (byte) var7, (byte) var8, (byte) var9); } else if (var12) { var10 = new Packet32EntityLook(this.myEntity.entityId, (byte) var5, (byte) var6); } } else { this.ticksSinceLastForcedTeleport = 0; var10 = new Packet34EntityTeleport( this.myEntity.entityId, var2, var3, var4, (byte) var5, (byte) var6); } if (this.sendVelocityUpdates) { double var13 = this.myEntity.motionX - this.motionX; double var15 = this.myEntity.motionY - this.motionY; double var17 = this.myEntity.motionZ - this.motionZ; double var19 = 0.02D; double var21 = var13 * var13 + var15 * var15 + var17 * var17; if (var21 > var19 * var19 || var21 > 0.0D && this.myEntity.motionX == 0.0D && this.myEntity.motionY == 0.0D && this.myEntity.motionZ == 0.0D) { this.motionX = this.myEntity.motionX; this.motionY = this.myEntity.motionY; this.motionZ = this.myEntity.motionZ; this.sendPacketToAllTrackingPlayers( new Packet28EntityVelocity( this.myEntity.entityId, this.motionX, this.motionY, this.motionZ)); } } if (var10 != null) { this.sendPacketToAllTrackingPlayers((Packet) var10); } DataWatcher var33 = this.myEntity.getDataWatcher(); if (var33.hasChanges()) { this.sendPacketToAllAssociatedPlayers( new Packet40EntityMetadata(this.myEntity.entityId, var33, false)); } if (var11) { this.lastScaledXPosition = var2; this.lastScaledYPosition = var3; this.lastScaledZPosition = var4; } if (var12) { this.lastYaw = var5; this.lastPitch = var6; } this.ridingEntity = false; } else { var2 = MathHelper.floor_float(this.myEntity.rotationYaw * 256.0F / 360.0F); var3 = MathHelper.floor_float(this.myEntity.rotationPitch * 256.0F / 360.0F); boolean var25 = Math.abs(var2 - this.lastYaw) >= 4 || Math.abs(var3 - this.lastPitch) >= 4; if (var25) { this.sendPacketToAllTrackingPlayers( new Packet32EntityLook(this.myEntity.entityId, (byte) var2, (byte) var3)); this.lastYaw = var2; this.lastPitch = var3; } this.lastScaledXPosition = this.myEntity.myEntitySize.multiplyBy32AndRound(this.myEntity.posX); this.lastScaledYPosition = MathHelper.floor_double(this.myEntity.posY * 32.0D); this.lastScaledZPosition = this.myEntity.myEntitySize.multiplyBy32AndRound(this.myEntity.posZ); DataWatcher var27 = this.myEntity.getDataWatcher(); if (var27.hasChanges()) { this.sendPacketToAllAssociatedPlayers( new Packet40EntityMetadata(this.myEntity.entityId, var27, false)); } this.ridingEntity = true; } var2 = MathHelper.floor_float(this.myEntity.setRotationYawHead() * 256.0F / 360.0F); if (Math.abs(var2 - this.lastHeadMotion) >= 4) { this.sendPacketToAllTrackingPlayers( new Packet35EntityHeadRotation(this.myEntity.entityId, (byte) var2)); this.lastHeadMotion = var2; } this.myEntity.isAirBorne = false; } if (this.myEntity.velocityChanged) { this.sendPacketToAllAssociatedPlayers(new Packet28EntityVelocity(this.myEntity)); this.myEntity.velocityChanged = false; } }
private Packet getPacketForThisEntity() { if (this.myEntity.isDead) { System.out.println("Fetching addPacket for removed entity"); } if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityItem) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 2, 1); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { return new Packet20NamedEntitySpawn((EntityPlayer) this.myEntity); } else { EntityMinecart var1; if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityMinecart) { var1 = (EntityMinecart) this.myEntity; if (var1.minecartType == 0) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 10); } if (var1.minecartType == 1) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 11); } if (var1.minecartType == 2) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 12); } } if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityBoat) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 1); } else if (!(this.myEntity instanceof IAnimals) && !(this.myEntity instanceof EntityDragon)) { if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityFishHook) { EntityPlayer var10 = ((EntityFishHook) this.myEntity).angler; return new Packet23VehicleSpawn( this.myEntity, 90, var10 != null ? var10.entityId : this.myEntity.entityId); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityArrow) { Entity var8 = ((EntityArrow) this.myEntity).shootingEntity; return new Packet23VehicleSpawn( this.myEntity, 60, var8 != null ? var8.entityId : this.myEntity.entityId); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntitySnowball) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 61); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityPotion) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn( this.myEntity, 73, ((EntityPotion) this.myEntity).getPotionDamage()); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityExpBottle) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 75); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityEnderPearl) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 65); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityEnderEye) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 72); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityFireworkRocket) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 76); } else { Packet23VehicleSpawn var4; if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityFireball) { EntityFireball var7 = (EntityFireball) this.myEntity; var1 = null; byte var9 = 63; if (this.myEntity instanceof EntitySmallFireball) { var9 = 64; } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityWitherSkull) { var9 = 66; } if (var7.shootingEntity != null) { var4 = new Packet23VehicleSpawn( this.myEntity, var9, ((EntityFireball) this.myEntity).shootingEntity.entityId); } else { var4 = new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, var9, 0); } var4.speedX = (int) (var7.accelerationX * 8000.0D); var4.speedY = (int) (var7.accelerationY * 8000.0D); var4.speedZ = (int) (var7.accelerationZ * 8000.0D); return var4; } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityEgg) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 62); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityTNTPrimed) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 50); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityEnderCrystal) { return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 51); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityFallingSand) { EntityFallingSand var6 = (EntityFallingSand) this.myEntity; return new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 70, var6.blockID | var6.metadata << 16); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityPainting) { return new Packet25EntityPainting((EntityPainting) this.myEntity); } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityItemFrame) { EntityItemFrame var5 = (EntityItemFrame) this.myEntity; var4 = new Packet23VehicleSpawn(this.myEntity, 71, var5.hangingDirection); var4.xPosition = MathHelper.floor_float((float) (var5.xPosition * 32)); var4.yPosition = MathHelper.floor_float((float) (var5.yPosition * 32)); var4.zPosition = MathHelper.floor_float((float) (var5.zPosition * 32)); return var4; } else if (this.myEntity instanceof EntityXPOrb) { return new Packet26EntityExpOrb((EntityXPOrb) this.myEntity); } else { Iterator var2 = ModLoader.getTrackers().values().iterator(); EntityTrackerNonliving var3; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Don\'t know how to add " + this.myEntity.getClass() + "!"); } var3 = (EntityTrackerNonliving); } while (!var3.entityClass.isAssignableFrom(this.myEntity.getClass())); return var3.mod.getSpawnPacket(this.myEntity,; } } } else { this.lastHeadMotion = MathHelper.floor_float(this.myEntity.setRotationYawHead() * 256.0F / 360.0F); return new Packet24MobSpawn((EntityLiving) this.myEntity); } } }
public void runTick() { if (ticksRan == 6000) { func_28001_B(); } statFileWriter.func_27178_d(); ingameGUI.updateTick(); entityRenderer.getMouseOver(1.0F); if (thePlayer != null) { net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider = theWorld.getIChunkProvider(); if (ichunkprovider instanceof ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate) { ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate chunkproviderloadorgenerate = (ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate) ichunkprovider; int j = MathHelper.floor_float((int) thePlayer.posX) >> 4; int i1 = MathHelper.floor_float((int) thePlayer.posZ) >> 4; chunkproviderloadorgenerate.setCurrentChunkOver(j, i1); } } if (!isGamePaused && theWorld != null) { playerController.updateController(); } GL11.glBindTexture(3553 /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/, renderEngine.getTexture("/terrain.png")); if (!isGamePaused) { renderEngine.updateDynamicTextures(); } if (currentScreen == null && thePlayer != null) { if ( <= 0) { displayGuiScreen(null); } else if (thePlayer.isPlayerSleeping() && theWorld != null && theWorld.multiplayerWorld) { displayGuiScreen(new GuiSleepMP()); } } else if (currentScreen != null && (currentScreen instanceof GuiSleepMP) && !thePlayer.isPlayerSleeping()) { displayGuiScreen(null); } if (currentScreen != null) { leftClickCounter = 10000; mouseTicksRan = ticksRan + 10000; } if (currentScreen != null) { currentScreen.handleInput(); if (currentScreen != null) { currentScreen.field_25091_h.func_25088_a(); currentScreen.updateScreen(); } } if (currentScreen == null || currentScreen.field_948_f) { do { if (! { break; } long l = System.currentTimeMillis() - systemTime; if (l <= 200L) { int k = Mouse.getEventDWheel(); if (k != 0) { thePlayer.inventory.changeCurrentItem(k); if (gameSettings.field_22275_C) { if (k > 0) { k = 1; } if (k < 0) { k = -1; } gameSettings.field_22272_F += (float) k * 0.25F; } } if (currentScreen == null) { if (!inGameHasFocus && Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { setIngameFocus(); } else { if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 0 && Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { clickMouse(0); mouseTicksRan = ticksRan; } if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 1 && Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { clickMouse(1); mouseTicksRan = ticksRan; } if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 2 && Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { clickMiddleMouseButton(); } } } else if (currentScreen != null) { currentScreen.handleMouseInput(); } } } while (true); if (leftClickCounter > 0) { leftClickCounter--; } do { if (! { break; } thePlayer.handleKeyPress(Keyboard.getEventKey(), Keyboard.getEventKeyState()); if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 87) { toggleFullscreen(); } else { if (currentScreen != null) { currentScreen.handleKeyboardInput(); } else { if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 1) { displayInGameMenu(); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 31 && Keyboard.isKeyDown(61)) { forceReload(); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 59) { gameSettings.hideGUI = !gameSettings.hideGUI; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 61) { gameSettings.showDebugInfo = !gameSettings.showDebugInfo; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 63) { gameSettings.thirdPersonView = !gameSettings.thirdPersonView; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 66) { gameSettings.smoothCamera = !gameSettings.smoothCamera; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == gameSettings.keyBindInventory.keyCode) { displayGuiScreen(new GuiInventory(thePlayer)); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == gameSettings.keyBindDrop.keyCode) { thePlayer.dropCurrentItem(); } if (isMultiplayerWorld() && Keyboard.getEventKey() == gameSettings.keyBindChat.keyCode) { displayGuiScreen(new GuiChat()); } } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == 2 + i) { thePlayer.inventory.currentItem = i; } } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == gameSettings.keyBindToggleFog.keyCode) { gameSettings.setOptionValue( EnumOptions.RENDER_DISTANCE, !Keyboard.isKeyDown(42) && !Keyboard.isKeyDown(54) ? 1 : -1); } } } } while (true); if (currentScreen == null) { if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0) && (float) (ticksRan - mouseTicksRan) >= timer.ticksPerSecond / 4F && inGameHasFocus) { clickMouse(0); mouseTicksRan = ticksRan; } if (Mouse.isButtonDown(1) && (float) (ticksRan - mouseTicksRan) >= timer.ticksPerSecond / 4F && inGameHasFocus) { clickMouse(1); mouseTicksRan = ticksRan; } } func_6254_a(0, currentScreen == null && Mouse.isButtonDown(0) && inGameHasFocus); } if (theWorld != null) { if (thePlayer != null) { joinPlayerCounter++; if (joinPlayerCounter == 30) { joinPlayerCounter = 0; theWorld.joinEntityInSurroundings(thePlayer); } } theWorld.difficultySetting = gameSettings.difficulty; if (theWorld.multiplayerWorld) { theWorld.difficultySetting = 3; } if (!isGamePaused) { entityRenderer.updateRenderer(); } if (!isGamePaused) { renderGlobal.updateClouds(); } if (!isGamePaused) { if (theWorld.field_27172_i > 0) { theWorld.field_27172_i--; } theWorld.updateEntities(); } if (!isGamePaused || isMultiplayerWorld()) { theWorld.setAllowedMobSpawns(gameSettings.difficulty > 0, true); theWorld.tick(); } if (!isGamePaused && theWorld != null) { theWorld.randomDisplayUpdates( MathHelper.floor_double(thePlayer.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(thePlayer.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(thePlayer.posZ)); } if (!isGamePaused) { effectRenderer.updateEffects(); } } systemTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
public void changeWorld(World world, String s, EntityPlayer entityplayer) { statFileWriter.func_27175_b(); statFileWriter.syncStats(); renderViewEntity = null; loadingScreen.printText(s); loadingScreen.displayLoadingString(""); sndManager.playStreaming(null, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); if (theWorld != null) { theWorld.saveWorldIndirectly(loadingScreen); } theWorld = world; if (world != null) { playerController.func_717_a(world); if (!isMultiplayerWorld()) { if (entityplayer == null) { thePlayer = (EntityPlayerSP) world.func_4085_a(net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayerSP.class); } } else if (thePlayer != null) { thePlayer.preparePlayerToSpawn(); if (world != null) { world.entityJoinedWorld(thePlayer); } } if (!world.multiplayerWorld) { func_6255_d(s); } if (thePlayer == null) { thePlayer = (EntityPlayerSP) playerController.createPlayer(world); thePlayer.preparePlayerToSpawn(); playerController.flipPlayer(thePlayer); } thePlayer.movementInput = new MovementInputFromOptions(gameSettings); if (renderGlobal != null) { renderGlobal.changeWorld(world); } if (effectRenderer != null) { effectRenderer.clearEffects(world); } playerController.func_6473_b(thePlayer); if (entityplayer != null) { world.emptyMethod1(); } net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider = world.getIChunkProvider(); if (ichunkprovider instanceof ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate) { ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate chunkproviderloadorgenerate = (ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate) ichunkprovider; int i = MathHelper.floor_float((int) thePlayer.posX) >> 4; int j = MathHelper.floor_float((int) thePlayer.posZ) >> 4; chunkproviderloadorgenerate.setCurrentChunkOver(i, j); } world.spawnPlayerWithLoadedChunks(thePlayer); if (world.isNewWorld) { world.saveWorldIndirectly(loadingScreen); } renderViewEntity = thePlayer; } else { thePlayer = null; } System.gc(); systemTime = 0L; }