void loadConfig() { config = new OrderedProperties(); try { config.load(new FileInputStream(cfgfile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.printf("%s: No existing config file\n", modName); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.printf("%s: Failed to read %s\n%s\n", modName, cfgfile.getPath(), e); } config.extended = false; Floodlight.init(config); }
public static int getBlockOrItemID(int defaultID, String name, int offset) { String key = name + ".id"; int id; if (config.containsKey(key)) { String value = (String) config.get(key); id = Integer.parseInt(value); } else { config.put(key, Integer.toString(defaultID)); id = defaultID; } idToName.put(Integer.valueOf(offset + id), name); return id; }
void addRecipes() { if (config.getBoolean("enableSimpleFloodlight", true)) { addRecipe( floodlight, 1, "IrI", "IgI", "GGG", 'I', Item.ingotIron, 'r', Item.redstone, 'g', glowingIngot, 'G', Block.glass); addRecipe( glowingIngot, 1, "GiG", "igi", "GiG", 'G', Block.glowStone, 'g', Item.goldNugget, 'i', Item.ingotIron); } }
void saveConfig() { try { if (config.extended) { System.out.printf("%s: Writing config file\n", modName); config.store(new FileOutputStream(cfgfile), modName + " Configuration File"); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.printf("%s: Failed to %s\n%s\n", modName, cfgfile.getPath(), e); } }