private List<GameAction> getPlayCardActions(GameContext context, Player player) { List<GameAction> playCardActions = new ArrayList<GameAction>(); playCardActions.addAll(getHeroPowerActions(context, player)); for (Card card : player.getHand()) { CardReference cardReference = new CardReference(player.getId(), CardLocation.HAND, card.getId(), card.getName()); if (!context.getLogic().canPlayCard(player.getId(), cardReference)) { continue; } if (card.hasAttribute(Attribute.CHOOSE_ONE)) { IChooseOneCard chooseOneCard = (IChooseOneCard) card; if (context.getLogic().hasAttribute(player, Attribute.BOTH_CHOOSE_ONE_OPTIONS)) { GameAction chooseOneAction = chooseOneCard.playBothOptions(); rollout(chooseOneAction, context, player, playCardActions); } else { for (GameAction chooseOneAction : chooseOneCard.playOptions()) { rollout(chooseOneAction, context, player, playCardActions); } } } else { rollout(, context, player, playCardActions); } } return playCardActions; }
@Override protected void onCast( GameContext context, Player player, SpellDesc desc, Entity source, Entity target) { int value = desc.getValue(); for (Card card : player.getHand()) { card.modifyAttribute(Attribute.MANA_COST_MODIFIER, value); } }
@Override protected void onCast( GameContext context, Player player, SpellDesc desc, Entity source, Entity target) { int manaCostModifier = desc.getInt(SpellArg.MANA_MODIFIER, 0); Minion minion = (Minion) target; Player owner = context.getPlayer(minion.getOwner()); if (owner.getHand().getCount() >= GameLogic.MAX_HAND_CARDS) { logger.debug("{} is destroyed because {}'s hand is full", minion, owner.getName()); context.getLogic().markAsDestroyed((Actor) target); } else { logger.debug("{} is returned to {}'s hand", minion, owner.getName()); context.getLogic().removeMinion(minion); Card sourceCard = minion.getSourceCard().getCopy(); context.getLogic().receiveCard(minion.getOwner(), sourceCard); sourceCard.setAttribute(Attribute.MANA_COST_MODIFIER, manaCostModifier); } }
@Override protected void onCast( GameContext context, Player player, SpellDesc desc, Entity source, Entity target) { if (target != null) { Card targetCard = null; if (target.getEntityType() == EntityType.CARD) { targetCard = (Card) target; } else if (target.getEntityType() == EntityType.MINION) { Minion minion = (Minion) target; targetCard = minion.getSourceCard(); } context.getLogic().receiveCard(player.getId(), targetCard.getCopy()); return; } CardLocation cardLocation = (CardLocation) desc.get(SpellArg.CARD_LOCATION); int numberOfCardsToCopy = desc.getInt(SpellArg.VALUE, 1); Player opponent = context.getOpponent(player); CardCollection sourceCollection = null; switch (cardLocation) { case DECK: sourceCollection = opponent.getDeck(); break; case HAND: sourceCollection = opponent.getHand(); break; default: logger.error("Trying to copy cards from invalid cardLocation {}", cardLocation); break; } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCardsToCopy; i++) { if (sourceCollection.isEmpty()) { return; } Card clone = sourceCollection.getRandom().getCopy(); context.getLogic().receiveCard(player.getId(), clone); } }
private static boolean isHardRemoval(Card card) { return hardRemoval.contains(card.getCardId()); }