public void a(DamageSource damagesource) { // CanaryMod: PlayerDeathHook PlayerDeathHook hook = new PlayerDeathHook(getPlayer(),; Canary.hooks().callHook(hook); // Check Death Message enabled if (Configuration.getServerConfig().isDeathMessageEnabled()) {; } // if (!this.q.N().b("keepInventory")) { this.bK.m(); } Collection collection = this.q.W().a(ScoreObjectiveCriteria.c); Iterator iterator = collection.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ScoreObjective scoreobjective = (ScoreObjective); Score score =, scoreobjective); score.a(); } EntityLiving entityliving = this.bN(); if (entityliving != null) { entityliving.c(this, this.aM); } }
public boolean a(DamageSource damagesource, int i0) { if ( { return false; } else { // CanaryMod moved pvp to per-world config boolean haspvp = Configuration.getWorldConfig(getCanaryWorld().getFqName()).isPvpEnabled(); boolean flag0 = this.b.T() && haspvp && "fall".equals(damagesource.o); if (!flag0 && this.cq > 0 && damagesource != DamageSource.i) { return false; } else { if (damagesource instanceof EntityDamageSource) { Entity entity = damagesource.i(); if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer && !this.a((EntityPlayer) entity)) { return false; } if (entity instanceof EntityArrow) { EntityArrow entityarrow = (EntityArrow) entity; if (entityarrow.c instanceof EntityPlayer && !this.a((EntityPlayer) entityarrow.c)) { return false; } } } return super.a(damagesource, i0); } } }
public OServerConfigurationManager(OMinecraftServer var1) { // CanaryMod NOTE: Canary.setServer() has been called during construction of OMCS which is being // passed along here // Just for the records super(); this.c = var1; // CanaryMod start: changing configurations // this.j = var1.a("banned-players.txt"); // this.k = var1.a("banned-ips.txt"); // this.l = var1.a("ops.txt"); // this.m = var1.a("white-list.txt"); // int var2 = Configuration.getNetConfig().getViewDistance(); // Creates player managers per dimension (MW: create one per dimension per world) // this.d[0] = new OPlayerManager(var1, 0, var2); // this.d[1] = new OPlayerManager(var1, -1, var2); // this.d[2] = new OPlayerManager(var1, 1, var2); this.e = Configuration.getNetConfig().getMaxPlayers(); // CanaryMod: disable vanilla whitelisting this.o = false; // CanaryMod: don't load the default whitelists and bans // this.l(); // this.n(); // this.loadOperatorList(); // this.r(); // this.m(); // this.o(); // this.q(); // this.s(); canaryCfgManager = new CanaryConfigurationManager(this); var1.setCanaryConfigurationmanager(canaryCfgManager); }
@Override public void enable() { this.log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); final File dir = new File("IRCanary"); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } try { final ConfigurationFile ircProperties = Configuration.getPluginConfig("IRCanary"); this.serverHost = ircProperties.getString("server-host", "localhost"); this.serverPort = ircProperties.getInt("server-port", 6667); this.nickname = ircProperties.getString("bot-nickname", "aMinecraftBot"); this.ircChannel = ircProperties.getString("irc-channel", "#minecraftbot"); this.ircUserColor = ircProperties.getString("irc-usercolor", "f"); this.ircNameSeparator = ircProperties.getString("irc-separator", "<,>").split(","); this.characterLimit = ircProperties.getInt("charlimit", 390); this.msgCommandRequired = ircProperties.getBoolean("msg-command-required", false); this.echoIRCMessages = ircProperties.getBoolean("repeat-relay-back", false); this.debugMode = ircProperties.getBoolean("debug-spam-mode", false); this.botAuthLine = ircProperties.getString("auth-message", ""); this.commandPrefix = ircProperties.getString("irc-command-prefix", ".").charAt(0); this.allowJoinQuitUpdates = ircProperties.getBoolean("send-join-quit-to-IRC", true); this.allowKickBanUpdates = ircProperties.getBoolean("send-kick-ban-to-IRC", true); this.kickMessage = ircProperties.getString("kick-formatting", "%player kicked (\"%reason%\")"); this.banMessage = ircProperties.getString("ban-formatting", "%player banned (\"%reason%\")"); } catch (final Exception e) { this.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "[IRCanary] Exception while reading from", e); } this.botEnabled = true; = new IRCBot( this.nickname, this.msgCommandRequired, this.characterLimit, this.ircUserColor, this.echoIRCMessages, this.ircNameSeparator, this, this.commandPrefix); if (this.debugMode) {; } Canary.hooks().registerListener(listener, this, Priority.NORMAL, Hook.Type.CHAT); Canary.hooks().registerListener(listener, this, Priority.NORMAL, Hook.Type.COMMAND); Canary.hooks().registerListener(listener, this, Priority.NORMAL, Hook.Type.LOGIN); Canary.hooks().registerListener(listener, this, Priority.NORMAL, Hook.Type.PLAYER_DISCONNECT); Canary.hooks().registerListener(listener, this, Priority.NORMAL, Hook.Type.KICK); Canary.hooks().registerListener(listener, this, Priority.NORMAL, Hook.Type.BAN); this.resetBot(); this.loadAdmins(); this.log.log(Level.INFO, "[IRCanary] Version " + this.version + " enabled!"); }
public BiomeGenBase[] a(BiomeGenBase[] abiomegenbase, int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) { IntCache.a(); if (abiomegenbase == null || abiomegenbase.length < i2 * i3) { abiomegenbase = new BiomeGenBase[i2 * i3]; } int[] aint = this.d.a(i0, i1, i2, i3); for (int i4 = 0; i4 < i2 * i3; ++i4) { // CanaryMod: Biome disabling and replacements BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = BiomeGenBase.a[aint[i4]]; if (Configuration.getWorldConfig(world_name).isBiomeDisabled(biomegenbase.N)) { String old = biomegenbase.y; biomegenbase = BiomeGenBase.a[ Configuration.getWorldConfig(world_name).getReplacementBiomeId(biomegenbase.N)]; Canary.logDebug("Biome: " + old + " is disabled and replaced with " + biomegenbase.y); } abiomegenbase[i4] = biomegenbase; // } return abiomegenbase; }
@Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if ((playerBox.getSelectedValue() != null) && !isRunning) { Logman.getLogman("Box").info((String) playerBox.getSelectedValue()); Player test = Canary.getServer().getPlayer((String) playerBox.getSelectedValue()); if (test == null) { if (Configuration.getServerConfig().isDebugMode()) { Logman.getLogman("GUI").logDerp("Null Player from list!"); } } else { Logman.getLogman("GUI").info(test.getName()); playersettingsbox = new PlayerSettings(test); } } }
/** * Reload all subsystems and the whole of canary. Don't over-use this method, it slows down the * server. It is used by the reload command and should not be used by anything else! */ public void reload() { // Reload configurations Configuration.reload(); // Reload all subsystems with a cache instance.banManager.reload(); instance.kitProvider.reload(); instance.userAndGroupsProvider.reloadAll(); instance.warpProvider.reload(); instance.whitelist.reload(); instance.reservelist.reload(); instance.ops.reload(); instance.motd.reload(); // Reload Player permissions and groups data for (Player p : getServer().getPlayerList()) { userAndGroupsProvider.addOrUpdatePlayerData(p); } }
public EntityPlayerMP( MinecraftServer minecraftserver, World world, String s0, ItemInWorldManager iteminworldmanager) { super(world); WorldConfiguration cfg = Configuration.getWorldConfig(world.getCanaryWorld().getFqName()); iteminworldmanager.b = this; this.c = iteminworldmanager; =; ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = world.J(); int i0 = chunkcoordinates.a; int i1 = chunkcoordinates.c; int i2 = chunkcoordinates.b; if (!world.t.f && world.M().r() != EnumGameType.d) { int i3 = Math.max(5, cfg.getSpawnProtectionSize() - 6); i0 += this.ab.nextInt(i3 * 2) - i3; i1 += this.ab.nextInt(i3 * 2) - i3; i2 = world.i(i0, i1); } // TODO: Might be a good palce to put mode-switchign here (when going into other-mode worlds) this.b = minecraftserver; this.Y = 0.0F; this.bS = s0; this.N = 0.0F; this.b((double) i0 + 0.5D, (double) i2, (double) i1 + 0.5D, 0.0F, 0.0F); while (!world.a((Entity) this, this.E).isEmpty()) { this.b(this.u, this.v + 1.0D, this.w); } // CanaryMod: create wrapper if (!(this instanceof EntityNonPlayableCharacter)) { // We might be an NPC this.entity = new CanaryPlayer(this); } // }
public boolean a(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { // CanaryMod moved pvp to per-world config boolean haspvp = Configuration.getWorldConfig(getCanaryWorld().getFqName()).isPvpEnabled(); return !haspvp ? false : super.a(entityplayer); }
public void g() { try { super.l_(); for (int i0 = 0; i0 < this.bK.j_(); ++i0) { ItemStack itemstack = this.bK.a(i0); if (itemstack != null && Item.f[itemstack.c].f() && this.a.e() <= 5) { Packet packet = ((ItemMapBase) Item.f[itemstack.c]).c(itemstack, this.q, this); if (packet != null) { this.a.b(packet); } } } // CanaryMod: HealthChange / HealthEnabled if (this.aX() != && cm != -99999999 && this.getPlayer() != null) { // updates your health when it is changed. if (!Configuration.getWorldConfig(getCanaryWorld().getFqName()).isHealthEnabled()) { super.b(this.aW()); this.M = false; } else { HealthChangeHook hook = new HealthChangeHook(getPlayer(), cm, this.aX()); Canary.hooks().callHook(hook); if (hook.isCanceled()) { super.b(; } } } // if (this.aX() != || != this.bN.a() || this.bN.e() == 0.0F != { // CanaryMod: convert health for values above 20 int health = (int) (this.aX() / (this.aW() / 20)); health = (this.aX() > 0 && health == 0) ? 1 : health; this.a.b(new Packet8UpdateHealth(health, this.bN.a(), this.bN.e())); // = this.aX(); = this.bN.a(); = this.bN.e() == 0.0F; } if ( != this.cp) { // CanaryMod: ExperienceHook / ExperienceEnabled if (!Configuration.getWorldConfig(getCanaryWorld().getFqName()).isExperienceEnabled()) { = 0; = 0; } else if (getPlayer() != null) { // NPC? ExperienceHook hook = new ExperienceHook(getPlayer(), this.cp, cg); if (!hook.isCanceled()) { this.cp =; this.a.b(new Packet43Experience(,,; } } // } } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Ticking player"); CrashReportCategory crashreportcategory = crashreport.a("Player being ticked"); this.a(crashreportcategory); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } }
public void reload() { this.e = Configuration.getNetConfig().getMaxPlayers(); }
public void a(boolean var1) { super.F_(); for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.k.c(); ++var2) { OItemStack var3 = this.k.g_(var2); if (var3 != null && OItem.d[var3.c].t_() && this.a.b() <= 2) { OPacket var4 = ((OItemMapBase) OItem.d[var3.c]).c(var3,, this); if (var4 != null) { this.a.b(var4); } } } if (var1 && !this.f.isEmpty()) { OChunkCoordIntPair var14 = (OChunkCoordIntPair) this.f.get(0); double var5 = var14.a(this); for (int var7 = 0; var7 < this.f.size(); ++var7) { OChunkCoordIntPair var8 = (OChunkCoordIntPair) this.f.get(var7); double var9 = var8.a(this); if (var9 < var5) { var14 = var8; var5 = var9; } } if (var14 != null) { boolean var17 = false; if (this.a.b() < 4) { var17 = true; } if (var17) { OWorldServer var18 = (OWorldServer) getDimension().getHandle(); // this.b.a(this.w); if (var18.i(var14.a << 4, 0, var14.b << 4)) { OChunk var11 = var18.d(var14.a, var14.b); if (var11.k) { this.f.remove(var14); this.a.b((new OPacket51MapChunk(var18.d(var14.a, var14.b), true, 0))); List var12 = var18.c(var14.a * 16, 0, var14.b * 16, var14.a * 16 + 16, 256, var14.b * 16 + 16); for (int var13 = 0; var13 < var12.size(); ++var13) { this.a((OTileEntity) var12.get(var13)); } } } } } } if (this.J) { if (this.m != this.l) { this.F(); } if ( != null) { this.b(; } else { this.K += 0.0125F; if (this.K >= 1.0F) { this.K = 1.0F; this.I = 10; boolean var15 = false; byte var16; if (this.w == -1) { var16 = 0; } else { var16 = -1; } Location location = getPlayer().getLocation(); int currDim = getPlayer().getDimension().getType().getId(); location.setDimensionId(currDim == 0 ? -1 : 0); CancelableHook hook = (CancelableHook) Canary.hooks().callCancelableHook(new TeleportHook(getPlayer(), location, true)); if (!hook.isCanceled()) { this.b.h.switchDimension(this, var16, true); = -1; = -1; = -1; this.a(OAchievementList.x); } } } this.J = false; } else { if (this.K > 0.0F) { this.K -= 0.05F; } if (this.K < 0.0F) { this.K = 0.0F; } } if (this.I > 0) { --this.I; } if (this.ap != { // Check if health is enabled if (!Configuration.getWorldConfig(bi.getCanaryDimension().getName()).isHealthEnabled()) { ap = 20; az = false; } else { // Call hook // CancelableHook hook = Canary.hooks().callCancelableHook(new HealthChangeHook()); // if(hook.isCancelled){ // ap = cf; // } } } if (this.aD() != || != this.foodStats.getFoodLevel() || this.foodStats.getFoodSaturationLevel() == 0.0F != { this.a.b( (new OPacket8UpdateHealth( this.aD(), this.foodStats.getFoodLevel(), this.foodStats.getFoodSaturationLevel()))); = this.aD(); = this.foodStats.getFoodLevel(); = this.foodStats.getFoodSaturationLevel() == 0.0F; } // CanaryMod start - Experience Update if (this.N != { if (!Configuration.getWorldConfig(bi.getCanaryDimension().getName()) .isExperienceEnabled()) { // CanaryMod - check if Experience is enabled N = 0; M = 0; } else { // Call hook CancelableHook hook = (CancelableHook) Canary.hooks().callCancelableHook(new ExperienceHook(canaryPlayer, ci, N)); if (hook.isCanceled()) { N = ci; } } } if (this.N != { = this.N; this.a.b((new OPacket43Experience(this.O, this.N, this.M))); } }