@operator(value = {"add_z"}) @doc( deprecated = "use set location instead", value = "add_z", comment = "Return a geometry with a z value" + "The add_z operator set the z value of the whole shape." + "For each point of the cell the same z value is set.", examples = {@example("set shape <- shape add_z rnd(100);")}, see = {"add_z_pt"}) @Deprecated public static IShape add_z(final IShape g, final Double z) { GamaPoint p = new GamaPoint(g.getLocation().getX(), g.getLocation().getY(), z); g.setLocation(p); /* * final Coordinate[] coordinates = g.getInnerGeometry().getCoordinates(); * ((GamaPoint) g.getLocation()).z = z; * for ( int i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++ ) { * coordinates[i].z = z; * } */ return g; }
@Deprecated @operator( value = {"add_z_pt"}, category = {IOperatorCategory.SPATIAL, IOperatorCategory.THREED}) @doc( deprecated = "Use 'set_z' instead", value = "add_z_pt", comment = "Return a geometry with a z value", examples = { @example( "loop i from: 0 to: length(shape.points) - 1{" + "shape <- shape add_z_pt {i,valZ};" + "}") }, see = {"add_z"}) public static IShape add_z_pt(final IShape geom, final GamaPoint data) { geom.getInnerGeometry().getCoordinates()[(int) data.x].z = data.y; return geom; }