Esempio n. 1
  private void initFieldsTypes(Class type) {
    if (types.containsKey(type)) return;

    // TODO: Checks the connections - handle them differently
    Map<String, Class> tMap = new HashMap<String, Class>();
    Method[] getters = CommonStatic.getGetters(type);

    for (Method m : getters)
      if (!m.isAnnotationPresent(Connection.class)) tMap.put(fieldName(m), m.getReturnType());

    /* In inheritance case */
    if (extendsModels(type)) {
      List<Class> supers = getSupers(type);

      for (Class c : supers) tMap.put(/*tableName(c)+*/ getModelId(type), c);

    tMap.put("CreatedAt", java.sql.Timestamp.class);
    tMap.put("UpdatedAt", java.sql.Timestamp.class);

    types.put(type, tMap);
Esempio n. 2
   * Returns all the classes related to <code>type</code> by a {@link Connection}
   * @param type The given {@link Model} interface.
   * @return A list that contains all the models in a relationship with <code>type</code> interface.
  protected List<Class> getAllReleatedClasses(Class type) {

    if (relatedClasses.containsKey(type)) return relatedClasses.get(type);

    List<Class> related = new ArrayList<Class>();
    Method[] getters = CommonStatic.getDeclaredGetters(type);

    for (Method g : getters)
      if (g.isAnnotationPresent(Connection.class)) {

        Class t = g.getReturnType();
        t = t.isArray() ? t.getComponentType() : t;

        if (!related.contains(t)) related.add(t);

    relatedClasses.put(type, related);

    return related;