@Test public void initEnv_component() throws CoreException, URISyntaxException, IOException { SdrRoot sdr = SdrPluginLoader.getSdrRoot(PLUGIN_ID, DEFAULT_SDR_PATH); SoftPkg spd = sdr.getComponentsContainer().getSoftPkg("DCE:4f46ef40-8c58-47e3-904b-e725b366808b"); Assert.assertEquals("CppComponent", spd.getName()); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapper.initEnv(spd.getImplementation("cpp"), map); Assert.assertEquals(1, map.size()); checkOctavePath(map, new String[0]); }
@Test public void initEnv_componentWithDeps() throws CoreException, URISyntaxException, IOException { SdrRoot sdr = SdrPluginLoader.getSdrRoot(PLUGIN_ID, DEFAULT_SDR_PATH); SoftPkg spd = sdr.getComponentsContainer().getSoftPkg("DCE:2fc3c8c5-a984-4be7-87c5-16ff9f0d0c8f"); Assert.assertEquals("CppComponentWithDeps", spd.getName()); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapper.initEnv(spd.getImplementation("cpp"), map); Assert.assertEquals(1, map.size()); String sdrDom = getSdrDomLocation(); String[] paths = { sdrDom + "/deps/CppDepD/cpp/lib", sdrDom + "/deps/CppDepDE/cpp/lib", sdrDom + "/deps/CppDepA/cpp/lib", sdrDom + "/deps/CppDepAC/cpp/lib", sdrDom + "/deps/CppDepAB/cpp/lib" }; checkOctavePath(map, paths); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private WaveDevSettings getWaveDevSettings( final ResourceSet set, final SoftPkg softPkg, final String codegenId, final String templateId) throws CoreException { WaveDevSettings retVal = null; // First, try to get the .wavedev from disk. This will throw an exception if it fails. try { retVal = CodegenUtil.getWaveDevSettings( set.getResource(CodegenUtil.getSettingsURI(softPkg), true)); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to find the settings file, inferring defaults"); } // if we weren't able to find the wavedev, create it if (retVal == null) { retVal = CodegenFactory.eINSTANCE.createWaveDevSettings(); // Recreate the basic settings for each implementation // This makes assumptions that the defaults are selected for everything for (final Implementation impl : softPkg.getImplementation()) { final ImplementationSettings settings = CodegenFactory.eINSTANCE.createImplementationSettings(); final String lang = impl.getProgrammingLanguage().getName(); // Find the code generator if specified, otherwise pick the first one returned by the // registry ICodeGeneratorDescriptor codeGenDesc = null; if (codegenId != null) { codeGenDesc = RedhawkCodegenActivator.getCodeGeneratorsRegistry().findCodegen(codegenId); } else { final ICodeGeneratorDescriptor[] codeGens = RedhawkCodegenActivator.getCodeGeneratorsRegistry().findCodegenByLanguage(lang); if (codeGens.length > 0) { codeGenDesc = codeGens[0]; } } // Proceed if we found one if (codeGenDesc != null) { final IScaComponentCodegen generator = codeGenDesc.getGenerator(); // Assume that there is <name>[/].+<other> format for the entrypoint // Pick out <name> for both the output dir and settings name final String lf = impl.getCode().getEntryPoint(); final String name = lf.substring(0, lf.indexOf('/')); // Set the generator, settings name and output directory settings.setGeneratorId(generator.getClass().getCanonicalName()); settings.setName(name); settings.setOutputDir(lf.substring(0, lf.lastIndexOf('/'))); // Find the template if specified, otherwise pick the first selectable and defaultable one // returned by the registry ITemplateDesc templateDesc = null; if (templateId != null) { templateDesc = RedhawkCodegenActivator.getCodeGeneratorTemplatesRegistry() .findTemplate(templateId); } else { final ITemplateDesc[] templates = RedhawkCodegenActivator.getCodeGeneratorTemplatesRegistry() .findTemplatesByCodegen(settings.getGeneratorId()); for (final ITemplateDesc itd : templates) { if (itd.isSelectable() && !itd.notDefaultableGenerator()) { templateDesc = itd; break; } } } // If we found the template, use it if (templateDesc != null) { // Set the properties to their default values for (final IPropertyDescriptor prop : templateDesc.getPropertyDescriptors()) { final Property p = CodegenFactory.eINSTANCE.createProperty(); p.setId(prop.getKey()); p.setValue(prop.getDefaultValue()); settings.getProperties().add(p); } // Set the template settings.setTemplate(templateDesc.getId()); } else { System.err.println("Unable to find a valid template! Desired: " + templateId); } } else { System.err.println("Unable to find a valid Code Generator! Desired: " + codegenId); } // Save the created settings retVal.getImplSettings().put(impl.getId(), settings); } // Create the URI to the .wavedev file final URI uri = URI.createPlatformResourceURI( softPkg.getName() + "/." + softPkg.getName() + ".wavedev", false); final Resource res = set.createResource(uri); // Add the WaveDevSettings to the resource and save to disk to persist the newly created // WaveDevSettings res.getContents().add(retVal); try { res.save(null); } catch (final IOException e) { } } return retVal; }
// TODO - turn this into an OSGi command private void generate_code( final String project_path, final String lang, String codegenId, final String templateId, final String[] preserveFiles, final NullProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws CoreException { final SubMonitor monitor = SubMonitor.convert(progressMonitor, 2); final ResourceSet set = ScaResourceFactoryUtil.createResourceSet(); final IPath projectPath = new Path(project_path); final IProject project = openProject(projectPath); final SoftPkg softPkg = getSoftPkg(project); if (softPkg == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load spd.xml for project"); } // Create or open the existing settings final WaveDevSettings waveDev = getWaveDevSettings(set, softPkg, codegenId, templateId); if (waveDev == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load wavedev settings for project"); } final EMap<String, ImplementationSettings> implSet = waveDev.getImplSettings(); // Try generate each implementation, or just the specified language for (final Implementation impl : softPkg.getImplementation()) { final String currLang = impl.getProgrammingLanguage().getName(); if ((lang != null) && !lang.equals(currLang.toLowerCase())) { continue; } // Prepare for generation final ImplementationSettings settings = implSet.get(impl.getId()); final ArrayList<FileToCRCMap> crcMap = new ArrayList<FileToCRCMap>(); System.out.println("\n\nGenerating " + currLang + " code for " + softPkg.getName()); // Validate the settings name final String implName = CodegenFileHelper.safeGetImplementationName(impl, settings); if (!implName.equals(CodegenUtil.getValidName(implName))) { System.err.println("Invalid characters in implementation name for " + implName); continue; } else if (settings.getGeneratorId() != null) { // Find the desired code generator codegenId = settings.getGeneratorId(); final ICodeGeneratorDescriptor codeGenDesc = RedhawkCodegenActivator.getCodeGeneratorsRegistry().findCodegen(codegenId); if (codeGenDesc == null) { System.err.println( "The code generator(" + codegenId + ") for this implementation could not be found."); continue; } // Get the actual code generator final IScaComponentCodegen generator = codeGenDesc.getGenerator(); // Get files to generate final Set<FileStatus> fileStatusSet = generator.getGeneratedFilesStatus(settings, softPkg); final Set<String> fileList = new HashSet<String>(); for (FileStatus s : fileStatusSet) { fileList.add(s.getFilename()); } // Remove files we don't want to delete if (preserveFiles.length != 0) { if ("*".equals(preserveFiles[0])) { fileList.clear(); } else { for (final String f : preserveFiles) { if (fileList.contains(f)) { fileList.remove(f); } } } } // Generate the files final IStatus status = generator.generate( settings, impl, System.out, System.err, monitor.newChild(1), fileList.toArray(new String[0]), generator.shouldGenerate(), crcMap); // Save the workspace final WorkspaceModifyOperation operation = new WorkspaceModifyOperation() { @Override protected void execute(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { final IStatus saveStatus = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().save(true, monitor); // Check the save results, hopefully this worked if (!saveStatus.isOK()) { System.err.println( "Generated files, but there was a problem saving the workspace: " + saveStatus.getMessage()); } } }; try { operation.run(monitor.newChild(1)); } catch (final InvocationTargetException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, CodegeneratorApplication.PLUGIN_ID, "Error saving resources", e)); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, CodegeneratorApplication.PLUGIN_ID, "Error saving resources", e)); } // Check the results if (!status.isOK()) { System.err.println( "\nErrors occurred generating " + currLang + " code: " + status.getMessage()); continue; } else { System.out.println("\nDone generating " + currLang + " code!"); } } else { System.err.println( "No generator specified for implementation: " + implName + ". No code generated."); } } project.build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, monitor.newChild(1)); }