/** Called to alter data in all cells */ public boolean operateOnData(CharacterData data) { if (!(data instanceof ContinuousData)) return false; ContinuousData cData = (ContinuousData) data; int numItems = cData.getNumItems(); String[] items = new String[numItems]; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (StringUtil.blank(cData.getItemName(i))) items[i] = "(unnamed)"; else items[i] = cData.getItemName(i); } int d = ListDialog.queryList( containerOfModule(), "Rename item", "Rename item:", MesquiteString.helpString, items, 0); if (!MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(d) || d < 0 || d >= numItems) return false; else { String s = MesquiteString.queryString( containerOfModule(), "Rename Item", "New name for " + items[d], items[d]); if (StringUtil.blank(s)) return false; cData.setItemReference(d, NameReference.getNameReference(s)); return true; } }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public void processSingleXMLPreference(String tag, String content) { if ("bootStrapReps".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) bootstrapreps = MesquiteInteger.fromString(content); if ("mxram".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) mxram = MesquiteInteger.fromString(content); if ("convertGapsToMissing".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) convertGapsToMissing = MesquiteBoolean.fromTrueFalseString(content); if ("resamplingAllConsensusTrees".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) resamplingAllConsensusTrees = MesquiteBoolean.fromTrueFalseString(content); if ("harvestOnlyStrictConsensus".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) harvestOnlyStrictConsensus = MesquiteBoolean.fromTrueFalseString(content); if ("searchStyle".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) searchStyle = MesquiteInteger.fromString(content); if ("searchArguments".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) searchArguments = StringUtil.cleanXMLEscapeCharacters(content); if ("bootstrapSearchArguments".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) bootstrapSearchArguments = StringUtil.cleanXMLEscapeCharacters(content); if ("otherOptions".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) otherOptions = StringUtil.cleanXMLEscapeCharacters(content); // parallel, etc. preferencesSet = true; }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public void processSingleXMLPreference(String tag, String content) { if ("availMemory".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) availMemory = MesquiteInteger.fromString(content); super.processSingleXMLPreference(tag, content); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) { if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Returns the matrix source", null, commandName, "getMatrixSource")) { return matrixSourceTask; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Copies the data for selected taxon", null, commandName, "copyData")) { if (observedStates == null) return null; CharacterData data = observedStates.getParentData(); if (data == null) return null; int it = MesquiteInteger.fromString(parser.getFirstToken(arguments)); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(it)) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); data.copyDataFromRowIntoBuffer(it, sb); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(sb.toString())) { localCopyDataClipboard = sb.toString(); localCopyData = data; localCopyDataTaxon = data.getTaxa().getTaxonName(it); } else { localCopyDataClipboard = null; localCopyData = null; localCopyDataTaxon = null; } } return null; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Pastes the data for selected taxon", null, commandName, "pasteData")) { if (observedStates == null) return null; CharacterData data = observedStates.getParentData(); if (data == null) return null; int it = MesquiteInteger.fromString(parser.getFirstToken(arguments)); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(it) && StringUtil.notEmpty(localCopyDataClipboard)) { data.pasteDataFromStringIntoTaxon(it, localCopyDataClipboard); } return null; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Pastes the data for selected taxon", null, commandName, "deleteDataTouched")) { if (observedStates == null) return null; CharacterData data = observedStates.getParentData(); if (data == null) return null; int it = MesquiteInteger.fromString(parser.getFirstToken(arguments)); Debugg.println("prepare to delete row: " + it); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(it)) { if (!AlertDialog.query( containerOfModule(), "Delete Data?", "Are you sure you want to delete the data for taxon " + data.getTaxa().getTaxonName(it) + " in the matrix \"" + data.getName() + "\"", "No", "Yes")) { zapData(data, it); } } return null; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Deletes the data for selected taxa", null, commandName, "deleteData")) { if (observedStates == null) return null; captureCharacterDataFromObservedStates(); if (data == null) return null; if (!AlertDialog.query( containerOfModule(), "Delete Data?", "Are you sure you want to delete the data for these taxa in the matrix \"" + data.getName() + "\"", "No", "Yes")) zapData(data); return null; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "deleteds () and anything between", null, commandName, "deletePrepended")) { if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null; boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected(); int myColumn = -1; if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) { myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this); if (table != null) anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn); } for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) { if ((!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) { String note = getNote(it); while (!StringUtil.blank(note) && note.indexOf("(") >= 0) { int start = note.indexOf("("); int end = note.indexOf(")"); String firstBit = ""; if (start > 0) firstBit = note.substring(0, start); note = firstBit + note.substring(end + 1, note.length()); } setNote(it, note); } } outputInvalid(); parametersChanged(); return null; } else if (checker.compare(this.getClass(), "deletes *", null, commandName, "deleteStar")) { if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null; boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected(); int myColumn = -1; if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) { myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this); if (table != null) anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn); } for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) { if ((!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) { String note = getNote(it); while (!StringUtil.blank(note) && note.indexOf("*") >= 0) { int start = note.indexOf("*"); String firstBit = ""; if (start > 0) firstBit = note.substring(0, start); note = firstBit + note.substring(start + 1, note.length()); } setNote(it, note); } } outputInvalid(); parametersChanged(); return null; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Prepends to the note the sequence length (including N\'s and ?\'s) for the selected taxa", null, commandName, "prependLength")) { if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null; boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected(); int myColumn = -1; if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) { myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this); if (table != null) anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn); } for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) { if (hasData(it) && (!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) { String note = getNote(it); if (StringUtil.blank(note)) note = "(" + sequenceLength(it) + ")"; else note = "(" + sequenceLength(it) + ") " + note; setNote(it, note); } } outputInvalid(); parametersChanged(); return null; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Prepends to the note the number of non-missing sites (not including N\'s and ?\'s) for the selected taxa", null, commandName, "prependNumSites")) { if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null; boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected(); int myColumn = -1; if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) { myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this); if (table != null) anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn); } for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) { if (hasData(it) && (!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) { String note = getNote(it); if (StringUtil.blank(note)) note = "(" + numSites(it) + ")"; else note = "(" + numSites(it) + ") " + note; setNote(it, note); } } outputInvalid(); parametersChanged(); return null; } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Deletes the notes for the selected taxa", null, commandName, "deleteAnnotation")) { if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null; boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected(); int myColumn = -1; if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) { myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this); if (table != null) anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn); } for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) { if (hasData(it) && (!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) { setNote(it, null); } } outputInvalid(); parametersChanged(); return null; } else return super.doCommand(commandName, arguments, checker); }
public void runFilesAvailable(int fileNum) { String[] logFileNames = getLogFileNames(); if ((progIndicator != null && progIndicator.isAborted()) || logFileNames == null) return; String[] outputFilePaths = new String[logFileNames.length]; outputFilePaths[fileNum] = externalProcRunner.getOutputFilePath(logFileNames[fileNum]); String filePath = outputFilePaths[fileNum]; if (fileNum == 0 && outputFilePaths.length > 0 && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[0]) && !bootstrapOrJackknife()) { // tree file if (ownerModule instanceof NewTreeProcessor) { String treeFilePath = filePath; if (taxa != null) { TaxaSelectionSet outgroupSet = (TaxaSelectionSet) taxa.getSpecsSet(outgroupTaxSetString, TaxaSelectionSet.class); ((NewTreeProcessor) ownerModule).newTreeAvailable(treeFilePath, outgroupSet); } else ((NewTreeProcessor) ownerModule).newTreeAvailable(treeFilePath, null); } } else if (fileNum == 1 && outputFilePaths.length > 1 && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[1]) && !bootstrapOrJackknife()) { // log file if (MesquiteFile.fileExists(filePath)) { String s = MesquiteFile.getFileLastContents(filePath); if (!StringUtil.blank(s)) if (progIndicator != null) { parser.setString(s); String rep = parser.getFirstToken(); // generation number logln(""); if (MesquiteInteger.isNumber(rep)) { int numReps = MesquiteInteger.fromString(rep) + 1; progIndicator.setText( "Replicate: " + numReps); // + ", ln L = " + parser.getNextToken()); if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) { logln("Replicate " + numReps + " of " + bootstrapreps); } logln("Replicate " + numReps + " of " + totalNumHits); progIndicator.spin(); double timePerRep = 0; if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(numReps) && numReps > 0) { timePerRep = timer.timeSinceVeryStartInSeconds() / numReps; // this is time per rep } int timeLeft = 0; if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) { timeLeft = (int) ((bootstrapreps - numReps) * timePerRep); } else { String token = parser.getNextToken(); // algorithm token = parser.getNextToken(); // Tree token = parser.getNextToken(); // Score String best = parser.getNextToken(); // Best logln(" Score " + token + "; best found so far " + best); timeLeft = (int) ((totalNumHits - numReps) * timePerRep); } logln( " Running time so far " + StringUtil.secondsToHHMMSS((int) timer.timeSinceVeryStartInSeconds()) + ", approximate time remaining " + StringUtil.secondsToHHMMSS(timeLeft)); } } count++; } else if (MesquiteTrunk.debugMode) logln("*** File does not exist (" + filePath + ") ***"); } }
public boolean queryOptions() { if (!okToInteractWithUser( CAN_PROCEED_ANYWAY, "Querying Options")) // Debugg.println needs to check that options set well enough to // proceed anyway return true; boolean closeWizard = false; if ((MesquiteTrunk.isMacOSXBeforeSnowLeopard()) && MesquiteDialog.currentWizard == null) { CommandRecord cRec = null; cRec = MesquiteThread.getCurrentCommandRecordDefIfNull(null); if (cRec != null) { cRec.requestEstablishWizard(true); closeWizard = true; } } MesquiteInteger buttonPressed = new MesquiteInteger(1); queryOptionsDialog = new ExtensibleDialog( containerOfModule(), "TNT Options & Locations", buttonPressed); // MesquiteTrunk.mesquiteTrunk.containerOfModule() // queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("TNT - Options and Locations"); String helpString = "This module will prepare a matrix for TNT, and ask TNT do to an analysis. A command-line version of TNT must be installed. " + "You can ask it to do a bootstrap analysis or not. " + "Mesquite will read in the trees found by TNT. "; queryOptionsDialog.appendToHelpString(helpString); queryOptionsDialog.setHelpURL(zephyrRunnerEmployer.getProgramURL()); MesquiteTabbedPanel tabbedPanel = queryOptionsDialog.addMesquiteTabbedPanel(); tabbedPanel.addPanel("TNT Program Details", true); externalProcRunner.addItemsToDialogPanel(queryOptionsDialog); Checkbox parallelCheckBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox("use PVM for parallel processing", parallel); parallelCheckBox.addItemListener(this); IntegerField slavesField = queryOptionsDialog.addIntegerField( "Number of Slaves", numSlaves, 4, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); IntegerField maxRamField = queryOptionsDialog.addIntegerField("mxram value", mxram, 4, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); tabbedPanel.addPanel("Search Options", true); Choice searchStyleChoice = null; if (bootstrapAllowed) searchStyleChoice = queryOptionsDialog.addPopUpMenu( "Type of search/resampling:", new String[] { "Regular Search", "Bootstrap", "Jackknife", "Symmetric Resampled", "Poisson Bootstrap" }, searchStyle); queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("Regular Search Commands"); searchField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextAreaSmallFont(searchArguments, 7, 80); searchScriptPathField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextField( "Path to TNT run file containing search commands", searchScriptPath, 40); Button browseSearchScriptPathButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Browse...", null, this); browseSearchScriptPathButton.setActionCommand("browseSearchScript"); harvestOnlyStrictConsensusBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox("only acquire strict consensus", harvestOnlyStrictConsensus); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); // Checkbox doBootstrapBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox("do bootstrapping", doBootstrap); if (bootstrapAllowed) { bootStrapRepsField = queryOptionsDialog.addIntegerField( "Resampling Replicates", bootstrapreps, 8, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("Resampling Search Commands"); bootstrapSearchField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextAreaSmallFont(bootstrapSearchArguments, 7, 80); bootSearchScriptPathField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextField( "Path to TNT run file containing search commands for resampled", bootSearchScriptPath, 30); Button browseBootSearchScriptPathButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Browse...", null, this); browseSearchScriptPathButton.setActionCommand("browseBootSearchScript"); resamplingAllConsensusTreesBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox( "allow TNT to calculate consensus tree", !resamplingAllConsensusTrees); } adjustDialogText(); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); queryOptionsDialog.addNewDialogPanel(); useDefaultsButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Set to Defaults", null, this); useDefaultsButton.setActionCommand("setToDefaults"); tabbedPanel.addPanel("Other Options", true); convertGapsBox = queryOptionsDialog.addCheckBox( "convert gaps to missing (to avoid gap=extra state)", convertGapsToMissing); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); queryOptionsDialog.addLabel("Post-Search TNT Commands"); otherOptionsField = queryOptionsDialog.addTextAreaSmallFont(otherOptions, 7, 80); queryOptionsDialog.addHorizontalLine(1); queryOptionsDialog.addNewDialogPanel(); useDefaultsOtherOptionsButton = queryOptionsDialog.addAListenedButton("Set to Defaults", null, this); useDefaultsOtherOptionsButton.setActionCommand("setToDefaultsOtherOptions"); tabbedPanel.cleanup(); queryOptionsDialog.nullifyAddPanel(); queryOptionsDialog.completeAndShowDialog("Search", "Cancel", null, null); if (buttonPressed.getValue() == 0) { boolean infererOK = (treeInferer == null || treeInferer.optionsChosen()); if (externalProcRunner.optionsChosen() && infererOK) { if (bootstrapAllowed) { bootstrapreps = bootStrapRepsField.getValue(); bootstrapSearchArguments = bootstrapSearchField.getText(); bootSearchScriptPath = bootSearchScriptPathField.getText(); harvestOnlyStrictConsensus = harvestOnlyStrictConsensusBox.getState(); resamplingAllConsensusTrees = !resamplingAllConsensusTreesBox.getState(); searchStyle = searchStyleChoice.getSelectedIndex(); } numSlaves = slavesField.getValue(); otherOptions = otherOptionsField.getText(); convertGapsToMissing = convertGapsBox.getState(); parallel = parallelCheckBox.getState(); // doBootstrap = doBootstrapBox.getState(); searchArguments = searchField.getText(); searchScriptPath = searchScriptPathField.getText(); mxram = maxRamField.getValue(); storeRunnerPreferences(); } } queryOptionsDialog.dispose(); if (closeWizard) MesquiteDialog.closeWizard(); return (buttonPressed.getValue() == 0); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ void formCommandFile(String dataFileName, int firstOutgroup) { if (parallel) { commands = ""; } commands += getTNTCommand("mxram " + mxram); commands += getTNTCommand("report+0/1/0"); commands += getTNTCommand("log " + logFileName); commands += getTNTCommand("p " + dataFileName); commands += getTNTCommand("vversion"); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(firstOutgroup) && firstOutgroup >= 0) commands += getTNTCommand("outgroup " + firstOutgroup); if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) { if (parallel) { commands += indentTNTCommand("ptnt begin parallelRun " + numSlaves + "/ram x 2 = "); } if (StringUtil.notEmpty(bootSearchScriptPath)) { String script = MesquiteFile.getFileContentsAsString(bootSearchScriptPath); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(script)) commands += script; } else commands += StringUtil.lineEnding() + bootstrapSearchArguments + StringUtil.lineEnding(); String saveTreesString = ""; if (resamplingAllConsensusTrees) saveTreesString = " savetrees "; String bootSearchString = " [xmult; bb]"; bootSearchString = ""; if (parallel) { int numRepsPerSlave = bootstrapreps / numSlaves; if (numRepsPerSlave * numSlaves < bootstrapreps) numRepsPerSlave++; if (searchStyle == BOOTSTRAPSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample boot cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == JACKKNIFESEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample jak cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == SYMSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample sym cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == POISSONSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample poisson cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); commands += getTNTCommand("return"); commands += getTNTCommand("ptnt wait parallelRun"); commands += getTNTCommand("ptnt get parallelRun"); } else { if (!resamplingAllConsensusTrees) { commands += getTNTCommand("macro="); commands += getTNTCommand("ttags ="); } commands += getTNTCommand("tsave *" + treeFileName); if (bootstrapAllowed) { if (searchStyle == BOOTSTRAPSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample boot " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == JACKKNIFESEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample jak cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == SYMSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample sym cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == POISSONSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample poisson cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); } if (!resamplingAllConsensusTrees) commands += getTNTCommand("save *"); else commands += getTNTCommand("save"); commands += getTNTCommand("tsave/"); if (!resamplingAllConsensusTrees) { commands += getTNTCommand("ttags -/"); commands += getTNTCommand("macro-"); } } // commands += getTNTCommand("proc/") ; commands += getTNTCommand("log/"); // if (!parallel) commands += getTNTCommand("quit"); } else { // commands += getTNTCommand("tsave !5 " + treeFileName) ; // if showing intermediate trees commands += getTNTCommand("tsave *" + treeFileName); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(searchScriptPath)) { String script = MesquiteFile.getFileContentsAsString(searchScriptPath); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(script)) commands += script; } else commands += searchArguments; commands += otherOptions; if (harvestOnlyStrictConsensus) commands += getTNTCommand("nelsen *"); commands += getTNTCommand("save"); commands += getTNTCommand("log/"); commands += getTNTCommand("tsave/"); commands += getTNTCommand("quit"); } }