private void paintChessPiece(Cuboid region, ChessStone stone, MassBlockUpdate mbu) { assert region.getSizeX() >= stone.getSizeX(); assert region.getSizeZ() >= stone.getSizeZ(); int xOff = (region.getSizeX() - stone.getSizeX()) / 2; int zOff = (region.getSizeZ() - stone.getSizeZ()) / 2; Map<Block, MaterialWithData> deferred = new HashMap<Block, MaterialWithData>(); World world = region.getWorld(); for (int x = 0; x < stone.getSizeX(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < stone.getSizeY(); y++) { for (int z = 0; z < stone.getSizeZ(); z++) { MaterialWithData mat = stone.getMaterial(x, y, z); if (mat.getId() == 0) { // the region was pre-cleared, skip placing air a second time continue; } Block b = region.getRelativeBlock(world, x + xOff, y, z + zOff); if (BlockType.shouldPlaceLast(mat.getId())) { deferred.put(b, mat); } else { mat.applyToBlock(b, mbu); } } } } for (Entry<Block, MaterialWithData> e : deferred.entrySet()) { e.getValue().applyToBlock(e.getKey(), mbu); } }
private void paintStruts(MassBlockUpdate mbu) { MaterialData struts = boardStyle.getStrutsMaterial(); // vertical struts at the frame corners Cuboid c = new Cuboid(frameBoard.getLowerNE()) .shift(CuboidDirection.Up, 1) .expand(CuboidDirection.Up, boardStyle.getHeight()); c.fill(struts, mbu); c = c.shift(CuboidDirection.South, frameBoard.getSizeX() - 1); c.fill(struts, mbu); c = c.shift(CuboidDirection.West, frameBoard.getSizeZ() - 1); c.fill(struts, mbu); c = c.shift(CuboidDirection.North, frameBoard.getSizeZ() - 1); c.fill(struts, mbu); // horizontal struts along roof edge Cuboid roof = frameBoard.shift(CuboidDirection.Up, boardStyle.getHeight() + 1); roof.getFace(CuboidDirection.East).fill(struts, mbu); roof.getFace(CuboidDirection.North).fill(struts, mbu); roof.getFace(CuboidDirection.West).fill(struts, mbu); roof.getFace(CuboidDirection.South).fill(struts, mbu); }
/** * Use Bresenham's algorithm to draw line between two squares on the board * * @param from Square index of the first square * @param to Square index of the second square * @param isHighlighting True if drawing a highlight, false if erasing it */ private void drawHighlightLine(int from, int to, boolean isHighlighting) { if (from < 0 || to < 0 || from >= 64 || to >= 64) { return; } Cuboid s1 = getSquare(Chess.sqiToRow(from), Chess.sqiToCol(from)); Cuboid s2 = getSquare(Chess.sqiToRow(to), Chess.sqiToCol(to)); Location loc1 = s1.getRelativeBlock(s1.getSizeX() / 2, 0, s1.getSizeZ() / 2).getLocation(); Location loc2 = s2.getRelativeBlock(s2.getSizeX() / 2, 0, s2.getSizeZ() / 2).getLocation(); int dx = Math.abs(loc1.getBlockX() - loc2.getBlockX()); int dz = Math.abs(loc1.getBlockZ() - loc2.getBlockZ()); int sx = loc1.getBlockX() < loc2.getBlockX() ? 1 : -1; int sz = loc1.getBlockZ() < loc2.getBlockZ() ? 1 : -1; int err = dx - dz; while (loc1.getBlockX() != loc2.getBlockX() || loc1.getBlockZ() != loc2.getBlockZ()) { int sqi = getSquareAt(loc1); MaterialData m = isHighlighting ? boardStyle.getHighlightMaterial(Chess.isWhiteSquare(sqi)) : (Chess.isWhiteSquare(sqi) ? boardStyle.getWhiteSquareMaterial() : boardStyle.getBlackSquareMaterial()); loc1.getBlock().setTypeIdAndData(m.getItemTypeId(), m.getData(), false); int e2 = 2 * err; if (e2 > -dz) { err -= dz; loc1.add(sx, 0, 0); } if (e2 < dx) { err += dx; loc1.add(0, 0, sz); } } }