public void startScan(boolean start) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { if (!start) { scanning.setValue(false); notifyBlockUpdate(); return; } int r = radius.getValue(); // Only on server int y1 = yCoord - r; if (y1 < 0) { y1 = 0; } c1.setCoordinate(new Coordinate(xCoord - r, y1, zCoord - r)); int y2 = yCoord + r; if (y2 >= worldObj.getHeight()) { y2 = worldObj.getHeight() - 1; } c2.setCoordinate(new Coordinate(xCoord + r, y2, zCoord + r)); scanning.setValue(true); cur.setCoordinate(c1.getCoordinate()); inventories.clear(); notifyBlockUpdate(); } }
// Advance the 'cur' index to the next block. Return false when done. // When done 'scanning' will be set to false as well. private boolean advanceCurrent() { Coordinate c = cur.getCoordinate(); int cx = c.getX(); int cy = c.getY(); int cz = c.getZ(); cx++; Coordinate lo = c1.getCoordinate(); Coordinate up = c2.getCoordinate(); if (cx > up.getX()) { cx = lo.getX(); cy++; if (cy > up.getY()) { cy = lo.getY(); cz++; if (cz > up.getZ()) { scanning.setValue(false); notifyBlockUpdate(); return false; } } } cur.setCoordinate(new Coordinate(cx, cy, cz)); notifyBlockUpdate(); return true; }
@Override protected void checkStateServer() { super.checkStateServer(); if (scanning.getValue()) { int rf = StorageScannerConfiguration.rfPerOperation; rf = (int) (rf * (2.0f - getInfusedFactor()) / 2.0f); if (getEnergyStored(ForgeDirection.DOWN) < rf) { return; } consumeEnergy(rf); int scans = StorageScannerConfiguration.scansPerOperation; scans = scans * (int) (getInfusedFactor() + 1.01f); for (int i = 0; i < scans; i++) { Coordinate c = cur.getCoordinate(); checkInventoryStatus(c.getX(), c.getY(), c.getZ()); if (!advanceCurrent()) { return; } } } }
@Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.writeToNBT(tagCompound); tagCompound.setBoolean("scanning", scanning.getValue()); c1.writeToNBT(tagCompound, "c1"); c2.writeToNBT(tagCompound, "c2"); cur.writeToNBT(tagCompound, "cur"); inventories.writeToNBT(tagCompound, "inv"); }
@Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.readFromNBT(tagCompound); scanning.setValue(tagCompound.getBoolean("scanning")); c1.readFromNBT(tagCompound, "c1"); c2.readFromNBT(tagCompound, "c2"); cur.readFromNBT(tagCompound, "cur"); inventories.readFromNBT(tagCompound, "inv"); }
@Override public void writeRestorableToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.writeRestorableToNBT(tagCompound); tagCompound.setInteger("radius", radius.getValue()); }
@Override public void readRestorableFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.readRestorableFromNBT(tagCompound); radius.setValue(tagCompound.getInteger("radius")); }
public boolean isScanning() { return scanning.getValue(); }
public void setRadius(int v) { radius.setValue(v); notifyBlockUpdate(); }
public int getRadius() { return radius.getValue(); }