Esempio n. 1
  // the the MSE of the H loss
  public double GetLossH() {
    double numInstances = 0;
    double errorSum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < numTotalInstances; i++)
      for (int l = 0; l < numPatterns; l++) {
        if (H.get(i, l) != GlobalValues.MISSING_VALUE) {
          double err = H.get(i, l) - MatrixUtilities.getRowByColumnProduct(S, i, P, l);
          errorSum += err * err;
          numInstances += 1.0;

    return errorSum / numInstances;
Esempio n. 2
  // predict the label of the i-th instance
  public double PredictLabel(int i) {
    double label = 0;
    double maxConfidence = 0;

    for (int l = 0; l < numLabels; l++) {
      double confidence =
          Sigmoid.Calculate(MatrixUtilities.getRowByColumnProduct(S, i, W, l)); // + biasW[l]);

      if (confidence > maxConfidence) {
        maxConfidence = confidence;
        label = (double) l;

    return label;
Esempio n. 3
  // get the log loss of the target prediction
  public double GetLossY(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
    double YTrainLoss = 0;
    int numObservedCells = 0;

    for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
      for (int l = 0; l < numLabels; l++)
        if (YExtended.get(i, l) != GlobalValues.MISSING_VALUE) {
          double y_hat_i =
                  MatrixUtilities.getRowByColumnProduct(S, i, W, l)); // + biasW[l]);
          double y_i = YExtended.get(i, l);

          YTrainLoss += -y_i * Math.log(y_hat_i) - (1 - y_i) * Math.log(1 - y_hat_i);


    return YTrainLoss / (double) numObservedCells;
Esempio n. 4
  public double Optimize() {
    // initialize the data structures

    Random rand = new Random();

    double prevLossH = Double.MAX_VALUE;

    int YUpdatefrequency = HObserved.size() / numTotalInstances, i, l, idxY = 0;

    for (int epoch = 0; epoch < maxEpochs; epoch++) {
      // update H loss
      if (alphaH > 0) {
        double err_il;

        for (int idx = 0; idx < HObserved.size(); idx++) {
          i = HObserved.get(idx).row;
          l = HObserved.get(idx).col;

          err_il = H.cells[i][l] - MatrixUtilities.getRowByColumnProduct(S, i, P, l) - biasP[l];

          for (int k = 0; k < D; k++) {
            S.cells[i][k] -= eta * (-2 * alphaH * err_il * P.cells[k][l] + lambdaS * S.cells[i][k]);
            P.cells[k][l] -= eta * (-2 * alphaH * err_il * S.cells[i][k] + lambdaP * P.cells[k][l]);

          biasP[l] -= eta * (-2 * alphaH * err_il);

          if (idx % YUpdatefrequency == 0) {
            if (alphaY > 0) {
              i = YObserved.get(idxY).row;
              l = YObserved.get(idxY).col;

              double err_i =
                      - Sigmoid.Calculate(
                          MatrixUtilities.getRowByColumnProduct(S, i, W, l)); // + biasW[l]);

              for (int k = 0; k < D; k++) {
                S.cells[i][k] -= eta * (alphaY * -err_i * W.cells[k][l] + lambdaS * S.cells[i][k]);
                W.cells[k][l] -= eta * (alphaY * -err_i * S.cells[i][k] + lambdaW * W.cells[k][l]);

              biasW[l] -= eta * (-alphaY * err_i);

              idxY = (idxY + 1) % YObserved.size();

      double lossH = GetLossH();

      if (epoch % 3 == 0) {
        // compute the losses of each relation and print the result
        double lossYTrain = GetLossY(0, numTrainInstances),
            lossYTest = GetLossY(numTrainInstances, numTotalInstances),
            mcrTrain = GetErrorRate(0, numTrainInstances),
            mcrTest = GetErrorRate(numTrainInstances, numTotalInstances),
            mcrNN = GetTestErrorNN();

                + df.format(epoch)
                + ", Eta="
                + df.format(eta)
                + ", LH="
                + df.format(lossH)
                + ", LY="
                + df.format(lossYTrain)
                + "/"
                + df.format(lossYTest)
                + ", MCR="
                + df.format(mcrTrain)
                + "/"
                + df.format(mcrTest)
                + "/"
                + df.format(mcrNN),

        // Logging.println("LX="+lossX+", LH="+lossH + ", LY="+lossY+", MCR=["+
        // mcrTrain+","+mcrTest+"]", LogLevel.DEBUGGING_LOG);

      if (lossH < prevLossH) {
        // eta *= 1.01;

        prevLossH = lossH;
      } else {
        // eta *= 0.7;

    // return the ultimate MCR
    return GetErrorRate(numTrainInstances, numTotalInstances);
    // return GetTestErrorNN();