Esempio n. 1
 public Object getValueAt(int r, int c) {
   if (c == 0) return ((MhrEvent) result.get(r)).eventName;
   else {
     int temp = ((MhrEvent) result.get(r)).eventFlags;
     // Format a String showing the duration in days, hours, minutes
     // and seconds.
     String retString = "" + (temp / (3600 * 24)) + "D ";
     temp = temp % (3600 * 24);
     retString = retString + (temp / (3600)) + "H ";
     temp = temp % (3600);
     retString = retString + (temp / (60)) + "M ";
     temp = temp % (60);
     retString = retString + (temp) + "S ";
     return retString;
Esempio n. 2
  public void setData(MhData m) {
    /* All elements in the MhData eventVec are stepped through, looking for
    Alarms. When one is found the rest are looked through, looking for a
    matching Return (the Return's target.birthTime = the Alarm's
    birthTime). If a matching Return is found the a copy of the alarm's
    MhrEvent is stored in the result List with the int eventFlags used
    as a storage for the duration time.*/

    for (int i = m.eventVec.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      boolean found = false;
      int timeDiff = 0;
      if (((MhrEvent) m.eventVec.get(i)).eventType == Mh.mh_eEvent_Alarm) {
        for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          if (((MhrEvent) m.eventVec.get(j))
              .targetId.birthTime.equals(((MhrEvent) m.eventVec.get(i)).eventId.birthTime))
            if (((MhrEvent) m.eventVec.get(j)).eventType == Mh.mh_eEvent_Return) {
              found = true;
              // The duration is calculated in seconds. The
              // duration is limited to at most two months.
              Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[\\s-:.]");

              String[] stop = p.split(((MhrEvent) m.eventVec.get(j)).eventTime);
              int month = new Integer(stop[1]).intValue();
              int day = new Integer(stop[2]).intValue();
              int hour = new Integer(stop[3]).intValue();
              int minute = new Integer(stop[4]).intValue();
              int second = new Integer(stop[5]).intValue();
              int millis = new Integer(stop[6]).intValue();

              String[] start = p.split(((MhrEvent) m.eventVec.get(i)).eventTime);

              month -= new Integer(start[1]).intValue();
              if (month > 0) {
                month = new Integer(stop[1].charAt(2)).intValue();
                switch (month) {
                  case 1:
                  case 3:
                  case 5:
                  case 7:
                  case 8:
                  case 10:
                  case 12:
                    day += 31;
                  case 4:
                  case 6:
                  case 9:
                  case 11:
                    day += 30;
                  case 2:
                    day += 28;
              day = day - new Integer(start[2]).intValue();
              hour = hour - new Integer(start[3]).intValue();
              minute -= new Integer(start[4]).intValue();
              second = second - new Integer(start[5]).intValue();
              millis -= new Integer(start[6]).intValue();
              timeDiff = second + 60 * minute + 3600 * hour + 3600 * 24 * day;
          if (found) break;
      if (found) {
        result.add(((MhrEvent) m.eventVec.get(i)).getCopy());
        ((MhrEvent) result.get(result.size() - 1)).eventFlags = timeDiff;
Esempio n. 3
 public int getRowCount() {
   return result.size();