Esempio n. 1
   * Creates a LZ09_F2 problem instance
   * @param solutionType The solution type must "Real" or "BinaryReal".
  public LZ09_F2(String solutionType, Integer ptype, Integer dtype, Integer ltype)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {
    numberOfVariables_ = 30;
    numberOfObjectives_ = 2;
    numberOfConstraints_ = 0;
    problemName_ = "LZ09_F2";

    LZ09_ = new LZ09(numberOfVariables_, numberOfObjectives_, ptype, dtype, ltype);

    lowerLimit_ = new double[numberOfVariables_];
    upperLimit_ = new double[numberOfVariables_];
    lowerLimit_[0] = 0.0;
    upperLimit_[0] = 1.0;
    for (int var = 1; var < numberOfVariables_; var++) {
      lowerLimit_[var] = -1.0;
      upperLimit_[var] = 1.0;
    } // for

    if (solutionType.compareTo("BinaryReal") == 0) solutionType_ = new BinaryRealSolutionType(this);
    else if (solutionType.compareTo("Real") == 0) solutionType_ = new RealSolutionType(this);
    else {
      System.out.println("Error: solution type " + solutionType + " invalid");
  } // LZ09_F2
Esempio n. 2
   * Creates a new DTLZ5 problem instance
   * @param numberOfVariables Number of variables
   * @param numberOfObjectives Number of objective functions
   * @param solutionType The solution type must "Real" or "BinaryReal".
  public DTLZ5(String solutionType, Integer numberOfVariables, Integer numberOfObjectives)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {
    numberOfVariables_ = numberOfVariables.intValue();
    numberOfObjectives_ = numberOfObjectives.intValue();
    numberOfConstraints_ = 0;
    problemName_ = "DTLZ5";

    lowerLimit_ = new double[numberOfVariables_];
    upperLimit_ = new double[numberOfVariables_];
    for (int var = 0; var < numberOfVariables_; var++) {
      lowerLimit_[var] = 0.0;
      upperLimit_[var] = 1.0;

    if (solutionType.compareTo("BinaryReal") == 0) solutionType_ = new BinaryRealSolutionType(this);
    else if (solutionType.compareTo("Real") == 0) solutionType_ = new RealSolutionType(this);
    else {
      System.out.println("Error: solution type " + solutionType + " invalid");
  } // DTLZ5
Esempio n. 3
   * Constructor Creates a default instance of the Fonseca problem
   * @param solutionType The solution type must "Real", "BinaryReal, ArrayReal, or ArrayRealC".
  public Fonseca(String solutionType) throws ClassNotFoundException {
    numberOfVariables_ = 3;
    numberOfObjectives_ = 2;
    numberOfConstraints_ = 0;
    problemName_ = "Fonseca";

    upperLimit_ = new double[numberOfVariables_];
    lowerLimit_ = new double[numberOfVariables_];
    for (int var = 0; var < numberOfVariables_; var++) {
      lowerLimit_[var] = -4.0;
      upperLimit_[var] = 4.0;
    } // for

    if (solutionType.compareTo("BinaryReal") == 0) solutionType_ = new BinaryRealSolutionType(this);
    else if (solutionType.compareTo("Real") == 0) solutionType_ = new RealSolutionType(this);
    else if (solutionType.compareTo("ArrayReal") == 0)
      solutionType_ = new ArrayRealSolutionType(this);
    else {
      System.out.println("Error: solution type " + solutionType + " invalid");
  } // Fonseca