public void purge() throws IOException { Log.trace("Purging history"); clear(); if (!file.delete()) { Log.warn("Failed to delete history file: ", file); } }
public void load(final File file) throws IOException { checkNotNull(file); if (file.exists()) { Log.trace("Loading history from: ", file); load(new FileReader(file)); } }
public void flush() throws IOException { Log.trace("Flushing history"); if (!file.exists()) { File dir = file.getParentFile(); if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) { Log.warn("Failed to create directory: ", dir); } if (!file.createNewFile()) { Log.warn("Failed to create file: ", file); } } PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)), false, "UTF-8"); try { for (Entry entry : this) { out.println(entry.value()); } } finally { out.close(); } }