/** 关注我的/我关注的用户列表 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public DataGrid dataGridAccount(LvFollow lvFollow, PageHelper ph) { List<LvAccount> al = new ArrayList<LvAccount>(); DataGrid dg = dataGridByType(ph, lvFollow, lvFollowDao); List<TlvAccount> l = dg.getRows(); if (l != null && l.size() > 0) { String[] openIds = new String[l.size()]; int i = 0; for (TlvAccount t : l) { LvAccount a = new LvAccount(); MyBeanUtils.copyProperties(t, a, true); al.add(a); openIds[i++] = t.getOpenId().toString(); } HashMap<Integer, Integer> photoNums = lvAccountPhotoDao.getCountPhotoNum(openIds); for (LvAccount a : al) { Integer num = photoNums.get(a.getOpenId()); if (num != null) a.setPhotoNum(num); } } dg.setRows(al); return dg; }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private DataGrid dataGridByType(PageHelper ph, LvFollow lvFollow, BaseDaoI dao) { ph.setSort("createTime"); ph.setOrder("desc"); DataGrid dg = new DataGrid(); dg.setPage(Long.valueOf(ph.getPage())); dg.setPageSize(Long.valueOf(ph.getRows())); String hql = "select a from TlvAccount a ,TlvFollow t "; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // 我关注的用户 if (lvFollow.getFromOpenId() != null) { hql += "where a.openId = t.toOpenId and t.fromOpenId = :openId"; params.put("openId", lvFollow.getFromOpenId()); // 关注我的用户 } else if (lvFollow.getToOpenId() != null) { hql += "where a.openId = t.fromOpenId and t.toOpenId = :openId"; params.put("openId", lvFollow.getToOpenId()); } List<TlvAccount> l = dao.find(hql + orderHql(ph), params, ph.getPage(), ph.getRows()); dg.setTotal(dao.count("select count(*) " + hql.substring(8), params)); dg.setRows(l); return dg; }
@Override public DataGrid dataGrid(LvFollow lvFollow, PageHelper ph) { List<LvFollow> ol = new ArrayList<LvFollow>(); String hql = " from TlvFollow t "; DataGrid dg = dataGridQuery(hql, ph, lvFollow, lvFollowDao); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TlvFollow> l = dg.getRows(); if (l != null && l.size() > 0) { for (TlvFollow t : l) { LvFollow o = new LvFollow(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(t, o); ol.add(o); } } dg.setRows(ol); return dg; }
@Override public DataGrid dataGrid(JbAssets jbAssets, PageHelper ph) { List<JbAssets> ol = new ArrayList<JbAssets>(); String hql = " from TjbAssets t "; DataGrid dg = dataGridQuery(hql, ph, jbAssets, jbAssetsDao); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TjbAssets> l = dg.getRows(); if (l != null && l.size() > 0) { for (TjbAssets t : l) { JbAssets o = new JbAssets(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(t, o); ol.add(o); } } dg.setRows(ol); return dg; }