   * Gives the underlying stream for XMLStreamWriter. It closes any start elements, and returns the
   * stream so that JAXB can write infoset directly to the stream.
   * @param writer XMLStreamWriter for which stream is required
   * @return underlying OutputStream, null if writer doesn't provide a way to get it
   * @throws XMLStreamException if any of writer operations throw the exception
  public static @Nullable OutputStream getOutputStream(XMLStreamWriter writer)
      throws XMLStreamException {
    Object obj = null;

    // Hack for JDK6's SJSXP
    if (writer instanceof Map) {
      obj = ((Map) writer).get("sjsxp-outputstream");

    // woodstox
    if (obj == null) {
      try {
        obj = writer.getProperty("com.ctc.wstx.outputUnderlyingStream");
      } catch (Exception ie) {
        // Catch all exceptions. SJSXP in JDK throws NPE
        // nothing to do here

    // SJSXP
    if (obj == null) {
      try {
        obj = writer.getProperty("http://java.sun.com/xml/stream/properties/outputstream");
      } catch (Exception ie) {
        // Catch all exceptions. SJSXP in JDK throws NPE
        // nothing to do here

    if (obj != null) {
      writer.writeCharacters(""); // Force completion of open elems
      return (OutputStream) obj;
    return null;
 public Object getProperty(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   return writer.getProperty(name);
 public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   return baseWriter.getProperty(name);