private void prepareCompiler() throws IOException { if (used.getAndSet(true)) { if (compiler == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { initContext(); compilerMain.setOptions(Options.instance(context)); compilerMain.filenames = new LinkedHashSet<File>(); Collection<File> filenames = compilerMain.processArgs(CommandLine.parse(args), classNames); if (!filenames.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed arguments " + toString(filenames, " ")); compiler = JavaCompiler.instance(context); compiler.keepComments = true; compiler.genEndPos = true; // NOTE: this value will be updated after annotation processing compiler.initProcessAnnotations(processors); notYetEntered = new HashMap<JavaFileObject, JCCompilationUnit>(); for (JavaFileObject file : fileObjects) notYetEntered.put(file, null); genList = new ListBuffer<Env<AttrContext>>(); // endContext will be called when all classes have been generated // TODO: should handle the case after each phase if errors have occurred args = null; classNames = null; } }
private ExitCode compile( final CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, DirtyFilesHolder<JavaSourceRootDescriptor, ModuleBuildTarget> dirtyFilesHolder, Collection<File> files, OutputConsumer outputConsumer) throws Exception { ExitCode exitCode = ExitCode.NOTHING_DONE; final boolean hasSourcesToCompile = !files.isEmpty(); if (!hasSourcesToCompile && !dirtyFilesHolder.hasRemovedFiles()) { return exitCode; } final ProjectDescriptor pd = context.getProjectDescriptor(); JavaBuilderUtil.ensureModuleHasJdk( chunk.representativeTarget().getModule(), context, BUILDER_NAME); final Collection<File> classpath = ProjectPaths.getCompilationClasspath(chunk, false /*context.isProjectRebuild()*/); final Collection<File> platformCp = ProjectPaths.getPlatformCompilationClasspath(chunk, false /*context.isProjectRebuild()*/); // begin compilation round final DiagnosticSink diagnosticSink = new DiagnosticSink(context); final Mappings delta = pd.dataManager.getMappings().createDelta(); final Callbacks.Backend mappingsCallback = delta.getCallback(); final OutputFilesSink outputSink = new OutputFilesSink(context, outputConsumer, mappingsCallback, chunk.getName()); try { if (hasSourcesToCompile) { final AtomicReference<String> ref = COMPILER_VERSION_INFO.get(context); final String versionInfo = ref.getAndSet(null); // display compiler version info only once per compile session if (versionInfo != null) {; context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("", BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, versionInfo)); } exitCode = ExitCode.OK; final Set<File> srcPath = new HashSet<File>(); final BuildRootIndex index = pd.getBuildRootIndex(); for (ModuleBuildTarget target : chunk.getTargets()) { for (JavaSourceRootDescriptor rd : index.getTempTargetRoots(target, context)) { srcPath.add(rd.root); } } final String chunkName = chunk.getName(); context.processMessage(new ProgressMessage("Parsing java... [" + chunkName + "]")); final int filesCount = files.size(); boolean compiledOk = true; if (filesCount > 0) { "Compiling " + filesCount + " java files; module: " + chunkName + (chunk.containsTests() ? " (tests)" : "")); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { for (File file : files) { LOG.debug("Compiling " + file.getPath()); } LOG.debug(" classpath for " + chunkName + ":"); for (File file : classpath) { LOG.debug(" " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } LOG.debug(" platform classpath for " + chunkName + ":"); for (File file : platformCp) { LOG.debug(" " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } compiledOk = compileJava( context, chunk, files, classpath, platformCp, srcPath, diagnosticSink, outputSink); } context.checkCanceled(); if (!compiledOk && diagnosticSink.getErrorCount() == 0) { new PlainMessageDiagnostic( Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Compilation failed: internal java compiler error")); } if (!Utils.PROCEED_ON_ERROR_KEY.get(context, Boolean.FALSE) && diagnosticSink.getErrorCount() > 0) { if (!compiledOk) { new PlainMessageDiagnostic( Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER, "Errors occurred while compiling module '" + chunkName + "'")); } throw new ProjectBuildException( "Compilation failed: errors: " + diagnosticSink.getErrorCount() + "; warnings: " + diagnosticSink.getWarningCount()); } } } finally { if (JavaBuilderUtil.updateMappings( context, delta, dirtyFilesHolder, chunk, files, outputSink.getSuccessfullyCompiled())) { exitCode = ExitCode.ADDITIONAL_PASS_REQUIRED; } } return exitCode; }
public static boolean compile( Collection<String> options, final Collection<File> sources, Collection<File> classpath, Collection<File> platformClasspath, Collection<File> sourcePath, Map<File, Set<File>> outputDirToRoots, final DiagnosticOutputConsumer outConsumer, final OutputFileConsumer outputSink, CanceledStatus canceledStatus, boolean useEclipseCompiler) { JavaCompiler compiler = null; if (useEclipseCompiler) { for (JavaCompiler javaCompiler : ServiceLoader.load(JavaCompiler.class)) { compiler = javaCompiler; break; } if (compiler == null) { new PlainMessageDiagnostic( Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Eclipse Batch Compiler was not found in classpath")); return false; } } final boolean nowUsingJavac; if (compiler == null) { compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); if (compiler == null) { new PlainMessageDiagnostic( Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "System Java Compiler was not found in classpath")); return false; } nowUsingJavac = true; } else { nowUsingJavac = false; } for (File outputDir : outputDirToRoots.keySet()) { outputDir.mkdirs(); } final List<JavaSourceTransformer> transformers = getSourceTransformers(); final JavacFileManager fileManager = new JavacFileManager( new ContextImpl(compiler, outConsumer, outputSink, canceledStatus, nowUsingJavac), transformers); fileManager.handleOption( "-bootclasspath", Collections.singleton("").iterator()); // this will clear cached stuff fileManager.handleOption( "-extdirs", Collections.singleton("").iterator()); // this will clear cached stuff try { fileManager.setOutputDirectories(outputDirToRoots); } catch (IOException e) { fileManager.getContext().reportMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage()); return false; } if (!classpath.isEmpty()) { try { fileManager.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, classpath); if (!nowUsingJavac && !isOptionSet(options, "-processorpath")) { // for non-javac file manager ensure annotation processor path defaults to classpath fileManager.setLocation(StandardLocation.ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_PATH, classpath); } } catch (IOException e) { fileManager.getContext().reportMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage()); return false; } } if (!platformClasspath.isEmpty()) { try { fileManager.setLocation(StandardLocation.PLATFORM_CLASS_PATH, platformClasspath); } catch (IOException e) { fileManager.getContext().reportMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage()); return false; } } try { // ensure the source path is set; // otherwise, if not set, javac attempts to search both classes and sources in classpath; // so if some classpath jars contain sources, it will attempt to compile them fileManager.setLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, sourcePath); } catch (IOException e) { fileManager.getContext().reportMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage()); return false; } //noinspection IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed final LineOutputWriter out = new LineOutputWriter() { protected void lineAvailable(String line) { if (nowUsingJavac) { outConsumer.outputLineAvailable(line); } else { // todo: filter too verbose eclipse output? } } }; try { final Collection<String> _options = prepareOptions(options, nowUsingJavac); // to be on the safe side, we'll have to apply all options _before_ calling any of manager's // methods // i.e. getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles() // This way the manager will be properly initialized. Namely, the encoding will be set // correctly for (Iterator<String> iterator = _options.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { fileManager.handleOption(, iterator); } final JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask( out, fileManager, outConsumer, _options, null, fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(sources)); // if (!IS_VM_6_VERSION) { //todo! // // Do not add the processor for JDK 1.6 because of the bugs in javac // // The processor's presence may lead to NPE and resolve bugs in compiler // final JavacASTAnalyser analyzer = new JavacASTAnalyser(outConsumer, // !annotationProcessingEnabled); // task.setProcessors(Collections.singleton(analyzer)); // } return; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage())); } catch (CompilationCanceledException ignored) { new PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER, "Compilation was canceled")); } finally { fileManager.close(); if (nowUsingJavac) { cleanupJavacNameTable(); } } return false; }