@NotNull public static String getLibraryName(@NotNull Library library) { final String result = library.getName(); if (result != null) { return result; } String[] endingsToStrip = {"/", "!", ".jar"}; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (OrderRootType type : OrderRootType.getAllTypes()) { for (String url : library.getUrls(type)) { buffer.setLength(0); buffer.append(url); for (String ending : endingsToStrip) { if (buffer.lastIndexOf(ending) == buffer.length() - ending.length()) { buffer.setLength(buffer.length() - ending.length()); } } final int i = buffer.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); if (i < 0 || i >= buffer.length() - 1) { continue; } String candidate = buffer.substring(i + 1); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(candidate)) { return candidate; } } } assert false; return "unknown-lib"; }
/** 選択されている行をコピーする。 */ public void copyRow() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int numRows = view.getTable().getSelectedRowCount(); int[] rowsSelected = view.getTable().getSelectedRows(); int numColumns = view.getTable().getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { if (tableModel.getObject(rowsSelected[i]) != null) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int col = 0; col < numColumns; col++) { Object o = view.getTable().getValueAt(rowsSelected[i], col); if (o != null) { s.append(o.toString()); } s.append(","); } if (s.length() > 0) { s.setLength(s.length() - 1); } sb.append(s.toString()).append("\n"); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { StringSelection stsel = new StringSelection(sb.toString()); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(stsel, stsel); } }
private static void formatStyle( final StringBuilder builder, final SimpleTextAttributes attributes) { final Color fgColor = attributes.getFgColor(); final Color bgColor = attributes.getBgColor(); final int style = attributes.getStyle(); final int pos = builder.length(); if (fgColor != null) { builder .append("color:#") .append(Integer.toString(fgColor.getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF, 16)) .append(';'); } if (bgColor != null) { builder .append("background-color:#") .append(Integer.toString(bgColor.getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF, 16)) .append(';'); } if ((style & SimpleTextAttributes.STYLE_BOLD) != 0) { builder.append("font-weight:bold;"); } if ((style & SimpleTextAttributes.STYLE_ITALIC) != 0) { builder.append("font-style:italic;"); } if ((style & SimpleTextAttributes.STYLE_UNDERLINE) != 0) { builder.append("text-decoration:underline;"); } else if ((style & SimpleTextAttributes.STYLE_STRIKEOUT) != 0) { builder.append("text-decoration:line-through;"); } if (builder.length() > pos) { builder.insert(pos, " style=\""); builder.append('"'); } }
/** * Returns date in the format: neededDatePattern, in case if year or month isn't entered, current * year/month is put. * * @return correct date. */ private Date getCorrectedDate(String enteredDate) { Queue<String> dateParts = new ArrayDeque<>(3); StringBuilder number = new StringBuilder(); for (char symbol : enteredDate.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isDigit(symbol)) { number.append(symbol); } else if (number.length() > 0) { dateParts.add(number.toString()); number = new StringBuilder(); } } if (number.length() > 0) { dateParts.add(number.toString()); } Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(); switch (dateParts.size()) { case 1: dateParts.add(Integer.toString(currentDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); case 2: dateParts.add(Integer.toString(currentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR))); } try { return new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy") .parse(dateParts.remove() + '.' + dateParts.remove() + '.' + dateParts.remove()); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // todo change exception } }
@Override protected void updateTitle(@Nullable final PsiVariable variable, final String value) { final PsiElement declarationScope = variable != null ? ((PsiParameter) variable).getDeclarationScope() : null; if (declarationScope instanceof PsiMethod) { final PsiMethod psiMethod = (PsiMethod) declarationScope; final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(psiMethod.getName()).append(" ("); boolean frst = true; final List<TextRange> ranges2Remove = new ArrayList<>(); TextRange addedRange = null; for (PsiParameter parameter : psiMethod.getParameterList().getParameters()) { if (frst) { frst = false; } else { buf.append(", "); } int startOffset = buf.length(); if (myMustBeFinal || myPanel.isGenerateFinal()) { buf.append("final "); } buf.append(parameter.getType().getPresentableText()) .append(" ") .append(variable == parameter ? value : parameter.getName()); int endOffset = buf.length(); if (variable == parameter) { addedRange = new TextRange(startOffset, endOffset); } else if (myPanel.isParamToRemove(parameter)) { ranges2Remove.add(new TextRange(startOffset, endOffset)); } } buf.append(")"); setPreviewText(buf.toString()); final MarkupModel markupModel = DocumentMarkupModel.forDocument(getPreviewEditor().getDocument(), myProject, true); markupModel.removeAllHighlighters(); for (TextRange textRange : ranges2Remove) { markupModel.addRangeHighlighter( textRange.getStartOffset(), textRange.getEndOffset(), 0, getTestAttributesForRemoval(), HighlighterTargetArea.EXACT_RANGE); } markupModel.addRangeHighlighter( addedRange.getStartOffset(), addedRange.getEndOffset(), 0, getTextAttributesForAdd(), HighlighterTargetArea.EXACT_RANGE); revalidate(); } }
// Communications public void updateStatus(InputStream in) throws IOException { DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(in); if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.delete(0, builder.length()); } eventTotal.setText(form.format(new Long(din.readLong()))); dataTotal.setText(Util.convertBytes(builder, din.readLong(), true).toString()); builder.delete(0, builder.length()); dataRate.setText(Util.convertBytesRate(builder, din.readDouble(), true).toString()); eventRate.setText(form.format(new Integer((int) din.readDouble())) + "e/s"); }
String getEnabledCiphers() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Entry e : data) { if (e.enabled) { sb.append(e.cipher); sb.append(','); } } if (sb.length() == 0) { return sb.toString(); } else { return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); } }
/** * @param source Source string * @param chars Symbols to be trimmed * @return string without all specified chars at the end. For example, * <code>chopTrailingChars("c:\\my_directory\\//\\",new char[]{'\\'}) is <code>"c:\\my_directory\\//"</code>, * <code>chopTrailingChars("c:\\my_directory\\//\\",new char[]{'\\','/'}) is <code>"c:\my_directory"</code>. * Actually this method can be used to normalize file names to chop trailing separator chars. */ public static String chopTrailingChars(String source, char[] chars) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(source); while (true) { boolean atLeastOneCharWasChopped = false; for (int i = 0; i < chars.length && sb.length() > 0; i++) { if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == chars[i]) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); atLeastOneCharWasChopped = true; } } if (!atLeastOneCharWasChopped) { break; } } return sb.toString(); }
private void replaceIteratorNext( PsiElement element, String contentVariableName, String iteratorName, PsiElement childToSkip, StringBuilder out, PsiType contentType) { if (isIteratorNext(element, iteratorName, contentType)) { out.append(contentVariableName); } else { final PsiElement[] children = element.getChildren(); if (children.length == 0) { final String text = element.getText(); if (PsiKeyword.INSTANCEOF.equals(text) && out.charAt(out.length() - 1) != ' ') { out.append(' '); } out.append(text); } else { boolean skippingWhiteSpace = false; for (final PsiElement child : children) { if (child.equals(childToSkip)) { skippingWhiteSpace = true; } else if (child instanceof PsiWhiteSpace && skippingWhiteSpace) { // don't do anything } else { skippingWhiteSpace = false; replaceIteratorNext( child, contentVariableName, iteratorName, childToSkip, out, contentType); } } } } }
private void replaceCollectionGetAccess( PsiElement element, String contentVariableName, PsiVariable listVariable, String indexName, PsiElement childToSkip, StringBuilder out) { if (isListGetLookup(element, indexName, listVariable)) { out.append(contentVariableName); } else { final PsiElement[] children = element.getChildren(); if (children.length == 0) { final String text = element.getText(); if (PsiKeyword.INSTANCEOF.equals(text) && out.charAt(out.length() - 1) != ' ') { out.append(' '); } out.append(text); } else { boolean skippingWhiteSpace = false; for (final PsiElement child : children) { if (child.equals(childToSkip)) { skippingWhiteSpace = true; } else if (child instanceof PsiWhiteSpace && skippingWhiteSpace) { // don't do anything } else { skippingWhiteSpace = false; replaceCollectionGetAccess( child, contentVariableName, listVariable, indexName, childToSkip, out); } } } } }
/** * Writes the <code>shape</code>, <code>coords</code>, <code>href</code>, * <code>nohref</code> Attribute for the specified figure and shape. * * @return Returns true, if the polygon is inside of the image bounds. */ private boolean writePolyAttributes(IXMLElement elem, SVGFigure f, Shape shape) { AffineTransform t = TRANSFORM.getClone(f); if (t == null) { t = drawingTransform; } else { t.preConcatenate(drawingTransform); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); float[] coords = new float[6]; GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); for (PathIterator i = shape.getPathIterator(t, 1.5f); ! i.isDone(); i.next()) { switch (i.currentSegment(coords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO : if (buf.length() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal shape "+shape); } if (buf.length() != 0) { buf.append(','); } buf.append((int) coords[0]); buf.append(','); buf.append((int) coords[1]); path.moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO : if (buf.length() != 0) { buf.append(','); } buf.append((int) coords[0]); buf.append(','); buf.append((int) coords[1]); path.lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE : path.closePath(); break; default : throw new InternalError("Illegal segment type "+i.currentSegment(coords)); } } elem.setAttribute("shape", "poly"); elem.setAttribute("coords", buf.toString()); writeHrefAttribute(elem, f); return path.intersects(new Rectangle2D.Float(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height)); }
// 过滤整数字符,把所有非0~9的字符全部删除 private void filterInt(StringBuilder builder) { for (int i = builder.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int cp = builder.codePointAt(i); if (cp > '9' || cp < '0') { builder.deleteCharAt(i); } } }
@Override protected void textChanged(DocumentEvent e) { myBuffer.delete(0, myBuffer.length()); try { myBuffer.append(e.getDocument().getText(0, e.getDocument().getLength())); } catch (BadLocationException exception) { LOG.warn(exception); } }
public void insertString(FilterBypass fb, int offset, String string, AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(string); for (int i = builder.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int cp = builder.codePointAt(i); if (!Character.isDigit(cp) && cp != '-') { builder.deleteCharAt(i); if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(cp)) { i--; builder.deleteCharAt(i); } } } super.insertString(fb, offset, builder.toString(), attr); }
private void updateText() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (myShowSettingsBeforeRunCheckBox.isSelected()) { sb.append(ExecutionBundle.message("configuration.edit.before.run")).append(", "); } List<BeforeRunTask> tasks = myModel.getItems(); if (!tasks.isEmpty()) { LinkedHashMap<BeforeRunTaskProvider, Integer> counter = new LinkedHashMap<BeforeRunTaskProvider, Integer>(); for (BeforeRunTask task : tasks) { BeforeRunTaskProvider<BeforeRunTask> provider = BeforeRunTaskProvider.getProvider( myRunConfiguration.getProject(), task.getProviderId()); if (provider != null) { Integer count = counter.get(provider); if (count == null) { count = task.getItemsCount(); } else { count += task.getItemsCount(); } counter.put(provider, count); } } for (Iterator<Map.Entry<BeforeRunTaskProvider, Integer>> iterator = counter.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<BeforeRunTaskProvider, Integer> entry = iterator.next(); BeforeRunTaskProvider provider = entry.getKey(); String name = provider.getName(); if (name.startsWith("Run ")) { name = name.substring(4); } sb.append(name); if (entry.getValue() > 1) { sb.append(" (").append(entry.getValue().intValue()).append(")"); } if (iterator.hasNext()) sb.append(", "); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.insert(0, ": "); } sb.insert(0, ExecutionBundle.message("before.launch.panel.title")); myListener.titleChanged(sb.toString()); }
@Override protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) { if (!(c instanceof XDebuggerTree)) { return null; } XDebuggerTree tree = (XDebuggerTree) c; //noinspection deprecation TreePath[] selectedPaths = tree.getSelectionPaths(); if (selectedPaths == null || selectedPaths.length == 0) { return null; } StringBuilder plainBuf = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder htmlBuf = new StringBuilder(); htmlBuf.append("<html>\n<body>\n<ul>\n"); TextTransferable.ColoredStringBuilder coloredTextContainer = new TextTransferable.ColoredStringBuilder(); for (TreePath path : selectedPaths) { htmlBuf.append(" <li>"); Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (node != null) { if (node instanceof XDebuggerTreeNode) { ((XDebuggerTreeNode) node).appendToComponent(coloredTextContainer); coloredTextContainer.appendTo(plainBuf, htmlBuf); } else { String text = node.toString(); plainBuf.append(text); htmlBuf.append(text); } } plainBuf.append('\n'); htmlBuf.append("</li>\n"); } // remove the last newline plainBuf.setLength(plainBuf.length() - 1); htmlBuf.append("</ul>\n</body>\n</html>"); return new TextTransferable(htmlBuf.toString(), plainBuf.toString()); }
@Override public final void customize( final JList list, final T value, final int index, final boolean selected, final boolean hasFocus) { myText = StringBuilderSpinAllocator.alloc(); try { doCustomize(list, value, index, selected, hasFocus); if (myText.length() == 0) { setText(null); } else { myText.insert(0, "<html><body style=\"white-space:nowrap\">"); myText.append("</body></html>"); setText(myText.toString()); } } finally { StringBuilderSpinAllocator.dispose(myText); myText = null; } }
public void showItem() { if (!this.editorPanel.getViewer().isLanguageFunctionAvailable()) { return; } this.highlight = this.editorPanel .getEditor() .addHighlight(this.position, this.position + this.word.length(), null, true); final FindSynonymsActionHandler _this = this; QTextEditor editor = this.editorPanel.getEditor(); Rectangle r = null; try { r = editor.modelToView(this.position); } catch (Exception e) { // BadLocationException! Environment.logError("Location: " + this.position + " is not valid", e); UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); return; } int y = r.y; // Show a panel of all the items. final QPopup p = this.popup; p.setOpaque(false); Synonyms syns = null; try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonymProvider().getSynonyms(this.word); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("ed"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 2)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("s"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (syns.words.size() > 0) { sb.append("6px"); for (int i = 0; i < syns.words.size(); i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("p, 3px, [p,90px], 5px"); } /* if (syns.words.size () > 0) { sb.append (",5px"); } */ } else { sb.append("6px, p, 6px"); } FormLayout summOnly = new FormLayout("3px, fill:380px:grow, 3px", sb.toString()); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(summOnly); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); int ind = 2; Map<String, String> names = new HashMap(); names.put(Synonyms.ADJECTIVE + "", "Adjectives"); names.put(Synonyms.NOUN + "", "Nouns"); names.put(Synonyms.VERB + "", "Verbs"); names.put(Synonyms.ADVERB + "", "Adverbs"); names.put(Synonyms.OTHER + "", "Other"); if (syns.words.size() == 0) { JLabel l = new JLabel("No synonyms found."); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, 2)); } // Determine what type of word we are looking for. for (Synonyms.Part i : syns.words) { JLabel l = new JLabel(names.get(i.type + "")); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont((float) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10))); l.setBorder( new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, Environment.getBorderColor()), new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 3, 0))); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit(); HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) kit.createDefaultDocument(); JTextPane t = new JTextPane(doc); t.setEditorKit(kit); t.setEditable(false); t.setOpaque(false); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( "<style>a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }</style><span style='color: #000000; font-size: " + ((int) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10) /*t.getFont ().getSize () + 2*/) + "pt; font-family: " + t.getFont().getFontName() + ";'>"); for (int x = 0; x < i.words.size(); x++) { String w = (String) i.words.get(x); buf.append("<a class='x' href='http://" + w + "'>" + w + "</a>"); if (x < (i.words.size() - 1)) { buf.append(", "); } } buf.append("</span>"); t.setText(buf.toString()); t.addHyperlinkListener( new HyperlinkAdapter() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent ev) { if (ev.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { QTextEditor ed = _this.editorPanel.getEditor(); ed.replaceText( _this.position, _this.position + _this.word.length(), ev.getURL().getHost()); ed.removeHighlight(_this.highlight); _this.popup.setVisible(false); _this.projectViewer.fireProjectEvent( ProjectEvent.SYNONYM, ProjectEvent.REPLACE, ev.getURL().getHost()); } } }); // Annoying that we have to do this but it prevents the text from being too small. t.setSize(new Dimension(380, Short.MAX_VALUE)); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(t); t.setCaretPosition(0); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); /* sp.setPreferredSize (t.getPreferredSize ()); sp.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (380, 75)); */ sp.getViewport().setOpaque(false); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.setBorder(null); sp.getViewport().setBackground(Color.WHITE); sp.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); pb.add(sp, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; } JPanel pan = pb.getPanel(); pan.setOpaque(true); pan.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.popup.setContent(pan); // r.y -= this.editorPanel.getScrollPane ().getVerticalScrollBar ().getValue (); Point po = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(editor, r.x, r.y, this.editorPanel); r.x = po.x; r.y = po.y; // Subtract the insets of the editorPanel. Insets ins = this.editorPanel.getInsets(); r.x -= ins.left; r.y -= ins.top; this.editorPanel.showPopupAt(this.popup, r, "above", true); }
protected String doCalculateSignature(PsiMethod method) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); final PsiModifierList modifierList = method.getModifierList(); String modifiers = modifierList.getText(); final String oldModifier = VisibilityUtil.getVisibilityModifier(modifierList); final String newModifier = getVisibility(); String newModifierStr = VisibilityUtil.getVisibilityString(newModifier); if (!newModifier.equals(oldModifier)) { int index = modifiers.indexOf(oldModifier); if (index >= 0) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(modifiers); buf.replace( index, index + oldModifier.length() + ("".equals(newModifierStr) ? 1 : 0), newModifierStr); modifiers = buf.toString(); } else { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(newModifierStr)) { newModifierStr += " "; } modifiers = newModifierStr + modifiers; } } buffer.append(modifiers); if (modifiers.length() > 0 && !StringUtil.endsWithChar(modifiers, '\n') && !StringUtil.endsWithChar(modifiers, '\r') && !StringUtil.endsWithChar(modifiers, ' ')) { buffer.append(" "); } if (!method.isConstructor()) { final CanonicalTypes.Type type = getReturnType(); if (type != null) { buffer.append(type.getTypeText()); } buffer.append(" "); } buffer.append(getMethodName()); buffer.append("("); final int lineBreakIdx = buffer.lastIndexOf("\n"); String indent = StringUtil.repeatSymbol( ' ', lineBreakIdx >= 0 ? buffer.length() - lineBreakIdx - 1 : buffer.length()); List<ParameterTableModelItemBase<ParameterInfoImpl>> items = myParametersTableModel.getItems(); int curIndent = indent.length(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { final ParameterTableModelItemBase<ParameterInfoImpl> item = items.get(i); if (i > 0) { buffer.append(","); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append(indent); } final String text = item.typeCodeFragment.getText(); buffer.append(text).append(" "); final String name = item.parameter.getName(); buffer.append(name); curIndent = indent.length() + text.length() + 1 + name.length(); } // if (!items.isEmpty()) { // buffer.append("\n"); // } buffer.append(")"); PsiTypeCodeFragment[] thrownExceptionsFragments = myExceptionsModel.getTypeCodeFragments(); if (thrownExceptionsFragments.length > 0) { // buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append(" throws "); curIndent += 9; // ") throws ".length() indent = StringUtil.repeatSymbol(' ', curIndent); for (int i = 0; i < thrownExceptionsFragments.length; i++) { String text = thrownExceptionsFragments[i].getText(); if (i != 0) buffer.append(indent); buffer.append(text); if (i < thrownExceptionsFragments.length - 1) { buffer.append(","); } buffer.append("\n"); } } return buffer.toString(); }
@SuppressWarnings({"StringConcatenationInsideStringBufferAppend"}) private static String formatMessage(Exception e, Object message, Object[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (message != null) sb.append(message.toString()); if (e != null) sb.append((sb.length() > 0 ? "\n" : "") + e.toString()); for (Object o : args) { if (o != null) sb.append((sb.length() > 0 ? "\n" : "") + o.toString()); } return sb.toString(); }
void log(@NonNls String msg, Document document, boolean synchronously, @NonNls Object... args) { if (debug()) { @NonNls String s = (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ? "- " : "-") + msg + (synchronously ? " (sync)" : "") + (document == null ? "" : "; Document: " + System.identityHashCode(document) + "; stage: " + getCommitStage(document)) + "; my indic=" + myProgressIndicator + " ||"; for (Object arg : args) { s += "; " + arg; } System.out.println(s); synchronized (log) { log.append(s).append("\n"); if (log.length() > 1000000) { log.delete(0, 1000000); } } } }
private static String formatBuildTime(long seconds) { if (seconds == 0) { return "0s"; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (seconds >= 3600) { sb.append(seconds / 3600).append("h "); seconds %= 3600; } if (seconds >= 60 || sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(seconds / 60).append("m "); seconds %= 60; } if (seconds > 0 || sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(seconds).append("s"); } return sb.toString(); }
private static void addPropertyPresentation( final SVNPropertyData property, final StringBuilder sb) { if (sb.length() != 0) { sb.append(ourPropertiesDelimiter); } sb.append(property.getName()) .append("=") .append( (property.getValue() == null) ? "" : SVNPropertyValue.getPropertyAsString(property.getValue())); }
private void runAction(final EvaluationContextImpl context, LocatableEvent event) { if (LOG_ENABLED || LOG_EXPRESSION_ENABLED) { final StringBuilder buf = StringBuilderSpinAllocator.alloc(); try { if (LOG_ENABLED) { buf.append(getEventMessage(event)); buf.append("\n"); } final DebugProcessImpl debugProcess = context.getDebugProcess(); final TextWithImports expressionToEvaluate = getLogMessage(); if (LOG_EXPRESSION_ENABLED && expressionToEvaluate != null && !"".equals(expressionToEvaluate.getText())) { if (!debugProcess.isAttached()) { return; } try { ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = DebuggerInvocationUtil.commitAndRunReadAction( getProject(), new EvaluatingComputable<ExpressionEvaluator>() { public ExpressionEvaluator compute() throws EvaluateException { return EvaluatorBuilderImpl.build( expressionToEvaluate, ContextUtil.getContextElement(context), ContextUtil.getSourcePosition(context)); } }); final Value eval = evaluator.evaluate(context); final String result = eval instanceof VoidValue ? "void" : DebuggerUtils.getValueAsString(context, eval); buf.append(result); } catch (EvaluateException e) { buf.append(DebuggerBundle.message("error.unable.to.evaluate.expression")); buf.append(" \""); buf.append(expressionToEvaluate); buf.append("\""); buf.append(" : "); buf.append(e.getMessage()); } buf.append("\n"); } if (buf.length() > 0) { debugProcess.printToConsole(buf.toString()); } } finally { StringBuilderSpinAllocator.dispose(buf); } } }
public void printToHistory(@NotNull final List<Pair<String, TextAttributes>> attributedText) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("printToHistory(): " + attributedText.size()); } final boolean scrollToEnd = shouldScrollHistoryToEnd(); final int[] offsets = new int[attributedText.size() + 1]; int i = 0; offsets[i] = 0; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Pair<String, TextAttributes> pair : attributedText) { sb.append(StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(pair.getFirst())); offsets[++i] = sb.length(); } final DocumentEx history = myHistoryViewer.getDocument(); final int oldHistoryLength = history.getTextLength(); appendToHistoryDocument(history, sb.toString()); assert oldHistoryLength + offsets[i] == history.getTextLength() : "unexpected history length " + oldHistoryLength + " " + offsets[i] + " " + history.getTextLength(); LOG.debug("printToHistory(): text processed"); final MarkupModel markupModel = DocumentMarkupModel.forDocument(history, myProject, true); i = 0; for (final Pair<String, TextAttributes> pair : attributedText) { markupModel.addRangeHighlighter( oldHistoryLength + offsets[i], oldHistoryLength + offsets[i + 1], HighlighterLayer.SYNTAX, pair.getSecond(), HighlighterTargetArea.EXACT_RANGE); ++i; } LOG.debug("printToHistory(): markup added"); if (scrollToEnd) { scrollHistoryToEnd(); } queueUiUpdate(scrollToEnd); LOG.debug("printToHistory(): completed"); }
private static String getNodePathString(final MyNode node) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); MyNode current = node; while (current != null) { final Object userObject = current.getUserObject(); if (!(userObject instanceof NamedConfigurable)) break; final String displayName = current.getDisplayName(); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(displayName)) break; if (path.length() > 0) { path.append('|'); } path.append(displayName); final TreeNode parent = current.getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof MyNode)) break; current = (MyNode) parent; } return path.toString(); }
public String getText(final VcsFileRevision value) { if (!(value instanceof SvnFileRevision)) return ""; final SvnFileRevision revision = (SvnFileRevision) value; final List<SvnFileRevision> mergeSources = revision.getMergeSources(); if (mergeSources.isEmpty()) { return ""; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (SvnFileRevision source : mergeSources) { if (sb.length() != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(source.getRevisionNumber().asString()); if (!source.getMergeSources().isEmpty()) { sb.append("*"); } } return sb.toString(); }
private static boolean askForClosingDebugSessions(@NotNull Project project) { final List<Pair<ProcessHandler, RunContentDescriptor>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<ProcessHandler, RunContentDescriptor>>(); for (Project p : ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects()) { final ProcessHandler[] processes = ExecutionManager.getInstance(p).getRunningProcesses(); for (ProcessHandler process : processes) { if (!process.isProcessTerminated()) { final AndroidSessionInfo info = process.getUserData(AndroidDebugRunner.ANDROID_SESSION_INFO); if (info != null) { pairs.add(Pair.create(process, info.getDescriptor())); } } } } if (pairs.size() == 0) { return true; } final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (Pair<ProcessHandler, RunContentDescriptor> pair : pairs) { if (s.length() > 0) { s.append('\n'); } s.append(pair.getSecond().getDisplayName()); } final int r = Messages.showYesNoDialog( project, AndroidBundle.message("android.debug.sessions.will.be.closed", s), AndroidBundle.message("android.disable.adb.service.title"), Messages.getQuestionIcon()); return r == Messages.YES; }
/** Updates all UI controls */ private void updatePreviewAndConflicts() { if (myButton == -1 || myModifiers == -1) { return; } myTarConflicts.setText(null); // Set text into preview area // empty string should have same height myLblPreview.setText( KeymapUtil.getMouseShortcutText(myButton, myModifiers, myRbSingleClick.isSelected() ? 1 : 2) + " "); // Detect conflicts final MouseShortcut mouseShortcut; if (myRbSingleClick.isSelected()) { mouseShortcut = new MouseShortcut(myButton, myModifiers, 1); } else { mouseShortcut = new MouseShortcut(myButton, myModifiers, 2); } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); String[] actionIds = myKeymap.getActionIds(mouseShortcut); for (String actionId : actionIds) { if (actionId.equals(myActionId)) { continue; } String actionPath = myMainGroup.getActionQualifiedPath(actionId); // actionPath == null for editor actions having corresponding $-actions if (actionPath == null) { continue; } Shortcut[] shortcuts = myKeymap.getShortcuts(actionId); for (Shortcut shortcut1 : shortcuts) { if (!(shortcut1 instanceof MouseShortcut)) { continue; } MouseShortcut shortcut = (MouseShortcut) shortcut1; if (shortcut.getButton() != mouseShortcut.getButton() || shortcut.getModifiers() != mouseShortcut.getModifiers()) { continue; } if (buffer.length() > 1) { buffer.append('\n'); } buffer.append('['); buffer.append(actionPath); buffer.append(']'); break; } } if (buffer.length() == 0) { myTarConflicts.setForeground(UIUtil.getTextAreaForeground()); myTarConflicts.setText(KeyMapBundle.message("mouse.shortcut.dialog.no.conflicts.area")); } else { myTarConflicts.setForeground(Color.red); myTarConflicts.setText( KeyMapBundle.message("mouse.shortcut.dialog.assigned.to.area", buffer.toString())); } }
private static boolean userApprovesStopForIncompatibleConfigurations( Project project, String configName, List<RunContentDescriptor> runningIncompatibleDescriptors) { RunManagerImpl runManager = RunManagerImpl.getInstanceImpl(project); final RunManagerConfig config = runManager.getConfig(); if (!config.isStopIncompatibleRequiresConfirmation()) return true; DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption option = new DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption() { @Override public boolean isToBeShown() { return config.isStopIncompatibleRequiresConfirmation(); } @Override public void setToBeShown(boolean value, int exitCode) { config.setStopIncompatibleRequiresConfirmation(value); } @Override public boolean canBeHidden() { return true; } @Override public boolean shouldSaveOptionsOnCancel() { return false; } @NotNull @Override public String getDoNotShowMessage() { return CommonBundle.message("dialog.options.do.not.show"); } }; final StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder(); for (final RunContentDescriptor descriptor : runningIncompatibleDescriptors) { String name = descriptor.getDisplayName(); if (names.length() > 0) { names.append(", "); } names.append( StringUtil.isEmpty(name) ? ExecutionBundle.message("run.configuration.no.name") : String.format("'%s'", name)); } //noinspection DialogTitleCapitalization return Messages.showOkCancelDialog( project, ExecutionBundle.message( "stop.incompatible.confirmation.message", configName, names.toString(), runningIncompatibleDescriptors.size()), ExecutionBundle.message( "incompatible.configuration.is.running.dialog.title", runningIncompatibleDescriptors.size()), ExecutionBundle.message("stop.incompatible.confirmation.button.text"), CommonBundle.message("button.cancel"), Messages.getQuestionIcon(), option) == Messages.OK; }