public void registerVehicleCompany() { try { int ownerID = Integer.parseInt(textOwnerID.getText()); String regNumber = textVehicleRegNumber.getText(); String make = textVehicleMake.getText(); String model = textVehicleModel.getText(); int regYear = Integer.parseInt(textVehicleRegistrationYear.getText()); if (!regNumber.equals("") && !make.equals("") && !model.equals("")) { Vehicle v = new Vehicle(regNumber, make, model, regYear); if (registry.registerVehicle(ownerID, v)) { display.setText("Kjøretøy registert!"); } else { display.setText( "Kjøretøyet kunne ikke registeres fordi det finnes et kjøretøy med samme regNr"); } } else { display.setText("Noen felter er tomme!"); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { display.setText("Noen felter er tomme!"); } }
/** * Show the description for a given project * * @param projectName The project name */ private void generateGUIDescription(String projectName) { File proj = new File( Configuration.sourceDirPrefix + "/" + Configuration.projectDirInSourceFolder + "/" + projectName + "/" + Configuration.descriptionFileName); try { if (!proj.exists()) { descriptionText.setText("There is no description-file in the currently selected project."); } else { LineNumberReader r = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(proj)); String description = ""; String tmp = null; while ((tmp = r.readLine()) != null) { description += tmp + "\n"; } descriptionText.setText(description); descriptionText.setCaretPosition(0); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { descriptionText.setText("There is no description-file in the currently selected project."); } catch (IOException e) { Main.minorError(e); descriptionText.setText("There is no description-file in the currently selected project."); } }
/* Sjekker om scannet kort finnes og om det er gyldig, og skriver ut om scanningen var gyldig/ugyldig */ private void sjekk() { vindu.getSelgerMetoder().setAktivTilKontroll(); try { int nr = Integer.parseInt(kortid.getText()); Boolean ok = aktivkortreg.sjekkGyldig(nr); if (ok) { info.setText("\n\n Gyldig"); info.setBackground(Color.GREEN); if (scan(ok)) aktivkortreg.fjernKlipp(nr); kortid.setText(""); kortid.selectAll(); resetFocus(); } else { info.setText("\n\n Ikke gyldig"); info.setBackground(Color.RED); scan(ok); kortid.setText(""); kortid.selectAll(); resetFocus(); } aktivkortreg.oppdater(); vindu.oppdaterInfoPanel(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { info.setText("\n\n Kun tall..."); kortid.setText(""); timer.schedule(new Tick(), timersec * 500); return; } }
private void addItem() { if (!searchName.getText().isEmpty() && !item.getText().isEmpty()) { try { Main.setItem( searchName.getText(), "" + item.getText() + "&sort=new&restrict_sr=on"); results.setText("Current Items"); displayInformation(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } searchName.setText(""); item.setText(""); } else { results.setText("Please provide all info for Item Name, Keyword, and Website"); } }
protected void showErrorPage(final ErrorInfo info) { storeState(); hideProgress(); myRootComponent = null; myErrorMessages.removeAll(); if (info.myShowStack) { info.myMessages.add( 0, new FixableMessageInfo(true, info.myDisplayMessage, "", "", null, null)); ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); info.myThrowable.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(stream)); myErrorStack.setText(stream.toString());, ERROR_STACK_CARD); } else { myErrorStack.setText(null);, ERROR_NO_STACK_CARD); } for (FixableMessageInfo message : info.myMessages) { addErrorMessage( message, message.myErrorIcon ? Messages.getErrorIcon() : Messages.getWarningIcon()); } myErrorPanel.revalidate();, ERROR_CARD); DesignerToolWindowManager.getInstance(getProject()).refresh(true); repaint(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String cname = nameF.getText().trim(); int state = conditions[stateC.getSelectedIndex()]; try { if (isSpecialCase(cname)) { handleSpecialCase(cname, state); } else { JComponent comp = (JComponent) Class.forName(cname).newInstance(); ComponentUI cui = UIManager.getUI(comp); cui.installUI(comp); results.setText("Map entries for " + cname + ":\n\n"); if (inputB.isSelected()) { loadInputMap(comp.getInputMap(state), ""); results.append("\n"); } if (actionB.isSelected()) { loadActionMap(comp.getActionMap(), ""); results.append("\n"); } if (bindingB.isSelected()) { loadBindingMap(comp, state); } } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { results.setText(cname + " is not a subclass of JComponent."); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { results.setText(cname + " was not found."); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { results.setText(cname + " could not be instantiated."); } catch (Exception e) { results.setText("Exception found:\n" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public PlayerPanel(HumanPlayer player) { myCards = new JLabel("My Cards"); peopleField = new JTextArea(); roomField = new JTextArea(); weaponField = new JTextArea(); // Displaying the players cards to the screen ArrayList<Card> humanPlayerCards = new ArrayList<Card>(); humanPlayerCards = player.getCards(); // String variables to keep track of more than one type of card String roomTxt = ""; String personTxt = ""; String weaponTxt = ""; for (Card c : humanPlayerCards) { // Add name to the text if there is already text if (c.getCardType() == CardType.PERSON) { if (!(personTxt.equals(""))) { personTxt = personTxt + "\n" + (c.getName()); } else { personTxt = c.getName(); } } else if (c.getCardType() == CardType.ROOM) { if (!(roomTxt.equals(""))) { roomTxt = roomTxt + "\n" + (c.getName()); } else { roomTxt = c.getName(); } } else { if (!(weaponTxt.equals(""))) { weaponTxt = weaponTxt + "\n" + (c.getName()); } else { weaponTxt = c.getName(); } } } roomField.setText(roomTxt); roomField.setEditable(false); peopleField.setText(personTxt); peopleField.setEditable(false); weaponField.setText(weaponTxt); weaponField.setEditable(false); pPanel = new JPanel(); rPanel = new JPanel(); wPanel = new JPanel(); pPanel.add(peopleField); rPanel.add(roomField); wPanel.add(weaponField); pPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), "People")); rPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), "Room")); wPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), "Weapon")); setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1)); add(myCards); add(pPanel); add(rPanel); add(wPanel); }
public void refreshOutput() { Command command = cmdEditor.getModel(); if (cmdTable.getSelectedRow() == -1) { cmdTabs.setSelectedIndex(0); cmdTabs.setEnabledAt(1, false); cmdTabs.setEnabledAt(2, false); } else { cmdTabs.setEnabledAt(1, true); cmdTabs.setEnabledAt(2, true); } if (command != null) { JTextArea text = stdOutput.isShowing() ? stdOutput : errOutput.isShowing() ? errOutput : null; if (text != null) { try { text.setText(cmdEditor.getProcess().getTraces(command, text == stdOutput)); return; } catch (ConnectException e) { setStatus(e); } } } // else stdOutput.setText(""); errOutput.setText(""); }
public void afficherFilmChoisis(String titre) { Video film = this.obtenirVideo(titre); String catos = this.obtenirCategoriesEnString( comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex()).toString()); if (mode[0].isSelected()) { String filmOuSerie = "SERIE TV"; String eval = ""; if (film.getEval() == 1) { eval = String.valueOf(film.getEval()) + " etoile"; } else if (film.getEval() > 1) { eval = String.valueOf(film.getEval()) + " etoiles"; } if (film.isFilm()) { filmOuSerie = "FILM"; } infos_film[0].setText(titre); infos_film[1].setText(String.valueOf(film.getAnnee())); infos_film[2].setText(filmOuSerie); infos_film[3].setText(eval); } else { textTitre.setText(film.getTitre()); textAnnee.setText(String.valueOf(film.getAnnee())); comboEval.setSelectedIndex(film.getEval()); boolean isFilm = film.isFilm(); if (isFilm) { comboType.setSelectedIndex(1); } else { comboType.setSelectedIndex(2); } } textCommentaires.setText(film.getCommentaires()); textCategories.setText(catos); }
private void displayExchangedMoneyInformation(ExchangedMoneyDTO informationToDisplay) { ammountOfMoneyAfterConversionTextField.setText(""); DecimalFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); ammountOfMoneyAfterConversionTextField.setText( numberFormat.format(informationToDisplay.getAmount()) + informationToDisplay.getCurrencyCode()); }
private void setLandscapeCommon(final List<Pair<String, Float>> landscape) { this.landscape = landscape; if (!stkLineChartZoom.empty()) { pnlLineChart.setViewport(stkLineChartZoom.get(0)); stkLineChartZoom.clear(); } if (landscape == null) { landscapeMin = landscapeMax = null; } else { float min = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float max = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (final Pair<String, Float> p : landscape) { final float fitness = p.getSecond(); if (Float.isInfinite(fitness)) { continue; } if (fitness < min) { min = fitness; } if (fitness > max) { max = fitness; } } landscapeMin = new Float(min - max * 0.05); landscapeMax = new Float(max * 1.05); } if (!stkHistogramZoom.empty()) { pnlHistogram.setViewport(stkHistogramZoom.get(0)); stkHistogramZoom.clear(); } if (useMinMax && (landscapeMin != null) && (landscapeMax != null)) { pnlHistogram.setBins( binLandscape(((Number) spnBins.getValue()).intValue()), landscapeMin.floatValue(), landscapeMax.floatValue()); } else { pnlHistogram.setBins(binLandscape(((Number) spnBins.getValue()).intValue())); } // cboDisplayType.setSelectedIndex(0); if (landscape == null) { txaRaw.setText(""); } else { final StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); if (rawTextComparator != null) { Collections.sort(landscape, rawTextComparator); } b.append(getXAxisLabel()); b.append('\t'); b.append(getYAxisLabel()); b.append('\n'); for (final Pair<String, Float> p : landscape) { b.append(p.getFirst()); b.append('\t'); b.append(Float.toString(p.getSecond())); b.append('\n'); } txaRaw.setText(b.toString());, 0); } }
public ExerciseFailedDialog(ExecutionProgress ep) { super(MainFrame.getInstance(), "Exercise failed /o\\", true); setLayout(new MigLayout("fill", "")); add(new JLabel((Icon) UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().get("OptionPane.errorIcon"))); JLabel msg; JTextArea ta = new JTextArea(); ta.setEditable(false); if (ep.compilationError == null) { msg = new JLabel("You didn't manage to reach your objective."); ta.setText(ep.details); } else { msg = new JLabel("Compilation error"); ta.setText(ep.compilationError); } ta.setCaretPosition(0); add(msg, "wrap"); add(new JScrollPane(ta), "spanx, grow, growprio 200, wrap"); JButton close = new JButton("Close"); close.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dispose(); } }); add(close, "span, alignx 50%"); pack(); setVisible(true); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { note.requestFocus(); String s = e.getActionCommand(); if (s.equals(com.floreantpos.POSConstants.OK)) { // canceled = false; // dispose(); } else if (s.equals(com.floreantpos.POSConstants.CANCEL)) { // canceled = true; // dispose(); } else if (s.equals(com.floreantpos.POSConstants.CLEAR)) { String str = note.getText(); if (str.length() > 0) { str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } note.setText(str); } else if (s.equals(com.floreantpos.POSConstants.CLEAR_ALL)) { note.setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else if (s.equals(Messages.getString("NoteView.43"))) { // $NON-NLS-1$ String str = note.getText(); if (str == null) { str = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } note.setText(str + " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { String str = note.getText(); if (str == null) { str = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } note.setText(str + s); } }
public void deleteVehicle() { String regNr = textVehicleRegNumber.getText(); int status; if (!regNr.equals("")) { status = registry.removeVehicle(regNr); switch (status) { case OwnerList.SUCCESS: display.setText("Bilen: " + regNr + " er nå slettet\n"); break; case OwnerList.EMPTY_LIST: display.setText("Listen er tom, og det er derfor ingen kjøretøy å slette\n"); break; case OwnerList.UNKNOWN: display.setText("Ukjent registreringsnummer: " + regNr + "\n"); break; } } else { display.setText( "Bilen: " + regNr + " kan ikke slettes." + "Enten finnes den ikke, eller så er det noen som eier den"); } }
@Override public void doOutput(String componentName, Vector<Object> arguments) { String compName = componentName.toUpperCase(); Component component; if (compName.compareTo(PDAComponents.CLEAR.toString()) == 0) { component = components.get(PDAComponents.PROOPINION.toString()); if (component != null && component instanceof JTextArea) { JTextArea ta = (JTextArea) component; ta.setText(null); } component = components.get(PDAComponents.CONOPINION.toString()); if (component != null && component instanceof JTextArea) { JTextArea ta = (JTextArea) component; ta.setText(null); } } else { if (!components.containsKey(compName)) { System.err.println( "component [" + componentName + "] not found."); // FIXME: get a log from somewhere return; } component = components.get(compName); if (component instanceof JTextArea) { if (arguments.size() > 0) { JTextArea ta = (JTextArea) component; ta.append((String) arguments.get(0) + "\n"); ta.repaint(); } } } }
// Mode modification public void modeModification() { resetCollection(); loadCollection(); resetCategorie(); loadCategorie(); comboCollection.setEnabled(true); textTitre.setVisible(true); textTitre.setEnabled(true); textTitre.setEditable(true); textAnnee.setVisible(true); textAnnee.setEnabled(true); textAnnee.setEditable(true); comboType.setVisible(true); comboType.setEnabled(true); comboEval.setVisible(true); comboEval.setEnabled(true); scrollCom.setEnabled(true); scrollCat.setEnabled(true); textCommentaires.setEnabled(true); textCommentaires.setEditable(true); textCommentaires.setBackground(Color.WHITE); textCommentaires.setText(""); textCategories.setEnabled(true); textCategories.setEditable(false); textCategories.setBackground(GRIS); textCategories.setText(""); for (int i = 0; i < infos_film.length; i++) { infos_film[i].setVisible(false); } for (int k = 0; k < modeButton.length; k++) { modeButton[k].setEnabled(false); modeButton[k].setVisible(false); } modeButton[3].setVisible(true); // Boutton Modifier modeButton[4].setVisible(true); // Boutton Supprimer boolean enabled = true; if (listeEstVide()) { enabled = false; } modeButton[3].setEnabled(enabled); modeButton[4].setEnabled(enabled); optionCategories[0].setEnabled(true); // Boutton ajouter categorie optionCategories[1].setEnabled(true); // Place the first element of combobox in the grid comboCollection.setSelectedIndex(0); Video video = this.obtenirVideo(comboCollection.getSelectedItem().toString()); afficherFilmChoisis(video.getTitre()); }
private void downloadFile(String link) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { URL url = new URL(link); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); // this is just a little information showing the download size of the file int max = conn.getContentLength(); console.setText(console.getText() + "\ndownload file... \nupdatesize: " + max + " bytes"); // this will output the download to the mods folder BufferedOutputStream fout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(ModsLoc))); byte[] buffer = new byte[32 * 1024]; int bytesRead = 0; int in = 0; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { in += bytesRead; fout.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } fout.flush(); fout.close(); is.close(); // after its finished we will print to our console console.setText(console.getText() + "\ndownload complete"); }
void limpiar() { if (btnModificar.isVisible() == true) { setCodUsu(""); setCodEsp(0); setCodTipo(0); setDescripcion(""); setObservacion(""); setTiempoEstimado(""); setTiempoReal(""); setFecInicio(" - - "); setFecFinal(" - - "); setEstado(0); txtIncidencia.setText(""); } else { setCodEsp(0); setCodTipo(0); setDescripcion(""); setObservacion(""); setTiempoEstimado(""); setTiempoReal(""); setFecInicio(""); setFecFinal(""); setEstado(0); txtIncidencia.setText(""); } }
public void dealData(Sphere shape) { String userData = shape.getName(); String[] str = userData.split(","); int state = Integer.parseInt(str[3]); float x = Float.parseFloat(str[0]); float y = Float.parseFloat(str[1]); float z = Float.parseFloat(str[2]); if (state == 0) { data[getXintValue(x)][getYintValue(y)] = data[getXintValue(x)][getYintValue(y)] | getZintValue(z); shape.setName(str[0] + "," + str[1] + "," + str[2] + "," + 1); Appearance appear = new Appearance(); Material mater = new Material(); mater.setDiffuseColor(new Color3f(; appear.setMaterial(mater); shape.setAppearance(appear); jta.setText(getDataString()); } else { data[getXintValue(x)][getYintValue(y)] = data[getXintValue(x)][getYintValue(y)] & (~getZintValue(z)); shape.setName(str[0] + "," + str[1] + "," + str[2] + "," + 0); Appearance appear = new Appearance(); Material mater = new Material(); mater.setDiffuseColor(new Color3f(; appear.setMaterial(mater); shape.setAppearance(appear); jta.setText(getDataString()); } }
private void jouer() { int valSaisie = Integer.parseInt(saisieTxt.getText()); nbrEssai++; saisieTxt.setText(""); score--; if (score == 0) { // Perdu rejouerBtn.setEnabled(true); RandomBtn.setEnabled(false); saisieTxt.setEnabled(false); } ScoreLbl.setText(Integer.toString(score)); if (valRandom == valSaisie) { String message = "Gagné avec un score de " + score + " ! GG"; rejouerBtn.setEnabled(true); AffichTxt.setText(message); } else if (valRandom > valSaisie) { String message = "C'est plus! "; fil += valSaisie + " < "; AffichTxt.setText(message + "\n" + fil); } else if (valRandom < valSaisie) { String message = "C'est moins!"; fil += valSaisie + " > "; AffichTxt.setText(message + "\n" + fil); } }
// Refreshing the Username TextArea public static void refreshUserNames() { if (playercounts == 2) { if (cReady == false) { show_partiesS.setText( "User in Lobby: " + "\n" + user_name + "\n" + clientuser_name + ": " + "\n" + " UnReady" + "\n"); } if (cReady == true) { show_partiesS.setText( "User in Lobby: " + "\n" + user_name + "\n" + clientuser_name + ": " + "\n" + " Ready" + "\n"); } } else { show_partiesS.setText("User in Lobby: " + "\n" + user_name); } }
private void jButton1ActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jButton1ActionPerformed OpenFastaFile f = new OpenFastaFile("", ""); try { // f.showSaveDataDialog(); FilePath = f.showOpenDataDialog(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(Browser.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (FilePath.isEmpty()) { return; } Box vertical = Box.createVerticalBox(); vertical.setSize(this.scrollPane1.getWidth(), this.scrollPane1.getHeight()); siRNA s = new siRNA(new File(FilePath)); siRnaInputArea.setText(s.getGene()); if (s.isValid()) { List list = s.siRNA(); t1.setText(list.get(0).toString()); t2.setText(list.get(1).toString()); s1.setForeground(; s2.setForeground(; } } // GEN-LAST:event_jButton1ActionPerformed
public void limparTela() { codigoCatalogoField.setText(""); tituloField.setText(""); tituloOriginalField.setText(""); escritorField.setText(""); tradutorField.setText(""); anoPrimEdicaoField.setText(""); anoLancamentoField.setText(""); edicaoField.setText(""); qtdPageField.setText(""); linguagemField.setText(""); generoField.setText(""); categoriaField.setText(""); formatoField.setText(""); editoraField.setText(""); paisLancamentoField.setText(""); codigoBarraField.setText(""); codigoCDDField.setText(""); codigoCDUField.setText(""); sinopseArea.setText(""); seriesArea.setText(""); obsArea.setText(""); capaField.setText(""); capaLabel.setIcon(null); // limpa tabela book itens model.limpar(); codigoCatalogoField.setEditable(true); codigoCatalogoField.requestFocus(); }
public void initSiRNA() { siRNA s = new siRNA("p53.fasta"); List list = s.siRNA(); vertical.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 215, 0)); vertical.setSize(this.scrollPane1.getWidth(), this.scrollPane1.getHeight()); s1.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER); s2.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER); // // Modify the text color s1.setForeground(; s2.setForeground(; s1.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial Black", 0, 18)); s2.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial Black", 0, 18)); // Modify the background color // s1.setBackground(new Color(255, 192, 16)); // s2.setBackground(new Color(255, 192, 16)); // t1 = new JTextArea(); t2 = new JTextArea(); // t1.setLineWrap(true); // t2.setLineWrap(true); t1.setText(list.get(0).toString()); t2.setText(list.get(1).toString()); vertical.add(s1); vertical.add(t1); vertical.add(s2); vertical.add(t2); scrollPane1.add(vertical); }
private void readData() { String FileName; try { FileName = "BoBnCalData" + "/" + calYear + "_" + (calMonth + 1) + "_" + calDayOfMon + "" + ".txt"; System.out.println(FileName); File f = new File(FileName); if (f.exists()) { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(FileName)); String memoAreaText = new String(); do { String tempStr = in.readLine(); if (tempStr == null) break; memoAreaText = (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(memoAreaText))) .append(tempStr) .append(System.getProperty("line.separator")) .toString(); } while (true); memoArea.setText(memoAreaText); in.close(); } else { memoArea.setText(""); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void jButton2MouseClicked( java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2MouseClicked siRnaInputArea.setText(""); t1.setText(""); t2.setText(""); } // GEN-LAST:event_jButton2MouseClicked
public void update() { welcomeLabel.setText("Welcome! You have " + credits + " credits."); if (game != null) { GameSquare gs = game.getGameSquareAt(leftClickRow, leftClickCol); if (game.getWinner() != -1) { gamePanel.add(returnToMenuButton); if (hasWon) gameInfo.setText("You won!"); else gameInfo.setText("You lost."); } else if (gs.hasOccupant()) { Occupant o = gs.getOccupant(); if (o instanceof Unit) { Unit u = (Unit) o; gameInfo.setText(u.getInfo()); } else gameInfo.setText(o.toString()); itemListModel.removeAllElements(); if (o instanceof Unit) { List<Item> list = ((Unit) o).getItemList(); for (Item i : list) { itemListModel.addElement(i); } } } else { gameInfo.setText("Empty"); } boardPanel.repaint(); } }
public static void doConnection( String url, String port, String dbname, String u_name, String pwd) { String complete_url = ""; switch (dbtype) { case "MySQL": complete_url = url_format[0] + url + ":" + port + "/" + dbname; break; case "Oracle": complete_url = url_format[1] + url + ":" + port + ":" + dbname; case "DB2": complete_url = url_format[2] + url + ":" + port + "/" + dbname; case "SQL Server": complete_url = url_format[3] + url + ":" + port + ";" + "databaseName=" + dbname; default: break; } try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(complete_url, u_name, pwd); output.setText("Connessione effettuata con successo!!!"); } catch (SQLException ex) { output.setText(ex.getMessage()); } }
/* * Update radio button names in the same order as the table */ private void updateControlPanel() { schedule.removeAll(); noneButton.setName(""); // Name holds schedule id for the selected radio button noneButton.setSelected(true); commentTextArea.setText(""); // no text for the noneButton enableButtons(false); schedule.add(noneButton); schGroup.add(noneButton); for (int i = trainsScheduleModel.getFixedColumn(); i < trainsScheduleModel.getColumnCount(); i++) { log.debug("Column name: {}", trainsScheduleTable.getColumnName(i)); TrainSchedule ts = trainScheduleManager.getScheduleByName(trainsScheduleTable.getColumnName(i)); if (ts != null) { JRadioButton b = new JRadioButton(); b.setText(ts.getName()); b.setName(ts.getId()); schedule.add(b); schGroup.add(b); addRadioButtonAction(b); if (b.getName().equals(trainManager.getTrainScheduleActiveId())) { b.setSelected(true); enableButtons(true); // update comment field commentTextArea.setText(ts.getComment()); } } } schedule.revalidate(); }
@Override public void setDialogConfiguration(Properties configuration) { if (mDefaultColumn == -1) { int column = mTableModel.findColumn(configuration.getProperty(PROPERTY_COLUMN)); if (column == -1) mComboBoxColumn.setSelectedItem(configuration.getProperty(PROPERTY_COLUMN)); else mComboBoxColumn.setSelectedItem(mTableModel.getColumnTitle(column)); mRadioButtonIsStructure.setSelected( "true".equals(configuration.getProperty(PROPERTY_IS_STRUCTURE))); int sortMode = findListIndex(configuration.getProperty(PROPERTY_SORT_MODE), SORT_MODE_CODE, -1); if (sortMode == -1) { String itemString = configuration.getProperty(PROPERTY_LIST, ""); mRadioButton.setSelected(itemString.length() != 0); mTextArea.setText(itemString.replace('\t', '\n')); if ("true".equals(configuration.getProperty(PROPERTY_IS_STRUCTURE))) updateMacroListEditor(true); } else { mTextArea.setText(""); mRadioButton.setSelected(true); mRadioButtonSort.setSelected(true); mComboBoxSortMode.setSelectedIndex(sortMode); mComboBoxSortColumn.setSelectedItem(configuration.getProperty(PROPERTY_SORT_COLUMN, "")); } } else { boolean isCustomOrder = (mTableModel.getCategoryCustomOrder(mDefaultColumn) != null); mRadioButton.setSelected(isCustomOrder); updateList(null, false); } enableItems(); }