// CONSTRUCTOR public DrawRooms(int[][] arooms) { try { image1 = ImageIO.read(new File("tiger.gif")); image2 = ImageIO.read(new File("prisoner.gif")); image3 = ImageIO.read(new File("princess.jpg")); } catch (IOException e) {; } // Image image; // THIS WILL ASSIGN A REFERENCE TO ARRAY OF INTS CREATED IN GUI CLASS this.Arooms = arooms; // YOU NEED TO SET THE PREFERRED SIZE TO GET THE DISPLAY THE SIZE YOU WANT IT. setPreferredSize(new Dimension(620, 620)); // CREATE THREE IMAGEICONS E.G. THIS SHOWs HOW TO SCALE IT // create the imageicon // get an image object from it image1 = image1.getScaledInstance(28, 28, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); // reduce its size image2 = image2.getScaledInstance(28, 28, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); // reduce its size image3 = image3.getScaledInstance(28, 28, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); // reduce its size // // setBackground(Color.yellow); }
// set size of the button (inherited from JButton =) ) // changes the size of the button, and resizes the image to fit it. public void setSize(int x, int y) { if (!mode.equals("String")) { width = x; height = x; image = image.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); BWimage = BWimage.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); } }
/** * The image we're replacing. * * @return see desc */ public Image getImage() { if (!_loaded && _imageResource.isLoaded()) { Image image = ((AWTFSImage) _imageResource.getImage()).getImage(); if (_doScaleImage && (_targetWidth > 0 || _targetHeight > 0)) { int w = image.getWidth(null); int h = image.getHeight(null); int newW = _targetWidth; int newH = _targetHeight; if (newW == -1) { newW = (int) (w * ((double) newH / h)); } if (newH == -1) { newH = (int) (h * ((double) newW / w)); } if (w != newW || h != newH) { if (image instanceof BufferedImage) { image = ImageUtil.getScaledInstance((BufferedImage) image, newW, newH); } else { if (true) { throw new RuntimeException( "image is not a buffered image! " + _imageResource.getImageUri()); } String scalingType = Configuration.valueFor("xr.image.scale", "HIGH").trim(); if (scalingType.equalsIgnoreCase("HIGH") || scalingType.equalsIgnoreCase("MID")) { image = image.getScaledInstance(newW, newH, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); } else { image = image.getScaledInstance(newW, newH, Image.SCALE_FAST); } } } _image = image; } else { _image = image; } _loaded = true; XRLog.load( Level.FINE, "Icon: replaced image " + _imageResource.getImageUri() + ", repaint requested"); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { repaintListener.repaintRequested(_doScaleImage); } }); } return _image; }
private void scaleImage() { width = image.getWidth(this); height = image.getHeight(this); double ratio = 1.0; /* * Determine how to scale the image. Since the accessory can expand * vertically make sure we don't go larger than 150 when scaling * vertically. */ if (width >= height) { ratio = (double) (ACCSIZE - 5) / width; width = ACCSIZE - 5; height = (int) (height * ratio); } else { if (getHeight() > 150) { ratio = (double) (ACCSIZE - 5) / height; height = ACCSIZE - 5; width = (int) (width * ratio); } else { ratio = (double) getHeight() / height; height = getHeight(); width = (int) (width * ratio); } } image = image.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); }
/* * Frame Constructor */ public EvalGUI() { // map image Image img = null; try { img = ImageIO.read(new File("map2.png")); } catch (IOException e) { } img = img.getScaledInstance(300, 300, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); JLabel small_img = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img)); getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Right_Panel.add(Statistics_Panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); Statistics_Panel.add(dist_title); Statistics_Panel.add(totaldistance); Statistics_Panel.add(dist_curr_obj); Statistics_Panel.add(dist_charge); Statistics_Panel.add(clean_title); Statistics_Panel.add(space_covered); Statistics_Panel.add(room_covered); Statistics_Panel.add(charge_visits); Statistics_Panel.add(battery_title); Statistics_Panel.add(batt_remaining); Statistics_Panel.add(coverage_title); Statistics_Panel.add(nr_coverage_divisions); Statistics_Panel.add(vert_hor_div); Statistics_Panel.add(rob_coord); Statistics_Panel.add(time_elapsed); Statistics_Panel.add(time_completion); Right_Panel.add(small_img, BorderLayout.SOUTH); add(Right_Panel, BorderLayout.EAST); add(Map_Panel, BorderLayout.WEST); // menu items menubar.add(file); menubar.add(options); menubar.add(exit); file.add(newmap); options.add(measure); options.add(speed); exit.add(exit_); setJMenuBar(menubar); // frame operations setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(860, 650); setTitle("EvaluationGUI"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // pack(); }
public void resize() { height = (height == 0) ? 1 : height; ratio = (double) image.getIconWidth() / image.getIconHeight(); Image img = image.getImage(); width = width - 10; // 4 = Image.SCALE_SMOOTH Image newimg = img.getScaledInstance(width, (int) (width / ratio), 4); label1.setIcon(new ImageIcon(newimg)); }
static void GoEnd(JFrame frame, int i) { Image background = new ImageIcon("image/final_" + i + ".png").getImage(); background = background.getScaledInstance(frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); JLabel back = new JLabel(); back.setBounds(0, 0, frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight()); back.setIcon(new ImageIcon(background)); frame.add(back, 1); frame.validate(); frame.repaint(); if (i == 1) { // 烤好 Talk.say("你成功的通過了這學期", 1); Talk.say("這次經驗也讓你對學習產生濃烈的興趣", 1); Talk.say("讓你大四成為了神,進而順利畢業", 1); } else if (i == 2) { // 系館 Talk.say("經由你的捐贈", 1); Talk.say("資訊系逐漸自成一個校區", 1); Talk.say("而在原系館中庭擺放了一個十倍放大的銅像", 1); Talk.say("用來紀念資訊系傑出校友─大恩碩像", 1); } else if (i == 3) { // 出國 Talk.say("你放棄了學業,踏上了桌球國手之路", 1); Talk.say("過五關斬六將", 1); Talk.say("終於成為了世界桌球王", 1); } else if (i == 4) { // 0分 game over Talk.say("輕輕的我走了", 1); Talk.say("正如我輕輕地來", 1); Talk.say("我揮一揮衣袖", 1); Talk.say("不帶走任何學分", 1); } else if (i == 5) { // final Talk.say("你完成了final project", 1); Talk.say("跟其他同學一起過了OOP", 1); Talk.say("不過大四還有更嚴苛的挑戰在等著你", 1); Talk.say("同學!加油吧!", 1); } }
public static ImageIcon getImageIcon(final String pathAndFileName) { final URL url = Application.class.getResource(pathAndFileName); Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(30, 30, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); return new ImageIcon(scaledImage); }
public void setImage(Image img, int gsize) { pieceSize = gsize; image = img.getScaledInstance(pieceSize, pieceSize, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); this.setSize(pieceSize, pieceSize); this.setIcon(new ImageIcon(image)); }
/** * Losing Function. This method contains everything required to end a game, and also give the user * options afterwards. */ private void losing() { InformationFrame.stopClock(); timerStart = false; for (int r = 0; r < ButtonGrid.length; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < ButtonGrid[1].length; c++) { if (MainManager.getMainGrid().getMines(r, c) == 9) { ButtonGrid[r][c].setSelected(true); // prepare special icons ImageIcon MineIcon; MineIcon = new ImageIcon( "C://Users/Joseph/Downloads/GitHub/" + "Outside/2013/Minesweeper/src/Images/MineImage.png"); // prepare resize Image MineImage = MineIcon.getImage(); // transform it int maxSize = Math.max(ButtonGrid[r][c].getHeight(), ButtonGrid[r][c].getWidth()) / 2; Image rescaledImage; ImageIcon imageIcon; rescaledImage = MineImage.getScaledInstance( maxSize, maxSize, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); // scale it the smooth way imageIcon = new ImageIcon(rescaledImage); // transform it back JLabel test1 = new JLabel(imageIcon); ButtonGrid[r][c].add(test1); // ButtonGrid[r][c].repaint(); resetFont("", r, c); } } } /* JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, "You lose. Sorry." + "\n╔╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╗" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬█╬╬╬╬╬╬█╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬██████████╬╣" + "\n╠╬█╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬█╬╣" + "\n╚╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╝", "☹", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION); * */ // Custom button text String[] options = {"Try again", "Go back to Start", "Quit"}; int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( rootPane, "You lose. Sorry." + "\n╔╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╗" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬█╬╬╬╬╬╬█╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬█╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╣" + "\n╠╬██████████╬╣" + "\n╠╬█╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬█╬╣" + "\n╚╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╝" + "\n What would you like to do?", "☹", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[2]); if (n == 2) { // System.out.println("n = " + n); System.exit(0); } else if (n == 1) { InformationFrame.dispose(); main(null); this.dispose(); } else if (n == 0) { String difficulty = MainManager.getMainGrid().getDifficulty(); MainPanel.removeAll(); constructMinesweeper(difficulty.toLowerCase()); } for (int y = 0; y < ButtonGrid.length; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < ButtonGrid[1].length; x++) { ButtonGrid[y][x].setFocusable(false); } } System.out.println("You lose"); }
public Displayer(Player x, int num) { super("Player " + num + " Information"); playernum = num; this.x = x; setSize(400, 400); setResizable(false); setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); moneyLabel = new JLabel("Money Owned:" + x.getMoney() + ""); jcards = new JLabel("Get out of Jail Cards Owned: " + x.getJailCards()); propertydisplay = new JComboBox(getPropertyName()); icon = new ImageIcon(Game.wdr + "images/tokens/monopoly_token_" + x.getToken() + ".png"); mortgage = new JButton("Manage Mortgage"); mortgage.addActionListener(this); mortgage.setActionCommand("mortgage"); buyHouse = new JButton("Buy a House"); buyHouse.addActionListener(this); buyHouse.setActionCommand("buyHouse"); sellHouse = new JButton("Sell a House"); sellHouse.addActionListener(this); sellHouse.setActionCommand("sellHouse"); sellProperty = new JButton("Sell this Property"); sellProperty.addActionListener(this); sellProperty.setActionCommand("sellProperty"); Image img = icon.getImage(); Image newimg = img.getScaledInstance(80, 80, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); ImageIcon newicon = new ImageIcon(newimg); timg = new JLabel(newicon); propertydisplay.addItemListener(this); p1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p1, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p2, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); p2.setAlignmentX(Component.RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); p3.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p3, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); p3.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); p2.add(timg); p3.add(moneyLabel); p3.add(jcards); p1.add(p2); p1.add(p3); p4.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p4, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); p4.setAlignmentY(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); p4.add(propertydisplay); p4.add(pr1); p4.add(pr2); p4.add(pr3); p4.add(pr4); p4.add(pr5); p5.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p5, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p5.add(mortgage); p5.add(buyHouse); p5.add(sellHouse); p.add(p1); p.add(p4); p.add(p5); add(p); setVisible(true); timer.setActionCommand("timing"); timer.setInitialDelay(500); timer.start(); }
/** * the constructor of the class * * @param image an image */ protected ImageRepresentation(Image image) { this.largeImage = image; this.smallImage = image.getScaledInstance(smallImageSize.width, smallImageSize.height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); }
/** Initialize the contents of the frame. */ private void initialize() { frame = new JFrame("SkAppA"); frame.setBounds(100, 100, 750, 400); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); /* */ ImageIcon imIcon = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("res/logo.png")); // ImageIcon imIcon = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\davem\\workspace\\Skappa\\res\\logo.png"); Image image = imIcon.getImage(); Image newImage = image.getScaledInstance(120, 120, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); imIcon = new ImageIcon(newImage); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new CardLayout(0, 0)); panelIniziale = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panelIniziale, "name_10245570710976"); panelIniziale.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panelIniziale.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 5)); JPanel panelInviaMail = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panelInviaMail, "name_74765522122111"); frame.setBounds(100, 100, 750, 400); panelInviaMail.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); JPanel panel_6 = new JPanel(); panelInviaMail.add(panel_6, BorderLayout.CENTER); GridBagLayout gbl_panel_6 = new GridBagLayout(); gbl_panel_6.columnWidths = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; gbl_panel_6.rowHeights = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; gbl_panel_6.columnWeights = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE}; gbl_panel_6.rowWeights = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE }; panel_6.setLayout(gbl_panel_6); JLabel lblIndirizzoEmail = new JLabel("Indirizzo email"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblIndirizzoEmail = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblIndirizzoEmail.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblIndirizzoEmail.gridx = 3; gbc_lblIndirizzoEmail.gridy = 1; panel_6.add(lblIndirizzoEmail, gbc_lblIndirizzoEmail); textFieldEmail = new JTextField(); GridBagConstraints gbc_textFieldEmail = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textFieldEmail.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textFieldEmail.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textFieldEmail.gridx = 5; gbc_textFieldEmail.gridy = 1; panel_6.add(textFieldEmail, gbc_textFieldEmail); textFieldEmail.setColumns(10); JLabel lblUsername = new JLabel("Username"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblUsername = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblUsername.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblUsername.gridx = 3; gbc_lblUsername.gridy = 3; panel_6.add(lblUsername, gbc_lblUsername); textFieldUsername = new JTextField(); GridBagConstraints gbc_textFieldUsername = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textFieldUsername.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textFieldUsername.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textFieldUsername.gridx = 5; gbc_textFieldUsername.gridy = 3; panel_6.add(textFieldUsername, gbc_textFieldUsername); textFieldUsername.setColumns(10); JLabel lblPassword = new JLabel("Password"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblPassword = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblPassword.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblPassword.gridx = 3; gbc_lblPassword.gridy = 5; panel_6.add(lblPassword, gbc_lblPassword); passwordField = new JPasswordField(); GridBagConstraints gbc_passwordField = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_passwordField.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_passwordField.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_passwordField.gridx = 5; gbc_passwordField.gridy = 5; panel_6.add(passwordField, gbc_passwordField); JLabel lblIndirizzoServerSmtp = new JLabel("Indirizzo server smtp"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblIndirizzoServerSmtp = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblIndirizzoServerSmtp.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblIndirizzoServerSmtp.gridx = 3; gbc_lblIndirizzoServerSmtp.gridy = 7; panel_6.add(lblIndirizzoServerSmtp, gbc_lblIndirizzoServerSmtp); textFieldSMTP = new JTextField(); GridBagConstraints gbc_textFieldSMTP = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textFieldSMTP.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textFieldSMTP.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textFieldSMTP.gridx = 5; gbc_textFieldSMTP.gridy = 7; panel_6.add(textFieldSMTP, gbc_textFieldSMTP); textFieldSMTP.setColumns(10); JLabel lblPortaServerSmtp = new JLabel("Porta server smtp"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblPortaServerSmtp = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblPortaServerSmtp.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblPortaServerSmtp.gridx = 3; gbc_lblPortaServerSmtp.gridy = 9; panel_6.add(lblPortaServerSmtp, gbc_lblPortaServerSmtp); textFieldSMTPPort = new JTextField(); GridBagConstraints gbc_textFieldSMTPPort = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textFieldSMTPPort.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textFieldSMTPPort.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textFieldSMTPPort.gridx = 5; gbc_textFieldSMTPPort.gridy = 9; panel_6.add(textFieldSMTPPort, gbc_textFieldSMTPPort); textFieldSMTPPort.setColumns(10); progressBar = new JProgressBar(); GridBagConstraints gbc_progressBar = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_progressBar.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_progressBar.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_progressBar.gridx = 5; gbc_progressBar.gridy = 11; panel_6.add(progressBar, gbc_progressBar); progressBar.setVisible(false); JPanel panel_7 = new JPanel(); panelInviaMail.add(panel_7, BorderLayout.NORTH); JLabel lblInserisciCredenziali = new JLabel("Inserisci credenziali"); lblInserisciCredenziali.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 18)); panel_7.add(lblInserisciCredenziali); JPanel panel_8 = new JPanel(); panelInviaMail.add(panel_8, BorderLayout.SOUTH); btnNewButton_5 = new JButton("Invia"); btnNewButton_5.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 25)); btnNewButton_5.addActionListener(this); panel_8.add(btnNewButton_5); JButton btnNewButton_6 = new JButton("Annulla"); btnNewButton_6.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 25)); btnNewButton_6.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { panelInviaMail.setVisible(false); panelCreaEvento.setVisible(true); frame.setBounds(100, 100, 750, 400); } }); panel_8.add(btnNewButton_6); JButton btnNewButton = new JButton("Crea evento"); btnNewButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 30)); btnNewButton.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(150, 30)); btnNewButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { panelCreaEvento.setVisible(true); panelIniziale.setVisible(false); // frame.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); frame.setBounds(100, 100, 750, 400); } }); panel.add(btnNewButton); JButton btnNewButton_1 = new JButton("Carica partecipanti"); btnNewButton_1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 30)); btnNewButton_1.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(150, 30)); btnNewButton_1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { panelCaricaPartecipanti.setVisible(true); panelIniziale.setVisible(false); } }); panel.add(btnNewButton_1); JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel(); panelIniziale.add(panel_1, BorderLayout.CENTER); SimpleAttributeSet attribs = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setAlignment(attribs, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER); JTextPane txtpnSelezionaLaModalit = new JTextPane(); txtpnSelezionaLaModalit.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); txtpnSelezionaLaModalit.setEnabled(false); txtpnSelezionaLaModalit.setEditable(false); txtpnSelezionaLaModalit.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 16)); txtpnSelezionaLaModalit.setText("Seleziona la modalit\u00E0"); txtpnSelezionaLaModalit.setParagraphAttributes(attribs, true); panel_1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel_1, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); panel_1.add(txtpnSelezionaLaModalit); JPanel panel_2 = new JPanel(); panelIniziale.add(panel_2, BorderLayout.NORTH); JLabel lblLogo = new JLabel(""); lblLogo.setIcon(imIcon); panel_2.add(lblLogo); panelCreaEvento = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panelCreaEvento, "name_10426205657299"); JPanel panel_5 = new JPanel(); JPanel panel_3 = new JPanel(); panelCreaEvento.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); panelCreaEvento.add(panel_5); GridBagLayout gbl_panel_5 = new GridBagLayout(); gbl_panel_5.columnWidths = new int[] {64, 66, 67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 48, 43, 55, 0}; gbl_panel_5.rowHeights = new int[] {0, 0, 30, 20, 35, 20, 35, 20, 0, 0}; gbl_panel_5.columnWeights = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE }; gbl_panel_5.rowWeights = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE}; panel_5.setLayout(gbl_panel_5); Component verticalStrut_1 = Box.createVerticalStrut(20); GridBagConstraints gbc_verticalStrut_1 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_verticalStrut_1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_verticalStrut_1.gridx = 13; gbc_verticalStrut_1.gridy = 0; panel_5.add(verticalStrut_1, gbc_verticalStrut_1); Component verticalStrut_2 = Box.createVerticalStrut(20); GridBagConstraints gbc_verticalStrut_2 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_verticalStrut_2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_verticalStrut_2.gridx = 13; gbc_verticalStrut_2.gridy = 1; panel_5.add(verticalStrut_2, gbc_verticalStrut_2); JLabel lblInserisciDatiEvento = new JLabel("Inserisci dati evento"); lblInserisciDatiEvento.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 18)); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblInserisciDatiEvento = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblInserisciDatiEvento.gridwidth = 2; gbc_lblInserisciDatiEvento.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblInserisciDatiEvento.gridx = 1; gbc_lblInserisciDatiEvento.gridy = 2; panel_5.add(lblInserisciDatiEvento, gbc_lblInserisciDatiEvento); JLabel lblNomeEvento = new JLabel("Nome evento"); lblNomeEvento.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 13)); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblNomeEvento = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblNomeEvento.gridwidth = 2; gbc_lblNomeEvento.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_lblNomeEvento.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblNomeEvento.gridx = 1; gbc_lblNomeEvento.gridy = 3; panel_5.add(lblNomeEvento, gbc_lblNomeEvento); textFieldNome = new JTextField(); textFieldNome.setColumns(10); GridBagConstraints gbc_textFieldNome = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textFieldNome.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH; gbc_textFieldNome.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textFieldNome.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textFieldNome.gridwidth = 5; gbc_textFieldNome.gridx = 3; gbc_textFieldNome.gridy = 3; panel_5.add(textFieldNome, gbc_textFieldNome); JLabel lblLuogoEvento = new JLabel("Luogo evento"); lblLuogoEvento.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 13)); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblLuogoEvento = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblLuogoEvento.gridwidth = 2; gbc_lblLuogoEvento.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_lblLuogoEvento.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblLuogoEvento.gridx = 1; gbc_lblLuogoEvento.gridy = 5; panel_5.add(lblLuogoEvento, gbc_lblLuogoEvento); textFieldLuogo = new JTextField(); textFieldLuogo.setColumns(10); GridBagConstraints gbc_textFieldLuogo = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textFieldLuogo.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH; gbc_textFieldLuogo.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textFieldLuogo.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textFieldLuogo.gridwidth = 5; gbc_textFieldLuogo.gridx = 3; gbc_textFieldLuogo.gridy = 5; panel_5.add(textFieldLuogo, gbc_textFieldLuogo); JLabel lblProvincia = new JLabel("Provincia"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblProvincia = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblProvincia.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc_lblProvincia.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblProvincia.gridx = 9; gbc_lblProvincia.gridy = 5; panel_5.add(lblProvincia, gbc_lblProvincia); JComboBox comboBoxProvincia = new JComboBox(provinceArray); GridBagConstraints gbc_comboBoxProvincia = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_comboBoxProvincia.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; gbc_comboBoxProvincia.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_comboBoxProvincia.gridx = 10; gbc_comboBoxProvincia.gridy = 5; panel_5.add(comboBoxProvincia, gbc_comboBoxProvincia); JLabel lblDataEvento = new JLabel("Data evento"); lblDataEvento.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 13)); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblDataEvento = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblDataEvento.gridwidth = 2; gbc_lblDataEvento.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_lblDataEvento.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_lblDataEvento.gridx = 1; gbc_lblDataEvento.gridy = 7; panel_5.add(lblDataEvento, gbc_lblDataEvento); JComboBox comboBoxGiorno = new JComboBox(giorniArray); GridBagConstraints gbc_comboBoxGiorno = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_comboBoxGiorno.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; gbc_comboBoxGiorno.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_comboBoxGiorno.gridx = 3; gbc_comboBoxGiorno.gridy = 7; panel_5.add(comboBoxGiorno, gbc_comboBoxGiorno); JComboBox comboBoxMese = new JComboBox(mesiArray); GridBagConstraints gbc_comboBoxMese = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_comboBoxMese.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; gbc_comboBoxMese.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_comboBoxMese.gridx = 4; gbc_comboBoxMese.gridy = 7; panel_5.add(comboBoxMese, gbc_comboBoxMese); JComboBox comboBoxAnno = new JComboBox(anniArray); GridBagConstraints gbc_comboBoxAnno = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_comboBoxAnno.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_comboBoxAnno.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST; gbc_comboBoxAnno.gridx = 5; gbc_comboBoxAnno.gridy = 7; panel_5.add(comboBoxAnno, gbc_comboBoxAnno); JLabel lblOra = new JLabel("Ora"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblOra = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblOra.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; gbc_lblOra.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_lblOra.gridx = 8; gbc_lblOra.gridy = 7; panel_5.add(lblOra, gbc_lblOra); JComboBox comboBoxOre = new JComboBox(oreArray); GridBagConstraints gbc_comboBox_1 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_comboBox_1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_comboBox_1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_comboBox_1.gridx = 10; gbc_comboBox_1.gridy = 7; panel_5.add(comboBoxOre, gbc_comboBox_1); JComboBox comboBoxMinuti = new JComboBox(minutiArray); GridBagConstraints gbc_comboBox_2 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_comboBox_2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_comboBox_2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_comboBox_2.gridx = 12; gbc_comboBox_2.gridy = 7; panel_5.add(comboBoxMinuti, gbc_comboBox_2); panelCreaEvento.add(panel_3, BorderLayout.NORTH); GridBagLayout gbl_panel_3 = new GridBagLayout(); gbl_panel_3.columnWidths = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 200, 0, 227, 77, 0, 0, 0}; gbl_panel_3.rowHeights = new int[] {0, 0, 23, 0}; gbl_panel_3.columnWeights = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE}; gbl_panel_3.rowWeights = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE}; panel_3.setLayout(gbl_panel_3); Component verticalStrut = Box.createVerticalStrut(20); GridBagConstraints gbc_verticalStrut = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_verticalStrut.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_verticalStrut.gridx = 6; gbc_verticalStrut.gridy = 0; panel_3.add(verticalStrut, gbc_verticalStrut); JLabel lblInserisciPercorsoFile = new JLabel("Inserisci percorso file nominativi"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblInserisciPercorsoFile = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblInserisciPercorsoFile.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblInserisciPercorsoFile.gridx = 3; gbc_lblInserisciPercorsoFile.gridy = 1; panel_3.add(lblInserisciPercorsoFile, gbc_lblInserisciPercorsoFile); textField = new JTextField(); textField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(6, 25)); textField.setColumns(10); GridBagConstraints gbc_textField = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textField.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textField.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textField.gridx = 5; gbc_textField.gridy = 1; panel_3.add(textField, gbc_textField); JButton btnNewButton_2 = new JButton("Apri..."); btnNewButton_2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(135, 25)); btnNewButton_2.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new java.io.File(".")); chooser.setDialogTitle("Choose the folder"); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { System.out.println("getCurrentDirectory(): " + chooser.getSelectedFile()); file = chooser.getSelectedFile(); inputFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); textField.setText(inputFilePath); } } }); GridBagConstraints gbc_btnNewButton_2 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_btnNewButton_2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_btnNewButton_2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_btnNewButton_2.gridx = 6; gbc_btnNewButton_2.gridy = 1; panel_3.add(btnNewButton_2, gbc_btnNewButton_2); Component horizontalStrut = Box.createHorizontalStrut(20); GridBagConstraints gbc_horizontalStrut = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_horizontalStrut.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_horizontalStrut.gridx = 2; gbc_horizontalStrut.gridy = 2; panel_3.add(horizontalStrut, gbc_horizontalStrut); Component horizontalStrut_1 = Box.createHorizontalStrut(20); GridBagConstraints gbc_horizontalStrut_1 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_horizontalStrut_1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_horizontalStrut_1.gridx = 7; gbc_horizontalStrut_1.gridy = 2; panel_3.add(horizontalStrut_1, gbc_horizontalStrut_1); JPanel panel_4 = new JPanel(); panelCreaEvento.add(panel_4, BorderLayout.SOUTH); JButton btnNewButton_3 = new JButton("Crea evento"); btnNewButton_3.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(95, 25)); btnNewButton_3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { int giorno = Integer.parseInt((String) comboBoxGiorno.getSelectedItem()); int mese = comboBoxMese.getSelectedIndex(); int anno = Integer.parseInt((String) comboBoxAnno.getSelectedItem()); int ore = Integer.parseInt((String) comboBoxOre.getSelectedItem()); int minuti = Integer.parseInt((String) comboBoxMinuti.getSelectedItem()); inputFilePath = textField.getText(); file = new File(inputFilePath); if (!isValidDate(giorno, mese, anno)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, "Data non corretta.", "Errore", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else if (!extensionIs("xlsx", file)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, "Formato file non corretto.", "Errore", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { inputFilePath = textField.getText(); /*try { l = Loader.generateList(inputFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Errore nel file di input.", "Errore", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }*/ evento = new Event( textFieldNome.getText(), textFieldLuogo.getText(), (String) comboBoxProvincia.getSelectedItem(), new GregorianCalendar(anno, mese, giorno, ore, minuti), l); frame.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); try { evento.generateList(inputFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, "Errore nel file di output.", "Errore", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } evento.toString(); File dir = new File(inputFilePath); evento.assignQR(dir.getParent()); frame.setCursor(null); frame.setBounds(100, 100, 750, 400); panelCreaEvento.setVisible(false); panelInviaMail.setVisible(true); } } }); panel_4.add(btnNewButton_3); JButton btnNewButton_4 = new JButton("Indietro"); btnNewButton_4.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(95, 25)); btnNewButton_4.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { panelCreaEvento.setVisible(false); panelIniziale.setVisible(true); } }); panel_4.add(btnNewButton_4); panelCaricaPartecipanti = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panelCaricaPartecipanti, "name_80084471932092"); panelCaricaPartecipanti.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); JPanel panel_9 = new JPanel(); panelCaricaPartecipanti.add(panel_9); GridBagLayout gbl_panel_9 = new GridBagLayout(); gbl_panel_9.columnWidths = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; gbl_panel_9.rowHeights = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; gbl_panel_9.columnWeights = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE}; gbl_panel_9.rowWeights = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.MIN_VALUE}; panel_9.setLayout(gbl_panel_9); JLabel lblInserisciFileExcel = new JLabel("Inserisci file Excel di output"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblInserisciFileExcel = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblInserisciFileExcel.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_lblInserisciFileExcel.gridx = 2; gbc_lblInserisciFileExcel.gridy = 2; panel_9.add(lblInserisciFileExcel, gbc_lblInserisciFileExcel); textField_1 = new JTextField(); GridBagConstraints gbc_textField_1 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textField_1.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_textField_1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textField_1.gridx = 3; gbc_textField_1.gridy = 2; panel_9.add(textField_1, gbc_textField_1); textField_1.setColumns(10); JButton btnNewButton_7 = new JButton("Scegli file..."); btnNewButton_7.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new java.io.File(".")); chooser.setDialogTitle("Choose the folder"); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { System.out.println("getCurrentDirectory(): " + chooser.getSelectedFile()); file = chooser.getSelectedFile(); excelOutputFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); textField_1.setText(excelOutputFilePath); } } }); GridBagConstraints gbc_btnNewButton_7 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_btnNewButton_7.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gbc_btnNewButton_7.gridx = 5; gbc_btnNewButton_7.gridy = 2; panel_9.add(btnNewButton_7, gbc_btnNewButton_7); JLabel lblInserisciFileDelle = new JLabel("Inserisci file delle scansioni"); GridBagConstraints gbc_lblInserisciFileDelle = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_lblInserisciFileDelle.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_lblInserisciFileDelle.gridx = 2; gbc_lblInserisciFileDelle.gridy = 4; panel_9.add(lblInserisciFileDelle, gbc_lblInserisciFileDelle); textField_2 = new JTextField(); GridBagConstraints gbc_textField_2 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_textField_2.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_textField_2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc_textField_2.gridx = 3; gbc_textField_2.gridy = 4; panel_9.add(textField_2, gbc_textField_2); textField_2.setColumns(10); JButton btnNewButton_8 = new JButton("Scegli file..."); btnNewButton_8.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new java.io.File(".")); chooser.setDialogTitle("Choose the folder"); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { System.out.println("getCurrentDirectory(): " + chooser.getSelectedFile()); file = chooser.getSelectedFile(); txtOutputFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); textField_2.setText(txtOutputFilePath); } } }); GridBagConstraints gbc_btnNewButton_8 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc_btnNewButton_8.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 5); gbc_btnNewButton_8.gridx = 5; gbc_btnNewButton_8.gridy = 4; panel_9.add(btnNewButton_8, gbc_btnNewButton_8); JPanel panel_10 = new JPanel(); panelCaricaPartecipanti.add(panel_10, BorderLayout.NORTH); JPanel panel_11 = new JPanel(); panelCaricaPartecipanti.add(panel_11, BorderLayout.SOUTH); JButton btnNewButton_9 = new JButton("Associa"); btnNewButton_9.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { txtOutputFilePath = textField_2.getText(); File f = new File(txtOutputFilePath); excelOutputFilePath = textField_1.getText(); Loader.writeInOut(excelOutputFilePath, Loader.loadParticipants(f)); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( frame, "Associazione degli orari eseguita!", "", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } }); panel_11.add(btnNewButton_9); JButton btnNewButton_10 = new JButton("Annulla"); panel_11.add(btnNewButton_10); }