public void fireEvent(NCCPConnection.ConnectionEvent e) { ConnectionListener l; int max = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "NCCPConnection.fireEvent (" + toString() + ") event: " + e.getType() + " max:" + max + " i:" + i), 2); l = (ConnectionListener) (listeners.elementAt(i)); switch (e.getType()) { case ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED: l.connectionFailed(e); break; case ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED: l.connectionClosed(e); break; case ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_OPENED: ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String("Opened control connection (" + toString() + ")")); l.connectionOpened(e); } } }
public void setConnected(boolean b, boolean process_pending) { if (b && state != ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_OPENED) { if (host.length() > 0) ExpCoordinator.print( "NCCPConnection open connection to ipaddress " + host + " port " + port); state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_OPENED; // connected = true; fireEvent(new ConnectionEvent(this, state)); ExpCoordinator.printer.print("NCCPConnection.setConnected " + b + " event fired", 8); if (process_pending) { int max = pendingMessages.size(); ExpCoordinator.printer.print(new String(" pendingMessages " + max + " elements"), 8); for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { sendMessage((NCCP.Message) pendingMessages.elementAt(i)); } pendingMessages.removeAllElements(); } } else { if (!b && (state != ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED || state != ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED)) { if (host.length() > 0) ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "NCCPConnection.setConnected -- Closed control socket for " + host + "." + port)); state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED; fireEvent(new ConnectionEvent(this, state)); } } }
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (ltool.isEnabled()) { if (endComponent instanceof GigEDescriptor) endComponent = ((GigEDescriptor) endComponent).getUnlinkedPort(); if (!ltool.addLink(linkGraphic, endComponent)) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool.ComponentListener::mouseReleased from " + startComponent.getLabel() + " cancelled"), TEST_ADD); if (ltool.isVirtualTopology()) ltool .expCoordinator .getCurrentExp() .getVirtualTopology() .getTopologyPanel() .removeLink(linkGraphic); else ExpCoordinator.getMainWindow().getTopologyPanel().removeLink(linkGraphic); } startComponent = null; endComponent = null; linkGraphic = null; ltool.setEnabled(false); } }
protected void addLink(LinkGraphic lg) { LinkDescriptor comp = (LinkDescriptor) lg.getONLComponent(); ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool::addLink " + comp.getPoint1().getLabel() + " to " + comp.getPoint2().getLabel())); lg.getONLComponent().setLabel(new String("explink" + count)); expCoordinator.getCurrentExp().addLink(comp); ++count; }
public Object getUIRep() { if (uiRepCopy == null) { if (field == null) ExpCoordinator.print( new String("FieldParam(" + getLabel() + ").getUIRep field is null"), TEST_UIREP); else ExpCoordinator.print( new String("FieldParam(" + getLabel() + ").getUIRep field:" + field.toString()), TEST_UIREP); uiRepCopy = field.getUIRepCopy(isEditable()); setUIRep(uiRepCopy.getComponent()); } return (super.getUIRep()); }
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (ltool.isEnabled()) { startComponent = ((ONLComponentButton) e.getSource()).getONLComponent(); if (startComponent instanceof GigEDescriptor) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool.ComponentListener.mousePressed gige startComponent:" + startComponent.getLabel()), TEST_GIGE); startComponent = ((GigEDescriptor) startComponent).getUnlinkedPort(); if (startComponent != null) ExpCoordinator.print( new String(" unlinked port: " + startComponent.getLabel()), TEST_GIGE); else ExpCoordinator.print(" unlinked port: null", TEST_GIGE); } if (startComponent instanceof HardwareHost) startComponent = ((HardwareHost) startComponent).getPort(0); endComponent = null; if (startComponent.isLinkable() && (!startComponent.isLinked())) { LinkDescriptor ld = ltool.createLinkDescriptor( startComponent); // new LinkDescriptor(ltool.getNextLabel(), startComponent, // ltool.currentBW, ltool.expCoordinator); linkGraphic = (LinkGraphic) ld.getGraphic(); if (linkGraphic.getONLComponent() == null) ExpCoordinator.print("LinkTool.ComponentListener::mousePressed onlcomp == null", 2); // linkGraphic = new LinkGraphic(); // linkGraphic.setPoint1(startComponent.getGraphic()); linkGraphic.setVisible(true); ltool .getTopologyPanel() .addLink(linkGraphic); // expCoordinator.getMainWindow().getTopologyPanel() // System.out.println("LinkTool.ComponentListener::mousePressed component " + // startComponent.getLabel()); setIntermediate( e.getPoint(), ((ONLComponentButton) e.getSource()).getONLComponent().getGraphic()); } else { ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool::mousePressed startComponent " + startComponent.getLabel() + " is Linked"), 2); startComponent = null; ltool.setEnabled(false); } } }
private boolean connectSPPMon() { if (state == ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_PENDING) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String("NCCPConnection(" + host + ", " + port + ").connect connection pending"), 0); while (state == ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_PENDING) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) { } } return (isConnected()); } state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_PENDING; if (nonProxy != null) { try { nonProxy.connect(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { boolean rtn = informUserError("Don't know about host: " + host + ":" + e.getMessage()); return rtn; } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { boolean rtn = informUserError("Socket time out for " + host + ":" + e.getMessage()); return rtn; } catch (IOException e) { boolean rtn = informUserError("Couldnt get I/O for " + host + ":" + e.getMessage()); return rtn; } } return (isConnected()); }
public boolean connect() { ExpCoordinator.printer.print("NCCPConnection.connect", 3); if (host.length() == 0) { ExpCoordinator.printer.print("NCCPConnection.connect host is not set", 6); return false; } if (proxy == null && nonProxy == null) { ExpCoordinator.printer.print("NCCPConnection.connect proxy null"); return false; } if (ExpCoordinator.isSPPMon()) return (connectSPPMon()); if (state == ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED || state == ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED) { state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_PENDING; if (proxy != null) { proxy.openConnection(this); } } /* if (nonProxy != null && proxy == null) { return (nonProxy.connect()); } */ return true; }
public void read(ONL.Reader rdr) throws { setHost(new String(rdr.readString())); setPort(rdr.readInt()); short cid = (short) rdr.readShort(); ExpCoordinator.print( new String(" host:" + getHost() + " port:" + getPort() + " cid:" + cid), 5); if (proxy != null) proxy.setConnectionID(this, cid); }
protected boolean informUserError(String msg) // this is just for SPPmon { if (!ExpCoordinator.isSPPMon()) return false; final String opt0 = "Try Again"; final String opt1 = "Cancel"; JLabel lbl = new JLabel(msg); TextFieldwLabel tfaddress = new TextFieldwLabel(30, "daemon addr:"); tfaddress.setText(host); TextFieldwLabel tfport = new TextFieldwLabel(30, "daemon port:"); tfport.setText(String.valueOf(port)); Object[] params = {lbl, tfaddress, tfport}; Object[] options = {opt0, opt1}; int rtn = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( ExpCoordinator.getMainWindow(), params, "Connection Error", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (rtn == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { connectionFailed(); return false; } else { String tmp_host = host; boolean change = false; if (tfaddress.getText().length() > 0) tmp_host = tfaddress.getText(); int tmp_port = port; if (tfport.getText().length() > 0) tmp_port = Integer.parseInt(tfport.getText()); if (!tmp_host.equals(host)) { host = new String(tmp_host); change = true; } if (port != tmp_port) { port = tmp_port; change = true; } if (change) fireEvent(new ConnectionEvent(this, ConnectionEvent.ADDRESS_CHANGED)); state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED; return (connect()); } }
public FieldParam(FieldParam p) { super((Param) p); field = p.field; fieldOwner = p.fieldOwner; // uiRepCopy = field.getUIRepCopy();//REMOVED 8/10/10 // setUIRep(uiRepCopy.getComponent());//REMOVED 8/10/10 ExpCoordinator.print( new String("FieldParam(" + label + ")(FieldParam) default:" + p.getDefaultValue()), TEST_FIELDPARAM); }
public void print(int dlevel) { if (msgtype == NCCP.MessageResponse) ExpCoordinator.print( new String("NCCPConnection.Message Response size = " + msgsize), dlevel); else ExpCoordinator.print( new String("NCCPConnection.Message type = " + msgtype + " size = " + msgsize), dlevel); String tmp_str = ""; int max = msgsize - 2; for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { if (i < max) { tmp_str = tmp_str.concat(new String(msgbytes[i] + " ")); ++i; } } ExpCoordinator.print(new String(" " + tmp_str), dlevel); tmp_str = ""; } }
public void setConnectionID(short cid) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "NCCPConnection.setConnectionID host:" + getHost() + " port:" + getPort() + " cid:" + cid), 5); if (proxy != null) proxy.setConnectionID(this, cid); }
public FieldParam(ParamSpec fps, ONLComponent pc, Command cs) { super((ParamSpec) fps, pc, cs); if (cs.getFieldOwner() == null && pc instanceof Field.Owner) fieldOwner = (Field.Owner) pc; else fieldOwner = cs.getFieldOwner(); getField(); setDefaultValue(fps.getDefaultValue()); ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "FieldParam(" + label + ")(ParamSpec, ONLComponent, Command) command:" + cs.getLabel() + " default:" + fps.getDefaultValue()), TEST_FIELDPARAM); }
public void processMessage(DataInputStream dataIn) throws IOException { count = 0; int msgsize = dataIn.readInt(); count = 1; int msgtype = 0; if (msgsize >= 2) msgtype = dataIn.readUnsignedShort(); else { if (msgsize == 1) dataIn.readByte(); ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String(" msgsize(" + msgsize + ") < 2 msgtype = " + msgtype)); ExpCoordinator.printer.printHistory(); return; } count = 2; switch (msgtype) { case NCCP.MessageResponse: ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "NCCPConnection::run message is NCCP.MessageResponse " + msgsize + " " + msgtype), 3); MessageRunnable tmp_msg = new MessageRunnable(msgsize, msgtype, dataIn); tmp_msg.print(5); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(tmp_msg); break; case NCCP.MessagePeriodic: ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String( "NCCPConnection::run message is NCCP.MessagePeriodic " + msgsize + " " + msgtype), 3); processPeriodicMsg(msgsize, msgtype, dataIn); break; default: ExpCoordinator.printer.print( new String("NCCPConnection::run message is Other " + msgsize + " " + msgtype)); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new MessageRunnable(msgsize, msgtype, dataIn)); } }
protected boolean addLink( LinkGraphic lg, ONLComponent end_comp) // returns true if successfully added { if (lg == null) return false; LinkDescriptor comp = (LinkDescriptor) lg.getONLComponent(); ONLComponent start_comp = comp.getPoint1(); // fail link if end_comp is not a component, it's a loop, the end_comp is unlinkable or is // already linked if (end_comp == null || end_comp == start_comp || !end_comp.isLinkable() || end_comp.isLinked()) { if (end_comp == null) ExpCoordinator.print( new String("LinkTool.addLink " + comp.toString() + " fail end is null"), TEST_ADD); else { if (end_comp == start_comp) ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool.addLink " + comp.toString() + " fail end(" + end_comp.getLabel() + ") is same as start"), TEST_ADD); if (!end_comp.isLinkable() || end_comp.isLinked()) ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool.addLink " + comp.toString() + " fail diend(" + end_comp.getLabel() + ") unlinkable isLinkable:" + end_comp.isLinkable() + " isLinked:" + end_comp.isLinked()), TEST_ADD); } return false; } else { // 10G change for gige to gige connections remove GigE to GigE restriction // if (((start_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor.Port) || (start_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor)) // && // ((end_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor.Port) || (end_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor))) // return false; // 10G change return false if interface types not equal & not a GigE-GigE link if (!start_comp.getInterfaceType().equals(end_comp.getInterfaceType()) && !(((start_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor.Port) || (start_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor)) && ((end_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor.Port) || (end_comp instanceof GigEDescriptor)))) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool.addLink " + comp.toString() + " fail diff interface start:" + start_comp.getLabel() + "(" + start_comp.getInterfaceType() + ") end:" + end_comp.getLabel() + "(" + end_comp.getInterfaceType() + ")"), TEST_ADD); return false; } // SUBNET:add call SubnetManager addLink here try { if (ExpCoordinator.isOldSubnet()) { // check for cycles if (expCoordinator.getTopology().isCycle(start_comp, end_comp)) return false; OldSubnetManager.addLink( (ONLComponent.PortBase) start_comp, (ONLComponent.PortBase) end_comp); } else SubnetManager.addLink( (ONLComponent.PortBase) start_comp, (ONLComponent.PortBase) end_comp); } catch (SubnetManager.SubnetException e) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String( "LinkTool.addLink failed (" + start_comp.getLabel() + ", " + end_comp.getLabel() + ") -- " + e.getMessage())); return false; } } comp.setPoint2(end_comp); addLink(lg); return true; }
protected TopologyPanel getTopologyPanel() { return (expCoordinator.getMainWindow().getTopologyPanel()); }