private VcsLogHighlighter.VcsCommitStyle getStyle( int row, int column, String text, boolean hasFocus, final boolean selected) { Component dummyRendererComponent = myDummyRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(this, text, selected, hasFocus, row, column); VisibleGraph<Integer> visibleGraph = getVisibleGraph(); if (row < 0 || row >= visibleGraph.getVisibleCommitCount()) { LOG.error( "Visible graph has " + visibleGraph.getVisibleCommitCount() + " commits, yet we want row " + row); return VcsCommitStyleFactory.createStyle( dummyRendererComponent.getForeground(), dummyRendererComponent.getBackground(), VcsLogHighlighter.TextStyle.NORMAL); } final RowInfo<Integer> rowInfo = visibleGraph.getRowInfo(row); VcsLogHighlighter.VcsCommitStyle defaultStyle = VcsCommitStyleFactory.createStyle( rowInfo.getRowType() == RowType.UNMATCHED ? JBColor.GRAY : dummyRendererComponent.getForeground(), dummyRendererComponent.getBackground(), VcsLogHighlighter.TextStyle.NORMAL); List<VcsLogHighlighter.VcsCommitStyle> styles = myHighlighters, new Function<VcsLogHighlighter, VcsLogHighlighter.VcsCommitStyle>() { @Override public VcsLogHighlighter.VcsCommitStyle fun(VcsLogHighlighter highlighter) { return highlighter.getStyle(rowInfo.getCommit(), selected); } }); return VcsCommitStyleFactory.combine(ContainerUtil.append(styles, defaultStyle)); }
public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { float size = this.stroke.getLineWidth(); if (size > 0.0f) { g = g.create(); if (g instanceof Graphics2D) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.setStroke(this.stroke); g2d.setPaint(color != null ? color : c == null ? null : c.getForeground()); g2d.draw(new Rectangle2D.Float(x + size / 2, y + size / 2, width - size, height - size)); } g.dispose(); } }
public static BufferedImage componentToImage(Component component, Rectangle region) { BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage( component.getWidth(), component.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); Graphics g = img.getGraphics(); g.setColor(component.getForeground()); g.setFont(component.getFont()); component.paintAll(g); g.dispose(); if (region == null) { return img; } return img.getSubimage(region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height); }
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { Component comp = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); if (value != null && highlight(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column)) { if (isSelected) { comp.setBackground(new Color((HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.getRGB() ^ comp.getBackground().getRGB()))); comp.setForeground(new Color(Color.BLACK.getRGB() ^ comp.getForeground().getRGB())); } else { comp.setBackground(HIGHLIGHT_COLOR); comp.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } } else { if (!isSelected) { comp.setBackground(Color.WHITE); comp.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } } return comp; }
@Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { final Component orig = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); if (myPluginDescriptor != null) { myNameLabel.setText(myPluginDescriptor.getName()); final PluginId pluginId = myPluginDescriptor.getPluginId(); final String idString = pluginId.getIdString(); if (myPluginDescriptor.isBundled()) { myBundledLabel.setText("Bundled"); } else { final String host = myPlugin2host.get(idString); if (host != null) { String presentableUrl = VfsUtil.urlToPath(host); final int idx = presentableUrl.indexOf('/'); if (idx > -1) { presentableUrl = presentableUrl.substring(0, idx); } myBundledLabel.setText("From " + presentableUrl); } else { if (PluginManagerUISettings.getInstance().getInstalledPlugins().contains(idString)) { myBundledLabel.setText("From repository"); } else { myBundledLabel.setText("Custom"); } } } if (myPluginDescriptor instanceof IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl && ((IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl) myPluginDescriptor).isDeleted()) { myNameLabel.setIcon(AllIcons.Actions.Clean); } else if (hasNewerVersion(pluginId)) { myNameLabel.setIcon(AllIcons.Nodes.Pluginobsolete); myPanel.setToolTipText("Newer version of the plugin is available"); } else { myNameLabel.setIcon(AllIcons.Nodes.Plugin); } final Color fg = orig.getForeground(); final Color bg = orig.getBackground(); final Color grayedFg = isSelected ? fg : Color.GRAY; myPanel.setBackground(bg); myNameLabel.setBackground(bg); myBundledLabel.setBackground(bg); myNameLabel.setForeground(fg); final boolean wasUpdated = wasUpdated(pluginId); if (wasUpdated || PluginManager.getPlugin(pluginId) == null) { if (!isSelected) { myNameLabel.setForeground(FileStatus.COLOR_ADDED); } if (wasUpdated) { myPanel.setToolTipText( "Plugin was updated to the newest version. Changes will be available after restart"); } else { myPanel.setToolTipText("Plugin will be activated after restart."); } } myBundledLabel.setForeground(grayedFg); final Set<PluginId> required = myDependentToRequiredListMap.get(pluginId); if (required != null && required.size() > 0) { myNameLabel.setForeground(Color.RED); final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); if (myEnabled.get(pluginId) == null) { s.append("Plugin was not loaded.\n"); } if (required.contains(PluginId.getId("com.intellij.modules.ultimate"))) { s.append("The plugin requires IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate"); } else { s.append("Required plugin").append(required.size() == 1 ? " \"" : "s \""); s.append( StringUtil.join( required, new Function<PluginId, String>() { @Override public String fun(final PluginId id) { final IdeaPluginDescriptor plugin = PluginManager.getPlugin(id); return plugin == null ? id.getIdString() : plugin.getName(); } }, ",")); s.append(required.size() == 1 ? "\" is not enabled!" : "\" are not enabled!"); } myPanel.setToolTipText(s.toString()); } if (PluginManager.isIncompatible(myPluginDescriptor)) { myPanel.setToolTipText( IdeBundle.message( "plugin.manager.incompatible.tooltip.warning", ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName())); myNameLabel.setForeground(; } } return myPanel; }