/** * This is called by the nested wrapped line views to determine the break location. This can be * reimplemented to alter the breaking behavior. It will either break at word or character * boundaries depending upon the break argument given at construction. */ protected int calculateBreakPosition(int p0, Token tokenList, float x0) { // System.err.println("------ beginning calculateBreakPosition() --------"); int p = p0; RSyntaxTextArea textArea = (RSyntaxTextArea) getContainer(); float currentWidth = getWidth(); if (currentWidth == Integer.MAX_VALUE) currentWidth = getPreferredSpan(X_AXIS); // Make sure width>0; this is a huge hack to fix a bug where // loading text into an RTextArea before it is visible if word wrap // is enabled causes an infinite loop in calculateBreakPosition() // because of the 0-width! We cannot simply check in setSize() // because the width is set to 0 somewhere else too somehow... currentWidth = Math.max(currentWidth, MIN_WIDTH); Token t = tokenList; while (t != null && t.isPaintable()) { // FIXME: Replace the code below with the commented-out line below. This will // allow long tokens to be broken at embedded spaces (such as MLC's). But it // currently throws BadLocationExceptions sometimes... float tokenWidth = t.getWidth(textArea, this, x0); if (tokenWidth > currentWidth) { // If the current token alone is too long for this line, // break at a character boundary. if (p == p0) { return t.getOffsetBeforeX(textArea, this, 0, currentWidth); } // Return the first non-whitespace char (i.e., don't start // off the continuation of a wrapped line with whitespace). return t.isWhitespace() ? p + t.length() : p; // return getBreakLocation(t, fm, x0, currentWidth, this); } currentWidth -= tokenWidth; x0 += tokenWidth; p += t.length(); // System.err.println("*** *** *** token fit entirely (width==" + tokenWidth + "), adding " + // t.textCount + " to p, now p==" + p); t = t.getNextToken(); } // System.err.println("... ... whole line fits; returning p==" + p); // System.err.println("------ ending calculateBreakPosition() --------"); // return p; return p + 1; }
/** * Draws a single view (i.e., a line of text for a wrapped view), wrapping the text onto multiple * lines if necessary. Any selected text is rendered with the editor's "selected text" color. * * @param painter The painter to use to render tokens. * @param g The graphics context in which to paint. * @param r The rectangle in which to paint. * @param view The <code>View</code> to paint. * @param fontHeight The height of the font being used. * @param y The y-coordinate at which to begin painting. * @param selStart The start of the selection. * @param selEnd The end of the selection. */ protected void drawViewWithSelection( TokenPainter painter, Graphics2D g, Rectangle r, View view, int fontHeight, int y, int selStart, int selEnd) { float x = r.x; LayeredHighlighter h = (LayeredHighlighter) host.getHighlighter(); RSyntaxDocument document = (RSyntaxDocument) getDocument(); Element map = getElement(); int p0 = view.getStartOffset(); int lineNumber = map.getElementIndex(p0); int p1 = view.getEndOffset(); // - 1; setSegment(p0, p1 - 1, document, drawSeg); // System.err.println("drawSeg=='" + drawSeg + "' (p0/p1==" + p0 + "/" + p1 + ")"); int start = p0 - drawSeg.offset; Token token = document.getTokenListForLine(lineNumber); // If this line is an empty line, then the token list is simply a // null token. In this case, the line highlight will be skipped in // the loop below, so unfortunately we must manually do it here. if (token != null && token.getType() == Token.NULL) { h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p1, r, host, this); return; } // Loop through all tokens in this view and paint them! while (token != null && token.isPaintable()) { int p = calculateBreakPosition(p0, token, x); x = r.x; h.paintLayeredHighlights(g, p0, p, r, host, this); while (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getEndOffset() - 1 < p) { // <=p) { // Selection starts in this token if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) { if (selStart > token.getOffset()) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selStart); // Clone required since token and tempToken must be // different tokens for else statement below token = new TokenImpl(tempToken); } int selCount = Math.min(token.length(), selEnd - token.getOffset()); if (selCount == token.length()) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } else { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selCount; x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } } // Selection ends in this token else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selEnd); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely selected else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely unselected else { x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } token = token.getNextToken(); } // If there's a token that's going to be split onto the next line if (token != null && token.isPaintable() && token.getOffset() < p) { int tokenOffset = token.getOffset(); Token orig = token; token = new TokenImpl( drawSeg, tokenOffset - start, p - 1 - start, tokenOffset, token.getType()); // Selection starts in this token if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) { if (selStart > token.getOffset()) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paint(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selStart); // Clone required since token and tempToken must be // different tokens for else statement below token = new TokenImpl(tempToken); } int selCount = Math.min(token.length(), selEnd - token.getOffset()); if (selCount == token.length()) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } else { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selCount; x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } } // Selection ends in this token else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset(); x = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, x, y, host, this); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selEnd); token = tempToken; x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely selected else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) { x = painter.paintSelected(token, g, x, y, host, this); } // This token is entirely unselected else { x = painter.paint(token, g, x, y, host, this); } token = new TokenImpl(orig); ((TokenImpl) token).makeStartAt(p); } p0 = (p == p0) ? p1 : p; y += fontHeight; } // End of while (token!=null && token.isPaintable()). // NOTE: We should re-use code from Token (paintBackground()) here, // but don't because I'm just too lazy. if (host.getEOLMarkersVisible()) { g.setColor(host.getForegroundForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.setFont(host.getFontForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.drawString("\u00B6", x, y - fontHeight); } }
/** * Draws the passed-in text using syntax highlighting for the current language. Tokens are checked * for being in a selected region, and are rendered appropriately if they are. * * @param painter The painter to render the tokens. * @param token The list of tokens to draw. * @param g The graphics context in which to draw. * @param x The x-coordinate at which to draw. * @param y The y-coordinate at which to draw. * @param selStart The start of the selection. * @param selEnd The end of the selection. * @return The x-coordinate representing the end of the painted text. */ private float drawLineWithSelection( TokenPainter painter, Token token, Graphics2D g, float x, float y, int selStart, int selEnd) { float nextX = x; // The x-value at the end of our text. boolean useSTC = host.getUseSelectedTextColor(); while (token != null && token.isPaintable() && nextX < clipEnd) { // Selection starts in this token if (token.containsPosition(selStart)) { if (selStart > token.getOffset()) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selStart - tempToken.getOffset(); nextX = painter.paint(tempToken, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selStart); // Clone required since token and tempToken must be // different tokens for else statement below token = new TokenImpl(tempToken); } int tokenLen = token.length(); int selCount = Math.min(tokenLen, selEnd - token.getOffset()); if (selCount == tokenLen) { nextX = painter.paintSelected(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC); } else { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selCount; nextX = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(token.getOffset() + selCount); token = tempToken; nextX = painter.paint(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart); } } // Selection ends in this token else if (token.containsPosition(selEnd)) { tempToken.copyFrom(token); tempToken.textCount = selEnd - tempToken.getOffset(); nextX = painter.paintSelected(tempToken, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC); tempToken.textCount = token.length(); tempToken.makeStartAt(selEnd); token = tempToken; nextX = painter.paint(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart); } // This token is entirely selected else if (token.getOffset() >= selStart && token.getEndOffset() <= selEnd) { nextX = painter.paintSelected(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart, useSTC); } // This token is entirely unselected else { nextX = painter.paint(token, g, nextX, y, host, this, clipStart); } token = token.getNextToken(); } // NOTE: We should re-use code from Token (paintBackground()) here, // but don't because I'm just too lazy. if (host.getEOLMarkersVisible()) { g.setColor(host.getForegroundForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.setFont(host.getFontForTokenType(Token.WHITESPACE)); g.drawString("\u00B6", nextX, y); } // Return the x-coordinate at the end of the painted text. return nextX; }