private void initCalPanel() { int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); int maxDay = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int mark = 1; int firstDayOfWeek = new GregorianCalendar(year, month, 1).get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); panel.setLayout(null); panel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); String[] week = {"日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"}; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { addLabelOnPanel(i, week[i], false); } for (int i = 1; i < firstDayOfWeek; i++) { startPoint_x += 40; } for (int i = firstDayOfWeek - 1; i < 7; i++) { addLabelOnPanel(i, "" + mark++, true); } while (mark <= maxDay) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { addLabelOnPanel(i, "" + mark++, true); if (mark >= maxDay) break; } } }
public void showItem() { if (!this.editorPanel.getViewer().isLanguageFunctionAvailable()) { return; } this.highlight = this.editorPanel .getEditor() .addHighlight(this.position, this.position + this.word.length(), null, true); final FindSynonymsActionHandler _this = this; QTextEditor editor = this.editorPanel.getEditor(); Rectangle r = null; try { r = editor.modelToView(this.position); } catch (Exception e) { // BadLocationException! Environment.logError("Location: " + this.position + " is not valid", e); UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); return; } int y = r.y; // Show a panel of all the items. final QPopup p = this.popup; p.setOpaque(false); Synonyms syns = null; try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonymProvider().getSynonyms(this.word); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("ed"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 2)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("s"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (syns.words.size() > 0) { sb.append("6px"); for (int i = 0; i < syns.words.size(); i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("p, 3px, [p,90px], 5px"); } /* if (syns.words.size () > 0) { sb.append (",5px"); } */ } else { sb.append("6px, p, 6px"); } FormLayout summOnly = new FormLayout("3px, fill:380px:grow, 3px", sb.toString()); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(summOnly); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); int ind = 2; Map<String, String> names = new HashMap(); names.put(Synonyms.ADJECTIVE + "", "Adjectives"); names.put(Synonyms.NOUN + "", "Nouns"); names.put(Synonyms.VERB + "", "Verbs"); names.put(Synonyms.ADVERB + "", "Adverbs"); names.put(Synonyms.OTHER + "", "Other"); if (syns.words.size() == 0) { JLabel l = new JLabel("No synonyms found."); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, 2)); } // Determine what type of word we are looking for. for (Synonyms.Part i : syns.words) { JLabel l = new JLabel(names.get(i.type + "")); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont((float) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10))); l.setBorder( new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, Environment.getBorderColor()), new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 3, 0))); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit(); HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) kit.createDefaultDocument(); JTextPane t = new JTextPane(doc); t.setEditorKit(kit); t.setEditable(false); t.setOpaque(false); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( "<style>a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }</style><span style='color: #000000; font-size: " + ((int) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10) /*t.getFont ().getSize () + 2*/) + "pt; font-family: " + t.getFont().getFontName() + ";'>"); for (int x = 0; x < i.words.size(); x++) { String w = (String) i.words.get(x); buf.append("<a class='x' href='http://" + w + "'>" + w + "</a>"); if (x < (i.words.size() - 1)) { buf.append(", "); } } buf.append("</span>"); t.setText(buf.toString()); t.addHyperlinkListener( new HyperlinkAdapter() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent ev) { if (ev.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { QTextEditor ed = _this.editorPanel.getEditor(); ed.replaceText( _this.position, _this.position + _this.word.length(), ev.getURL().getHost()); ed.removeHighlight(_this.highlight); _this.popup.setVisible(false); _this.projectViewer.fireProjectEvent( ProjectEvent.SYNONYM, ProjectEvent.REPLACE, ev.getURL().getHost()); } } }); // Annoying that we have to do this but it prevents the text from being too small. t.setSize(new Dimension(380, Short.MAX_VALUE)); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(t); t.setCaretPosition(0); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); /* sp.setPreferredSize (t.getPreferredSize ()); sp.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (380, 75)); */ sp.getViewport().setOpaque(false); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.setBorder(null); sp.getViewport().setBackground(Color.WHITE); sp.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); pb.add(sp, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; } JPanel pan = pb.getPanel(); pan.setOpaque(true); pan.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.popup.setContent(pan); // r.y -= this.editorPanel.getScrollPane ().getVerticalScrollBar ().getValue (); Point po = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(editor, r.x, r.y, this.editorPanel); r.x = po.x; r.y = po.y; // Subtract the insets of the editorPanel. Insets ins = this.editorPanel.getInsets(); r.x -= ins.left; r.y -=; this.editorPanel.showPopupAt(this.popup, r, "above", true); }
// Set up the quiz window Quiz() { initializeData(); setTitle("FOSS Quiz App"); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(440, 400); setLocation(300, 100); setResizable(true); Container cont = getContentPane(); cont.setLayout(null); cont.setBackground(Color.WHITE); bg = new ButtonGroup(); choice1 = new JRadioButton("Choice1", true); choice2 = new JRadioButton("Choice2", false); choice3 = new JRadioButton("Choice3", false); choice4 = new JRadioButton("Choice4", false); bg.add(choice1); bg.add(choice2); bg.add(choice3); bg.add(choice4); lblmess = new JLabel("Choose a correct anwswer"); lblmess.setForeground(Color.BLACK); lblmess.setFont(new Font("Sans_Serif", Font.BOLD, 15)); btnext = new JButton("Next"); btnext.setForeground(Color.WHITE); btnext.setFont(new Font("Sans_Serif", Font.BOLD, 17)); btnext.setBackground(Color.DARK_GRAY); btnext.addActionListener(this); panel = new JPanel(); panel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); panel.setLocation(10, 60); panel.setSize(400, 300); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); title = new JPanel(); title.setBackground(Color.WHITE); title.setLocation(10, 10); title.setSize(1000, 50); title.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0)); title.add(lblmess); panel.add(choice1); panel.add(choice2); panel.add(choice3); panel.add(choice4); panel.add(btnext); cont.add(title); cont.add(panel); setVisible(true); quizAnswerID = 0; readQuestionAnswer(quizAnswerID); }
/** Description of the Method */ public void init() { // super.init(); size = new Dimension(570, 570); contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(borderLayout1); Dimension d = messagePanel.getSize(); d.height += 20; messagePanel.setPreferredSize(d); contentPane.add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); contentPane.setOpaque(true); userPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2); messagePanel.setLayout(borderLayout5); contentPane.setOpaque(true); contentPane.setBackground(Color.white); this.setSize(size); messagePanel.add(labelMessage, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Logg.logg("MhClient: Före XttTree-skapande", 6); this.mhTable = new MhTable(root, false, this.labelMessage); // Logg.logg("MhClient: mhTable-skapande klart", 6); this.contentPane.add(this.mhTable.splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); }
private void loadPreferences() { // grab the preferences so that they can be used to fill out the layout ThumbMakerPreferences myPreferences = ThumbMakerPreferences.getInstance(); // x resolution text box xres.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RES_WIDTH_PREF_NAME)); // y resolution text box yres.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RES_HEIGHT_PREF_NAME)); // aspect ratio checkbox aspect.setSelected( myPreferences .getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.DO_MAINTAIN_ASPECT_PREF_NAME) .equalsIgnoreCase(ThumbMakerPreferences.BOOLEAN_TRUE_STRING)); // load the color values from the preferences int redValueNumber = myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RED_VALUE_PREF_NAME); int greenValueNumber = myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.GREEN_VALUE_PREF_NAME); int blueValueNumber = myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.BLUE_VALUE_PREF_NAME); // set the background color image colorBox.setBackground(new Color(redValueNumber, greenValueNumber, blueValueNumber)); // red slider red.setValue(redValueNumber); redValue.setText("" + redValueNumber); // green slider green.setValue(greenValueNumber); greenValue.setText("" + greenValueNumber); // blue slider blue.setValue(blueValueNumber); blueValue.setText("" + blueValueNumber); // algorithm combo box algorithm.setSelectedIndex( myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RESIZE_ALG_PREF_NAME)); // format combo box format.setSelectedIndex( myPreferences.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.THUMB_FORMAT_PREF_NAME)); // prepend field prepend.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.STRING_TO_PREPEND_PREF_NAME)); // append field append.setText(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.STRING_TO_APPEND_PREF_NAME)); // output folder field output.setText( (new File(myPreferences.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.FILE_PATH_STRING_PREF_NAME))) .getAbsolutePath()); }
/** Called when color slider values change. */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { JSlider slider = (JSlider) e.getSource(); int val = slider.getValue(); String s = "" + val; if (val < 100) s = "0" + s; if (val < 10) s = "0" + s; if (slider == red) redValue.setText(s); else if (slider == green) greenValue.setText(s); else if (slider == blue) blueValue.setText(s); Color c = new Color(red.getValue(), green.getValue(), blue.getValue()); colorBox.setBackground(c); }
public ColorPanel(Component invoker) { super(); setTarget(invoker); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel topLabel = new JPanel(); topLabel.setOpaque(true); topLabel.setBackground(Color.darkGray); // topLabel.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(getWidth() - 10, 15) ); add(topLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); createColorArray(); createColorPanel(); }
/** * @param filenames * @exception Exception if internal error */ public ChestImageViewer(String filenames[]) throws Exception { DisplayDeviceArea[] displayDeviceAreas = getPresentationAndImageDeviceAreas(); if (displayDeviceAreas == null) { System.err.println("Cannot determine device display areas"); } else { System.err.println("Found " + displayDeviceAreas.length + " device display areas"); for (int i = 0; i < displayDeviceAreas.length; ++i) { System.err.println("[" + i + "] = " + displayDeviceAreas[i]); displayDeviceAreas[i].getFrame().setBackground(; displayDeviceAreas[i].getFrame().setVisible(true); } { // Need to actually add something to the unused left display frame, else background will not // be set to black on Windows JPanel backgroundPanel = new JPanel(); backgroundPanel.setBackground(; displayDeviceAreas[0].getFrame().getContentPane().add(backgroundPanel); displayDeviceAreas[0].getFrame().validate(); } frame = displayDeviceAreas[1].getFrame(); Container content = frame.getContentPane(); content.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1)); multiPanel = new JPanel(); // multiPanel.setBackground(; frameWidth = (int) frame.getWidth(); frameHeight = (int) frame.getHeight(); Dimension d = new Dimension(frameWidth, frameHeight); // multiPanel.setSize(d); multiPanel.setPreferredSize(d); multiPanel.setBackground(; content.add(multiPanel); // frame.pack(); content.validate(); loadMultiPanelFromSpecifiedFiles(filenames); } }
public void addForDisplay(CTalkativeTextPane pane, LabelPair<String, String> lp) { GridBagLayout gridbag = (GridBagLayout) getLayout(); labelPair = lp; label = new JLabel(labelPair.getSingular(), JLabel.LEFT); pane.getDocument().addDocumentListener(this); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0; c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridheight = 1; c.weightx = 0.1; c.weighty = 0.1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START; c.insets = new Insets(0, 20, 0, 00); gridbag.setConstraints(pane, c); add(pane); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 0; c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridheight = 1; c.weightx = 0.1; c.weighty = 0.1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START; c.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 20); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); JPanel filler = new JPanel(); filler.setBackground(white); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 2; c.gridy = 0; c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridheight = 1; c.weightx = 0.8; c.weighty = 0.8; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END; gridbag.setConstraints(filler, c); add(filler); filler = null; c = null; }
private void createYearAndMonthPanal() { Calendar c = getNowCalendar(); int currentYear = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); int currentMonth = c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int currentHour = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); yearSpin = new JSpinner(new javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel(currentYear, startYear, lastYear, 1)); monthSpin = new JSpinner(new javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel(currentMonth, 1, 12, 1)); hourSpin = new JSpinner(new javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel(currentHour, 0, 23, 1)); yearPanel.setLayout(new java.awt.FlowLayout()); yearPanel.setBackground(controlLineColor); yearSpin.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(48, 20)); yearSpin.setName("Year"); yearSpin.setEditor(new JSpinner.NumberEditor(yearSpin, "####")); yearSpin.addChangeListener(this); yearPanel.add(yearSpin); JLabel yearLabel = new JLabel("年"); yearLabel.setForeground(controlTextColor); yearPanel.add(yearLabel); monthSpin.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(35, 20)); monthSpin.setName("Month"); monthSpin.addChangeListener(this); yearPanel.add(monthSpin); JLabel monthLabel = new JLabel("月"); monthLabel.setForeground(controlTextColor); yearPanel.add(monthLabel); hourSpin.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(35, 20)); hourSpin.setName("Hour"); hourSpin.addChangeListener(this); yearPanel.add(hourSpin); JLabel hourLabel = new JLabel("日"); hourLabel.setForeground(controlTextColor); yearPanel.add(hourLabel); }
/** Applet initialization */ public void init() { // Get the port to be used String port_str = getParameter("port"); if (port_str != null) { port = Integer.parseInt(port_str); } // Try to use the system look and feel try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { } // Create main panel to hold notebook main_panel = new JPanel(); main_panel.setBackground(Color.white); main_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setContentPane(main_panel); // Create the notebook tabbed_pane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); main_panel.add(tabbed_pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Add notebook page for default host connection pages = new Vector(); addPage(new SOAPMonitorPage(getCodeBase().getHost())); }
private void createGUI() { setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Container window = getContentPane(); window.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); lSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, 1, 6, 1); window.add(lSlider); lSlider.addChangeListener(this); panel = new JPanel(); panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 175)); panel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); window.add(panel); rSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, 1, 6, 1); window.add(rSlider); rSlider.addChangeListener(this); deepLabel = new JLabel("Deep end: "); window.add(deepLabel); deepField = new JTextField(4); window.add(deepField); shallLabel = new JLabel("Shall end: "); window.add(shallLabel); shallField = new JTextField(4); window.add(shallField); areaLabel = new JLabel("Area of the swimming pool: "); window.add(areaLabel); areaField = new JTextField(4); window.add(areaField); }
private void flushWeekAndDayPanal(Calendar c) { // c.set c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); c.setFirstDayOfWeek(0); int firstdayofWeek = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); int lastdayofWeek = c.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String colname[] = {"日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"}; int today = getNowCalendar().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // 璁剧疆鍥哄畾瀛椾綋锛屼互鍏嶈皟鐢ㄧ幆澧冩敼鍙樺奖鍝嶇晫闈㈢編瑙� dayPanel.setFont(new java.awt.Font("寰蒋闆呴粦", java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 12)); dayPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); dayPanel.setBackground(palletTableColor); JLabel cell; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { cell = new JLabel(colname[i]); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); cell.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(25, 25)); if (i == 0 || i == 6) { cell.setForeground(weekendFontColor); } else { cell.setForeground(weekFontColor); } dayPanel.add( cell, new GridBagConstraints( i, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); } int actionCommandId = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { JButton numberButton = daysButton[i][j]; actionCommandId = Integer.parseInt(numberButton.getActionCommand()); if (actionCommandId == today) { numberButton.setBackground(todayBtnColor); } if ((actionCommandId + firstdayofWeek - 2) % 7 == 6 || (actionCommandId + firstdayofWeek - 2) % 7 == 0) { numberButton.setForeground(weekendFontColor); } else { numberButton.setForeground(dateFontColor); } if (actionCommandId <= lastdayofWeek) { int y = 0; if ((firstdayofWeek - 1) <= (j + firstdayofWeek - 1) % 7) { y = i + 1; } else { y = i + 2; } dayPanel.add( numberButton, new GridBagConstraints( (j + firstdayofWeek - 1) % 7, y, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)); } } } }
InputFrame() { JPanel pane = new JPanel(); pane.setLayout(null); pane.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); add(pane); // JTextField文字欄位元件 lblName = new JLabel("姓名:"); lblName.setBounds(10, 10, 40, 20); pane.add(lblName); text0.setBounds(50, 10, 80, 20); text0.addActionListener(textfield); pane.add(text0); // JSpinner數位序列元件 lblAge = new JLabel("年齡:"); lblAge.setBounds(170, 10, 40, 20); pane.add(lblAge); JSpinner spin = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(20, 1, 100, 1)); spin.setBounds(210, 10, 80, 20); spin.addChangeListener(spinner); pane.add(spin); // JRadioButton選項圓鈕元件 lblSex = new JLabel("性別:"); lblSex.setBounds(10, 40, 40, 20); pane.add(lblSex); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); JRadioButton rb1 = new JRadioButton("帥哥", false); rb1.setBounds(50, 40, 60, 20); JRadioButton rb2 = new JRadioButton("美女", false); rb2.setBounds(110, 40, 60, 20); rb1.setOpaque(false); rb2.setOpaque(false); // 秀出底色 rb1.addActionListener(radio); rb2.addActionListener(radio); group.add(rb1); group.add(rb2); pane.add(rb1); pane.add(rb2); // JCheckBox核對方塊元件 lblInter = new JLabel("興趣:"); lblInter.setBounds(10, 70, 50, 20); pane.add(lblInter); for (int i = 0; i < check.length; i++) { check[i] = new JCheckBox(checkItem[i]); check[i].setBounds(50 + 60 * i, 70, 60, 20); check[i].setOpaque(false); check[i].addActionListener(checkbox); pane.add(check[i]); } // JComboBox下拉式清單元件 lblAcad = new JLabel("學歷:"); lblAcad.setBounds(10, 100, 50, 20); pane.add(lblAcad); String[] items_c = {"博士", "碩士", "大學", "高中", "國中", "國小"}; JComboBox c_box = new JComboBox(items_c); c_box.setBounds(50, 100, 100, 20); c_box.addItemListener(cbo); pane.add(c_box); // JList清單元件 lblPlace = new JLabel("居住地區:"); lblPlace.setBounds(170, 100, 70, 20); pane.add(lblPlace); String[] items_p = { "台北", "桃園", "新竹", "苗栗", "台中", "彰化", "雲林", "嘉義", "台南", "高雄", "屏東", "花蓮", "台東", "澎湖" }; JList list = new JList(items_p); list.setVisibleRowCount(4); list.addListSelectionListener(list_p); JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(list); scroll.setBounds(240, 100, 80, 80); pane.add(scroll); // JTextArea文字區域元件 texta.setBounds(10, 190, 330, 40); texta.setEditable(false); pane.add(texta); setTitle("輸入元件綜合應用"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setBounds(50, 50, 360, 280); setVisible(true); }
protected void buildErrorPanel() { errorPanel = new JPanel(); GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(errorPanel); layout.setAutoCreateGaps(true); layout.setAutoCreateContainerGaps(true); errorPanel.setLayout(layout); // errorPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(2, 0, 0, 0, Color.BLACK)); errorMessage = new JTextPane(); errorMessage.setEditable(false); errorMessage.setContentType("text/html"); errorMessage.setText( "<html><body>Could not connect to the Processing server.<br>" + "Contributions cannot be installed or updated without an Internet connection.<br>" + "Please verify your network connection again, then try connecting again.</body></html>"); errorMessage.setFont(Toolkit.getSansFont(14, Font.PLAIN)); errorMessage.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(550, 50)); errorMessage.setOpaque(false); StyledDocument doc = errorMessage.getStyledDocument(); SimpleAttributeSet center = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setAlignment(center, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.setParagraphAttributes(0, doc.getLength(), center, false); closeButton = new JButton("X"); closeButton.setContentAreaFilled(false); closeButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { contribDialog.makeAndShowTab(false, false); } }); tryAgainButton = new JButton("Try Again"); tryAgainButton.setFont(Toolkit.getSansFont(14, Font.PLAIN)); tryAgainButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { contribDialog.makeAndShowTab(false, true); contribDialog.downloadAndUpdateContributionListing(editor.getBase()); } }); layout.setHorizontalGroup( layout .createSequentialGroup() .addPreferredGap( LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addGroup( layout .createParallelGroup(GroupLayout.Alignment.CENTER) .addComponent(errorMessage) .addComponent( tryAgainButton, StatusPanel.BUTTON_WIDTH, StatusPanel.BUTTON_WIDTH, StatusPanel.BUTTON_WIDTH)) .addPreferredGap( LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(closeButton)); layout.setVerticalGroup( layout .createSequentialGroup() .addGroup( layout.createParallelGroup().addComponent(errorMessage).addComponent(closeButton)) .addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED) .addComponent(tryAgainButton)); errorPanel.setBackground(Color.PINK); errorPanel.validate(); }
public void init() { areaventana = new JPanel(); areabotones = new JPanel(); imagen = new JLabel(""); presentacion = new JButton(imgPlay); siguiente = new JButton(imgSiguiente); atras = new JButton(imgAnterior); ptiempo = new JSlider(); carpeta = new JButton(imgNuevaCarpeta); grid = new JButton(imgGrid); bcomentario = new JButton(imgComentario); zoom = new JButton(imgZoom); /* Agregando los componentes */ areaventana.add(imagen); // areaventana.add(desplazamiento); areabotones.add(grid); areabotones.add(atras); areabotones.add(presentacion); areabotones.add(siguiente); areabotones.add(ptiempo); areabotones.add(carpeta); areabotones.add(bcomentario); areabotones.add(zoom); areabotones.setBackground(colorGris); areaventana.setBackground(colorGris); // desplazamiento.setVisible(false); // areaventana.add(desplazamiento); /* GUI GUI GUI GUI */ presentacion.setBackground(colorGris); atras.setBackground(colorGris); siguiente.setBackground(colorGris); carpeta.setBackground(colorGris); grid.setBackground(colorGris); ptiempo.setBackground(colorGris); bcomentario.setBackground(colorGris); zoom.setBackground(colorGris); presentacion.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 80)); atras.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 80)); siguiente.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 80)); carpeta.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 80)); grid.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 80)); bcomentario.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 80)); zoom.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 80)); grid.setFocusPainted(false); atras.setFocusPainted(false); siguiente.setFocusPainted(false); carpeta.setFocusPainted(false); presentacion.setFocusPainted(false); bcomentario.setFocusPainted(false); zoom.setFocusPainted(false); grid.setBorder(null); atras.setBorder(null); siguiente.setBorder(null); carpeta.setBorder(null); presentacion.setBorder(null); areabotones.setBorder(null); areaventana.setBorder(null); bcomentario.setBorder(null); zoom.setBorder(null); /* GUI GUI GUI GUI */ /* Action Listeners */ siguiente.addActionListener(this); atras.addActionListener(this); presentacion.addActionListener(this); carpeta.addActionListener(this); grid.addActionListener(this); bcomentario.addActionListener(this); zoom.addActionListener(this); this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(areaventana, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(areabotones, BorderLayout.SOUTH); ptiempo.setVisible(false); siguiente.setEnabled(false); atras.setEnabled(false); presentacion.setEnabled(false); grid.setEnabled(false); bcomentario.setEnabled(false); zoom.setEnabled(false); /* Abre el selector desde que inicia el programa */ chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setDialogTitle("Selecciona una imagen..."); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); // Abrir archivo es de acá... returnChooser = chooser.showOpenDialog(ArcViewer.this); if (returnChooser == 0) { imagenes = lista.Miranda(chooser, returnChooser); siguiente.setEnabled(true); atras.setEnabled(true); presentacion.setEnabled(true); grid.setEnabled(true); bcomentario.setEnabled(true); zoom.setEnabled(true); for (int asd1 = 0; asd1 < imagenes.size(); asd1++) { imagenesbean.add(new ImagenBean(imagenes.get(asd1), 0, 0)); } String getImgSelected = chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); for (int index = 0; index < imagenesbean.size(); index++) { if (getImgSelected.equals(imagenesbean.get(index).getIcon())) { imagen.setIcon(new ImageIcon(imagenesbean.get(index).getIcon())); indexaux = index; } } } else { System.out.println("No Selection"); carpeta.setEnabled(true); } // for (int asd1=0; asd1 < imagenes.size(); asd1++) { // imagenesbean.add(new ImagenBean(imagenes.get(asd1),0,0)); // } // String getImgSelected = chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); // for (int index=0; index < imagenesbean.size(); index++) { // if (getImgSelected.equals( imagenesbean.get(index).getIcon() )) { // imagen.setIcon(new ImageIcon(imagenesbean.get(index).getIcon())); // indexaux = index; // } // } }
/** * The consturctor Constructor instantiates all the panels, convertible value instance, and the * frame. And adds the panels to the frame. And sets a proper size for the frame. */ public HappyHackingConverter() { CFrame frame = new CFrame(); frame.setBackground(white); ConvertibleValue temperatures = new ConvertibleValue(); ConvertibleValue distances = new ConvertibleValue(); ConvertibleValue weights = new ConvertibleValue(); GridBagLayout leftSideLayout = new GridBagLayout(); JPanel leftSide = new JPanel(leftSideLayout); leftSide.setBackground(white); GridBagLayout rightSideLayout = new GridBagLayout(); JPanel rightSide = new JPanel(rightSideLayout); rightSide.setBackground(white); GridBagConstraints metricTemperatureConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); metricTemperatureConstraints.gridx = 0; metricTemperatureConstraints.gridy = 0; metricTemperatureConstraints.weighty = 0.1; metricTemperatureConstraints.weightx = 1; metricTemperatureConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; metricTemperatureConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; JPanel metricTemperaturePanel = new TemperaturePanel(frame, temperatures, TemperatureScales.CENTIGRADE); leftSideLayout.setConstraints(metricTemperaturePanel, metricTemperatureConstraints); leftSide.add(metricTemperaturePanel); GridBagConstraints metricDistancesPanelConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); metricDistancesPanelConstraints.gridx = 0; metricDistancesPanelConstraints.gridy = 1; metricDistancesPanelConstraints.weighty = 0.3; metricDistancesPanelConstraints.weightx = 1; metricDistancesPanelConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; metricDistancesPanelConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; JPanel metricDistancesPanel = new MetricDistancesPanel(frame, distances); leftSideLayout.setConstraints(metricDistancesPanel, metricDistancesPanelConstraints); leftSide.add(metricDistancesPanel); GridBagConstraints fahrenheitConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); fahrenheitConstraints.gridx = 0; fahrenheitConstraints.gridy = 0; fahrenheitConstraints.weighty = 0.1; fahrenheitConstraints.weightx = 1; fahrenheitConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; fahrenheitConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; JPanel fahrenheitTemperaturePanel = new TemperaturePanel(frame, temperatures, TemperatureScales.FAHRENHEIT); rightSideLayout.setConstraints(fahrenheitTemperaturePanel, fahrenheitConstraints); rightSide.add(fahrenheitTemperaturePanel); GridBagConstraints imperialDistancesPanelConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); imperialDistancesPanelConstraints.gridx = 0; imperialDistancesPanelConstraints.gridy = 1; imperialDistancesPanelConstraints.weighty = 0.3; imperialDistancesPanelConstraints.weightx = 1; imperialDistancesPanelConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; imperialDistancesPanelConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; JPanel imperialDistancesPanel = new ImperialDistancesPanel(frame, distances); rightSideLayout.setConstraints(imperialDistancesPanel, imperialDistancesPanelConstraints); rightSide.add(imperialDistancesPanel); GridBagConstraints metricWeightsConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); metricWeightsConstraints.gridx = 0; metricWeightsConstraints.gridy = 2; metricWeightsConstraints.weighty = 0.6; metricWeightsConstraints.weightx = 1; metricWeightsConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; metricWeightsConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; MetricWeightsPanel metricWeightsPanel = new MetricWeightsPanel(frame, weights); leftSideLayout.setConstraints(metricWeightsPanel, metricWeightsConstraints); leftSide.add(metricWeightsPanel); GridBagConstraints imperialWeightsConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); imperialWeightsConstraints.gridx = 0; imperialWeightsConstraints.gridy = 2; imperialWeightsConstraints.weighty = 0.6; imperialWeightsConstraints.weightx = 1; imperialWeightsConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; imperialWeightsConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START; ImperialWeightsPanel imperialWeightsPanel = new ImperialWeightsPanel(frame, weights); rightSideLayout.setConstraints(imperialWeightsPanel, imperialWeightsConstraints); rightSide.add(imperialWeightsPanel); CSplit split = new CSplit(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, true, leftSide, rightSide); Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane(); contentPane.add(split); frame.validate(); frame.pack(); frame.setSize(600, 997); split.setResizeWeight(0.5); split.setDividerLocation(0.5); } // end of HappyHackingConverter constructor
/** * @param filenames * @exception Exception if internal error */ public void loadMultiPanelFromSpecifiedFiles(String filenames[]) throws Exception { int nFiles = filenames.length; SingleImagePanel imagePanels[] = new SingleImagePanel[nFiles]; String orientations[][] = new String[nFiles][]; String views[] = new String[nFiles]; String lateralityViewAndModifiers[] = new String[nFiles]; String lateralities[] = new String[nFiles]; int widths[] = new int[nFiles]; int heights[] = new int[nFiles]; PixelSpacing spacing[] = new PixelSpacing[nFiles]; String rowOrientations[] = new String[nFiles]; String columnOrientations[] = new String[nFiles]; HashMap eventContexts = new HashMap(); double maximumHorizontalExtentInMm = 0; double maximumVerticalExtentInMm = 0; StructuredReport sr[] = new StructuredReport[nFiles]; int nImages = 0; int nCAD = 0; ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); for (int f = 0; f < nFiles; ++f) { try { String filename = filenames[f]; DicomInputStream distream = null; InputStream in = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(filename); if (in != null) { distream = new DicomInputStream(in); } else { distream = new DicomInputStream(new File(filename)); } AttributeList list = new AttributeList();; if (list.isImage()) { int i = nImages++; System.err.println("IMAGE [" + i + "] is file " + f + " (" + filenames[f] + ")"); orientations[i] = getPatientOrientation(list); // System.err.println("IMAGE ["+i+"] orientation="+(orientations[i] == null && // orientations[i].length == 2 ? "" : (orientations[i][0] + " " + orientations[i][1]))); views[i] = getView(list); // System.err.println("IMAGE ["+i+"] view="+views[i]); lateralityViewAndModifiers[i] = getImageLateralityViewModifierAndViewModifier(list); // System.err.println("IMAGE ["+i+"] // lateralityViewAndModifiers="+lateralityViewAndModifiers[i]); // System.err.println("File "+filenames[f]+": "+lateralityViewAndModifiers[i]); lateralities[i] = getLaterality(list); // System.err.println("IMAGE ["+i+"] laterality="+lateralities[i]); spacing[i] = new PixelSpacing(list); // System.err.println("IMAGE ["+i+"] spacing="+spacing[i]); SourceImage sImg = new SourceImage(list); BufferedImage img = sImg.getBufferedImage(); widths[i] = sImg.getWidth(); heights[i] = sImg.getHeight(); boolean shareVOIEventsInStudy = false; // does not seem to work anyway, since adding VOITransform to panel constructor // :( EventContext eventContext = new EventContext(Integer.toString(i)); SingleImagePanel imagePanel = makeNewImagePanel(sImg, eventContext); imagePanel.setDemographicAndTechniqueAnnotations( new DemographicAndTechniqueAnnotations(list), "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10,; imagePanel.setOrientationAnnotations( new OrientationAnnotations(rowOrientations[i], columnOrientations[i]), "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 20,; imagePanel.setPixelSpacingInSourceImage( spacing[i].getSpacing(), spacing[i].getDescription()); if (Attribute.getSingleStringValueOrEmptyString(list, TagFromName.VOILUTFunction) .equals("SIGMOID")) { imagePanel.setVOIFunctionToLogistic(); } imagePanels[i] = imagePanel; } else { throw new DicomException("Unsupported SOP Class in file " + filenames[f]); } } catch (Exception e) { // FileNotFoundException,IOException,DicomException e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } // int imagesPerRow = nImages; // i.e., 1 -> 1, 2 -> 1, 4 -> 4, 5 -> 4, 8 -> 4 // int imagesPerCol = 1; int imagesPerRow = nImages >= 8 ? 8 : nImages; // i.e., 1 -> 1, 2 -> 1, 4 -> 4, 5 -> 4, 8 -> 4 int imagesPerCol = (nImages - 1) / imagesPerRow + 1; // i.e., 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2, 4 -> 1, 5 -> 2, 8 -> 2 int singleWidth = frameWidth / imagesPerRow; int singleHeight = frameHeight / imagesPerCol; if (nImages == 1 && singleWidth > singleHeight) { singleWidth = singleWidth / 2; // use only half the screen for a single view and a landscape monitor } for (int i = 0; i < nImages; ++i) { DisplayedAreaSelection displayedAreaSelection = null; displayedAreaSelection = new DisplayedAreaSelection( widths[i], heights[i], 0, 0, widths[i], heights[i], true, // in case spacing was not supplied 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false /*crop*/); imagePanels[i].setDisplayedAreaSelection(displayedAreaSelection); imagePanels[i].setPreTransformImageRelativeCoordinates(null); } SingleImagePanel.deconstructAllSingleImagePanelsInContainer(multiPanel); multiPanel.removeAll(); multiPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(imagesPerCol, imagesPerRow)); multiPanel.setBackground(; for (int x = 0; x < imagesPerCol; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < imagesPerRow; ++y) { int i = x * imagesPerRow + y; if (i < nImages) { imagePanels[i].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(singleWidth, singleHeight)); multiPanel.add(imagePanels[i]); } } } frame.getContentPane().validate(); frame.getContentPane().repaint(); }
public ThumbMaker() { super("ThumbMaker"); // grab the preferences so that they can be used to fill out the layout ThumbMakerPreferences myPrefs = ThumbMakerPreferences.getInstance(); // content pane JPanel pane = new JPanel(); pane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); setContentPane(pane); // top panel JPanel top = new JPanel(); top.setLayout(new BoxLayout(top, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); pane.add(top); // left-hand panel JPanel left = new JPanel(); left.setLayout(new BoxLayout(left, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); top.add(left); // horizontal padding top.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // label for file list JLabel listLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Files to process:"); listLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('f'); String listTip = "List of files from which to create thumbnails"; listLabel.setToolTipText(listTip); left.add(GUIUtil.pad(listLabel)); // list of files to convert list = new JList(); listLabel.setLabelFor(list); list.setToolTipText(listTip); list.setModel(new DefaultListModel()); list.setDragEnabled(true); changeFilesInList = new ThumbTransferHandler(); list.setTransferHandler(changeFilesInList); left.add(new JScrollPane(list)); // progress bar progress = new JProgressBar(0, 1); progress.setString("[Drag and drop files onto list to begin]"); progress.setStringPainted(true); progress.setToolTipText("Status of thumbnail processing operation"); left.add(progress); // panel for process and remove buttons JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // add files button addFiles = new JButton("Add Files"); addFiles.setMnemonic('d'); addFiles.setToolTipText("Add files to be processed."); addFiles.addActionListener(this); p.add(addFiles); p.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // process button process = new JButton("Process"); process.setMnemonic('p'); process.setToolTipText("Begin creating thumbnails"); process.addActionListener(this); p.add(process); p.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // remove button remove = new JButton("Remove"); remove.setMnemonic('v'); remove.setToolTipText("Remove selected files from the list"); remove.addActionListener(this); p.add(remove); left.add(GUIUtil.pad(p)); // right-hand panel JPanel right = new JPanel(); right.setLayout(new BoxLayout(right, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); top.add(right); // panel for resolution settings p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // resolution label JLabel resLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Resolution: "); resLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('s'); resLabel.setToolTipText("Resolution of the thumbnails"); p.add(resLabel); // x resolution text box xres = GUIUtil.makeTextField(myPrefs.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RES_WIDTH_PREF_NAME), 2); resLabel.setLabelFor(xres); xres.setToolTipText("Thumbnail width"); p.add(xres); // "by" label JLabel byLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel(" by "); byLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('y'); p.add(byLabel); // y resolution text box yres = GUIUtil.makeTextField(myPrefs.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RES_HEIGHT_PREF_NAME), 2); byLabel.setLabelFor(yres); yres.setToolTipText("Thumbnail height"); p.add(yres); right.add(GUIUtil.pad(p)); right.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(8)); // aspect ratio checkbox aspect = new JCheckBox("Maintain aspect ratio", true); aspect.setMnemonic('m'); aspect.setToolTipText( "When checked, thumbnails are not stretched, " + "but rather padded with the background color."); aspect.addActionListener(this); right.add(GUIUtil.pad(aspect)); // make sure that the check box is initialized correctly aspect.setSelected( myPrefs .getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.DO_MAINTAIN_ASPECT_PREF_NAME) .equalsIgnoreCase(ThumbMakerPreferences.BOOLEAN_TRUE_STRING)); // panel for background color p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // load the color values from the preferences int redValueNumber = myPrefs.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RED_VALUE_PREF_NAME); int greenValueNumber = myPrefs.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.GREEN_VALUE_PREF_NAME); int blueValueNumber = myPrefs.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.BLUE_VALUE_PREF_NAME); // background color label colorLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Background color: "); String colorTip = "Thumbnail background color"; colorLabel.setToolTipText(colorTip); p.add(colorLabel); // background color colorBox = new JPanel(); colorBox.setToolTipText(colorTip); colorBox.setBorder(new LineBorder(, 1)); Dimension colorBoxSize = new Dimension(45, 15); colorBox.setMaximumSize(colorBoxSize); colorBox.setMinimumSize(colorBoxSize); colorBox.setPreferredSize(colorBoxSize); colorBox.setBackground(new Color(redValueNumber, greenValueNumber, blueValueNumber)); p.add(colorBox); right.add(GUIUtil.pad(p)); right.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(2)); // red slider redLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("R"); red = new JSlider(0, 255, redValueNumber); redValue = GUIUtil.makeLabel("" + redValueNumber); redValue.setToolTipText("Red color component slider"); right.add(makeSlider(redLabel, red, redValue, "Red")); // green slider greenLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("G"); green = new JSlider(0, 255, greenValueNumber); greenValue = GUIUtil.makeLabel("" + greenValueNumber); greenValue.setToolTipText("Green color component slider"); right.add(makeSlider(greenLabel, green, greenValue, "Green")); // blue slider blueLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("B"); blue = new JSlider(0, 255, blueValueNumber); blueValue = GUIUtil.makeLabel("" + blueValueNumber); right.add(makeSlider(blueLabel, blue, blueValue, "Blue")); right.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(8)); // panel for algorithm p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // algorithm label JLabel algorithmLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Algorithm: "); algorithmLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('l'); String algorithmTip = "Resizing algorithm to use"; algorithmLabel.setToolTipText(algorithmTip); p.add(algorithmLabel); // algorithm combo box algorithm = GUIUtil.makeComboBox( new String[] {"Smooth", "Standard", "Fast", "Replicate", "Area averaging"}); algorithmLabel.setLabelFor(algorithm); algorithm.setToolTipText(algorithmTip); p.add(algorithm); // set the algorithm value from the preferences algorithm.setSelectedIndex(myPrefs.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.RESIZE_ALG_PREF_NAME)); right.add(GUIUtil.pad(p)); // panel for output format p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // format label JLabel formatLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Format: "); formatLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('f'); String formatTip = "Thumbnail output format"; formatLabel.setToolTipText(formatTip); p.add(formatLabel); // format combo box format = GUIUtil.makeComboBox(new String[] {"PNG", "JPG"}); formatLabel.setLabelFor(format); format.setToolTipText(formatTip); p.add(format); // set the format value from the preferences format.setSelectedIndex(myPrefs.getIntegerPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.THUMB_FORMAT_PREF_NAME)); right.add(GUIUtil.pad(p)); right.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(5)); // panel for prepend string p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // prepend label JLabel prependLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Prepend: "); prependLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('e'); String prependTip = "Starting string for each thumbnail filename"; prependLabel.setToolTipText(prependTip); p.add(prependLabel); // prepend field prepend = GUIUtil.makeTextField( myPrefs.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.STRING_TO_PREPEND_PREF_NAME), 4); prependLabel.setLabelFor(prepend); prepend.setToolTipText(prependTip); p.add(prepend); p.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // append label JLabel appendLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Append: "); appendLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('a'); String appendTip = "Ending string for each thumbnail filename"; appendLabel.setToolTipText(appendTip); p.add(appendLabel); // append field append = GUIUtil.makeTextField( myPrefs.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.STRING_TO_APPEND_PREF_NAME), 4); appendLabel.setLabelFor(append); append.setToolTipText(appendTip); p.add(append); right.add(GUIUtil.pad(p)); // vertical padding right.add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); // bottom panel JPanel bottom = new JPanel(); bottom.setLayout(new BoxLayout(bottom, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); pane.add(bottom); // output folder label JLabel outputLabel = GUIUtil.makeLabel("Output folder: "); outputLabel.setDisplayedMnemonic('o'); String outputTip = "Thumbnail output folder"; outputLabel.setToolTipText(outputTip); bottom.add(outputLabel); // output folder field String filePath = new File(myPrefs.getStringPref(ThumbMakerPreferences.FILE_PATH_STRING_PREF_NAME)) .getAbsolutePath(); output = GUIUtil.makeTextField(filePath, 8); outputLabel.setLabelFor(output); output.setToolTipText(outputTip); // start this in default and then lock down so "..." is used output.setEditable(false); output.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); bottom.add(output); // add a file chooser button "..." dotDotDot = new JButton("..."); dotDotDot.setMnemonic('.'); dotDotDot.setToolTipText("Select destination directory."); dotDotDot.addActionListener(this); bottom.add(dotDotDot); right.add(GUIUtil.pad(p)); setFromPreferences(); addWindowListener(this); }
public void createGUI() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); toolBar = new JToolBar("options", JToolBar.HORIZONTAL); toolBar.setFloatable(false); toolBar.setOpaque(true); toolBar.setBackground(new Color(154, 12, 12)); toolBar.setFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 15)); selectAllCB = new JCheckBox("Select All"); selectAllCB.setVisible(false); selectAllCB.setForeground(Color.white); selectAllCB.addActionListener(this); refreshBut = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/images/reloadIcon.png"))); refreshBut.setVisible(false); refreshBut.setToolTipText("Refresh"); refreshBut.setForeground(new Color(20, 88, 49)); refreshBut.addActionListener(this); backBut = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/images/backIcon.png"))); backBut.setVisible(false); backBut.setToolTipText("Back"); backBut.setForeground(new Color(20, 88, 49)); backBut.addActionListener(this); deleteBut = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/images/trashIcon.png"))); deleteBut.setToolTipText("Delete"); deleteBut.setForeground(; deleteBut.setVisible(false); deleteBut.addActionListener(this); deleteBut.setBackground(; restoreBut = new JButton(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/images/restoreIcon.png"))); restoreBut.setToolTipText("Restore"); restoreBut.setForeground(; restoreBut.setVisible(false); restoreBut.addActionListener(this); toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(10, 5)); toolBar.add(selectAllCB); toolBar.add(backBut); toolBar.add(refreshBut); toolBar.add(deleteBut); toolBar.add(restoreBut); add(toolBar, "North"); JPanel centPan = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); centPan.setBackground(new Color(52, 86, 70)); JLabel label = new JLabel("Select A Category From Left Pane"); label.setFont(new Font("arial", Font.BOLD, 35)); label.setForeground(Color.yellow); centPan.add(label); contentPan = new JScrollPane(centPan); contentPan.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0)); add(contentPan, "Center"); contentPan.repaint(); db = new Database(); // inboxSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='inbox' ORDER BY msg_id // desc"); // sentmailSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='sentmail' ORDER BY msg_id // desc"); // draftSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='draft' ORDER BY msg_id // desc"); // outboxSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='outbox' ORDER BY msg_id // desc"); // trashSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages,trash WHERE messages.tag='trash' and // messages.msg_id=trash.msg_id ORDER BY deleted_at desc"); }
public void setContent(String cat) { cat = cat.trim(); selectAllCB.setVisible(false); selectAllCB.setSelected(false); deleteBut.setVisible(false); restoreBut.setVisible(false); refreshBut.setVisible(true); Object columns[] = null; int count = 0; switch (cat) { case "Inbox": columns = new Object[] {"", "From", "Date", "Subject", "Content"}; count = Database.getCount("Inbox"); workingSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='inbox' ORDER BY msg_id desc"); ; break; case "SentMail": columns = new Object[] {"", "To", "Date", "Subject", "Content"}; count = Database.getCount("Sentmail"); workingSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='sentmail' ORDER BY msg_id desc"); break; case "Draft": columns = new Object[] {"", "To", "Date", "Subject", "Content"}; count = Database.getCount("Draft"); workingSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='draft' ORDER BY msg_id desc"); break; case "Outbox": columns = new Object[] {"", "To", "Date", "Subject", "Content"}; count = Database.getCount("Outbox"); workingSet = db.getData("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE tag='outbox' ORDER BY msg_id desc"); break; case "Trash": // restoreBut.setVisible(true); columns = new Object[] {"", "To/From", "Date", "Subject", "Content"}; count = Database.getCount("Trash"); workingSet = db.getData( "SELECT * FROM messages,trash WHERE messages.tag='trash' and messages.msg_id=trash.msg_id ORDER BY deleted_at desc"); break; default: System.out.println("in default case"); } if (count > 0) { selectAllCB.setVisible(true); rows = new Object[count][]; msgID = new int[count]; try { workingSet.beforeFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < count &&; i++) { msgID[i] = workingSet.getInt(1); rows[i] = new Object[] { false, workingSet.getString(2), workingSet.getDate(3), workingSet.getString(4), workingSet.getString(5) }; } } catch (SQLException sqlExc) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sqlExc, "EXCEPTION", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); sqlExc.printStackTrace(); } tableModel = new MyDefaultTableModel(rows, columns); table = new JTable(tableModel); table.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this); table.addMouseListener(this); table.getTableHeader().setOpaque(true); table.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); // table.getTableHeader().setBackground(; table.getTableHeader().setForeground(; // table.setRowSelectionAllowed(false); // table.setColumnSelectionAllowed(false); table.setFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 14)); table.setRowHeight(20); table.setFillsViewportHeight(true); TableColumn column = null; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i); if (i == 0) { column.setPreferredWidth(6); } else if (i == 3) { column.setPreferredWidth(250); } else if (i == 4) { column.setPreferredWidth(450); } else { column.setPreferredWidth(40); } } table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS); remove(contentPan); contentPan = new JScrollPane(table); contentPan.setBackground(; contentPan.setOpaque(true); contentPan.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0)); add(contentPan, "Center"); Home.home.homeFrame.setVisible(true); } else { JPanel centPan = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); centPan.setBackground(new Color(52, 86, 70)); JLabel label = new JLabel("No Messages In This Category"); label.setFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 22)); label.setForeground(; centPan.add(label); remove(contentPan); contentPan = new JScrollPane(centPan); contentPan.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0)); add(contentPan, "Center"); contentPan.repaint(); } }
/** @param arg */ public static void main(String arg[]) { TestApp af = new TestApp(); SourceImage sImg = null; int imagesPerRow = 0; int imagesPerCol = 0; int imgMin = 65536; int imgMax = 0; boolean signed = false; boolean inverted = false; boolean hasPad = false; int padValue = 0; if (arg.length == 6) { // do it with raw file int w = 0; int h = 0; int d = 0; try { w = Integer.valueOf(arg[1]).intValue(); h = Integer.valueOf(arg[2]).intValue(); d = Integer.valueOf(arg[3]).intValue(); imagesPerRow = Integer.valueOf(arg[4]).intValue(); imagesPerCol = Integer.valueOf(arg[5]).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); System.exit(0); } try { FileInputStream i = new FileInputStream(arg[0]); sImg = new SourceImage(i, w, h, d); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); System.exit(0); } } else { // do it with DICOM file if (arg.length > 2) { try { imagesPerRow = Integer.valueOf(arg[1]).intValue(); imagesPerCol = Integer.valueOf(arg[2]).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(0); } } else { imagesPerRow = 1; imagesPerCol = 1; } try { DicomInputStream i = new DicomInputStream(new FileInputStream(arg[0])); sImg = new SourceImage(i); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(0); } } try { //; // Won't compile on // other platforms // Class classToUse = // ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass(""); // // Needs "/System/Library/Java" in classpath Class classToUse = new[] {new File("/System/Library/Java").toURL()}) .loadClass(""); Class[] parameterTypes = {Boolean.TYPE}; java.lang.reflect.Method methodToUse = classToUse.getDeclaredMethod("setMenuBarVisible", parameterTypes); Object[] args = {Boolean.FALSE}; methodToUse.invoke(null /*since static*/, args); } catch (Exception e) { // ClassNotFoundException,NoSuchMethodException,IllegalAccessException e.printStackTrace(System.err); } java.awt.Dimension d = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int frameWidth = (int) d.getWidth(); int frameHeight = (int) d.getHeight(); System.err.println("frameWidth=" + frameWidth); System.err.println("frameHeight=" + frameHeight); af.setUndecorated(true); af.setLocation(0, 0); af.setSize(frameWidth, frameHeight); JPanel multiPanel = new JPanel(); multiPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(imagesPerCol, imagesPerRow)); multiPanel.setBackground(; SingleImagePanel imagePanel[] = new SingleImagePanel[imagesPerRow * imagesPerCol]; int singleWidth = frameWidth / imagesPerRow; int singleHeight = frameHeight / imagesPerCol; System.err.println("singleWidth=" + singleWidth); System.err.println("singleHeight=" + singleHeight); for (int x = 0; x < imagesPerCol; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < imagesPerRow; ++y) { SingleImagePanel ip = new SingleImagePanel(sImg); // ip.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(img.getWidth(),img.getHeight())); // ip.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(sImg.getWidth(),sImg.getHeight())); ip.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(singleWidth, singleHeight)); multiPanel.add(ip); imagePanel[x * imagesPerRow + y] = ip; } } // multiPanel.setSize(img.getWidth()*imagesPerRow,img.getHeight()*imagesPerRow); // JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(multiPanel); Container content = af.getContentPane(); content.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1)); // content.add(scrollPane); content.add(multiPanel); af.pack(); af.setVisible(true); }
public AboutDialog(JConsole jConsole) { super(jConsole, Resources.getText("Help.AboutDialog.title"), false); setAccessibleDescription(this, getText("Help.AboutDialog.accessibleDescription")); setDefaultCloseOperation(HIDE_ON_CLOSE); setResizable(false); JComponent cp = (JComponent) getContentPane(); createActions(); JLabel mastheadLabel = new JLabel(mastheadIcon); setAccessibleName(mastheadLabel, getText("Help.AboutDialog.masthead.accessibleName")); JPanel mainPanel = new TPanel(0, 0); mainPanel.add(mastheadLabel, NORTH); String jConsoleVersion = Version.getVersion(); String vmName = System.getProperty(""); String vmVersion = System.getProperty("java.vm.version"); String urlStr = getText("Help.AboutDialog.userGuideLink.url"); if (isBrowseSupported()) { urlStr = "<a style='color:#35556b' href=\"" + urlStr + "\">" + urlStr + "</a>"; } JPanel infoAndLogoPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(10, 10)); infoAndLogoPanel.setBackground(bgColor); String colorStr = String.format("%06x", textColor.getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF); JEditorPane helpLink = new JEditorPane( "text/html", "<html><font color=#" + colorStr + ">" + getText("Help.AboutDialog.jConsoleVersion", jConsoleVersion) + "<p>" + getText("Help.AboutDialog.javaVersion", (vmName + ", " + vmVersion)) + "<p>" + getText("Help.AboutDialog.userGuideLink", urlStr) + "</html>"); helpLink.setOpaque(false); helpLink.setEditable(false); helpLink.setForeground(textColor); mainPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(borderColor)); infoAndLogoPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); helpLink.addHyperlinkListener( new HyperlinkListener() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) { if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { browse(e.getDescription()); } } }); infoAndLogoPanel.add(helpLink, NORTH); ImageIcon brandLogoIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("resources/brandlogo.png")); JLabel brandLogo = new JLabel(brandLogoIcon, JLabel.LEADING); JButton closeButton = new JButton(closeAction); JPanel bottomPanel = new TPanel(0, 0); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.TRAILING)); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); mainPanel.add(infoAndLogoPanel, CENTER); cp.add(bottomPanel, SOUTH); infoAndLogoPanel.add(brandLogo, SOUTH); buttonPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(2, 12, 2, 12)); buttonPanel.add(closeButton); bottomPanel.add(buttonPanel, NORTH); statusBar = new JLabel(" "); bottomPanel.add(statusBar, SOUTH); cp.add(mainPanel, NORTH); pack(); setLocationRelativeTo(jConsole); Utilities.updateTransparency(this); }
private void makeGUI() { // Set Frames properties this.setTitle("Search And Edit Student"); this.setSize(700, 500); this.setLocationRelativeTo(null); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); // Add components to panel_1 FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout(); layout.setAlignment(FlowLayout.LEFT); panel_1.setLayout(layout); panel_1.add(searchcombobox); panel_1.add(searchtextfield); panel_1.add(searchbutton); panel_1.add(allfieldcheckbox); panel_1.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // Add panel_1 to frame this.add(panel_1, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); // Add components to panel_2 panel_2.add(totalstudentlabel); panel_2.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // Add panel_2 to frame this.add(panel_2, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); // Add components to panel_3 panel_3.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0)); // Design panel_5 GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.weightx = 1; c.weighty = 1; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; panel_5.setLayout(gbl); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0; c.gridheight = 4; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; panel_5.add(panel_3, c); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 5; c.gridheight = 2; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; panel_5.add(panel_4, c); // Add components to panel_4 panel_4.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); panel_4.add(panel_6); // Lower Left panel_4.add(panel_7); // Lower Right // Design panel 6 SpringLayout sl = new SpringLayout(); panel_6.setLayout(sl); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, feespayedlabel, 2, SpringLayout.WEST, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, feespayedlabel, 2, SpringLayout.NORTH, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, addfeestextfield, 2, SpringLayout.EAST, feespayedlabel); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, addfeestextfield, 2, SpringLayout.NORTH, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, addfeesbutton, 2, SpringLayout.EAST, addfeestextfield); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, addfeesbutton, 2, SpringLayout.NORTH, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, feesduelabel, 2, SpringLayout.WEST, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, feesduelabel, 2, SpringLayout.SOUTH, addfeesbutton); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, totalfeeslabel, 2, SpringLayout.WEST, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, totalfeeslabel, 2, SpringLayout.SOUTH, feesduelabel); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, coursecombobox, 2, SpringLayout.WEST, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, coursecombobox, 3, SpringLayout.SOUTH, totalfeeslabel); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, spinner, 2, SpringLayout.EAST, coursecombobox); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, spinner, 3, SpringLayout.SOUTH, totalfeeslabel); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, addcoursebutton, 2, SpringLayout.WEST, panel_6); sl.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, addcoursebutton, 3, SpringLayout.SOUTH, coursecombobox); panel_6.add(feespayedlabel); panel_6.add(addfeestextfield); panel_6.add(addfeesbutton); panel_6.add(feesduelabel); panel_6.add(totalfeeslabel); panel_6.add(coursecombobox); panel_6.add(spinner); panel_6.add(addcoursebutton); // Set panel 7 layout panel_7.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0)); panel_7.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // Add panel_5 to frame this.add(panel_5); update(); // Show frame this.validate(); this.setVisible(true); }
Intern_Chat() { frame = new JFrame("Guide ME"); frame.setSize(480, 550); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(211, 211, 211)); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(null); // getContentPane().addMouseListener(new action2()); JLabel lblGuideMe = new JLabel("Guide ME"); lblGuideMe.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 16)); lblGuideMe.setBounds(10, 11, 85, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(lblGuideMe); textField = new JTextField(); textField.setBounds(105, 11, 135, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(textField); textField.setColumns(10); ImageIcon search = new ImageIcon("list.PNG"); btnNewButton = new JButton(search); btnNewButton.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255)); btnNewButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 11)); btnNewButton.setBounds(240, 11, 20, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton); btnNewButton_1 = new JButton("Home"); btnNewButton_1.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton_1.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 0)); btnNewButton_1.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); btnNewButton_1.setBounds(265, 12, 78, 21); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton_1); ImageIcon list = new ImageIcon("Capture.PNG"); btnNewButton_2 = new JButton(list); btnNewButton_2.setBounds(350, 11, 22, 23); btnNewButton_2.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 0)); btnNewButton_2.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton_2); btnNewButton_2.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton_3 = new JButton(list); btnNewButton_3.addActionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); btnNewButton_3.setBounds(380, 11, 22, 23); frame.getContentPane().add(btnNewButton_3); String content[] = { "Friends", "Places", "Brands", "Notifications", "Tastes", "Rates", "Message", "settings", "Log out" }; // for view frinds and palces and brands lists = new JList(content); lists.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); lists.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); frame.getContentPane().add(lists); lists.setBounds(295, 35, 74, 171); lists.hide(); String content2[] = { "Chick In", "Add Friend", "Add Place", "Add Brand", "Give Rate", "Remove Friend", "Remove Brand", "Remove Place", "chat" }; lists1 = new JList(content2); lists1.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); lists1.setBackground(new Color(65, 105, 225)); frame.getContentPane().add(lists1); lists1.setBounds(379, 35, 95, 171); lists1.hide(); lists.addListSelectionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); lists1.addListSelectionListener(new Intern_Chat_action()); JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel(); panel_1.setBackground(new Color(0, 191, 255)); panel_1.setBounds(0, 0, 560, 50); frame.getContentPane().add(panel_1); panel = new JPanel(); panel.setBounds(0, 101, 185, 418); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JScrollPane scr1 = new JScrollPane(panel); scr1.setBounds(0, 101, 185, 418); JLabel Users[] = new JLabel[20]; JLabel message[] = new JLabel[20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { Users[i] = new JLabel("12:52 : alaa"); message[i] = new JLabel("how are you bitch ?"); } else { Users[i] = new JLabel("12:52: You"); message[i] = new JLabel("f**k you"); } panel.add(Users[i]); panel.add(message[i]); } frame.getContentPane().add(scr1); lblChat = new JLabel("Chat"); lblChat.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14)); lblChat.setBounds(23, 61, 72, 29); frame.getContentPane().add(lblChat); textArea = new JTextArea(); textArea.setBounds(230, 120, 173, 69); JScrollPane scr = new JScrollPane(textArea); scr.setBounds(230, 120, 173, 69); frame.getContentPane().add(scr); JButton btnSend = new JButton("Send"); btnSend.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14)); btnSend.setBounds(264, 197, 78, 23); frame.getContentPane().add(btnSend); }
Library() { super("Library Management"); frame = this; try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception de) { } cp = getContentPane(); cp.setLayout(null); // Adding TextArea in Panel jp1 = new JPanel(null, true); // t1=new // JTextField("|Name "+"\t\t"+" |Author"+"\t\t "+" |Publication "+"\t"+"|Issue // "+"\t"+"|Return "+"\t"+"| Cutm. Id"); // t1.setEditable(false); // t1.setBounds(0,0,600,20); // jp1.add(t1); MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); setMenuBar(mb); Menu menu2 = new Menu("Skins"); MenuItem item4 = new MenuItem("Defualt Skin"); MenuItem item5 = new MenuItem("Metal Skin"); MenuItem item6 = new MenuItem("Modified Skin"); // item5.setSelected(true); menu2.add(item4); menu2.add(item5); menu2.add(item6); mb.add(menu2); Menu menu21 = new Menu("Backup"); MenuItem item61 = new MenuItem("Create Database Backup"); menu21.add(item61); mb.add(menu21); // Menu menu1=new Menu("About"); // MenuItem item1=new MenuItem("Help ?"); // MenuItem item2=new MenuItem("Support ?"); // MenuItem item3=new MenuItem("About Us ?"); // menu1.add(item1);menu1.add(item2);menu1.add(item3); // mb.add(menu1); Menu menu212 = new Menu("Exit"); MenuItem item612 = new MenuItem("Exit Form Library"); menu212.add(item612); mb.add(menu212); int h = ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; int v = ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; Color re = new Color(122, 145, 201); mo1 = new DefaultListModel(); list1 = new JList(mo1); ml1 = new JLabel(" Book's Name"); ml1.setForeground(; ml1.setBounds(15, 0, 154, 20); list1.setBounds(15, 20, 154, 500); list1.setToolTipText("NAme of Book's Present in Database"); jp1.add(ml1); jp1.add(list1); mo2 = new DefaultListModel(); list2 = new JList(mo2); ml2 = new JLabel(" Author"); ml2.setForeground(re); ml2.setBounds(140 + 30, 0, 99, 20); list2.setToolTipText("Name of Book Author's Present in Database"); list2.setBounds(140 + 30, 20, 99, 900); jp1.add(ml2); jp1.add(list2); mo3 = new DefaultListModel(); list3 = new JList(mo3); ml3 = new JLabel(" Publication"); ml3.setForeground(re); ml3.setBounds(240 + 30, 0, 99, 20); list3.setToolTipText("Name of Book's Publication Present in Database"); list3.setBounds(240 + 30, 20, 99, 500); jp1.add(ml3); jp1.add(list3); mo4 = new DefaultListModel(); list4 = new JList(mo4); ml4 = new JLabel(" Issue Date"); ml4.setForeground(re); ml4.setBounds(340 + 30, 0, 70, 20); list4.setToolTipText("Date of Issue Present in Database"); list4.setBounds(340 + 30, 20, 70, 500); jp1.add(ml4); jp1.add(list4); mo5 = new DefaultListModel(); list5 = new JList(mo5); ml5 = new JLabel(" Return Date"); ml5.setForeground(re); ml5.setBounds(411 + 30, 0, 70, 20); list5.setToolTipText("Date of Return Present in Database"); list5.setBounds(411 + 30, 20, 70, 500); jp1.add(ml5); jp1.add(list5); mo6 = new DefaultListModel(); list6 = new JList(mo6); ml6 = new JLabel(" Cust. ID"); ml6.setForeground(re); ml6.setBounds(482 + 30, 0, 60, 20); list6.setToolTipText("ID of customer that purchase the book last time "); list6.setBounds(482 + 30, 20, 60, 500); jp1.add(ml6); jp1.add(list6); // a1=new JTextArea(); // a1.setText("|Name "+"\t\t\t"+" |Author"+"\t\t\t"+" |Publication "+"\t\t"+"|Issue // "+"\t\t"+"|Return "+"\t\t"+"| Cutm. Id"); // a1.setEditable(false); // JScrollPane scroll=new JScrollPane(a1,v,h); // scroll.setBounds(0,20,600,578); // jp1.add(scroll); for (int x = 1; x < 100; x++) { sr = new JLabel(x + "\n"); sr.setForeground(re); sr.setBounds(0, 20, 10, 500); jp1.add(sr); } // jp1.setBackground(; JScrollPane nm = new JScrollPane(jp1, v, h); nm.setBounds(10, 20, 600, 500); cp.add(nm); jp2 = new JPanel(null, true); b1 = new JButton("Add Book"); b1.setBounds(10, 10, 120, 25); jp2.add(b1); b2 = new JButton("Delete Book"); b2.setBounds(10, 45, 120, 25); jp2.add(b2); b3 = new JButton("View Book Details"); b3.setBounds(10, 80, 120, 25); jp2.add(b3); b4 = new JButton("View All Book's"); b4.setBounds(10, 115, 120, 25); jp2.add(b4); Color r = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp2.setBackground(r); jp2.setBounds(630, 20, 160, 145); cp.add(jp2); jp3 = new JPanel(null, true); t1 = new JTextField(); t1.setBounds(10, 10, 120, 20); jp3.add(t1); t1.setToolTipText("Find The Book By Book Name. It is Advaced Search System"); b5 = new JButton("Search Book Name"); b5.setBounds(05, 35, 130, 20); jp3.add(b5); // b5.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N,Event.CTRL_MASK)); b5.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); JLabel lk = new JLabel("__________________________________"); lk.setForeground(; lk.setBounds(0, 50, 160, 6); jp3.add(lk); t14 = new JTextField(); t14.setBounds(10, 60, 120, 20); jp3.add(t14); t14.setToolTipText("Find The Book By Author Name. It is Advaced Search System"); b10 = new JButton("Search Author"); b10.setBounds(05, 85, 130, 20); jp3.add(b10); // b10.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_a,Event.CTRL_MASK)); b10.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); Color r1 = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp3.setBackground(r1); jp3.setBounds(630, 180, 160, 115); cp.add(jp3); jp4 = new JPanel(null, true); b15 = new JButton("Add Customer"); b15.setBounds(10, 05, 120, 25); jp4.add(b15); b6 = new JButton("View all Cotumers"); b6.setBounds(10, 35, 120, 25); jp4.add(b6); t2 = new JTextField(); t2.setBounds(10, 65, 120, 20); t2.setToolTipText("Find The Customer Information. It is Advaced Search System"); jp4.add(t2); b7 = new JButton("Search"); b7.setBounds(05, 90, 130, 20); jp4.add(b7); b8 = new JButton("Delete Costumer"); b8.setBounds(10, 115, 120, 25); jp4.add(b8); b9 = new JButton("View Cust. Details"); b9.setBounds(10, 150, 120, 25); jp4.add(b9); Color r3 = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp4.setBackground(r3); jp4.setBounds(630, 305, 160, 180); cp.add(jp4); b_no = new JLabel(); b_no.setForeground(; b_no.setBounds(150, 0, 150, 20); cp.add(b_no); progress1 = new JProgressBar(); progress1.setBackground(re); progress1.setBounds(630, 490, 150, 25); cp.add(progress1); try { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int count = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); int total = count - 1; int blk = 0; rd1.close(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { blk++; b_no.setText("Total Books = " + blk + " (Book's)"); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); int per = i * 100 / total; progress1.setValue(per); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + " -"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } } } catch (Exception der) { a1.setText("Error Occurs: \n" + der); } // Source code for searching the book's from Database // it search book by name of book,author,publication // it work when you don't know about any thing than press any // keyword to find book/ // eg: if you have book name that publish by that publication which // starts from "c" // then you press only "c" in search it show you all Books that start // with "c" ,Author "c" and publication that start "c" . // Warning: // Don't Modify the code without knowledge of full source code // Author : Pravin Rane b5.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int bs1 = 0; progress1.setValue(0); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); if (!t1.getText().equals("")) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int no = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); rd1.close(); int len = t1.getText().length(); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { char ch = t1.getText().charAt(k); stra1 = stra1 + ch; // System.out.println(stra1+""); } for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name11 = ""; author11 = ""; publication11 = ""; progress1.setMaximum(no); int per = v * 100 / no; progress1.updateUI(); progress1.setValue(per); FileReader re1 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".name"); JTextField jt1 = new JTextField();, null); String name = jt1.getText(); re1.close(); FileReader re2 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".author"); JTextField jt2 = new JTextField();, null); String author = jt2.getText(); re2.close(); FileReader re3 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".publication"); JTextField jt3 = new JTextField();, null); String publication = jt3.getText(); re3.close(); find = v; try { for (int z = 0; z < len; z++) { name11 = name11 + name.charAt(z); // author11=author11+author.charAt(z); // System.out.println(author11+""); publication11 = publication11 + publication.charAt(z); if (z == (len - 1)) { // System.out.println(name11+""); // System.out.println(publication11+""); } } } catch (Exception def) { } if (name.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText())) { bs1++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } else if (publication11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText())) { bs1++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } b_no.setText("Total Book Found =" + bs1 + " (Book's)"); } } else { progress1.setValue(0); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter the Book Name or Publcation", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); } } catch (Exception der) { System.out.println("Error:" + der); } } }); b10.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int bs2 = 0; progress1.setValue(0); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); if (!t14.getText().equals("")) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int no = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); rd1.close(); int len = t14.getText().length(); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { char ch = t14.getText().charAt(k); stra1 = stra1 + ch; // System.out.println(stra1+""); } for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name11 = ""; author11 = ""; publication11 = ""; progress1.setMaximum(no); int per = v * 100 / no; progress1.updateUI(); progress1.setValue(per); FileReader re1 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".name"); JTextField jt1 = new JTextField();, null); String name = jt1.getText(); re1.close(); FileReader re2 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".author"); JTextField jt2 = new JTextField();, null); String author = jt2.getText(); re2.close(); FileReader re3 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".publication"); JTextField jt3 = new JTextField();, null); String publication = jt3.getText(); re3.close(); find = v; try { for (int z = 0; z < len; z++) { // name11=name11+name.charAt(z); author11 = author11 + author.charAt(z); // System.out.println(author11+""); // publication11=publication11+publication.charAt(z); if (z == (len - 1)) { // System.out.println(name11+""); // System.out.println(publication11+""); } } } catch (Exception def) { } if (author.toLowerCase().equals(t14.getText()) || author.toUpperCase().equals(t14.getText())) { bs2++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } else if (author11.toLowerCase().equals(t14.getText()) || author11.toUpperCase().equals(t14.getText())) { bs2++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } b_no.setText("Total Book Found =" + bs2 + " (Book's)"); } } else { progress1.setValue(0); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter the Book Author name", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } catch (Exception der) { System.out.println("Error:" + der); } } }); // End of Serching Book // Author : Pravin Rane // it use to aplly the skins to UserInteface // there are three skins Default which is Windows Skin // Metal skin and modified skin. // apply it as oer ur requirment. // Author : Pravin H. Rane item4.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item5.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item6.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item61.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { Date d = new Date(); int my1 = d.getDate(); int my2 = d.getMonth(); FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(frame, "Save Database Backup File (Library Management )"); fd.setMode(FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setFile("Database" + my1 + "." + my2 + ".rar"); fd.setVisible(true); String dir = fd.getDirectory(); String path = fd.getFile(); String command = "jar cvf Database1.rar Database/*.*"; Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); r.exec(command); String command2 = "jar cvf Database2.rar Cust_Details/*.*"; Runtime r2 = Runtime.getRuntime(); r2.exec(command2); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception fr) { } String command3 = "jar cvf " + dir + path + " Database1.rar Database2.rar"; Runtime r3 = Runtime.getRuntime(); r3.exec(command3); System.out.println("Database Backup Sucessfully!"); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item612.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); // End Of Applyinf Skin to UInterface // This Button show the details of Book's // that specified when the book is adding in the database // you can modify the details of book. // Author : Pravin H. Rane b3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { // view v=new view(String str,string info,boolean val); } catch (Exception der) { } } }); // End of book details b15.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Addcust ad = new Addcust(); ad.setVisible(true); ad.setSize(380, 400); ad.setLocation(80, 140); } }); // it show all book's available in database // it dosn't sort book by sequensely // you can modify the code for sorting the book as per your requirement // Author : Pravin b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addBook a = new addBook(); } }); b4.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); int za = 0; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int count = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); int total = count - 1; rd1.close(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { za++; b_no.setText("Total Books = " + za + " (Book's)"); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); progress1.setMaximum(total); int per = i * 100 / total; progress1.setValue(per); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + " _"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); progress1.setValue(100); } } } catch (Exception der) { a1.setText("Error Occurs: \n" + der); } } }); // End of View all Book's // This source code is used to show information of all customers // Author :Pravin Rane b6.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); int z12 = 0; mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); int tt = no - 1; // b_no.setText("Total Customer's :"+tt ); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { z12++; b_no.setText("Total Customers = " + z12); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } } catch (Exception ser) { System.out.println(ser); } } }); // End of showing customer's Info. b9.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); System.out.println(str); cust_detail d = new cust_detail(str); d.setVisible(true); d.setSize(300, 550); d.setLocation(100, 0); } catch (Exception fr) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Select Customer ID from List of Cust. ID. ", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } catch (Exception fg) { } } } }); b7.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String mysearchid = t2.getText(); try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); if (!t2.getText().equals("")) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); int len3 = t2.getText().length(); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name22 = ""; int lg = 0; rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); // mo1.addElement(jt2.getText()+""); String s1 = jt2.getText(); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); // mo2.addElement(jt2.getText()+""); String s2 = jt2.getText(); rd2.close(); for (int z = 0; z < len3; z++) { name22 = name22 + s2.charAt(z); } if (s1.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid) || s1.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || s2.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid) || s2.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || name22.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || name22.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid)) { lg++; b_no.setText("Customer Found :" + lg); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } } else { progress1.setValue(0); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter Customer Id or Name", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } catch (Exception de) { } } }); b2.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str99 = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); try { rd2 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int nom = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int count2 = 1; count2 < nom; count2++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + count2 + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); rd1.close(); if (read1.getText().equals(str99)) { wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".name"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".author"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".publication"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".issue"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".return"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".detail"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".id"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); try { Library lbc = new Library(); setVisible(false); lbc.setVisible(true); lbc.setSize(800, 600); } catch (Exception de) { } } } } catch (Exception fr) { System.out.println(fr); } } }); b3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str34 = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); jf55 = new JFrame("Book Details"); jf55.setVisible(true); jf55.setLayout(null); jf55.setLocation(160, 180); JTextArea ak47 = new JTextArea(); ak47.setEditable(false); ak47.setText( "Book Details" + "\n" + "**************************************************"); ak47.setBounds(10, 10, 250, 250); jf55.add(ak47); Button b1 = new Button("Ok"); b1.setBounds(80, 270, 100, 25); jf55.add(b1); b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { jf55.setVisible(false); } }); jf55.setSize(285, 335); rd2 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int nov = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int i = 1; i < nov; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); String hj = read1.getText(); rd1.close(); if (hj.equals(str34)) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Name :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Author :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Publication :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Issue Date :" + read1.getText()); } else { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Issue Date : None"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Return Date :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Cust. Id :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".detail"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Other Details : \n" + read1.getText()); } else { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Other Details : Not Found"); } rd1.close(); } } } } catch (Exception de) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Select Book Name from List", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } }); }