protected void executeQuery(Statement stmt, String q) throws SQLException { q = q.replace("$PREFIX", getPrefix());" Executing " + q); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(q); StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { if (i > 1) { header.append("|"); } header.append(rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i)); }; int seq = 0; while (true) { boolean valid =; if (!valid) break; seq++; StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++) { if (i > 1) { line.append("|"); } line.append(rs.getString(i)); } + ":" + line); } }
/** Creates a Pooled connection and adds it to the connection pool. */ private void installConnection() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { logger.debug("enter"); PooledConnection connection; try { connection = poolDataSource.getPooledConnection(); connection.addConnectionEventListener(this); connection.getConnection().setAutoCommit(false); synchronized (connectionPool) { connectionPool.add(connection); logger.debug("Database connection added."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.fatal("exception caught while obtaining database " + "connection: ex = " + ex); SQLException ex1 = ex.getNextException(); while (ex1 != null) { logger.fatal("chained sql exception ex1 = " + ex1); SQLException nextEx = ex1.getNextException(); ex1 = nextEx; } String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseConnectionFailure.getStatusCodeDescription() + ex.getMessage(); logger.fatal(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseConnectionFailure, logString); throw ede; } }
/** * Checks if a lock is left behind in the DB. * * @param con * @param conID * @return true if a lock is found. */ public static boolean checkLocks(Connection connection, long conID) { try { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("exec sa_locks " + conID); while ( { return true; } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Unable to retrieve connection ID", ex); } return false; }
/** * Gets the ConnectionID attribute of the SybaseConnector class * * @param connection * @return The ConnectionID value */ public static long getConnectionID(Connection connection) { try { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select connection_property('Number')");; return res.getLong(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("SQL exception retrieving connection ID:" + ex.getMessage()); } return InvalidConnectionId; }
/** * @param arg0 * @roseuid 3F4E5F400123 */ public void connectionClosed(ConnectionEvent event) { logger.debug("Enter: " + event.getSource()); synchronized (connectionPool) { if (!SHUTTING_DOWN) { if (connectionPool.size() < connectionPoolSize) { logger.debug("Reading Connection: " + event.getSource()); connectionPool.add(event.getSource()); } } } }
private void initDriverList() { try { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration iter = loader.getResources("META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver"); while (iter.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = (URL) iter.nextElement(); ReadStream is = null; try { is = Vfs.lookup(url.toString()).openRead(); String filename; while ((filename = is.readLine()) != null) { int p = filename.indexOf('#'); if (p >= 0) filename = filename.substring(0, p); filename = filename.trim(); if (filename.length() == 0) continue; try { Class cl = Class.forName(filename, false, loader); Driver driver = null; if (Driver.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)) driver = (Driver) cl.newInstance(); if (driver != null) { log.fine(L.l("DatabaseManager adding driver '{0}'", driver.getClass().getName())); _driverList.add(driver); } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } finally { if (is != null) is.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } }
private void initializeDatabaseContext() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { logger.debug("Enter"); Properties properties; SybConnectionPoolDataSource poolDataSource; properties = new Properties(); poolDataSource = new com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionPoolDataSource(); poolDataSource.setUser(userAccount); poolDataSource.setPassword(password); poolDataSource.setDatabaseName(databaseName); poolDataSource.setServerName(databaseHost); poolDataSource.setPortNumber(connectionPort); poolDataSource.setDescription(connectionPoolDescription); properties.put("user", userAccount); properties.put("password", password); properties.put("APPLICATIONNAME", clientAppName); // fix // hopefully these have defaults // properties.put("USE_METADATA", userMetaData); // properties.put("REPEAT_READ", useRepeatRead); // properties.put("CHARSET_CONVERTER_CLASS", charsetConverter); properties.put("server", "jdbc:sybase:Tds:" + databaseHost + ":" + connectionPort); try { poolDataSource.setConnectionProperties(properties); // jndiContext.bind("jdbc/protoDB", poolDataSource); jndiContext.bind(JNDIContextName, poolDataSource); } catch (Exception ex) { String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToBindJNDIContext.getStatusCodeDescription() + ex.getMessage(); logger.fatal(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToBindJNDIContext, logString); throw ede; } }
/** * @param arg0 * @roseuid 3F4E5F40012D */ public void connectionErrorOccurred(ConnectionEvent event) { logger.debug("Connection Error " + event.getSQLException().getMessage()); synchronized (connectionPool) { if (connectionPool.size() <= connectionPoolSize) { connectionPool.remove(event.getSource()); if (!SHUTTING_DOWN) { try { installConnection(); } catch (EmanagerDatabaseException e) { // noop. can't throw an exception here, so we'll ignore. // It will surface later. } } } } }
public void run() { Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; try { DataSource ds = getDataSource(); con = ds.getConnection(); if (executeOnlyIf(con, onlyIfQuery)) { stmt = con.createStatement(); if (query != null) { executeQuery(stmt, query); } else if (update != null) { executeUpdate(stmt, update); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Both query and update properties are unset"); } } else { LOG.debug("Skipped because of " + onlyIfQuery); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { if (ignore.matcher(t.getMessage()).matches()) {"Ignoring " + t.getMessage()); } else { throw new RuntimeException(t.getMessage(), t); } } finally { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception g) { } try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (Exception g) { } } }
/** @roseuid 3F3A89D40175 */ public void shutdown() { logger.debug("Enter"); Iterator iter; PooledConnection pooledConnection; SHUTTING_DOWN = true; iter = connectionPool.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { pooledConnection = (PooledConnection); try { if (!pooledConnection.getConnection().isClosed()) { pooledConnection.getConnection().close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // We don't care what happens here, we're on the way out! } } connectionPool.clear(); }
private String findDriverByUrlImpl(String url) { for (int i = 0; i < _driverList.size(); i++) { try { Driver driver = (Driver) _driverList.get(i); if (driver.acceptsURL(url)) return driver.getClass().getName(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } return null; }
/** * The constructor obtains a ConnectionPoolDataSource reference via JNDI. This datasource is used * when new database connections need to be established and maintained in some container (pool). */ public void initializeConnectionPoolConnections() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { logger.debug("enter"); try { poolDataSource = (ConnectionPoolDataSource) jndiContext.lookup(JNDIContextName); } catch (Exception ex) { String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseJNDILookupFailure.getStatusCodeDescription() + ex.getMessage(); logger.fatal(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseJNDILookupFailure, logString); throw ede; } for (int i = 0; i < connectionPoolSize; i++) { installConnection(); } }
protected boolean executeOnlyIf(Connection con, String q) throws SQLException { if (q == null) return true; Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); q = q.replace("$PREFIX", getPrefix()); LOG.debug(" Executing query " + q); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(q);; boolean res = rs.getBoolean(1); LOG.debug("Result: " + res); return res; } catch (SQLException sqe) { LOG.error(sqe.getMessage() + " from " + q); throw sqe; } finally { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception g) { } } }
/** * @return Connection * @roseuid 3F3A5FFD0338 */ public Connection getConnection() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { long connectionId; Connection connection; PooledConnection pooledConnection; connection = null; pooledConnection = null; connectionId = InvalidConnectionId; try { synchronized (connectionPool) { if (!connectionPool.isEmpty()) { try { boolean connectionClosed; connectionClosed = false; pooledConnection = (PooledConnection) connectionPool.remove(0); connection = pooledConnection.getConnection(); connection.clearWarnings(); connectionId = getConnectionID(connection); connectionClosed = connection.isClosed(); if (connectionId == InvalidConnectionId || connectionClosed == true) { logger.debug("Pooled connection closed."); connection = null; } } catch (SQLException sqe) { logger.debug("Pooled connection closed."); connection = null; } } } if (connection == null) { logger.debug("Getting a new connection."); pooledConnection = poolDataSource.getPooledConnection(); pooledConnection.addConnectionEventListener(this); connection = pooledConnection.getConnection(); connection.clearWarnings(); connectionId = getConnectionID(connection); } } catch (SQLException sqe) { String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection.getStatusCodeDescription() + sqe.getMessage(); logger.error(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection, logString); throw ede; } if (connectionId == InvalidConnectionId) { EmanagerDatabaseException ede; ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection, EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection.getStatusCodeDescription()); throw ede; } logger.debug( "\n*****************************" + "\nPooled Connection Init" + "\nCon ID:" + connectionId + "\nCon Object:" + pooledConnection + "\nPool Object:" + connection + "\n*****************************"); return connection; }
protected void executeUpdate(Statement stmt, String u) throws SQLException { u = u.replace("$PREFIX", getPrefix());" Executing update " + u); int result = stmt.executeUpdate(u); LOG.service("Result :" + result); }
/** Manages databases in a local environment, e.g. for PHP dynamic database lookup. */ public class DatabaseManager { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseManager.class.getName()); private static final L10N L = new L10N(DatabaseManager.class); private static final EnvironmentLocal<DatabaseManager> _localManager = new EnvironmentLocal<DatabaseManager>(); private final HashMap<String, DBPool> _databaseMap = new HashMap<String, DBPool>(); private final ArrayList<Driver> _driverList = new ArrayList<Driver>(); private int _gId; /** The manager is never instantiated. */ private DatabaseManager() { initDriverList(); } /** Returns the database manager for the local environment. */ private static DatabaseManager getLocalManager() { synchronized (_localManager) { DatabaseManager manager = _localManager.getLevel(); if (manager == null) { manager = new DatabaseManager(); _localManager.set(manager); } return manager; } } /** Returns a matching dbpool. */ public static DataSource findDatabase(String url) throws SQLException { String driver = findDriverByUrl(url); return getLocalManager().findDatabaseImpl(url, driver); } /** Returns a matching dbpool. */ public static DataSource findDatabase(String url, String driver) throws SQLException { return getLocalManager().findDatabaseImpl(url, driver); } /** Looks up the local database, creating if necessary. */ private DataSource findDatabaseImpl(String url, String driverName) throws SQLException { try { synchronized (_databaseMap) { DBPool db = _databaseMap.get(url); if (db == null) { db = new DBPool(); db.setVar(url + "-" + _gId++); DriverConfig driver = db.createDriver(); ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Class driverClass = Class.forName(driverName, false, loader); driver.setType(driverClass); driver.setURL(url); db.init(); _databaseMap.put(url, db); } return db; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (SQLException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw ConfigException.create(e); } } public static String findDriverByUrl(String url) { return getLocalManager().findDriverByUrlImpl(url); } private String findDriverByUrlImpl(String url) { for (int i = 0; i < _driverList.size(); i++) { try { Driver driver = (Driver) _driverList.get(i); if (driver.acceptsURL(url)) return driver.getClass().getName(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } return null; } private void initDriverList() { try { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration iter = loader.getResources("META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver"); while (iter.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = (URL) iter.nextElement(); ReadStream is = null; try { is = Vfs.lookup(url.toString()).openRead(); String filename; while ((filename = is.readLine()) != null) { int p = filename.indexOf('#'); if (p >= 0) filename = filename.substring(0, p); filename = filename.trim(); if (filename.length() == 0) continue; try { Class cl = Class.forName(filename, false, loader); Driver driver = null; if (Driver.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)) driver = (Driver) cl.newInstance(); if (driver != null) { log.fine(L.l("DatabaseManager adding driver '{0}'", driver.getClass().getName())); _driverList.add(driver); } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } finally { if (is != null) is.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } static class DatabaseKey { private String _url; private String _catalog; DatabaseKey(String url, String catalog) { _url = url; _catalog = catalog; } public int hashCode() { int hash = 37; hash = 65521 * hash + _url.hashCode(); if (_catalog != null) hash = 65521 * hash + _catalog.hashCode(); return hash; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof DatabaseKey)) return false; DatabaseKey key = (DatabaseKey) o; if (!_url.equals(key._url)) return false; return (_catalog == key._catalog || _catalog != null && _catalog.equals(key._catalog)); } } }
private void initializeDatabaseConnectionConfigurationParameters() { String propertyValue; Properties systemProperties; systemProperties = GlobalProperties.instance().getProperties(); userAccount = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserAccountKey); if (userAccount == null) { userAccount = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserAccountDefault; } + userAccount); password = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionPasswordKey); if (password == null) { password = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionPasswordDefault; } + password); databaseName = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseNameKey); if (databaseName == null) { databaseName = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseNameDefault; } + databaseName); databaseHost = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseHostKey); if (databaseHost == null) { databaseHost = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseHostDefault; } + databaseHost); clientAppName = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionClientAppNameKey); if (clientAppName == null) { clientAppName = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionClientAppNameDefault; } + clientAppName); userMetaData = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserMetaDataKey); if (userMetaData == null) { userMetaData = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserMetaDataDefault; } + userMetaData); useRepeatRead = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUseRepeatReadKey); if (useRepeatRead == null) { useRepeatRead = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUseRepeatReadDefault; } + useRepeatRead); charsetConverter = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionCharsetConverterKey); if (charsetConverter == null) { charsetConverter = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionCharsetConverterDefault; } + charsetConverter); connectionPoolDescription = systemProperties.getProperty( DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolDescriptionKey); if (connectionPoolDescription == null) { connectionPoolDescription = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolDescriptionDefault; } + connectionPoolDescription); propertyValue = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPortKey); if (propertyValue == null) { connectionPort = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPortDefault;"Using default connectionPort value: " + connectionPort); } else { try { connectionPort = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);"Using connectionPort value: " + connectionPort); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { connectionPort = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPortDefault; "Error converting property value. Using default connectionPort value: " + connectionPort); } } propertyValue = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolSizeKey); if (propertyValue == null) { connectionPoolSize = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolSizeDefault;"Using default connectionPoolSize value: " + connectionPoolSize); } else { try { connectionPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);"Using connectionPoolSize value: " + connectionPoolSize); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { connectionPoolSize = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolSizeDefault; "Error converting property value. Using default connectionPoolSize value: " + connectionPoolSize); } } }
public class DatabaseConnectionManager implements ConnectionEventListener { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseConnectionManager.class); /** Connection pool datasource. */ ConnectionPoolDataSource poolDataSource = null; /** Container of the pooled connections. */ List connectionPool = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList()); /** a JNDI context. */ Context jndiContext = null; private boolean SHUTTING_DOWN = false; // Driver config // final static String DRIVER_NAME = "com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver"; // private SybDriver sybaseDriver = null; /* * We are using a single instance to allow for pools now. */ private static DatabaseConnectionManager connectionManager = null; private static final String JNDIContextName = "jdbc/emanagerDB"; public static final long InvalidConnectionId = -1; // Database Connection properties private String userAccount; private String password; private String databaseName; private String databaseHost; private String clientAppName; private String userMetaData; private String useRepeatRead; private String charsetConverter; private String connectionPoolDescription; private int connectionPort; private static int connectionPoolSize; /** Constructor for the DatabaseConnectionManager object */ private DatabaseConnectionManager() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { jndiContext = JNDIRegistryManager.instance().getJNDIContext(); initializeDatabaseConnectionConfigurationParameters(); initializeDatabaseContext(); initializeConnectionPoolConnections(); } private void initializeDatabaseConnectionConfigurationParameters() { String propertyValue; Properties systemProperties; systemProperties = GlobalProperties.instance().getProperties(); userAccount = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserAccountKey); if (userAccount == null) { userAccount = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserAccountDefault; } + userAccount); password = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionPasswordKey); if (password == null) { password = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionPasswordDefault; } + password); databaseName = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseNameKey); if (databaseName == null) { databaseName = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseNameDefault; } + databaseName); databaseHost = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseHostKey); if (databaseHost == null) { databaseHost = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionDatabaseHostDefault; } + databaseHost); clientAppName = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionClientAppNameKey); if (clientAppName == null) { clientAppName = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionClientAppNameDefault; } + clientAppName); userMetaData = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserMetaDataKey); if (userMetaData == null) { userMetaData = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUserMetaDataDefault; } + userMetaData); useRepeatRead = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUseRepeatReadKey); if (useRepeatRead == null) { useRepeatRead = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionUseRepeatReadDefault; } + useRepeatRead); charsetConverter = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionCharsetConverterKey); if (charsetConverter == null) { charsetConverter = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionCharsetConverterDefault; } + charsetConverter); connectionPoolDescription = systemProperties.getProperty( DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolDescriptionKey); if (connectionPoolDescription == null) { connectionPoolDescription = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolDescriptionDefault; } + connectionPoolDescription); propertyValue = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPortKey); if (propertyValue == null) { connectionPort = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPortDefault;"Using default connectionPort value: " + connectionPort); } else { try { connectionPort = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);"Using connectionPort value: " + connectionPort); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { connectionPort = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPortDefault; "Error converting property value. Using default connectionPort value: " + connectionPort); } } propertyValue = systemProperties.getProperty(DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolSizeKey); if (propertyValue == null) { connectionPoolSize = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolSizeDefault;"Using default connectionPoolSize value: " + connectionPoolSize); } else { try { connectionPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);"Using connectionPoolSize value: " + connectionPoolSize); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { connectionPoolSize = DatabaseGlobals.DatabaseConnectionConnectionPoolSizeDefault; "Error converting property value. Using default connectionPoolSize value: " + connectionPoolSize); } } } private void initializeDatabaseContext() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { logger.debug("Enter"); Properties properties; SybConnectionPoolDataSource poolDataSource; properties = new Properties(); poolDataSource = new com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionPoolDataSource(); poolDataSource.setUser(userAccount); poolDataSource.setPassword(password); poolDataSource.setDatabaseName(databaseName); poolDataSource.setServerName(databaseHost); poolDataSource.setPortNumber(connectionPort); poolDataSource.setDescription(connectionPoolDescription); properties.put("user", userAccount); properties.put("password", password); properties.put("APPLICATIONNAME", clientAppName); // fix // hopefully these have defaults // properties.put("USE_METADATA", userMetaData); // properties.put("REPEAT_READ", useRepeatRead); // properties.put("CHARSET_CONVERTER_CLASS", charsetConverter); properties.put("server", "jdbc:sybase:Tds:" + databaseHost + ":" + connectionPort); try { poolDataSource.setConnectionProperties(properties); // jndiContext.bind("jdbc/protoDB", poolDataSource); jndiContext.bind(JNDIContextName, poolDataSource); } catch (Exception ex) { String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToBindJNDIContext.getStatusCodeDescription() + ex.getMessage(); logger.fatal(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToBindJNDIContext, logString); throw ede; } } /** * The constructor obtains a ConnectionPoolDataSource reference via JNDI. This datasource is used * when new database connections need to be established and maintained in some container (pool). */ public void initializeConnectionPoolConnections() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { logger.debug("enter"); try { poolDataSource = (ConnectionPoolDataSource) jndiContext.lookup(JNDIContextName); } catch (Exception ex) { String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseJNDILookupFailure.getStatusCodeDescription() + ex.getMessage(); logger.fatal(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseJNDILookupFailure, logString); throw ede; } for (int i = 0; i < connectionPoolSize; i++) { installConnection(); } } /** Creates a Pooled connection and adds it to the connection pool. */ private void installConnection() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { logger.debug("enter"); PooledConnection connection; try { connection = poolDataSource.getPooledConnection(); connection.addConnectionEventListener(this); connection.getConnection().setAutoCommit(false); synchronized (connectionPool) { connectionPool.add(connection); logger.debug("Database connection added."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.fatal("exception caught while obtaining database " + "connection: ex = " + ex); SQLException ex1 = ex.getNextException(); while (ex1 != null) { logger.fatal("chained sql exception ex1 = " + ex1); SQLException nextEx = ex1.getNextException(); ex1 = nextEx; } String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseConnectionFailure.getStatusCodeDescription() + ex.getMessage(); logger.fatal(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.DatabaseConnectionFailure, logString); throw ede; } } /** * @return Connection * @roseuid 3F3A5FFD0338 */ public Connection getConnection() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { long connectionId; Connection connection; PooledConnection pooledConnection; connection = null; pooledConnection = null; connectionId = InvalidConnectionId; try { synchronized (connectionPool) { if (!connectionPool.isEmpty()) { try { boolean connectionClosed; connectionClosed = false; pooledConnection = (PooledConnection) connectionPool.remove(0); connection = pooledConnection.getConnection(); connection.clearWarnings(); connectionId = getConnectionID(connection); connectionClosed = connection.isClosed(); if (connectionId == InvalidConnectionId || connectionClosed == true) { logger.debug("Pooled connection closed."); connection = null; } } catch (SQLException sqe) { logger.debug("Pooled connection closed."); connection = null; } } } if (connection == null) { logger.debug("Getting a new connection."); pooledConnection = poolDataSource.getPooledConnection(); pooledConnection.addConnectionEventListener(this); connection = pooledConnection.getConnection(); connection.clearWarnings(); connectionId = getConnectionID(connection); } } catch (SQLException sqe) { String logString; EmanagerDatabaseException ede; logString = EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection.getStatusCodeDescription() + sqe.getMessage(); logger.error(logString); ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection, logString); throw ede; } if (connectionId == InvalidConnectionId) { EmanagerDatabaseException ede; ede = new EmanagerDatabaseException( EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection, EmanagerDatabaseStatusCode.UnableToGetPooledConnection.getStatusCodeDescription()); throw ede; } logger.debug( "\n*****************************" + "\nPooled Connection Init" + "\nCon ID:" + connectionId + "\nCon Object:" + pooledConnection + "\nPool Object:" + connection + "\n*****************************"); return connection; } /** * @return * @roseuid 3F3A63E40370 */ public static DatabaseConnectionManager instance() throws EmanagerDatabaseException { if (connectionManager == null) { connectionManager = new DatabaseConnectionManager(); } return connectionManager; } /** @roseuid 3F3A88C50359 */ private void addConnectionToPool() {} /** * @param maximumConnections * @roseuid 3F3A891C02B3 */ public static void setMaximumPooledConnections(int maximumConnections) { connectionPoolSize = maximumConnections; } /** * @return int * @roseuid 3F3A8939033A */ public static int getMaximumPooledConnections() { return connectionPoolSize; } /** @roseuid 3F3A89D40175 */ public void shutdown() { logger.debug("Enter"); Iterator iter; PooledConnection pooledConnection; SHUTTING_DOWN = true; iter = connectionPool.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { pooledConnection = (PooledConnection); try { if (!pooledConnection.getConnection().isClosed()) { pooledConnection.getConnection().close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // We don't care what happens here, we're on the way out! } } connectionPool.clear(); } /** * @param arg0 * @roseuid 3F4E5F400123 */ public void connectionClosed(ConnectionEvent event) { logger.debug("Enter: " + event.getSource()); synchronized (connectionPool) { if (!SHUTTING_DOWN) { if (connectionPool.size() < connectionPoolSize) { logger.debug("Reading Connection: " + event.getSource()); connectionPool.add(event.getSource()); } } } } /** * Gets the ConnectionID attribute of the SybaseConnector class * * @param connection * @return The ConnectionID value */ public static long getConnectionID(Connection connection) { try { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select connection_property('Number')");; return res.getLong(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("SQL exception retrieving connection ID:" + ex.getMessage()); } return InvalidConnectionId; } /** * Checks if a lock is left behind in the DB. * * @param con * @param conID * @return true if a lock is found. */ public static boolean checkLocks(Connection connection, long conID) { try { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("exec sa_locks " + conID); while ( { return true; } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Unable to retrieve connection ID", ex); } return false; } /** * @param arg0 * @roseuid 3F4E5F40012D */ public void connectionErrorOccurred(ConnectionEvent event) { logger.debug("Connection Error " + event.getSQLException().getMessage()); synchronized (connectionPool) { if (connectionPool.size() <= connectionPoolSize) { connectionPool.remove(event.getSource()); if (!SHUTTING_DOWN) { try { installConnection(); } catch (EmanagerDatabaseException e) { // noop. can't throw an exception here, so we'll ignore. // It will surface later. } } } } } /** * Resets the con pool. * * @exception NamingException Description of Exception */ public void reset() throws NamingException, EmanagerDatabaseException { shutdown(); jndiContext.unbind(JNDIContextName); instance(); } public String getDatabaseConnectionDatabaseHost() { return databaseHost; } }