public static BufferedImage scaleImage(BufferedImage bi, double scale) { int w1 = (int) (Math.round(scale * bi.getWidth())); int h1 = (int) (Math.round(scale * bi.getHeight())); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w1, h1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics(); g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); g2.setPaint(Color.white); g2.fillRect(0, 0, w1, h1); g2.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, w1, h1, null); // this); g2.dispose(); return image; }
public void play(InputStream source) { int bufferSize = format.getFrameSize() * Math.round(format.getSampleRate() / 10); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; SourceDataLine line; try { DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format); line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);, bufferSize); } catch (LineUnavailableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } line.start(); try { int numBytesRead = 0; while (numBytesRead != -1) { numBytesRead =, 0, buffer.length); if (numBytesRead != -1) line.write(buffer, 0, numBytesRead); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } line.drain(); line.close(); }
/** Signals that a PooledThread has started. Creates the Thread's line and buffer. */ protected void threadStarted() { // wait for the SoundManager constructor to finish synchronized (this) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } // use a short, 100ms (1/10th sec) buffer for filters that // change in real-time int bufferSize = playbackFormat.getFrameSize() * Math.round(playbackFormat.getSampleRate() / 10); // create, open, and start the line SourceDataLine line; DataLine.Info lineInfo = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, playbackFormat); try { line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(lineInfo);, bufferSize); } catch (LineUnavailableException ex) { // the line is unavailable - signal to end this thread Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } line.start(); // create the buffer byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; // set this thread's locals localLine.set(line); localBuffer.set(buffer); }
/** 列に周波数とバイト列の長さ指定で形を書き込む */ public void writeNote(double frequency, int sampleCount) { byte[] b = new byte[sampleRate]; double amplitude = sampleRate / frequency; // 波長 for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { double r = i / amplitude; b[i] = (byte) ((Math.round(r) % 2 == 0) ? 100 : -100); } // 再生(バイト列をlineに書き込む) line.write(b, 0, b.length); }
public void writeNote(double frequency) { byte[] b = new byte[sampleRate]; for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { double r = i / (sampleRate / frequency); b[i] = (byte) ((Math.round(r) % 2 == 0) ? 100 : -100); } // 再生(バイト列をlineに書き込む) line.write(b, 0, b.length); line.drain(); // 終了まで }
/** バイト列に周波数、ベロシティ指定で波形書き込む */ public void writeWave(byte[] b, double frequency, int velocity) { double amplitude = sampleRate / frequency; // 波長 for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { double r = i / amplitude; int v = (byte) ((Math.round(r) % 2 == 0) ? velocity : -velocity); v += b[i]; v = Math.min(Math.max(v, -128), 127); b[i] = (byte) v; } // 再生(バイト列をlineに書き込む) line.write(b, 0, b.length); }
private static WAVData readFromStream(AudioInputStream aIn) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException { ReadableByteChannel aChannel = Channels.newChannel(aIn); AudioFormat fmt = aIn.getFormat(); int numChannels = fmt.getChannels(); int bits = fmt.getSampleSizeInBits(); int format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; if ((bits == 8) && (numChannels == 1)) { format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; } else if ((bits == 16) && (numChannels == 1)) { format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } else if ((bits == 8) && (numChannels == 2)) { format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else if ((bits == 16) && (numChannels == 2)) { format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } int freq = Math.round(fmt.getSampleRate()); int size = aIn.available(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size); while (buffer.remaining() > 0) {; } buffer.rewind(); // Must byte swap on big endian platforms // Thanks to swpalmer on forums for hint at fix if ((bits == 16) && (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) { int len = buffer.remaining(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { byte a = buffer.get(i); byte b = buffer.get(i + 1); buffer.put(i, b); buffer.put(i + 1, a); } } WAVData result = new WAVData(buffer, format, size, freq, false); aIn.close(); return result; }
// 播放au,aiff,wav音乐流, 这个函数基本完全为帖子上的代码 private synchronized void play() { ByteArrayInputStream aMusicInputStream; AudioFormat format; AudioInputStream musicInputStream; byte[] audioSamples; SourceDataLine line; try { File MusicFile = new File(m_filename); musicInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(MusicFile); // 取得文件的音频输入流 format = musicInputStream.getFormat(); // 取得音频输入流的格式 audioSamples = getAudioSamples(musicInputStream, format); // 取得音频样本 aMusicInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(audioSamples); int bufferSize = format.getFrameSize() * Math.round(format.getSampleRate() / 10); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; try { DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format); line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);, bufferSize); } catch (LineUnavailableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (!line.isRunning()) { line.start(); } int numBytesRead = 0; while (numBytesRead != -1 && !m_stopped) { numBytesRead =, 0, buffer.length); if (numBytesRead != -1) { line.write(buffer, 0, numBytesRead); } } line.drain(); line.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private byte getByteValue(double angle) { return (new Integer((int) Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * 63))).byteValue(); }