protected void layoutFooter(Page page) { ServletUtil.doLayoutFooter( page, (footnotes == null ? null : footnotes.iterator()), getLockssApp().getVersionInfo()); if (footnotes != null) { footnotes.removeAllElements(); } }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { res.setContentType("text/html"); try { PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter(); pw.println("<html><head><TITLE>Web-Enabled Automated Manufacturing System</TITLE></head>"); pw.println( "<body><br><br><br><form name=modifyuser method=post action='http://peers:8080/servlet/showUser')"); v = U.allUsers(); pw.println("<table align='center' border=0> <tr><td>"); pw.println( "Select User Name To Modify</td><td><SELECT id=select1 name=uid style='HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 74px; TOP: 222px; WIDTH: 155px'>"); pw.println("<OPTION selected value=''></OPTION>"); for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) pw.println( "<OPTION value=" + (String) v.elementAt(i) + ">" + (String) v.elementAt(i) + "</OPTION>"); pw.println( "</SELECT></td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'></td></tr></table></form></body></html>"); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** * Is used to remember the order of variables so that the message returned to the OA does not * contain randomly ordered data. * * @param message The RuleML message * @return An array containing the order of the variables. */ public static String[] getVariableOrder(String message) { Vector<String> variables = new Vector<String>(); String[] variableList; // Break string up StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(message, "<"); String temp = ""; // Temporary storage String tempVar = ""; // Temporary variable storage // While information remains while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { temp = st.nextToken(); // If it is a variable if (temp.startsWith("Var>")) { tempVar = ""; // Get the name of the variable for (int i = 4; i < temp.length(); i++) { if (temp.charAt(i) == '<') break; else tempVar = tempVar + temp.charAt(i); } variables.addElement(tempVar); // Store the variable name } } // Convert the vector to an array variableList = new String[variables.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); i++) { variableList[i] = variables.elementAt(i); } return variableList; }
/** * Returns the value of the named parameter as a String, or null if the parameter was not sent or * was sent without a value. The value is guaranteed to be in its normal, decoded form. If the * parameter has multiple values, only the last one is returned (for backward compatibility). For * parameters with multiple values, it's possible the last "value" may be null. * * @param name the parameter name. * @return the parameter value. */ public String getParameter(String name) { try { Vector values = (Vector) parameters.get(name); if (values == null || values.size() == 0) { return null; } String value = (String) values.elementAt(values.size() - 1); return value; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
/** * Returns the values of the named parameter as a String array, or null if the parameter was not * sent. The array has one entry for each parameter field sent. If any field was sent without a * value that entry is stored in the array as a null. The values are guaranteed to be in their * normal, decoded form. A single value is returned as a one-element array. * * @param name the parameter name. * @return the parameter values. */ public String[] getParameterValues(String name) { try { Vector values = (Vector) parameters.get(name); if (values == null || values.size() == 0) { return null; } String[] valuesArray = new String[values.size()]; values.copyInto(valuesArray); return valuesArray; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
/** * Store a footnote, assign it a number, return html for footnote reference. If footnote in null * or empty, no footnote is added and an empty string is returned. Footnote numbers get turned * into links; <b>Do not put the result of addFootnote inside a link!</b>. */ protected String addFootnote(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return ""; } if (footNumber == 0) { if (footnotes == null) { footnotes = new Vector(10, 10); } else { footnotes.removeAllElements(); } } int n = footnotes.indexOf(s); if (n < 0) { n = footNumber++; footnotes.addElement(s); } return "<sup><font size=-1><a href=#foottag" + (n + 1) + ">" + (n + 1) + "</a></font></sup>"; }
public void addWelcomeFile(String s) { // user specified at least one user welcome file, remove the system // files if (s == null) return; s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) return; if (expectUserWelcomeFiles) { removeWelcomeFiles(); expectUserWelcomeFiles = false; } welcomeFiles.addElement(s); }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { res.setContentType("text/html"); hs = req.getSession(true); PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter(); uid = req.getParameter("did"); if (!uid.equals("")) { v = D.getDealer(uid); pw.println( "<html><head><TITLE>Web-Enabled Automated Manufacturing System</TITLE><script language=javascript>function set() {"); pw.println( "document.deldealer.select1.value='" + (String) v.elementAt(4) + "'} </script></head><P align=center><FONT color=deepskyblue size=4><STRONG>MODIFY DEALER </STRONG></FONT></P> "); pw.println( "<body onLoad=set()><br><br><form name=deldealer method=post action='http://peers:8080/servlet/DelDealer'>"); pw.println( "<center><TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width='75%' style='HEIGHT: 147px; WIDTH: 248px'>"); pw.println( "<TR><TD>DealerId </TD><TD><INPUT id=text1 name=did value=" + (String) v.elementAt(0) + "></TD></TR>"); pw.println( "<TR><TD>DealerName</TD><TD><INPUT id=text2 name=dname value=" + (String) v.elementAt(1) + " ></TD></TR><TR><TD>DealerAddress</TD>"); pw.println( "<TD><INPUT id=text2 type=text name=daddr value=" + (String) v.elementAt(2) + "></TD></TR><TR><TD>CreditLimit</TD><TD><INPUT id=text4 name=cl value=" + v.get(3).toString()); pw.println( "></TD></TR><TR><TD><P>Staus</P></TD><td><SELECT id=select1 name=status style='HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 1px; TOP: 1px; WIDTH: 136px'> <OPTION "); pw.println( "selected value=''></OPTION><OPTION value=Active>Active</OPTION><OPTION value=Inactive>Inactive</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 style='LEFT: 151px; TOP: 318px' type=submit value=Delete></TD></TR>"); pw.println("</table></center></form></body></html>"); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } }
/** * Constructs a new MultipartRequest to handle the specified request, saving any uploaded files to * the given directory, and limiting the upload size to the specified length. If the content is * too large, an IOException is thrown. This constructor actually parses the * <tt>multipart/form-data</tt> and throws an IOException if there's any problem reading or * parsing the request. * * <p>To avoid file collisions, this constructor takes an implementation of the FileRenamePolicy * interface to allow a pluggable rename policy. * * @param request the servlet request. * @param saveDirectory the directory in which to save any uploaded files. * @param maxPostSize the maximum size of the POST content. * @param encoding the encoding of the response, such as ISO-8859-1 * @param policy a pluggable file rename policy * @exception IOException if the uploaded content is larger than <tt>maxPostSize</tt> or there's a * problem reading or parsing the request. */ public MultipartRequest( HttpServletRequest request, String saveDirectory, int maxPostSize, String encoding, FileRenamePolicy policy) throws IOException { // Sanity check values if (request == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("request cannot be null"); if (saveDirectory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("saveDirectory cannot be null"); if (maxPostSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxPostSize must be positive"); } // Save the dir File dir = new File(saveDirectory); // Check saveDirectory is truly a directory if (!dir.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a directory: " + saveDirectory); // Check saveDirectory is writable if (!dir.canWrite()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not writable: " + saveDirectory); // Parse the incoming multipart, storing files in the dir provided, // and populate the meta objects which describe what we found MultipartParser parser = new MultipartParser(request, maxPostSize, true, true, encoding); // Some people like to fetch query string parameters from // MultipartRequest, so here we make that possible. Thanks to // Ben Johnson, [email protected], for the idea. if (request.getQueryString() != null) { // Let HttpUtils create a name->String[] structure Hashtable queryParameters = HttpUtils.parseQueryString(request.getQueryString()); // For our own use, name it a name->Vector structure Enumeration queryParameterNames = queryParameters.keys(); while (queryParameterNames.hasMoreElements()) { Object paramName = queryParameterNames.nextElement(); String[] values = (String[]) queryParameters.get(paramName); Vector newValues = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { newValues.add(values[i]); } parameters.put(paramName, newValues); } } Part part; while ((part = parser.readNextPart()) != null) { String name = part.getName(); if (name == null) { throw new IOException("Malformed input: parameter name missing (known Opera 7 bug)"); } if (part.isParam()) { // It's a parameter part, add it to the vector of values ParamPart paramPart = (ParamPart) part; String value = paramPart.getStringValue(); Vector existingValues = (Vector) parameters.get(name); if (existingValues == null) { existingValues = new Vector(); parameters.put(name, existingValues); } existingValues.addElement(value); } else if (part.isFile()) { // It's a file part FilePart filePart = (FilePart) part; String fileName = filePart.getFileName(); if (fileName != null) { filePart.setRenamePolicy(policy); // null policy is OK // The part actually contained a file filePart.writeTo(dir); files.put( name, new UploadedFile( dir.toString(), filePart.getFileName(), fileName, filePart.getContentType())); } else { // The field did not contain a file files.put(name, new UploadedFile(null, null, null, null)); } } } }
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException { JspFactory _jspxFactory = null; javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext = null; HttpSession session = null; ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; JspWriter _jspx_out = null; try { _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); response.setContentType("text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; out.write("\n\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n"); out.write("\n\n\n"); out.write("\n\n"); Vector vMibs = (Vector) request.getAttribute("mibs"); String strIp = (String) request.getAttribute("ip"); if (strIp == null) strIp = ""; String strCommunity = (String) request.getAttribute("cs"); if (strCommunity == null) strCommunity = ""; String strPort = (String) request.getAttribute("port"); if (strPort == null) strPort = "161"; String strRetries = (String) request.getAttribute("retries"); if (strRetries == null) strRetries = "1"; String strTimeout = (String) request.getAttribute("timeout"); if (strTimeout == null) strTimeout = "3000"; String strOID = (String) request.getAttribute("oid"); if (strOID == null) strOID = ""; String strDesc = (String) request.getAttribute("desc"); if (strDesc == null) strDesc = ""; String strASN1 = (String) request.getAttribute("asn1"); if (strASN1 == null) strASN1 = ""; String authpass = (String) request.getAttribute("authpass"); if (authpass == null) authpass = ""; String privpass = (String) request.getAttribute("privpass"); if (privpass == null) privpass = ""; String version = (String) request.getAttribute("version"); if (version == null) version = "version 1"; String securityname = (String) request.getAttribute("securityname"); if (securityname == null) securityname = ""; String seclevel = (String) request.getAttribute("seclevel"); if (seclevel == null) seclevel = "AUTH_PRIV"; String authproto = (String) request.getAttribute("authproto"); authproto = authproto == null ? "MD5" : authproto; String privproto = (String) request.getAttribute("privproto"); privproto = privproto == null ? "DES" : privproto; out.write("\n\n\n"); out.write("<html>\n"); out.write("<head>\n "); out.write("<title>WebTelemetry - Tools - SNMP Walk"); out.write("</title>\n "); out.write( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/wt-portal/css/default.css\" />\n "); out.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/wt-portal/javascript/WTtools.js\">"); out.write("</script>\n\n\n\t"); out.write( "<script type=text/javascript>\n\t\n\t// Validate the SNMP form\n\tfunction validateForm()\n\t{\n\t var seclevel = \"\";\n\t\tvar seclevelChecked = \"\";\n\t\tif (document.snmpwalk.ip.value == \"\" ) \n\t\t{\n\t\t alert (\"Please fill in the ip address field.\");\n\t\t return false;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse \n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!verifyIP(document.snmpwalk.ip.value))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tdocument.snmpwalk.ip.focus();\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\tif (document.snmpwalk.port.value != \"\" ) \n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!checkInteger(trim(document.snmpwalk.port.value))) {\n\t alert (\"Please enter a whole number for 'Port' and try again.\");\n\t document.snmpwalk.port.focus();\n\t return false;\n\t }\n\t }\n\t \n\t if (document.snmpwalk.retries.value != \"\" ) \n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (!checkInteger(trim(document.snmpwalk.retries.value))) {\n\t alert (\"Please enter a whole number for 'Retries' and try again.\");\n\t document.snmpwalk.retries.focus();\n\t return false;\n\t }\n\t }\n\t \n\t if (document.snmpwalk.timeout.value != \"\" ) \n\t\t{\n"); out.write( "\t\t\tif (!checkInteger(trim(document.snmpwalk.timeout.value))) {\n\t alert (\"Please enter a whole number for 'Timeout' and try again.\");\n\t document.snmpwalk.timeout.focus();\n\t return false;\n\t }\n\t }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\tvar sel = document.getElementById( \"version\");\t\t\t\n\t\tvar opt = sel.options[ sel.selectedIndex];\t\n\t\t\n\t\tif( opt.text != \"version 3\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t// Community String\n\t\t\tvar cs = document.snmpwalk.cs.value;\n\t\t\tif (cs == \"\" || cs == null || trim(cs).length "); out.write( "<= 0)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t \talert (\"Please fill in the community string field.\");\n\t\t \tdocument.snmpwalk.cs.focus();\n\t\t \treturn false;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n {\n // Security name\n var secname = document.getElementById( \"securityname\"); \n if( secname.value == null || trim(secname.value).length == 0)\n {\n alert( \"Please enter a security name\");\n secname.focus();\n return false;\n }\n\n //Find Security level, pass checks\n\t\t\tfor (var i = 0; i "); out.write( "< document.snmpwalk.seclevel.length; i++) \n\t\t\t{ \n\t\t\t\tseclevel = document.snmpwalk.seclevel[i].value;\n\t\t\t\tsecChecked = document.snmpwalk.seclevel[i].checked;\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif (secChecked){\n\t\t\t\t\tseclevelChecked = seclevel;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\n\t\t\t\tif ( (seclevel == \"AUTH_PRIV\") && (secChecked) )\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tif( !checkAuthPassFld() || !checkPrivPassFld())\n\t \t{ \t\n\t \t\treturn false;\n\t \t\t}\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t \t{\n\t\t \t\t\tif( (seclevel == \"AUTH_NOPRIV\") && (secChecked && !checkAuthPassFld()) )\n\t\t \t{ \t\n\t\t \t\treturn false;\n\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t \t\t} \n\t\t\t} \n }\n\t \n\t\t// The following is needed to support Mozilla & IE browsers with retrieving values from drop-down boxes (version, authproto, privproto).\n\t\tvar versionSel = document.snmpwalk.version;\n\t\tvar versionVal = versionSel.options[ versionSel.selectedIndex].text;\t\n\t\tvar authprotoSel = document.snmpwalk.authproto;\n\t\tvar authprotoVal = authprotoSel.options[ authprotoSel.selectedIndex].text;\t\n\t\tvar privprotoSel = document.snmpwalk.privproto;\n"); out.write( "\t\tvar privprotoVal = privprotoSel.options[ privprotoSel.selectedIndex].text;\n\t\t\n\t\t// The followings are needed to avoid passing inappropriate SNMP version-dependent browser saved values to the servlet. \n\t\tvar authpassVal = document.snmpwalk.authpass.value; \n\t\tvar privpassVal = document.snmpwalk.privpass.value; \n\t\tvar communityStr = document.snmpwalk.cs.value;\n\t\t\n\t\tif (versionVal == \"version 3\")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcommunityStr = \"\";\n\t\t\tif (seclevelChecked == \"AUTH_NOPRIV\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tprivpassVal = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tprivprotoVal = \"\"; \n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (seclevelChecked == \"NOAUTH_NOPRIV\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tauthpassVal = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tauthprotoVal = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tprivpassVal = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tprivprotoVal = \"\"; \n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse \n\t\t{\n\t\t\tauthpassVal = \"\";\n\t\t\tauthprotoVal = \"\";\n\t\t\tprivpassVal = \"\";\n\t\t\tprivprotoVal = \"\"; \n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.ip.value=document.snmpwalk.ip.value;\t \t\t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.oid.value=document.snmpwalk.oid.value;\t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.port.value=document.snmpwalk.port.value;\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.retries.value=document.snmpwalk.retries.value;\n"); out.write( "\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.timeout.value=document.snmpwalk.timeout.value;\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.cs.value=communityStr;\t\t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.version.value=versionVal; \t\t\t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.securityname.value=document.snmpwalk.securityname.value; \n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.seclevel.value=seclevelChecked; \t\t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.authpass.value=authpassVal; \t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.authproto.value=authprotoVal; \t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.privpass.value=privpassVal; \t\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.privproto.value=privprotoVal; \n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.button.value='GetResults';\n\t top.frames[1].document.snmpwalk.submit();\n\t \n\t return true; \n\t}\n\n\t// Validate ASN.1 value\n\tfunction validateLookup()\n\t{\n\t if (document.snmpwalk.desc.value == \"\" ) \n\t\t{\n\t\t alert (\"Please fill in ASN.1 Description (example: hrStorageDescr).\");\n\t\t return false;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\treturn true;\n"); out.write( "\t}\n\t\n\t// Show MIB pop-up window\n\tfunction viewMIB()\n\t{\n\t if (document.snmpwalk.mibs.selectedIndex == -1 ) \n\t\t{\n\t\t alert (\"Please select a MIB to view.\");\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar mib = document.snmpwalk.mibs.options[document.snmpwalk.mibs.selectedIndex];\n\t var win ='"); out.print(WTTools.getMibURL(request)); out.write( "' + mib.text, '', \n\t\t\t'status=yes,resizeable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,height=600,width=800');\t\n\t return false;\n\t}\n\t\n\t// hide element\n function hide( targetId)\n {\n if (document.getElementById)\n {\n target = document.getElementById(targetId);\n = \"hidden\";\n = \"none\";\n }\n }\n // show element\n function show( targetId)\n {\n if (document.getElementById)\n {\n target = document.getElementById(targetId);\n = \"visible\";\n = \"\";\n }\n }\n \n // Adjust frame\n function adjustFrames(topFrameSize)\n {\n \tvar framesSize = topFrameSize + \",*\";\n \tparent.document.getElementById(\"snmpframes\").rows = framesSize; \n }\n\n\t\n\t// Check for SNMPv3 selection\n\tfunction checkForSNMPv3()\n\t{\n\t\tvar sel = document.getElementById( \"version\");\n\t\tvar opt = sel.options[ sel.selectedIndex];\n\t\tif( opt.text == \"version 3\")\n"); out.write( "\t\t{\t\t\t\n\t\t\thide (\"csOptions\");\n\t\t\tshow (\"snmpOptions\"); \n\t\t\tadjustFrames(420);\n\t\t\tcheckSecLevel();\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\t\t\t\n\t\t\tshow (\"csOptions\");\n\t\t\thide (\"snmpOptions\"); \n\t\t\thide (\"authOptions\"); \n\t\t\thide (\"privOptions\"); \n\t\t\tadjustFrames(270);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// This is work around for IE browsers which do not support "); out.write( "<option disabled>\n\t\t// This text will not appear for any other browsers as this option can never be selected \n\t\tif(( opt.text == \"SNMPv3 disabled\") || ( opt.text == \"SNMPv3 expired\"))\n\t\t{\n\t\t\talert(\"You are currently not licensed to use this feature. Please contact your sales representative for questions regarding this feature.\");\n\n\t\t\t// When the user selects SNMP v3 feature, select index is changed to version 1\n\t\t\tsel.selectedIndex = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\t// Check Auth Passphrase\n\tfunction checkAuthPassFld()\n {\n var authpass = document.getElementById( \"authpassfld\");\n if( authpass.value == null || authpass.value.length "); out.write( "< 8)\n {\n alert( \"Authentication Passphrase must be 8 characters or more\");\n authpass.focus();\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n \n // Check Privacy Passphrase\n function checkPrivPassFld()\n {\n var privpass = document.getElementById( \"privpassfld\");\n if( privpass.value == null || privpass.value.length "); out.write( "< 8)\n {\n alert( \"Privacy Passphrase must be 8 characters or more\");\n privpass.focus();\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n \n function checkSecLevel()\n { \n \tvar secLevelChecked; \t\n \tfor (var i = 0; i "); out.write( "< document.snmpwalk.seclevel.length; i++) \n\t\t{ \n\t\t\tvar seclevel = document.snmpwalk.seclevel[i].value;\n\t\t\tvar secChecked = document.snmpwalk.seclevel[i].checked;\n\t\t\tif ( secChecked )\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tsecLevelChecked = seclevel;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tif ( secLevelChecked == \"AUTH_PRIV\" )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif( checkAuthPassFld() || checkPrivPassFld())\n \t{\n\t\t\t\tshowAuthPriv();\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse \n \t{\t \t\t\n\t \t\tif ( (secLevelChecked == \"AUTH_NOPRIV\") && checkAuthPassFld() )\n\t \t{\n\t \t\tshowAuth();\n\t \t\t}\n\t \t\telse \n\t \t{\n\t \t\thideAuthPriv();\n\t \t}\n \t\t} \n }\n \n \n\tfunction showAuthPriv()\n\t{\n\t\tshow( \"authOptions\");\n\t\tshow( \"privOptions\");\n\t}\n\t \n\t\n\tfunction showAuth()\n\t{\n\t\tshow( \"authOptions\");\n\t\thide( \"privOptions\");\n\t}\n\t \n\t\n\tfunction hideAuthPriv()\n\t{\n\t\thide( \"authOptions\");\n\t \thide( \"privOptions\");\n\t}\n\t\n\tfunction checkForSpaces( evt)\n {\n evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? event : null);\n if( evt)\n {\n var elem = ( ? : ((evt.srcElement) ? evt.srcElement : null);\n"); out.write( " if( elem)\n {\n var charCode = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode : ((evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode);\n return( charCode != 32);\n }\n }\n }\n\n\t"); out.write("</script>\n"); out.write("</head>\n\n\n"); out.write("<body onload='checkForSNMPv3()'>\n"); /* ---- c:import ---- */ org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.ImportTag _jspx_th_c_import_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.ImportTag) _jspx_tagPool_c_import_url_context.get( org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.ImportTag.class); _jspx_th_c_import_0.setPageContext(pageContext); _jspx_th_c_import_0.setParent(null); _jspx_th_c_import_0.setContext("/wt-monitor"); _jspx_th_c_import_0.setUrl("/includes/header.jsp"); int[] _jspx_push_body_count_c_import_0 = new int[] {0}; try { int _jspx_eval_c_import_0 = _jspx_th_c_import_0.doStartTag(); if (_jspx_eval_c_import_0 != javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_BODY) { if (_jspx_eval_c_import_0 != javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE) { javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent _bc = pageContext.pushBody(); 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out.write("<td width=\"32%\" valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\">\n "); out.write("<!-- BEGIN WALK SNMP TABLES -->\n "); out.write( "<table width=\"100%\" valign=\"top\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableHeader\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" colspan=\"2\">Walk an SNMP Agent"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>IP Address:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_IPADDR); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"ip\" value=\""); out.print(strIp); out.write("\" size=\"23\">"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr> \n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>Starting OID:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_START_OID); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write("<input type=\"text\" size=\"23\" name=\"oid\" value=\""); out.print(strOID); out.write("\">"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>Port:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_PORT); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write("<input type=\"text\" size=\"23\" maxlength=10 name=\"port\" value=\""); out.print(strPort); out.write("\" >"); out.write("</td> \t\t\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>Retries:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_RETRIES); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write("<input type=\"text\" size=\"4\" maxlength=10 name=\"retries\" value=\""); out.print(strRetries); out.write("\" >"); out.write("</td> \t\t\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>Timeout(ms):"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_TIMEOUT); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write("<input type=\"text\" size=\"23\" maxlength=10 name=\"timeout\" value=\""); out.print(strTimeout); out.write("\" >"); out.write("</td> \t\t\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>SNMP Version:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_VERSION); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >\n \t"); out.write( "<select name=\"version\" id=\"version\" onclick=\"checkForSNMPv3()\">\n \t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print(version.equals("version 1") ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">version 1\n \t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print(version.equals("version 2c") ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">version 2c\n\t"); com.websina.license.LicenseManager lim = com.websina.license.LicenseManager.getInstance(); if (lim != null) { // Check if license is not null if (lim.isValid()) { // Check if license is valid if (((Boolean.valueOf( lim.getFeature(com.websina.license.License.WT_SECURE_SNMPV3_ENABLED_FIELD_NAME))) .booleanValue())) { // Check if feature is enabled if ((lim.daysLeft(com.websina.license.License.WT_SECURE_SNMPV3_EXPIRATION_FIELD_NAME) > 0) || (lim.daysLeft(com.websina.license.License.WT_SECURE_SNMPV3_EXPIRATION_FIELD_NAME) == -1)) { // Check if feature has expired (-1 indicates never expired) out.write("\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print(version.equals("version 3") ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">version 3\n\t"); } else { out.write("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); out.write("<!-- The text for "); out.write( "<option disabled> tag is changed as a workaround for IE browsers -->\n\t\t\t\t"); out.write( "<!-- Although other browsers will not allow to select this option -->\n\t\t\t\t"); out.write( "<!-- IE lets you select it and hence call checkForSNMPv3() which displays a message that the feature is not enabled and select version 1 -->\n\t\t\t\t"); out.write("<!-- SNMPv3 enabled and expired -->\n\t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option disabled=\"disabled\" style=\"color:#aaa\">SNMPv3 expired"); out.write("</option>\n\t"); } } else { out.write("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); out.write("<!-- License is valid, SNMPv3 is disabled -->\n\t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option disabled=\"disabled\" style=\"color:#aaa\">SNMPv3 disabled"); out.write("</option>\n "); } } } out.write(" \n \t\t\t"); out.write("</select>\n "); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("</table>\n \n "); out.write("<!-- COMMUNITY STRING OPTION -->\n \n "); out.write("<div id=\"csOptions\" style=\"visibility: visible\"> \n\t\t\t\t"); out.write( "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n \t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>Community String:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_COMMSTR); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write("<input type=\"password\" name=\"cs\" value=\""); out.print(strCommunity); out.write("\" size=\"23\">"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("</tr>\n \t"); out.write("</table>\n "); out.write("</div>\n \n\t\t\t"); out.write("<!-- SNMP v3 OPTIONS --> \n \n\t\t\t"); out.write("<div id=\"snmpOptions\" style=\"display: none; visibility: hidden\"> \n\t\t\t\t"); out.write( "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n \t"); out.write("<!-- SNMP Version 3 Config Label -->\n \t"); out.write("<BR/>"); out.write("<HR width=\"95% align=\"center\">\n \t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">"); out.write("<b>SNMP Version 3 Options"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("</tr> \n \t\n \t"); out.write("<!-- Security Name -->\n \t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"45%\">"); out.write("<b>Security Name:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write( "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"securityname\" id=\"securityname\" size=\"23\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\""); out.print(securityname); out.write("\" >"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("</tr> \n \t\n \t"); out.write("<!-- Security Level Options -->\n \t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<b>Security Level:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("<A class=\"tt\" HREF=\"javascript: towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_SECURITY_LEVEL); out.write(");\" TITLE=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- Authentication with Privacy radio button-->\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">\n \t\t"); out.write( "<input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"showAuthPriv();adjustFrames(600)\" name=\"seclevel\" id=\"authpriv\" \n \t\tvalue=\"AUTH_PRIV\" "); out.print("AUTH_PRIV".equals(seclevel) ? "CHECKED" : ""); out.write("> \n \t\tAuthentication with Privacy\n \t\t"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- Authentication without Privacy radio button-->\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">\n \t\t"); out.write( "<input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"showAuth();adjustFrames(500)\" name=\"seclevel\" id=\"authnopriv\" \n \t\tvalue=\"AUTH_NOPRIV\" "); out.print("AUTH_NOPRIV".equals(seclevel) ? "CHECKED" : ""); out.write( "> \n \t\tAuthentication without Privacy\n \t\t"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr> \n \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- No Authentication and No Privacy radio button-->\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">\n \t\t"); out.write( "<input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"hideAuthPriv();adjustFrames(420)\" name=\"seclevel\" id=\"noauthnopriv\" \n \t\tvalue=\"NOAUTH_NOPRIV\" "); out.print("NOAUTH_NOPRIV".equals(seclevel) ? "CHECKED" : ""); out.write( "> \n \t\tNo Authentication and no Privacy\n \t\t"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr> \n \t\t\n \t"); out.write("</table>\n\t\t\t"); out.write("</div> \t\n \n\t\t\t"); out.write("<!-- Authentication Passphrase & Protocol-->\t\n\t\t\t"); out.write("<div id=\"authOptions\" style=\"display:none; visibility:hidden\"> \n\t\t\t\t"); out.write( "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<br/>\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- Authentication Passphrase -->\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \t\t\t \n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">"); out.write("<b>Authentication:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td> \n \t\t"); out.write("</tr> \n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \n \t\t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"31%\">Passphrase"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript:towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_AUTH_PASS); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write( "<input type=\"password\" name=\"authpass\" id=\"authpassfld\" size=\"18\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\""); out.print(authpass); out.write("\" > (min. 8 char.)"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n \t\t \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- Authentication Protocol --> \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \n \t\t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"31%\">Protocol"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript:towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_AUTH_PROC); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >\n \t\t"); out.write("<select name=\"authproto\" id=\"authprotofld\">\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print("MD5".equals(authproto) ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">MD5"); out.write("</option>\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print("SHA".equals(authproto) ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">SHA"); out.write("</option>\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("</select> \t\t\t \n \t\t\t"); out.write("</td> \t \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n \t\t"); out.write("</table>\n\t\t\t"); out.write("</div> \t\n \t\t\n "); out.write("<!-- Privacy Passphrase & Protocol--> \t\t\n\t \t"); out.write("<div id=\"privOptions\" style=\"display:none; visibility:hidden\"> \n\t\t\t\t"); out.write( "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<br/> \t\t \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- Privacy Passphrase -->\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">"); out.write("<b>Privacy:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr> \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \n \t\t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"31%\">Passphrase"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript:towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_PRIV_PASS); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" >"); out.write( "<input type=\"password\" name=\"privpass\" id=\"privpassfld\" size=\"18\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\""); out.print(privpass); out.write("\" > (min. 8 char.)"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n \t\t \n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- Privacy Protocol --> \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\"> \n \t\t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"31%\">Protocol"); out.write("<a class=\"tt\" href=\"javascript:towerTip("); out.print(WTTips.TIP_SNMP_PRIV_PROC); out.write(");\" title=\"Telemetry Tip\">"); out.write("<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/icons/tower_tips.gif\" border=\"0\">"); out.write("</a>"); out.write("</td>\n \t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" > \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<select name=\"privproto\" id=\"privprotofld\">\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print("DES".equals(privproto) ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">DES"); out.write("</option>\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print("AES 128".equals(privproto) ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">AES 128"); out.write("</option>\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print("AES 192".equals(privproto) ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">AES 192"); out.write("</option>\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("<option "); out.print("AES 256".equals(privproto) ? "SELECTED" : ""); out.write(">AES 256"); out.write("</option>\n \t\t\t\t"); out.write("</select>\n \t\t\t"); out.write("</td> \t \t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr> \n \t\t\t"); out.write("</table>\n\t\t\t"); out.write("</div> \t\t\n \n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- End of SNMP v3 OPTIONS --> \n \n \t"); out.write("<!-- SNMP Submit button -->\n\t\t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n\t\t\t\t"); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">\n \t\t"); out.write("<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"button\" value=\"\">\n\t\t\t\t\t"); out.write( "<INPUT type=\"image\" src=\"/wt-portal/images/buttons/btn_walk.gif\" onClick=\"document.snmpwalk.button.value='Walk'; return validateForm();\">\n \t\t\t"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n\t"); if (lim != null) { // Check if license is not null if (lim.isValid()) { // Check if license is valid if (((Boolean.valueOf( lim.getFeature(com.websina.license.License.WT_SECURE_SNMPV3_ENABLED_FIELD_NAME))) .booleanValue())) { // Check if feature is enabled if ((lim.daysLeft(com.websina.license.License.WT_SECURE_SNMPV3_EXPIRATION_FIELD_NAME) > 0) || (lim.daysLeft(com.websina.license.License.WT_SECURE_SNMPV3_EXPIRATION_FIELD_NAME) == -1)) { // Check if feature has expired (-1 indicates never expired) out.write("\t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- License valid, SNMPv3 enabled and expired -->\t\t\t\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t\t\t"); out.write("<td colspan=\"2\">"); out.write( "<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/spacers/spacer.gif\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"WebTelemetry\">"); out.write("</td>\n \t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n "); } else { out.write("\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- SNMPv3 enabled and expired -->\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t\t\t"); out.write("<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<span class=\"error\">Access to SNMP v3 has expired."); out.write("</span>"); out.write("<br> \n \t\t\t"); out.write("</td>\n\t\t\t"); out.write("</tr>\n "); } } else { out.write("\n \t\t"); out.write("<!-- License is valid, SNMPv3 is disabled -->\n \t\t"); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n \t\t\t"); out.write("<td colspan=\"2\">"); out.write( "<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/spacers/spacer.gif\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"WebTelemetry\">"); 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out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\">Lookup ASN.1 Values By Name"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"desc\" value=\""); out.print(strDesc); out.write("\" size=\"30\" >"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<textarea cols=\"30\" rows=\"5\">"); out.print(strASN1); out.write("</textarea>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">\n\t "); out.write( "<INPUT type=\"image\" src=\"/wt-portal/images/buttons/btn_lookup.gif\" onClick=\"document.snmpwalk.button.value='lookup'; return validateLookup();\">\n "); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("</table>"); out.write("<BR>\n "); out.write("<!-- END ASN TABLE -->\n "); out.write("</td> \n \t"); out.write("<td valign=\"top\">"); out.write( "<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/spacers/spacer.gif\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"WebTelemetry\">"); out.write("</td> \n "); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("</form>\n"); out.write("<!-- BEGIN FRAMING TABLE:close tags-->\n\t\t"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("<!-- END FRAMING TABLE:close tags--> \n "); out.write("</body>\n"); out.write("</html>\n"); } catch (Throwable t) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) out.clearBuffer(); if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t); } finally { if (_jspxFactory != null) _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(pageContext); } }
private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey CE_Survey; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { CE_Survey = (CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("CE_Survey"); if (CE_Survey == null) { CE_Survey = new CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("CE_Survey", CE_Survey); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.Translate trans; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { trans = (CP_Classes.Translate) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("trans"); if (trans == null) { trans = new CP_Classes.Translate(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("trans", trans); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.RatingTask RT; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { RT = (CP_Classes.RatingTask) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("RT"); if (RT == null) { RT = new CP_Classes.RatingTask(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("RT", RT); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.RatingScale RS; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { RS = (CP_Classes.RatingScale) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("RS"); if (RS == null) { RS = new CP_Classes.RatingScale(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("RS", RS); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.Purpose PRP; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { PRP = (CP_Classes.Purpose) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("PRP"); if (PRP == null) { PRP = new CP_Classes.Purpose(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("PRP", PRP); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); CP_Classes.SurveyRating SVR; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { SVR = (CP_Classes.SurveyRating) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("SVR"); if (SVR == null) { SVR = new CP_Classes.SurveyRating(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("SVR", SVR); } } out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please choose a rating task"))); out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setDateHeader("expires", 0); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("purpose") != null) { int var1 = new Integer(request.getParameter("purpose")).intValue(); CE_Survey.setPurpose(var1); System.out.println("Purpose ID" + var1); } else { // Edited by Eric Lu 22/5/08 // Resets purpose if first time accessing this page CE_Survey.setPurpose(0); } if (request.getParameter("add") != null) { String rating = ""; String scale = ""; boolean RequiredChosen = false; String[] chkSelect = new String[10]; String[] ScaleDesc = new String[10]; String[] radioSelect = new String[10]; int SurveyID = CE_Survey.getSurvey_ID(); ScaleDesc = request.getParameterValues("selScaleDesc"); chkSelect = request.getParameterValues("chkRat"); radioSelect = request.getParameterValues("radioRat"); int count = 0; // count shifted, Mark Oei 16 April 2010 /*------------------------------------------------- for checkbox ------------------------------------------------*/ // Changed by Ha 28/05/09 to pop out message when action is done successfully if (chkSelect != null) { boolean added = false; count = 0; // change to declare variable outside if statement, Mark Oei 16 April 2010 for (int i = 0; i < chkSelect.length; i++) { rating = chkSelect[i]; if (rating != null) { String RatName = " "; RatName = RT.getRatingTask(Integer.parseInt(rating)); ScaleDesc = new String[10]; ScaleDesc = request.getParameterValues("selScaleDesc" + rating); for (int j = 0; j < ScaleDesc.length; j++) { scale = ScaleDesc[j]; CE_Survey.editPurpose(SurveyID, CE_Survey.getPurpose()); added = CE_Survey.addRating(SurveyID, scale, rating, RatName); if (added) count++; } } } // Added to insert default values into database when rating tasks are added // Mark Oei 16 April 2010 int lLimit = 0; int uLimit = 0; int scaleRange = CE_Survey.getRatScale(); int taskCount = (Integer) session.getAttribute("taskCount") + count; if ((taskCount == 1 && Integer.parseInt(rating) == 1)) { lLimit = scaleRange / 2 - 1; uLimit = scaleRange / 2 + 1; } else { lLimit = -1; uLimit = 1; } boolean isSuccessful = CE_Survey.setMinPassScore(SurveyID, lLimit, uLimit); if (isSuccessful) { System.out.println( "Default Limits " + lLimit + ", " + uLimit + " has been inserted successfully"); } if (count == chkSelect.length) { out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------- for radiobox ----------------------------------------------*/ rating = ""; if (radioSelect != null) { for (int i = 0; i < radioSelect.length; i++) { rating = radioSelect[i]; if (rating != null) { String RatName = RT.getRatingTask(Integer.parseInt(rating)); ScaleDesc = new String[10]; ScaleDesc = request.getParameterValues("selScaleDesc" + rating); for (int j = 0; j < ScaleDesc.length; j++) { scale = ScaleDesc[j]; CE_Survey.addRating(SurveyID, scale, rating, RatName); } } } } out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); } out.write(_jsp_string9, 0, _jsp_string9.length); out.print((trans.tslt("To Select Rating Task, checked on the provided boxes under Select"))); out.write(_jsp_string10, 0, _jsp_string10.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Purpose of Survey"))); out.write(_jsp_string11, 0, _jsp_string11.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Choose one"))); out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); Vector v = PRP.getAllPurpose(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { votblPurpose vo = (votblPurpose) v.elementAt(i); int PurposeID = vo.getPurposeID(); String PurposeName = vo.getPurposeName(); if (CE_Survey.getPurpose() == PurposeID) { out.write(_jsp_string13, 0, _jsp_string13.length); out.print((PurposeID)); out.write(_jsp_string14, 0, _jsp_string14.length); out.print((PurposeName)); out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string15, 0, _jsp_string15.length); out.print((PurposeID)); out.write('>'); out.print((PurposeName)); out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string16, 0, _jsp_string16.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Scale Range Chosen"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print((CE_Survey.getRatScale())); out.write(_jsp_string18, 0, _jsp_string18.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Rating Task"))); out.write(_jsp_string19, 0, _jsp_string19.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Select"))); out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Rating Task"))); out.write(_jsp_string21, 0, _jsp_string21.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Scale Description"))); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); String query2 = ""; boolean dunAddPR = false; int iRatingTaskID = SVR.getRatingTaskID(CE_Survey.getSurvey_ID()); if (iRatingTaskID != 0) dunAddPR = true; boolean anyRecord = false; boolean anyscale = false; Vector vRT = RT.getRatingTask(CE_Survey.getSurvey_ID(), dunAddPR, CE_Survey.getPurpose()); for (int i = 0; i < vRT.size(); i++) { anyRecord = true; votblRatingTask vo = (votblRatingTask) vRT.elementAt(i); int RatID = vo.getRatingTaskID(); String RatName = vo.getRatingTask(); String ScaleType = vo.getScaleType(); out.write(_jsp_string23, 0, _jsp_string23.length); if (CE_Survey.getPurpose() != 9) { out.write(_jsp_string24, 0, _jsp_string24.length); out.print((RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string25, 0, _jsp_string25.length); } else { if (RatID != 2 && RatID != 3) { out.write(_jsp_string26, 0, _jsp_string26.length); out.print((RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string27, 0, _jsp_string27.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string28, 0, _jsp_string28.length); out.print((RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string29, 0, _jsp_string29.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string30, 0, _jsp_string30.length); out.print((RatName)); out.write(_jsp_string31, 0, _jsp_string31.length); out.print(("selScaleDesc" + RatID)); out.write(_jsp_string32, 0, _jsp_string32.length); Vector vScale = RS.getRatingScale(CE_Survey.getRatScale(), ScaleType, CE_Survey.get_survOrg()); for (int j = 0; j < vScale.size(); j++) { votblScale voS = (votblScale) vScale.elementAt(j); anyscale = true; int ScaleID = voS.getScaleID(); String ScaleDesc = voS.getScaleDescription(); out.write(_jsp_string33, 0, _jsp_string33.length); out.print((ScaleID)); out.write('>'); out.print((ScaleDesc)); out.write(_jsp_string34, 0, _jsp_string34.length); } out.write(_jsp_string35, 0, _jsp_string35.length); } if (anyRecord == false && CE_Survey.getPurpose() != 0) { out.write(_jsp_string36, 0, _jsp_string36.length); out.print( (trans.tslt("All the rating tasks under this purpose of survey have been added"))); out.write(_jsp_string37, 0, _jsp_string37.length); } out.write(_jsp_string38, 0, _jsp_string38.length); if (anyRecord && anyscale) { out.write(_jsp_string39, 0, _jsp_string39.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add"))); out.write(_jsp_string40, 0, _jsp_string40.length); } out.write(_jsp_string41, 0, _jsp_string41.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Close"))); out.write(_jsp_string42, 0, _jsp_string42.length); 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private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); // Author: Dai Yong in June 2013 out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.Database Database; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Database = (CP_Classes.Database) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Database"); if (Database == null) { Database = new CP_Classes.Database(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Database", Database); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); Coach.LoginStatus LoginStatus; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { LoginStatus = (Coach.LoginStatus) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("LoginStatus"); if (LoginStatus == null) { LoginStatus = new Coach.LoginStatus(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("LoginStatus", LoginStatus); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); Coach.Coach Coach; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Coach = (Coach.Coach) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Coach"); if (Coach == null) { Coach = new Coach.Coach(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Coach", Coach); } } out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("add") != null) { if (request.getParameter("Name") != null) { String name = request.getParameter("Name"); String link = ""; if (request.getParameter("Link") != "") { link = request.getParameter("Link"); } // check whether SlotGroup name already exists in database Boolean Exist = false; Vector v = Coach.getAllCoach(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { voCoach vo = (voCoach) v.elementAt(i); String coachName = vo.getCoachName(); // System.out.println("Existing Schedule Name:"+slotGroupName); if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase((coachName.trim()))) { Exist = true; System.out.println("Same Coach Name"); } } if (!Exist) { try { boolean add = Coach.addCoach(name, link); if (add) { out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); } else { } } catch (Exception SE) { System.out.println(SE); } } else { out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); } } } out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); } out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); }
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try { UserFactory.init(); user = userFactory.getUser(userID); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException("Could not find user " + userID + " in user factory.", e); } out.write("\n"); out.write("<html>\n"); out.write("<head>\n "); out.write("<title>WebTelemetry - | User Management | User Detail"); out.write("</title>\n "); out.write("<base HREF=\""); out.print(org.opennms.web.Util.calculateUrlBase(request)); out.write("\" />\n "); out.write( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/wt-portal/css/default.css\" />\n\t"); out.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/wt-portal/javascript/WTtools.js\">"); out.write("</script>\n"); out.write("</head>\n"); out.write("<body>\n"); String title = " User Management - Detail Summary for: " + userID; out.write("\n"); /* ---- c:if ---- */ org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.IfTag _jspx_th_c_if_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.IfTag) _jspx_tagPool_c_if_test.get(org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.IfTag.class); 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out.write("<td width=\"10\">"); out.write( "<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/spacers/spacer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"WebTelemetry\">"); out.write("</td>\n\t\t"); out.write("<td>\n"); out.write("<!-- END FRAMING TABLE:open tags, keep at 100%-->\n"); out.write("<table width=\"98%\"border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableHeader\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" colspan=\"2\">User Information"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"25%\">"); out.write("<b>Full Name:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"75%\">"); out.print(user.getFullName()); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowDark\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<b>Comments:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.print(user.getUserComments()); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("<br>\n"); out.write("<table width=\"98%\"border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableHeader\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" colspan=\"2\">Notification Information"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"25%\">"); out.write("<b>Email:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"75%\">"); out.print(userFactory.getEmail(userID)); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowDark\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<b>Pager Email:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.print(userFactory.getPagerEmail(userID)); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<b>Numerical Service:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.print(userFactory.getNumericPage(userID)); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowDark\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<b>Numerical Pin:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.print(userFactory.getNumericPin(userID)); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<b>Text Service:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.print(userFactory.getTextPage(userID)); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowDark\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.write("<b>Text Pin:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\">"); out.print(userFactory.getTextPin(userID)); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("<br>\n"); out.write("<table width=\"98%\"border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableHeader\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" colspan=\"2\">Duty Schedules"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">"); out.write("<br />\n "); out.write("<!-- weekly schedule -->\n "); out.write( "<table width=\"50%\" border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#999999\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" >\n\t\t\t"); Collection dutySchedules = user.getDutyScheduleCollection(); out.write("\n "); int i = 0; Iterator iter = dutySchedules.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { DutySchedule tmp = new DutySchedule((String); Vector curSched = tmp.getAsVector(); i++; out.write("\n "); out.write("<tr>\n "); ChoiceFormat days = new ChoiceFormat("0#Mo|1#Tu|2#We|3#Th|4#Fr|5#Sa|6#Su"); for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { Boolean curDay = (Boolean) curSched.get(j); out.write("\n "); out.write("<td width=\"5%\">\n "); out.print((curDay.booleanValue() ? days.format(j) : "X")); out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n "); } out.write("\n "); out.write("<td width=\"5%\">\n "); out.print(curSched.get(7)); out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td width=\"5%\">\n "); out.print(curSched.get(8)); out.write("\n "); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); } out.write("\n "); out.write("</table>\n "); out.write("<!-- end weekly schedule --> \n "); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">"); out.write( "<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/spacers/spacer.gif\" height=\"4\" width=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"WebTelemetry\">"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr> \n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("<br>"); out.write("<br>\n"); out.write("<b>Member of the Following Organizations & Groups:"); out.write("</b>\n"); out.write("<!-- BEGIN: NEW ASSIGNED GROUPS TABLE -->\n"); out.write("<table width=\"98%\"border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n\n "); // Get the user's orgs WTOrganizationDAO orgDAO = DAOImpl.OrgDAO; WTOrganization[] orgs = orgDAO.getWTOrganization(); if (orgs != null) { // Loop thru orgs for (int idx = 0; idx < orgs.length; idx++) { out.write("\n\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableHeader\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableHeader\" colspan=\"2\">Organization Name: "); out.print(orgs[idx].getName()); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("</tr>\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"25%\">"); out.write("<b>Assigned Groups:"); out.write("</b>"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" width=\"75%\">\n "); // Get the orgs groups WTGroupManager grpMgr = ManagersImpl.GroupManager; int[] orgids = {orgs[idx].getID()}; List groups = grpMgr.getUserGroups(user.getUserId(), orgids); if (groups != null) { // Loop thru the groups for (Iterator iterGrps = groups.iterator(); iterGrps.hasNext(); ) { WTGroup group = (WTGroup); WTRole role = (group.getRoles() == null ? null : (WTRole) group.getRoles().get(0)); out.write("\n "); out.print(group.getName()); out.write(" ("); out.print((role == null ? "" : role.getName())); out.write(")"); out.write("<br/>\n "); } } out.write("\n\n "); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("</tr>\n\n "); } } out.write("\n\n "); out.write("<tr class=\"tableRowLight\">\n "); out.write("<td class=\"tableText\" colspan=\"2\">"); out.write( "<img src=\"/wt-portal/images/spacers/spacer.gif\" height=\"4\" width=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=\"WebTelemetry\">"); out.write("</td>\n "); out.write("</tr> \n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("<!-- END: NEW ASSIGNED GROUPS TABLE -->\n\n\n"); out.write("<!-- BEGIN FRAMING TABLE:close tags-->\n\t\t"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("<!-- END FRAMING TABLE:close tags-->\n"); out.write("<br>\n\n"); JspRuntimeLibrary.include(request, response, "/includes/footer.jsp", out, false); out.write("\n"); out.write("</body>\n"); out.write("</html>\n\n"); } catch (Throwable t) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) out.clearBuffer(); if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t); } finally { if (_jspxFactory != null) _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(pageContext); } }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { address = PAConfiguration.getAddress(); port = PAConfiguration.getPort(instantiation); poslAddress = PAConfiguration.getPOSL(instantiation, topic); rdfAddress = PAConfiguration.getRDFTaxonomy(instantiation); messageEndpoint = PAConfiguration.getEndpointName(instantiation, topic); } catch (BadConfigurationException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); try { System.out.println("5 Publicty Chair Servlet"); System.out.println(response.toString()); BufferedReader brd = request.getReader(); String input = ""; String message = ""; while (!input.equals("</RuleML>")) { input = brd.readLine(); message = message + input; } String[] varOrder = getVariableOrder(message); System.out.println("Received Message: " + message); // BackwardReasoner br = new BackwardReasoner(); // Iterator solit =null; // DefiniteClause dc = null; // SymbolTable.reset(); POSLParser pp = new POSLParser(); // String contents = "c(a).\nc(b).\nc(c)."; Date t1 = new GregorianCalendar().getTime(); System.out.println(t1.getHours() + ":" + t1.getMinutes()); // append time to contents System.out.println("day: " + t1.getDay()); System.out.println("day: " + t1.getYear()); System.out.println("day: " + t1.getMonth()); // time String time = "time(" + t1.getHours() + ":integer)."; System.out.println(time); String url = poslAddress; // String url = ""; String contents = ""; // day of the week int day = t1.getDay(); boolean weekday = true; if (day == 0 || day == 6) { weekday = false; } String dayOfWeek; if (weekday) { dayOfWeek = "day(weekday)."; } else { dayOfWeek = "day(weekend)."; } // full date Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int day2 = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String date; String day3 = "" + day2; if (day2 == 1 || day2 == 2 || day2 == 3 || day2 == 4 || day2 == 5 || day2 == 6 || day2 == 7 || day2 == 8 || day2 == 9) { day3 = "0" + day2; } if (month == 10 || month == 11 || month == 12) date = "" + year + month + day3; else date = "" + year + "0" + month + day3; date = "date(" + date + ":integer)."; System.out.println(date); String url2 = rdfAddress; HttpClient client2 = new HttpClient(); GetMethod method2 = new GetMethod(url2); method2.setFollowRedirects(true); String typestr = ""; // Execute the GET method int statusCode2 = client2.executeMethod(method2); if (statusCode2 != -1) { typestr = method2.getResponseBodyAsString(); } System.out.println("Types: " + typestr); Types.reset(); RDFSParser.parseRDFSString(typestr); try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url); method.setFollowRedirects(true); // Execute the GET method int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); if (statusCode != -1) { contents = method.getResponseBodyAsString(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } contents = contents + "\n" + time; contents = contents + "\n" + dayOfWeek; contents = contents + "\n" + date; BackwardReasoner br = new BackwardReasoner(); Iterator solit = null; DefiniteClause dc = null; SymbolTable.reset(); pp.parseDefiniteClauses(contents); br.loadClauses(pp.iterator()); System.out.println("TEST"); Iterator it = pp.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DefiniteClause d = (DefiniteClause); System.out.println("Loaded clause: " + d.toPOSLString()); } br = new BackwardReasoner(br.clauses, br.oids); MessageParser m = new MessageParser(message); Element atom = null; try { atom = m.parseForContent(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Invalid Message"); // out.flush(); } QueryBuilder q = new QueryBuilder(atom); String query = q.generateDoc(); System.out.println("ABOUT TO INPUT THIS QUERY:" + query); RuleMLParser qp = new RuleMLParser(); try { dc = qp.parseRuleMLQuery(query); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Invalid Query"); // out.flush(); } // solit = br.iterativeDepthFirstSolutionIterator(dc); solit = br.iterativeDepthFirstSolutionIterator(dc); int varSize = 0; while (solit.hasNext()) { Vector data = new Vector(); BackwardReasoner.GoalList gl = (BackwardReasoner.GoalList); Hashtable varbind = gl.varBindings; javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode root = br.toTree(); root.setAllowsChildren(true); javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel dtm = new DefaultTreeModel(root); int i = 0; Object[][] rowdata = new Object[varbind.size()][2]; varSize = varbind.size(); Enumeration e = varbind.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object k = e.nextElement(); Object val = varbind.get(k); String ks = (String) k; rowdata[i][0] = ks; rowdata[i][1] = val; i++; } data.addElement(rowdata); String[] messages = new String[data.size()]; MessageGenerator g = new MessageGenerator( data, varSize, messageEndpoint, m.getId(), m.getProtocol(), m.getRel(), varOrder); messages = g.Messages2(); String appender = ""; URL sender = new URL(address + ":" + port); HttpMessage msg = new HttpMessage(sender); Properties props = new Properties(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < data.size(); i1++) { System.out.println(i1 + ")" + messages[i1].toString()); props.put("text", messages[i1].toString()); InputStream in = msg.sendGetMessage(props); } System.out.println("NEXT MESSAGE"); } MessageGenerator g = new MessageGenerator( null, varSize, messageEndpoint, m.getId(), m.getProtocol(), m.getRel()); URL sender = new URL(address + ":" + port); HttpMessage msg = new HttpMessage(sender); Properties props = new Properties(); String finalMessage = g.finalMessage(query); System.out.println(finalMessage); props.put("text", finalMessage); InputStream in = msg.sendGetMessage(props); System.out.println("Stop_Communication"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR has occured : " + e.toString()); } out.close(); }
public Enumeration getWelcomeFiles() { return welcomeFiles.elements(); }
public Enumeration getHostAliases() { return vhostAliases.elements(); }
/** * Virtual host support - this context will be part of a virtual host with the specified name. You * should set all the aliases. XXX Not implemented */ public void addHostAlias(String alias) { vhostAliases.addElement(alias); }
/** * This is the main controller logic for item selection servlet. This determines whether to show a * list of items for a WorkOrder, add a item, edit a item's detail information, or delete a item. * The product_action parameter is past to this servlet to determine what action to perform. The * product_action parameter is a button defined by JSPs related to product presentation screens. * * <p>The default action is to show all product related to a parent WorkOrder. * * @param req HttpServlet request * @param resp HttpServlet response */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { WorkOrderDetailRemote workorderdetEJBean = null; securityChecks(req, resp); // Get the current session HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if (session == null) return; String sTmp = ""; // Get a new business logic EJB (custInfoEJBean) USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("getting buslogic EJB", this, null); try { workorderdetEJBean = workorderdetHome.create(); USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("EJBean Created", this, null); } catch (CreateException e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } catch (RemoteException e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB connect", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Critical Exception no EJB created"; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); return; } try { // Button user pressed in the itemselection.jsp String sJSPAction = req.getParameter("product_action"); USFEnv.getLog().writeWarn("product_action from JSP: " + sJSPAction, this, null); short year = Short.valueOf((String) session.getValue("Iyear")).shortValue(); long customerId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rcustId")).longValue(); long applicationId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rappid")).longValue(); long workorderId = 0; long bkId = 0; long billkeyId = 0; long bsId = 0; long wodId = 0; String editflag = ""; String bsNm = ""; java.sql.Date strtDate = null; java.sql.Date endDate = null; String prodError = ""; // Check to make sure session does have an WorkOrder ID if (session.getValue("WorkOrderId") != null) { // If Yes get the parent WorkOrder ID from session workorderId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId")).longValue(); } // Button Action from JSP is empty then show the Default page of the // Product Listing. if (USFUtil.isBlank(sJSPAction)) { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Display product list for FRN.", this, null); // list items for parent Work Order Number Vector billingsystems = null; WrkOrdrDets workorderdets = new WrkOrdrDets(); billingsystems = workorderdets.getBillingSystems(); req.setAttribute("BillingSystems", billingsystems); for (int s = 0; s < billingsystems.size(); s++) USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("INSIDE BILLING SYSTEMS " + billingsystems.elementAt(s), this, null); listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Add a new Item else if (sJSPAction.equals("add")) { // Remove the Product Object from session session.removeValue("prodObj"); editflag = "addnew"; req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag); // Read the Item and the Billing System for adding the New // Item. String formProdBsId = (String) req.getParameter("formProdId"); String formProdId = formProdBsId.substring(0, formProdBsId.indexOf("|")); String formProdName = formProdBsId.substring(formProdBsId.indexOf("|") + 1); long rscId = (new Long(formProdId).longValue()); // bsId = (new Long( formBsId ).longValue()) ; String billSystem = formProdName.substring(0, formProdName.indexOf("-")); String itemName = formProdName.substring(formProdName.indexOf("-") + 1); BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys(); bsId = blgSys.getBsId(billSystem); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // Get the WorkOrder Object. WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId); // Get the list of Billing Keys for the Billing System. String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId); // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // If no Billing Keys for the Billing System selected then redirect // to the List Items screen and show the error Message. if (blgKeys == null) { BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys(); Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys(); // Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems(); // Set the JSP error message req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "No BTNs for Billing System " + billSystem); // list products for parent WorkOrder Number listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N"); req.setAttribute("bsystem", String.valueOf(bsId)); req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys); req.setAttribute("prodId", formProdId); String wid = String.valueOf(workorderId); session.putValue("workorderId", wid); req.setAttribute("billingsystem", billSystem); req.setAttribute("itemname", itemName); // Include the JSP to Edit Product includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem"); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Edit a Product else if (sJSPAction.equals("edit")) { String bsysid = req.getParameter("bsId"); session.putValue("bysysidforedit", bsysid); wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue(); // bkId = (new Long( (String) req.getParameter("bkId"))).longValue() ; session.putValue("workorderdetid", String.valueOf(wodId)); bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bsId"))).longValue(); BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys(); bsNm = blgSys.getBsName(bsId); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId); // Get the WorkOrder Number Object WrkOrdrDets wodets_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(); wodets_obj = workorderdetEJBean.getProductInfo(wodId); // Get the List of Billing Keys for the Billing System. String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId); // Check if the Item has any Credits. If any credits then Billing // Key is not Editable else Editable. if (workorderdetEJBean.hasCredits(wodId)) { req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "Y"); } else { req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N"); } // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // If Item Object is not null (which generally is the case) then // set the Attributes for the JSP. if (wodets_obj != null) { // Put the Item Object in session editflag = "edit"; session.putValue("wodets", wodets_obj); req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag); // Set the attributes for the Billing System, Billing Key List, req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys); req.setAttribute("bsname", bsNm); // Include the JSP to Edit the Item. includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem"); return; } // If Item Object is null (which generally should not Occur) show // the Default page of Item List for the WorkOrder Number else { // Set the JSP error message req.setAttribute( "errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Information not available in the Data Base"); // list items for parent WorkOrder Number listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } } // Button action from JSP is to Delete an Item else if (sJSPAction.equals("delete")) { String formWodId = req.getParameter("wodId"); wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue(); // Create db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.connect(); // Delete the Item if (workorderdetEJBean.deleteProduct(wodId)) { req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Deleted"); } else { req.setAttribute( "errorMsg", "Deletion Failed. Product Key - " + wodId + " is associated with amounts."); } // Release db connection for EJB workorderdetEJBean.release(); // Show the Item List screen listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); return; } // Button action from JSP is to Save a Product. This includes Insertion // of New Product or Updation of an Existing Product. else if (sJSPAction.equals("save")) { boolean save = false; boolean newProd = false; // long qty=0; // Read the Billing System Id String formBsId = (String) req.getParameter("bs_id"); String bsysid = (String) req.getParameter("bsysid"); /* String trans_type = (String) req.getParameter("trans_type"); //String quantity = (String) req.getParameter("qty"); String quantity=""; if (!(req.getParameter("qty").equals(""))) { quantity=(String) req.getParameter("qty"); qty = (new Long(quantity).longValue()); } */ String prod_stat = (String) req.getParameter("prod_stat"); double nrcg_dscnt = (new Double((String) req.getParameter("NonRecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue(); double rcg_dscnt = (new Double((String) req.getParameter("RecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue(); String start_month = (String) req.getParameter("strt_month"); String start_day = (String) req.getParameter("strt_day"); String start_year = (String) req.getParameter("strt_year"); String end_month = (String) req.getParameter("end_month"); String end_day = (String) req.getParameter("end_day"); String end_year = (String) req.getParameter("end_year"); String start_date = start_month + "-" + start_day + "-" + start_year; String end_date = end_month + "-" + end_day + "-" + end_year; long wrkordrid = (new Long((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId"))).longValue(); String for_editing = req.getParameter("for_editing"); String for_new = req.getParameter("for_new"); String formBkId = (String) req.getParameter("bk_id"); String formBKId = formBkId.substring(0, formBkId.indexOf("|")); String formBTN = formBkId.substring(formBkId.indexOf("|") + 1); billkeyId = (new Long(formBKId)).longValue(); try { bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bs_id"))).longValue(); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Exception is " + e, this, null); } RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys = new RHCCBlgKeys(); if (for_editing.equals("editing")) { blgkeys.setRbkId(billkeyId); blgkeys.setRbkKeys(formBTN); blgkeys.setBsId(new Long(bsysid).longValue()); } if (for_new.equals("new")) { blgkeys.setRbkId(billkeyId); blgkeys.setRbkKeys(formBTN); blgkeys.setBsId(bsId); } int index = 0; WrkOrdrDets wod_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(); // wod_obj.setTxTyp(trans_type); // wod_obj.setQty(qty); wod_obj.setNonRcrgDscnt(nrcg_dscnt); wod_obj.setRcrgDscnt(rcg_dscnt); wod_obj.setRBKID(billkeyId); wod_obj.setWodStat(prod_stat); wod_obj.setWOID(wrkordrid); if (!(start_date.equals(""))) { strtDate = new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(start_date).getTime()); wod_obj.setStrtDat(strtDate); } // Else if the Start Date is null update the Item Object Date to // null else { wod_obj.setStrtDat(null); } // If Item Service End Date is not null read the date and update // the Item Object with the date if (!(end_date.equals(""))) { endDate = new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(end_date).getTime()); wod_obj.setEndDat(endDate); } // Else if the End Date is null update the Item Object Date to null else { wod_obj.setEndDat(null); } // Check if the Start Date is after the End Date or equals End Date if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.after(endDate))) { prodError = "Product Service Start Date is after Product Service End Date. \n"; index = 1; } else if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.equals(endDate))) { prodError = "Product Service Start Date equals Product Service End Date. \n"; } workorderdetEJBean.connect(); if (for_editing.equals("editing")) { long workorderdetID = (new Long((String) session.getValue("workorderdetid"))).longValue(); wod_obj.setWODID(workorderdetID); if (index == 0) { save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj); } if (save) { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information updated"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } else { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to update Product Information"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } } if (for_new.equals("new")) { if (index == 0) { int prodId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("prod_Id")); wod_obj.setProd_id(prodId); save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj); } if (save) { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information Saved"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } else { prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to Save Product Information"; req.setAttribute("error", prodError); } } workorderdetEJBean.release(); listProducts(wrkordrid, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp); } } // End of try block catch (Exception e) { if (workorderdetEJBean != null) { // calling bean release method try { workorderdetEJBean.release(); } catch (Exception ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(" Exception in calling release() method ", this, e); } } String errorMsg = "Processing Exception in Items Servlet: "; USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg, this, e); errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg); } // End of catch block } // end of doPost()
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); ResultSet rs = null; try { // SET UP Context environment, to look for Data Pooling Resource Context initCtx = new InitialContext(); Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env"); DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup("jdbc/TestDB"); Connection dbcon = ds.getConnection(); // ########### SEARCH INPUT PARAMETERS, EXECUTE search // ##################################################### Vector<String> params = new Vector<String>(); params.add(request.getParameter("fname")); params.add(request.getParameter("lname")); params.add(request.getParameter("title")); params.add(request.getParameter("year")); params.add(request.getParameter("director")); List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>(); movies = SQLServices.getMovies(params.toArray(new String[params.size()]), dbcon); // ########## SET DEFAULT SESSION() PARAMETERS #################################### request.getSession().removeAttribute("movies"); request.getSession().removeAttribute("linkedListMovies"); request.getSession().removeAttribute("hasPaged"); request.getSession().setAttribute("hasPaged", "no"); request.getSession().setAttribute("movies", movies); request.getSession().setAttribute("currentIndex", "0"); request.getSession().setAttribute("defaultN", "5"); // ########## IF MOVIES FROM SEARCH NON-EMPTY ########################################### List<String> fields = Movie.fieldNames(); int count = 1; if (!movies.isEmpty()) { request.setAttribute("movies", movies); for (String field : fields) { request.setAttribute("f" + count++, field); } request.getRequestDispatcher("../movieList.jsp").forward(request, response); } else { out.println("<html><head><title>error</title></head>"); out.println("<body><h1>could not find any movies, try your search again.</h1>"); out.println("<p> we are terribly sorry, please go back. </p>"); out.println("<table border>"); out.println("</table>"); } dbcon.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { while (ex != null) { System.out.println("SQL Exception: " + ex.getMessage()); ex = ex.getNextException(); } } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { out.println( "<html>" + "<head><title>" + "moviedb: error" + "</title></head>\n<body>" + "<p>SQL error in doGet: " + ex.getMessage() + "</p></body></html>"); return; } out.close(); }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // set the response Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(); Vector rEncounters = new Vector(); // setup data dir String rootWebappPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/"); File webappsDir = new File(rootWebappPath).getParentFile(); File shepherdDataDir = new File(webappsDir, CommonConfiguration.getDataDirectoryName()); // if(!shepherdDataDir.exists()){shepherdDataDir.mkdir();} File encountersDir = new File(shepherdDataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/encounters"); // if(!encountersDir.exists()){encountersDir.mkdir();} // set up the files String gisFilename = "geneGIS_export_" + request.getRemoteUser() + ".csv"; File gisFile = new File(encountersDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + gisFilename); myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); try { // set up the output stream FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(gisFile); OutputStreamWriter outp = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); try { EncounterQueryResult queryResult = EncounterQueryProcessor.processQuery( myShepherd, request, "year descending, month descending, day descending"); rEncounters = queryResult.getResult(); int numMatchingEncounters = rEncounters.size(); // build the CSV file header StringBuffer locusString = new StringBuffer(""); int numLoci = 2; // most covered species will be loci try { numLoci = (new Integer(CommonConfiguration.getProperty("numLoci"))).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("numPloids configuration value did not resolve to an integer."); e.printStackTrace(); } for (int j = 0; j < numLoci; j++) { locusString.append(",Locus" + (j + 1) + " A1,Locus" + (j + 1) + " A2"); } // out.println("<html><body>"); // out.println("Individual ID,Other ID 1,Date,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Area,Sub // Area,Sex,Haplotype"+locusString.toString()); outp.write( "Individual ID,Other ID 1,Date,Time,Latitude,Longitude,Area,Sub Area,Sex,Haplotype" + locusString.toString() + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numMatchingEncounters; i++) { Encounter enc = (Encounter) rEncounters.get(i); String assembledString = ""; if (enc.getIndividualID() != null) { assembledString += enc.getIndividualID(); } if (enc.getAlternateID() != null) { assembledString += "," + enc.getAlternateID(); } else { assembledString += ","; } String dateString = ","; if (enc.getYear() > 0) { dateString += enc.getYear(); if (enc.getMonth() > 0) { dateString += ("-" + enc.getMonth()); if (enc.getDay() > 0) { dateString += ("-" + enc.getDay()); } } } assembledString += dateString; String timeString = ","; if (enc.getHour() > -1) { timeString += enc.getHour() + ":" + enc.getMinutes(); } assembledString += timeString; if ((enc.getDecimalLatitude() != null) && (enc.getDecimalLongitude() != null)) { assembledString += "," + enc.getDecimalLatitude(); assembledString += "," + enc.getDecimalLongitude(); } else { assembledString += ",,"; } assembledString += "," + enc.getVerbatimLocality(); assembledString += "," + enc.getLocationID(); assembledString += "," + enc.getSex(); // find and print the haplotype String haplotypeString = ","; if (enc.getHaplotype() != null) { haplotypeString += enc.getHaplotype(); } // find and print the ms markers String msMarkerString = ""; List<TissueSample> samples = enc.getTissueSamples(); int numSamples = samples.size(); boolean foundMsMarkers = false; for (int k = 0; k < numSamples; k++) { if (!foundMsMarkers) { TissueSample t = samples.get(k); List<GeneticAnalysis> analyses = t.getGeneticAnalyses(); int aSize = analyses.size(); for (int l = 0; l < aSize; l++) { GeneticAnalysis ga = analyses.get(l); if (ga.getAnalysisType().equals("MicrosatelliteMarkers")) { foundMsMarkers = true; MicrosatelliteMarkersAnalysis ga2 = (MicrosatelliteMarkersAnalysis) ga; List<Locus> loci = ga2.getLoci(); int localLoci = loci.size(); for (int m = 0; m < localLoci; m++) { Locus locus = loci.get(m); if (locus.getAllele0() != null) { msMarkerString += "," + locus.getAllele0(); } else { msMarkerString += ","; } if (locus.getAllele1() != null) { msMarkerString += "," + locus.getAllele1(); } else { msMarkerString += ","; } } } } } } // out.println("<p>"+assembledString+haplotypeString+msMarkerString+"</p>"); outp.write(assembledString + haplotypeString + msMarkerString + "\n"); } outp.close(); outp = null; // now write out the file response.setContentType("text/csv"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + gisFilename); ServletContext ctx = getServletContext(); // InputStream is = ctx.getResourceAsStream("/encounters/"+gisFilename); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(gisFile); int read = 0; byte[] bytes = new byte[BYTES_DOWNLOAD]; OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); while ((read = != -1) { os.write(bytes, 0, read); } os.flush(); os.close(); } catch (Exception ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<html><body><p><strong>Error encountered</strong> with file writing. Check the relevant log.</p>"); out.println( "<p>Please let the webmaster know you encountered an error at: EncounterSearchExportGeneGISFormat servlet</p></body></html>"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter()); out.close(); outp.close(); outp = null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println("<html><body><p><strong>Error encountered</strong></p>"); out.println( "<p>Please let the webmaster know you encountered an error at: EncounterSearchExportGeneGISFormat servlet</p></body></html>"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter()); out.close(); } myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); }
private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.EthnicGroup ethnic; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { ethnic = (CP_Classes.EthnicGroup) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("ethnic"); if (ethnic == null) { ethnic = new CP_Classes.EthnicGroup(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("ethnic", ethnic); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Translate trans; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { trans = (CP_Classes.Translate) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("trans"); if (trans == null) { trans = new CP_Classes.Translate(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("trans", trans); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); // added to check whether organisation is a consulting company // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Organization Org; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Org = (CP_Classes.Organization) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Org"); if (Org == null) { Org = new CP_Classes.Organization(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Org", Org); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey CE_Survey; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { CE_Survey = (CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("CE_Survey"); if (CE_Survey == null) { CE_Survey = new CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("CE_Survey", CE_Survey); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string9, 0, _jsp_string9.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("proceed") != null) { int PKOrg = new Integer(request.getParameter("proceed")).intValue(); logchk.setOrg(PKOrg); } if (request.getParameter("Delete") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); boolean bIsDeleted = ethnic.deleteRecord(Ethnic_ID, logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsDeleted) { out.write(_jsp_string10, 0, _jsp_string10.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Edit") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bIsEdited = ethnic.editRecord(Ethnic_ID, txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsEdited) { out.write(_jsp_string11, 0, _jsp_string11.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Add") != null) { String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bExist = ethnic.existRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg()); if (!bExist) { boolean bIsAdded = ethnic.addRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsAdded) { out.write(_jsp_string13, 0, _jsp_string13.length); } } else { out.write(_jsp_string14, 0, _jsp_string14.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string15, 0, _jsp_string15.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string16, 0, _jsp_string16.length); out.print((trans.tslt("To Add, click on the Add button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt("To Edit, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Edit button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt( "To Delete, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Delete button"))); out.write(_jsp_string18, 0, _jsp_string18.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Organisation"))); out.write(_jsp_string19, 0, _jsp_string19.length); // Added to check whether organisation is also a consulting company // if yes, will display a dropdown list of organisation managed by this company // else, it will display the current organisation only // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 String[] UserDetail = new String[14]; UserDetail = CE_Survey.getUserDetail(logchk.getPKUser()); boolean isConsulting = true; isConsulting = Org.isConsulting(UserDetail[10]); // check whether organisation is a consulting company if (isConsulting) { Vector vOrg = logchk.getOrgList(logchk.getCompany()); for (int i = 0; i < vOrg.size(); i++) { votblOrganization vo = (votblOrganization) vOrg.elementAt(i); int PKOrg = vo.getPKOrganization(); String OrgName = vo.getOrganizationName(); if (logchk.getOrg() == PKOrg) { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write(_jsp_string21, 0, _jsp_string21.length); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write('>'); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } } } else { out.write(_jsp_string23, 0, _jsp_string23.length); out.print((logchk.getSelfOrg())); out.write('>'); out.print((UserDetail[10])); out.write(_jsp_string24, 0, _jsp_string24.length); } // End of isConsulting out.write(_jsp_string25, 0, _jsp_string25.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string26, 0, _jsp_string26.length); /** ****************** Edited by James 17 Oct 2007 ********************** */ Vector v = ethnic.getAllEthnics(logchk.getOrg()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { voEthnic vo = (voEthnic) v.elementAt(i); int ethnic_ID = vo.getPKEthnic(); String ethnic_Desc = vo.getEthnicDesc(); out.write(_jsp_string27, 0, _jsp_string27.length); out.print((ethnic_ID)); out.write(_jsp_string28, 0, _jsp_string28.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string29, 0, _jsp_string29.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string30, 0, _jsp_string30.length); } out.write(_jsp_string31, 0, _jsp_string31.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string32, 0, _jsp_string32.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add"))); out.write(_jsp_string33, 0, _jsp_string33.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit"))); out.write(_jsp_string34, 0, _jsp_string34.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete"))); out.write(_jsp_string35, 0, _jsp_string35.length); } out.write(_jsp_string36, 0, _jsp_string36.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string37, 0, _jsp_string37.length); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); out.write(_jsp_string38, 0, _jsp_string38.length); // Denise 05/01/2010 update new email address out.write(_jsp_string39, 0, _jsp_string39.length); out.print((year)); out.write(_jsp_string40, 0, _jsp_string40.length); }
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException { JspFactory _jspxFactory = null; javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext = null; HttpSession session = null; ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; JspWriter _jspx_out = null; try { _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); response.setContentType("text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; out.write("\r\n\r\n"); out.write("\r\n\r\n"); String strIp = (String) request.getParameter("ip"); String strCommunityString = (String) request.getParameter("cs"); String strPort = (String) request.getParameter("port"); String strTimeout = (String) request.getParameter("timeout"); String strRetries = (String) request.getParameter("retries"); String strNodeLabel = (String) request.getParameter("node"); String strNodeId = request.getParameter("nodeId"); String strFirstTime = (String) request.getParameter("firsttime"); String strWindowId = (String) request.getParameter("windowid"); // Create the querier and make the request. QueryFactory factory = new QueryFactory(); Querier querier = (Querier) factory.createQuerier(WinPagePerfSnmpQuerier.QUERIER_NAME); DeviceCommunicator deviceCommunicator = new DeviceCommunicator(); deviceCommunicator.sendQuery(querier, strIp); // Error processing if (querier.getErrorStatus() == -1) { RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher("/jsp/WTerror-handler.jsp?error=SnmpCommError"); rd.forward(request, response); return; } if (querier.getErrorStatus() == -2) { RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext() .getRequestDispatcher("/jsp/WTerror-handler.jsp?error=NoPerfmibSnmpError"); rd.forward(request, response); return; } if (querier.getErrorStatus() != 0) { RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/jsp/WTerror-handler.jsp?error=SnmpError"); rd.forward(request, response); return; } Map calcs = querier.getCalculations(); long[] results = (long[]) calcs.get(WinPagePerfSnmpQuerier.PAGE_RESULTS); if (results[0] < 0 || results[1] < 0 || results[2] < 0 || results[3] < 0 || results[4] < 0 || results[5] < 0 || results[6] < 0 || results[7] < 0 || results[8] < 0 || results[9] < 0) { RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/jsp/WTerror-handler.jsp?error=SnmpError"); rd.forward(request, response); return; } Vector vPageStats = null; if (strFirstTime == null) { // Not the first time, so get the previous polled data from the session vPageStats = (Vector) session.getAttribute("vPageStats" + strWindowId); } else { // This is the first time in this JSP, so create the Vector which will contain the // polled data Random random = new Random(); strWindowId = String.valueOf(random.nextInt()); vPageStats = new Vector(); } vPageStats.add(results); session.setAttribute("vPageStats" + strWindowId, vPageStats); // This random number is used to prevent the brower from caching the IMG tags Random random = new Random(); int randomInt = random.nextInt(); out.write("\r\n\r\n"); out.write("<html>\r\n"); out.write("<head>\r\n "); out.write("<title>WebTelemetry - Graphs | Real-Time | Windows Page Performance Monitoring"); out.write("</title>\r\n "); out.write("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\""); out.print(WTProperties.getMonitorUIRefreshRate()); out.write("; URL="); 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