/** Returns an enumeration of all the resources. */ public Set<String> getResourcePaths(String prefix) { if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) prefix = prefix + "/"; Path path = getRootDirectory().lookup(getRealPath(prefix)); HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); try { String[] list = path.list(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (path.lookup(list[i]).isDirectory()) set.add(prefix + list[i] + '/'); else set.add(prefix + list[i]); } } catch (IOException e) { } /* try { Enumeration<URL> paths = getClassLoader().getResources(resourceName); while (paths.hasMoreElements()) { URL subPath = paths.nextElement(); String subPathName = subPath.toString(); int p = subPathName.indexOf("META-INF/resources"); if (p >= 0) set.add(subPathName.substring(p + "META-INF/resources".length())); } } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e); } */ return set; }
public JSONObject removeDuplicatePlaces(JSONObject placesJSONObject) { JSONObject initialJSON = (JSONObject) placesJSONObject.clone(); HashSet<String> placesPresence = new HashSet<String>(); JSONObject finalJSONObject = new JSONObject(); Set<String> keywords = initialJSON.keySet(); for (String keyword : keywords) { JSONArray placesForKeyword = (JSONArray) initialJSON.get(keyword); JSONArray finalPlacesForKeyword = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < placesForKeyword.size(); i++) { JSONObject placeJSON = (JSONObject) placesForKeyword.get(i); if (!placesPresence.contains((String) placeJSON.get("place_id"))) { placesPresence.add((String) placeJSON.get("place_id")); finalPlacesForKeyword.add(placeJSON); } } finalJSONObject.put(keyword, finalPlacesForKeyword); } return finalJSONObject; }
@Override public void init(FilterConfig fc) throws ServletException { Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); nextReportingHour = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 1; String t = fc.getInitParameter("maxTotalSimultaneousRequests"); if (t != null) try { maxTotalSimultaneousRequests = Integer.parseInt(t); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Bad value for parameter 'maxTotalSimultaneousRequests': '" + t + "'"); log.error("Using the default value of 10 instead"); } // t=fc.getInitParameter("maxSimultaneousRequests"); // if(t!=null) // try { // maxSimultaneousRequests=Integer.parseInt(t); // } // catch(Exception e) { // log.error("Bad value for parameter 'maxSimultaneousRequests': '"+t+"'"); // log.error("Using the default value of 3 instead"); // } contactInfo = fc.getInitParameter("contactInfo"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("contactInfo=" + contactInfo); addressInHeader = fc.getInitParameter("addressInHeader"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("addressInHeader=" + addressInHeader); String eA = fc.getInitParameter("equivalentAddresses"); if (eA != null) { // comma/blank/tab separated list of shortAddr=shortAddr // e.g. 157.55.33=157.55.32, 157.55.34=157.55.32, 157.55.35=157.55.32, 157.55.36=157.55.32, // 157.55.37=157.55.32 // or 157.55.*=157.55.0 // or 69.171.224-255=69.171.224 String first, pair, second; StringTokenizer findPairs = new StringTokenizer(eA, ",\t "); StringTokenizer findValues; while (findPairs.hasMoreTokens()) { pair = findPairs.nextToken(); findValues = new StringTokenizer(pair, "="); first = findValues.nextToken(); second = findValues.nextToken(); if (first.endsWith(".*")) { first = first.substring(0, first.indexOf(".*")); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) equivalentAddresses.put(first + "." + i, second); } else if (first.contains("-")) { int offset = first.lastIndexOf('.'); String base = first.substring(0, offset); String rest = first.substring(offset + 1); StringTokenizer range = new StringTokenizer(rest, "-"); int start = Integer.parseInt(range.nextToken()); int end = Integer.parseInt(range.nextToken()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { System.out.println( "adding " + base + "." + i + "=" + second + " to the equivalence table"); equivalentAddresses.put(base + "." + i, second); } } else equivalentAddresses.put(first, second); } } String iA = fc.getInitParameter("ignorableAddresses"); if (iA != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(iA, ", "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) ignorableAddresses.add(st.nextToken()); } }
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { String longAddr = null, shortAddr, s, transactionKey = null; int count; boolean ignorable = false; synchronized (simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr) { if (totalSimultaneousRequests >= maxTotalSimultaneousRequests) { log.error( "This system has exceeded the maxTotalSimultaneousRequests limit of " + maxTotalSimultaneousRequests); log.error(simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr); for (String str : simultaneousRequests) log.error(str); ((HttpServletResponse) response).setStatus(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.println("<html><body><h1>Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1>"); writer.println( "The system is experiencing a severe load and is temporarily unable to accept new requests"); if (contactInfo != null) writer.println("<p>Contact " + contactInfo + " for more information</p>"); writer.println("</body></html>"); writer.close(); return; } if (addressInHeader != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<String> addrs = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getHeaders(addressInHeader); while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) { longAddr = addrs.nextElement(); if (longAddr == null) { if (++addressInHeaderErrorCount < 10) log.error("Expected a " + addressInHeader + " header but got null"); continue; } if (longAddr.lastIndexOf('.') >= 0) break; } } if (longAddr == null) longAddr = request.getRemoteAddr(); int i = longAddr.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i < 0) { log.error("bogus IP address: '" + longAddr + "'"); longAddr = ""; } shortAddr = longAddr.substring(0, i); // trim off 4th number group // that lets us spot requests from clusters s = equivalentAddresses.get(shortAddr); // map one short addr to another? if (s != null) shortAddr = s; if (ignorableAddresses.contains(shortAddr)) { ignorable = true; } else { Integer icount = simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.get(shortAddr); if (icount != null) count = icount; else count = 0; int maxSimultaneousRequests = (maxTotalSimultaneousRequests - totalSimultaneousRequests) / 4; if (maxSimultaneousRequests == 0) maxSimultaneousRequests = 1; if (count >= maxSimultaneousRequests) { log.error( "IP addr " + shortAddr + ".* has exceeded " + maxSimultaneousRequests + " simultaneous requests!"); log.error("maxTotalSimultaneousRequests=" + maxTotalSimultaneousRequests); log.error("totalSimultaneousRequests=" + totalSimultaneousRequests); for (String str : simultaneousRequests) log.error(str); // // ((HttpServletResponse)response).setStatus(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS); // // someday ((HttpServletResponse) response).setStatus(429); // too many requests response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.println( "<html><head><title>Too Many Requests</title></head><body><h1>Too Many Requests</h1>"); writer.println( "You have exceeded the maximum simultaneous request value of " + maxSimultaneousRequests); writer.println("<p>This message and your IP address have been logged and reported</p>"); if (contactInfo != null) writer.println("<p>Contact " + contactInfo + " for more information</p>"); writer.println("</body></html>"); writer.close(); return; } simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.put(shortAddr, count + 1); icount = totalRequests.get(shortAddr); if (icount != null) count = icount; else count = 0; totalRequests.put(shortAddr, count + 1); totalSimultaneousRequests++; transactionKey = new StringBuilder((new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString()) .append('|') .append(shortAddr) .append('|') .append(((HttpServletRequest) request).getQueryString()) .toString(); simultaneousRequests.add(transactionKey); } } try { HttpServletResponseWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse) response); chain.doFilter(request, wrapper); } finally { if (!ignorable) synchronized (simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr) { totalSimultaneousRequests--; simultaneousRequests.remove(transactionKey); count = simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.get(shortAddr); if (count == 1) // prune them from the table simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.remove(shortAddr); else simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.put(shortAddr, count - 1); } } Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); int hour = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); if (hour == 0 && nextReportingHour == 24) { // new day! // you could reset your daily limits table here nextReportingHour = 0; } if (hour >= nextReportingHour) { // generate the hourly report // you could reset your hourly limits table here nextReportingHour = hour + 1; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { HashMap<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); List<String> yourMapKeys = new ArrayList<String>(totalRequests.keySet()); List<Integer> yourMapValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(totalRequests.values()); TreeSet<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(yourMapValues); Integer[] sortedArray = sortedSet.descendingSet().toArray(new Integer[0]); int size = sortedArray.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) map.put(yourMapKeys.get(yourMapValues.indexOf(sortedArray[i])), sortedArray[i]); Iterator<String> it = map.keySet().iterator(); String key; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Top 10 users in the last hour"); for (int i = 0; i < 10 && it.hasNext(); i++) { key = it.next(); sb.append("\n ").append(key).append(" : ").append(map.get(key)); } log.info(sb); } totalRequests.clear(); } }
/** * Check if components required by specified products are available. * * @param products list of ProdOrderProductVO objects * @params compAltComps collection of <component item code,HashSet of alternative component item * codes>; filled by this method (and given back by reference) * @return VOListResponse of ProdOrderComponentVO objects */ public final Response checkComponentsAvailability( Connection conn, Hashtable compAltComps, ArrayList products, UserSessionParameters userSessionPars, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession userSession, ServletContext context) { String serverLanguageId = ((JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars).getServerLanguageId(); try { // retrieve internationalization settings (Resources object)... ServerResourcesFactory factory = (ServerResourcesFactory) context.getAttribute(Controller.RESOURCES_FACTORY); Resources resources = factory.getResources(userSessionPars.getLanguageId()); if (products.size() == 0) { return new VOListResponse(new ArrayList(), false, 0); } // fill in comps hashtable with the collection of required components... ItemPK pk = null; ProdOrderProductVO prodVO = null; ArrayList components = null; MaterialVO compVO = null; Response res = null; ProdOrderComponentVO componentVO = null; Hashtable comps = new Hashtable(); // collection of <component item code,ProdOrderComponentVO object> for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++) { // retrieve bill of materials for each product... prodVO = (ProdOrderProductVO) products.get(i); pk = new ItemPK(prodVO.getCompanyCodeSys01DOC23(), prodVO.getItemCodeItm01DOC23()); res = bean.getBillOfMaterials( conn, pk, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (res.isError()) { return res; } // extract components only (leaf nodes)... components = getComponents( (DefaultMutableTreeNode) ((TreeModel) ((VOResponse) res).getVo()).getRoot()); for (int j = 0; j < components.size(); j++) { compVO = (MaterialVO) components.get(j); componentVO = (ProdOrderComponentVO) comps.get(compVO.getItemCodeItm01ITM03()); if (componentVO == null) { componentVO = new ProdOrderComponentVO(); comps.put(compVO.getItemCodeItm01ITM03(), componentVO); componentVO.setAvailableQty(new BigDecimal(0)); componentVO.setCompanyCodeSys01DOC24(compVO.getCompanyCodeSys01ITM03()); componentVO.setDescriptionSYS10(compVO.getDescriptionSYS10()); componentVO.setDocNumberDOC24(prodVO.getDocNumberDOC23()); componentVO.setDocYearDOC24(prodVO.getDocYearDOC23()); componentVO.setItemCodeItm01DOC24(compVO.getItemCodeItm01ITM03()); componentVO.setMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01(compVO.getMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01()); componentVO.setQtyDOC24(new BigDecimal(0)); } componentVO.setQtyDOC24( componentVO.getQtyDOC24().add(compVO.getQtyITM03().multiply(prodVO.getQtyDOC23()))); } } // check components availability in the specified warehouse... Enumeration en = comps.keys(); GridParams gridParams = new GridParams(); gridParams .getOtherGridParams() .put(ApplicationConsts.COMPANY_CODE_SYS01, prodVO.getCompanyCodeSys01DOC23()); gridParams .getOtherGridParams() .put(ApplicationConsts.WAREHOUSE_CODE, prodVO.getWarehouseCodeWar01DOC22()); gridParams.getOtherGridParams().put(ApplicationConsts.LOAD_ALL, Boolean.TRUE); ItemAvailabilityVO availVO = null; BigDecimal availability, altAvailability, delta; String itemCode = null; ArrayList list, availList; AltComponentVO altVO = null; ArrayList alternativeComps = new ArrayList(); ArrayList compsToRemove = new ArrayList(); ProdOrderComponentVO altComponentVO = null; HashSet altCodes = null; // list of alternative component item codes... BigDecimal altQty = null; while (en.hasMoreElements()) { itemCode = en.nextElement().toString(); componentVO = (ProdOrderComponentVO) comps.get(itemCode); gridParams .getOtherGridParams() .put( ApplicationConsts.ITEM_PK, new ItemPK(prodVO.getCompanyCodeSys01DOC23(), itemCode)); res = avail.executeCommand( gridParams, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (res.isError()) return res; availList = ((VOListResponse) res).getRows(); componentVO.setAvailabilities(availList); availability = new BigDecimal(0); for (int i = 0; i < availList.size(); i++) { availVO = (ItemAvailabilityVO) availList.get(i); availability = availability.add(availVO.getAvailableQtyWAR03()); } componentVO.setAvailableQty(availability); if (componentVO.getQtyDOC24().doubleValue() > componentVO.getAvailableQty().doubleValue()) { // check if there exist some alternative component... res = altComps.executeCommand( gridParams, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (res.isError()) return res; list = ((VOListResponse) res).getRows(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { altVO = (AltComponentVO) list.get(i); gridParams .getOtherGridParams() .put( ApplicationConsts.ITEM_PK, new ItemPK(prodVO.getCompanyCodeSys01DOC23(), altVO.getItemCodeItm01ITM04())); res = avail.executeCommand( gridParams, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (res.isError()) return res; availList = ((VOListResponse) res).getRows(); altAvailability = new BigDecimal(0); for (int j = 0; j < availList.size(); j++) { availVO = (ItemAvailabilityVO) availList.get(j); altAvailability = altAvailability.add(availVO.getAvailableQtyWAR03()); } if (altAvailability.doubleValue() > 0) { altComponentVO = new ProdOrderComponentVO(); altComponentVO.setAvailabilities(availList); altComponentVO.setAvailableQty(altAvailability); altComponentVO.setCompanyCodeSys01DOC24(altVO.getCompanyCodeSys01ITM04()); altComponentVO.setDescriptionSYS10(altVO.getDescriptionSYS10()); altComponentVO.setDocNumberDOC24(prodVO.getDocNumberDOC23()); altComponentVO.setDocYearDOC24(prodVO.getDocYearDOC23()); altComponentVO.setItemCodeItm01DOC24(altVO.getItemCodeItm01ITM04()); altComponentVO.setMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01( altVO.getMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01()); altQty = conv.convertQty( altVO.getMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01(), componentVO.getMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01(), altAvailability, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (componentVO.getQtyDOC24().subtract(availability).doubleValue() > altQty.doubleValue()) { delta = altQty; altComponentVO.setQtyDOC24(altAvailability); } else { delta = componentVO.getQtyDOC24(); altComponentVO.setQtyDOC24( conv.convertQty( componentVO.getMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01(), altVO.getMinSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01(), delta, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context)); } componentVO.setQtyDOC24(componentVO.getQtyDOC24().subtract(delta)); alternativeComps.add(altComponentVO); altCodes = (HashSet) compAltComps.get(itemCode); if (altCodes == null) { altCodes = new HashSet(); compAltComps.put(itemCode, altCodes); } altCodes.add(altVO.getItemCodeItm01ITM04()); if (componentVO.getQtyDOC24().doubleValue() == 0) { compsToRemove.add(componentVO); break; } if (componentVO.getQtyDOC24().subtract(availability).doubleValue() == 0) break; } } } } list = new ArrayList(comps.values()); list.addAll(alternativeComps); list.removeAll(compsToRemove); return new VOListResponse(list, false, list.size()); } catch (Throwable ex) { Logger.error( userSessionPars.getUsername(), this.getClass().getName(), "checkComponentsAvailability", "Error while retrieving components availability for the specified production order", ex); return new ErrorResponse(ex.getMessage()); } }
/** Business logic to execute. */ public final Response executeCommand( Object inputPar, UserSessionParameters userSessionPars, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession userSession, ServletContext context) { String serverLanguageId = ((JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars).getServerLanguageId(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(context); // fires the GenericEvent.CONNECTION_CREATED event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.CONNECTION_CREATED, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, null)); GridParams pars = (GridParams) inputPar; BigDecimal rootProgressiveHIE01 = (BigDecimal) pars.getOtherGridParams().get(ApplicationConsts.ROOT_PROGRESSIVE_HIE01); BigDecimal progressiveHIE01 = (BigDecimal) pars.getOtherGridParams().get(ApplicationConsts.PROGRESSIVE_HIE01); BigDecimal progressiveHIE02 = (BigDecimal) pars.getOtherGridParams().get(ApplicationConsts.PROGRESSIVE_HIE02); Boolean productsOnly = (Boolean) pars.getOtherGridParams().get(ApplicationConsts.PRODUCTS_ONLY); Boolean compsOnly = (Boolean) pars.getOtherGridParams().get(ApplicationConsts.COMPONENTS_ONLY); HierarchyLevelVO vo = (HierarchyLevelVO) pars.getOtherGridParams().get(ApplicationConsts.TREE_FILTER); if (vo != null) { progressiveHIE01 = vo.getProgressiveHIE01(); progressiveHIE02 = vo.getProgressiveHie02HIE01(); } // retrieve companies list... ArrayList companiesList = ((JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars).getCompanyBa().getCompaniesList("ITM01"); String companies = ""; for (int i = 0; i < companiesList.size(); i++) companies += "'" + companiesList.get(i).toString() + "',"; companies = companies.substring(0, companies.length() - 1); String sql = "select ITM01_ITEMS.COMPANY_CODE_SYS01,ITM01_ITEMS.ITEM_CODE,SYS10_TRANSLATIONS.DESCRIPTION,ITM01_ITEMS.PROGRESSIVE_HIE02,ITM01_ITEMS.MIN_SELLING_QTY_UM_CODE_REG02," + "ITM01_ITEMS.PROGRESSIVE_HIE01,ITM01_ITEMS.SERIAL_NUMBER_REQUIRED,REG02_MEASURE_UNITS.DECIMALS " + " from ITM01_ITEMS,SYS10_TRANSLATIONS,REG02_MEASURE_UNITS where " + "ITM01_ITEMS.PROGRESSIVE_HIE02=? and " + "ITM01_ITEMS.PROGRESSIVE_SYS10=SYS10_TRANSLATIONS.PROGRESSIVE and " + "SYS10_TRANSLATIONS.LANGUAGE_CODE=? and " + "ITM01_ITEMS.COMPANY_CODE_SYS01 in (" + companies + ") and " + "ITM01_ITEMS.ENABLED='Y' and " + "ITM01_ITEMS.MIN_SELLING_QTY_UM_CODE_REG02=REG02_MEASURE_UNITS.UM_CODE "; if (productsOnly != null && productsOnly.booleanValue()) sql += " and ITM01_ITEMS.MANUFACTURE_CODE_PRO01 is not null "; if (compsOnly != null && compsOnly.booleanValue()) sql += " and ITM01_ITEMS.MANUFACTURE_CODE_PRO01 is null "; if (rootProgressiveHIE01 == null || !rootProgressiveHIE01.equals(progressiveHIE01)) { // retrieve all subnodes of the specified node... pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "select HIE01_LEVELS.PROGRESSIVE,HIE01_LEVELS.PROGRESSIVE_HIE01,HIE01_LEVELS.LEV from HIE01_LEVELS " + "where ENABLED='Y' and PROGRESSIVE_HIE02=? and PROGRESSIVE>=? " + "order by LEV,PROGRESSIVE_HIE01,PROGRESSIVE"); pstmt.setBigDecimal(1, progressiveHIE02); pstmt.setBigDecimal(2, progressiveHIE01); ResultSet rset = pstmt.executeQuery(); HashSet currentLevelNodes = new HashSet(); HashSet newLevelNodes = new HashSet(); String nodes = ""; int currentLevel = -1; while (rset.next()) { if (currentLevel != rset.getInt(3)) { // next level... currentLevel = rset.getInt(3); currentLevelNodes = newLevelNodes; newLevelNodes = new HashSet(); } if (rset.getBigDecimal(1).equals(progressiveHIE01)) { newLevelNodes.add(rset.getBigDecimal(1)); nodes += rset.getBigDecimal(1) + ","; } else if (currentLevelNodes.contains(rset.getBigDecimal(2))) { newLevelNodes.add(rset.getBigDecimal(1)); nodes += rset.getBigDecimal(1) + ","; } } rset.close(); pstmt.close(); if (nodes.length() > 0) nodes = nodes.substring(0, nodes.length() - 1); sql += " and PROGRESSIVE_HIE01 in (" + nodes + ")"; } Map attribute2dbField = new HashMap(); attribute2dbField.put("companyCodeSys01ITM01", "ITM01_ITEMS.COMPANY_CODE_SYS01"); attribute2dbField.put("itemCodeITM01", "ITM01_ITEMS.ITEM_CODE"); attribute2dbField.put("descriptionSYS10", "SYS10_TRANSLATIONS.DESCRIPTION"); attribute2dbField.put("progressiveHie02ITM01", "ITM01_ITEMS.PROGRESSIVE_HIE02"); attribute2dbField.put( "minSellingQtyUmCodeReg02ITM01", "ITM01_ITEMS.MIN_SELLING_QTY_UM_CODE_REG02"); attribute2dbField.put("progressiveHie01ITM01", "ITM01_ITEMS.PROGRESSIVE_HIE01"); attribute2dbField.put("serialNumberRequiredITM01", "ITM01_ITEMS.SERIAL_NUMBER_REQUIRED"); attribute2dbField.put("decimalsREG02", "REG02_MEASURE_UNITS.DECIMALS"); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); values.add(progressiveHIE02); values.add(serverLanguageId); // read from ITM01 table... Response answer = QueryUtil.getQuery( conn, userSessionPars, sql, values, attribute2dbField, GridItemVO.class, "Y", "N", context, pars, 50, true); // fires the GenericEvent.BEFORE_COMMIT event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.BEFORE_COMMIT, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, answer)); return answer; } catch (Throwable ex) { Logger.error( userSessionPars.getUsername(), this.getClass().getName(), "executeCommand", "Error while fetching items list", ex); return new ErrorResponse(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex2) { } try { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn, context); } catch (Exception ex1) { } } }
/** Business logic to execute. */ public final Response executeCommand( Object inputPar, UserSessionParameters userSessionPars, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession userSession, ServletContext context) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { String serverLanguageId = ((JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars).getServerLanguageId(); conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(context); // fires the GenericEvent.CONNECTION_CREATED event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.CONNECTION_CREATED, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, null)); ArrayList oldVOs = ((ArrayList[]) inputPar)[0]; ArrayList newVOs = ((ArrayList[]) inputPar)[1]; Map attribute2dbField = new HashMap(); attribute2dbField.put("companyCodeSys01DOC20", "COMPANY_CODE_SYS01"); attribute2dbField.put("progressiveDoc14DOC20", "PROGRESSIVE_DOC14"); attribute2dbField.put("progressiveSys10DOC20", "PROGRESSIVE_SYS10"); attribute2dbField.put("textValueDOC20", "TEXT_VALUE"); attribute2dbField.put("numValueDOC20", "NUM_VALUE"); attribute2dbField.put("dateValueDOC20", "DATE_VALUE"); HashSet pkAttributes = new HashSet(); pkAttributes.add("companyCodeSys01DOC20"); pkAttributes.add("progressiveDoc14DOC20"); pkAttributes.add("progressiveSys10DOC20"); Response res = null; DocPropertyVO oldVO = null; DocPropertyVO newVO = null; pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "select PROGRESSIVE_DOC14 from DOC20_DOC_PROPERTIES where " + "COMPANY_CODE_SYS01=? and PROGRESSIVE_DOC14=? and PROGRESSIVE_SYS10=?"); ResultSet rset = null; for (int i = 0; i < oldVOs.size(); i++) { oldVO = (DocPropertyVO) oldVOs.get(i); newVO = (DocPropertyVO) newVOs.get(i); // check if the record already exists: if it does not exist, then insert it... pstmt.setString(1, newVO.getCompanyCodeSys01DOC20()); pstmt.setBigDecimal(2, newVO.getProgressiveDoc14DOC20()); pstmt.setBigDecimal(3, newVO.getProgressiveSys10DOC20()); rset = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rset.next()) { // the record exixts: it will be updated... res = QueryUtil.updateTable( conn, userSessionPars, pkAttributes, oldVO, newVO, "DOC20_DOC_PROPERTIES", attribute2dbField, "Y", "N", context, true); if (res.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return res; } } else { // the record does not exixt: it will be inserted... res = QueryUtil.insertTable( conn, userSessionPars, newVO, "DOC20_DOC_PROPERTIES", attribute2dbField, "Y", "N", context, true); if (res.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return res; } } rset.close(); } Response answer = new VOListResponse(newVOs, false, newVOs.size()); // fires the GenericEvent.BEFORE_COMMIT event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.BEFORE_COMMIT, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, answer)); conn.commit(); // fires the GenericEvent.AFTER_COMMIT event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.AFTER_COMMIT, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, answer)); return answer; } catch (Throwable ex) { Logger.error( userSessionPars.getUsername(), this.getClass().getName(), "executeCommand", "Error while updating property values for the specified document", ex); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception ex3) { } return new ErrorResponse(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex2) { } try { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn, context); } catch (Exception ex1) { } } }