   * Reads in the numeric value of mapped to the tabularDataKey value specified when this object was
   * created
   * @param jmxConnection
   * @param f
   * @param beanName
   * @throws Exception
  protected void readValueFromBean(
      MBeanServerConnection jmxConnection, AggregateFunction f, ObjectName beanName)
      throws Exception {
    checkBeanExists(jmxConnection, beanName);
    Object attribute = safelyGetAttribute(jmxConnection, beanName);

    if (!(attribute instanceof TabularData)) {
      raiseValueException("The attribute was not of type TabularData");

    TabularData tabularData = (TabularData) attribute;
    Object[] key = {tabularDataKey};

    if (!tabularData.containsKey(key)) {
      raiseValueException("No value is available for the key Object[] {" + tabularDataKey + "}");

    CompositeData compositeData = null;
    try {
      compositeData = tabularData.get(key);
    } catch (InvalidKeyException k) {
      raiseValueException("The TabularDataKey " + tabularDataKey + " was invalid", k);

    if (compositeData == null) {
          "Even after checking the TabularDataKey "
              + tabularDataKey
              + " existed, we were still return a null value");
      // key asynchronously removed on remote server?, probably possible, but never seen it

    Object value = getValueFromCompositeData(compositeData, "value");
    if (value == null) {
          "The value attribute of the CompositeDataItem with tabular key "
              + tabularDataKey
              + " was null");

    Double v = convertToDouble(value);

    // yippee! after all this checking we actually have a value!