Esempio n. 1
 /** A quick check to see if a declaration is an endpoint interface. */
 public boolean isEndpointInterface(TypeElement declaration) {
   WebService ws = declaration.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
   return declaration.getAnnotation(XmlTransient.class) == null
       && ws != null
       && ((declaration.getKind() == ElementKind.INTERFACE)
           // if this is a class declaration, then it has an "implicit" endpoint interface if it
           // doesn't reference another.
           || (ws.endpointInterface() == null)
           || ("".equals(ws.endpointInterface())));
Esempio n. 2
  public BusinessService readServiceAnnotations(String classWithAnnotations, Properties properties)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {

    BusinessService service = new BusinessService();
    Class<?> clazz = ClassUtil.forName(classWithAnnotations, this.getClass());
    UDDIService uddiService = (UDDIService) clazz.getAnnotation(UDDIService.class);
    WebService webServiceAnnotation = (WebService) clazz.getAnnotation(WebService.class);

    if (uddiService != null) {
      // service
      String lang = "en"; // default to english
      if (uddiService.lang() != null) {
        lang = uddiService.lang();
      Name name = new Name();
      service.setBusinessKey(TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.businessKey(), properties));
      service.setServiceKey(TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.serviceKey(), properties));
      if (!"".equals(uddiService.serviceName())) {
        name.setValue(TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.serviceName(), properties));
      } else if (webServiceAnnotation != null && !"".equals(webServiceAnnotation.serviceName())) {
      } else {
      Description description = new Description();
      description.setValue(TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.description(), properties));

      // categoryBag on the service
      if (!"".equals(uddiService.categoryBag())) {
        CategoryBag categoryBag = parseCategoryBag(uddiService.categoryBag());

      // bindingTemplate on service
      BindingTemplate bindingTemplate =
          parseServiceBinding(clazz, lang, webServiceAnnotation, properties);
      if (bindingTemplate != null) {
        if (service.getBindingTemplates() == null) {
          service.setBindingTemplates(new BindingTemplates());

    } else {
      log.error("Missing UDDIService annotation in class " + classWithAnnotations);

    return service;
Esempio n. 3
  public DirectSkeleton(
      Class impl,
      Class api,
      JAXBContextImpl context,
      String wsdlLocation,
      String targetNamespace,
      WSDLDefinitions wsdl)
      throws WebServiceException {
    WebService webService = (WebService) impl.getAnnotation(WebService.class);

    _api = api;
    _namespace = targetNamespace;
    _portType = getPortType(impl, api);

    if (webService != null && !"".equals(webService.portName())) _portName = webService.portName();
    else if (webService != null && !"".equals(
      _portName = + "Port";
    else _portName = impl.getSimpleName() + "Port";

    if (webService != null && !"".equals(webService.serviceName()))
      _serviceName = webService.serviceName();
    else _serviceName = impl.getSimpleName() + "Service";

    if (webService != null && !"".equals(webService.wsdlLocation()))
      _wsdlLocation = webService.wsdlLocation();
    else _wsdlLocation = wsdlLocation;

    _wsdl = wsdl;

    _bindingId = SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING;

    BindingType bindingType = (BindingType) _api.getAnnotation(BindingType.class);

    if (bindingType != null) _bindingId = bindingType.value();

    javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding soapBinding =
        (javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding) _api.getAnnotation(javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.class);

    if (soapBinding != null && == javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
      _soapStyle = "rpc";

    _context = context;

    QName portName = new QName(_namespace, _portName);
    QName serviceName = new QName(_namespace, _serviceName);

    _portInfo = new PortInfoImpl(_bindingId, portName, serviceName);

    HandlerChain handlerChain = (HandlerChain) _api.getAnnotation(HandlerChain.class);

    if (handlerChain != null) {
      HandlerResolver handlerResolver = JAXWSUtil.createHandlerResolver(_api, handlerChain);

      List<Handler> chain = handlerResolver.getHandlerChain(_portInfo);

      if (chain != null) _handlerChain = new HandlerChainInvoker(chain);
 public static String getUrlPatternByWebService(Class<?> beanClass) {
   String urlPattern = null;
   WebService webServiceAnnotation = (WebService) beanClass.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
   if (webServiceAnnotation != null) {
     String name =;
     urlPattern = !isEmpty(name) ? name : beanClass.getSimpleName();
     String serviceName = webServiceAnnotation.serviceName();
     if (!isEmpty(serviceName)) {
       urlPattern = serviceName + "/" + urlPattern;
   return urlPattern;
  // Finds the corresponding endpoint in DD for a web service class
  private EndpointInfo findEndpointInfo(List<EndpointInfo> ddEndpointList, Class<?> c) {
    WebService service = c.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
    String name =
        (service != null && > 0) ? : c.getSimpleName();

    // For WebServiceProvider, it is fully qualified name of the impl class
    for (EndpointInfo endpointInfo : ddEndpointList) {
      if (endpointInfo.portComponentName.equals(name)
          || endpointInfo.portComponentName.equals(c.getName())) {
        return endpointInfo; // Got one in DD
    return new EndpointInfo();
Esempio n. 6
  @WebMethod(operationName = "getWebServiceList")
  public @WebResult(name = "servicelist") List<String> getWebServiceList(
      @WebParam(name = "sessionID", mode = WebParam.Mode.IN) final String sessionid,
      @WebParam(name = "UID", mode = WebParam.Mode.IN) final Long uid) {

    final PackageClassLoader packageClassLoader = new PackageClassLoader();
    final List<Class> classesWithAnnotation =
        packageClassLoader.getClassesWithAnnotation("de.neoscio", WebService.class);
    final List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Class aClass : classesWithAnnotation) {
      final WebService annotation = (WebService) aClass.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
    return result;
 // Returns the computed default <url-pattern>
 private static String getDefaultUrlPattern(Class<?> c) {
   String name;
   WebService service = c.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
   if (service != null) {
     name =
         (service.serviceName().length() > 0)
             ? service.serviceName()
             : c.getSimpleName() + SERVICE;
   } else {
     WebServiceProvider webServiceProvider = c.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class);
     name =
         (webServiceProvider.serviceName().length() > 0)
             ? webServiceProvider.serviceName()
             : c.getSimpleName() + SERVICE;
   return "/" + name;
  public void init() throws ServletException {

    try {
      Class cl = _service.getClass();

      if (cl.isAnnotationPresent(WebService.class)) {
        WebService webService = (WebService) cl.getAnnotation(WebService.class);

        String endpoint = webService.endpointInterface();

        if (endpoint != null && !"".equals(endpoint))
          cl = CauchoSystem.loadClass(webService.endpointInterface());

      ArrayList<Class> jaxbClasses = _jaxbClasses;

      for (Method method : cl.getMethods()) {
        if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) continue;

        int modifiers = method.getModifiers();

        // Allow abstract for interfaces
        if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)
            || Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)
            || !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) continue;

        if (_context == null) JAXBUtil.introspectMethod(method, jaxbClasses);

      if (_context != null) {
      } else if (_jaxbPackages != null) {
        _context = JAXBContext.newInstance(_jaxbPackages);
      } else {
        Class[] classes = jaxbClasses.toArray(new Class[jaxbClasses.size()]);
        _context = JAXBContext.newInstance(classes);

      _marshaller = _context.createMarshaller();
      _marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
      _unmarshaller = _context.createUnmarshaller();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ServletException(e);
  public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
    Class<?> clazz = ClassHelper.getRealClass(getServletBus(), bean);

    if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(WebService.class)) {
      WebService ws = clazz.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
      String url = urlPrefix + ws.serviceName();
      Message message = new Message("SELECTED_SERVICE", LOG, beanName, clazz.getName(), url);;

      createAndPublishEndpoint(url, bean);
      registerHandler(url, new ServletAdapter(shadowCxfServlet));
    } else {

      Message message = new Message("REJECTED_NO_ANNOTATION", LOG, beanName, clazz.getName());

    return bean;
Esempio n. 10
  static String getPortType(Class impl, Class api) throws WebServiceException {
    WebService webService = (WebService) impl.getAnnotation(WebService.class);

    if (webService != null) {
      if ("".equals( && "".equals(webService.endpointInterface()))
        return impl.getSimpleName();

      if (!"".equals( && "".equals(webService.endpointInterface()))

      if ("".equals( && !"".equals(webService.endpointInterface())) {
        webService = (WebService) api.getAnnotation(WebService.class);

        if (webService != null && !"".equals( return;
        else return api.getSimpleName();

      if (!"".equals( && !"".equals(webService.endpointInterface()))
        throw new WebServiceException(
                "Cannot specify both name and endpointInterface properties in a WebService annotation: {0}",

    return impl.getSimpleName();
Esempio n. 11
  protected BindingTemplate parseServiceBinding(
      Class<?> classWithAnnotations,
      String lang,
      WebService webServiceAnnotation,
      Properties properties) {

    BindingTemplate bindingTemplate = null;
    UDDIServiceBinding uddiServiceBinding =
        (UDDIServiceBinding) classWithAnnotations.getAnnotation(UDDIServiceBinding.class);
    // binding
    if (uddiServiceBinding != null) {
      bindingTemplate = new BindingTemplate();

          TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.bindingKey(), properties));

      String bindingLang = String.valueOf(lang);
      if (uddiServiceBinding.lang() != null) {
        bindingLang = TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.lang(), properties);
      Description bindingDescription = new Description();
          TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.description(), properties));

      AccessPoint accessPoint = new AccessPoint();
      if (!"".equals(uddiServiceBinding.accessPointType())) {
      if (!"".equals(uddiServiceBinding.accessPoint())) {
        String endPoint = uddiServiceBinding.accessPoint();
        endPoint = TokenResolver.replaceTokens(endPoint, properties);
        log.debug("AccessPoint EndPoint=" + endPoint);
      } else if (webServiceAnnotation != null && webServiceAnnotation.wsdlLocation() != null) {

      // tModelKeys on the binding
      if (!"".equals(uddiServiceBinding.tModelKeys())) {
        String[] tModelKeys = uddiServiceBinding.tModelKeys().split(",");
        for (String tModelKey : tModelKeys) {
          TModelInstanceInfo instanceInfo = new TModelInstanceInfo();
          if (bindingTemplate.getTModelInstanceDetails() == null) {
            bindingTemplate.setTModelInstanceDetails(new TModelInstanceDetails());
      // categoryBag on the binding
      if (!"".equals(uddiServiceBinding.categoryBag())) {
        CategoryBag categoryBag = parseCategoryBag(uddiServiceBinding.categoryBag());
    } else {
      log.error("Missing UDDIServiceBinding annotation in class " + classWithAnnotations);
    return bindingTemplate;
Esempio n. 12
  public HandlerProcessingResult processAnnotation(AnnotationInfo annInfo)
      throws AnnotationProcessorException {
    AnnotatedElementHandler annCtx = annInfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler();
    AnnotatedElement annElem = annInfo.getAnnotatedElement();
    AnnotatedElement origAnnElem = annElem;

    boolean ejbInWar = ignoreWebserviceAnnotations(annElem, annCtx);
    // Bug  http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsf?cr=6956406
    // When there is an ejb webservice packaged in a war
    // ignore the annotation processing for WebBundleDescriptor
    // In Ejb webservice in a war there are 2 bundle descriptors
    // so we should just allow the processing for the EjbBundleDescriptor
    // and add webservices to that BundleDescriptor
    if (ejbInWar) {
      return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(
          getAnnotationType(), ResultType.PROCESSED);

    // sanity check
    if (!(annElem instanceof Class)) {
      AnnotationProcessorException ape =
          new AnnotationProcessorException(
                  "WS00022: symbol annotation can only be specified on TYPE"),
      return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.FAILED);

    // Ignore @WebService annotation on an interface; process only those in an actual service impl
    // class
    if (((Class) annElem).isInterface()) {
      return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(
          getAnnotationType(), ResultType.PROCESSED);

    if (isJaxwsRIDeployment(annInfo)) {
      // Looks like JAX-WS RI specific deployment, do not process Web Service annotations otherwise
      // would end up as two web service endpoints
          new Object[] {
            annInfo.getProcessingContext().getArchive().getName(), "WEB-INF/sun-jaxws.xml"
      return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(
          getAnnotationType(), ResultType.PROCESSED);

    // let's get the main annotation of interest.
    javax.jws.WebService ann = (javax.jws.WebService) annInfo.getAnnotation();

    BundleDescriptor bundleDesc = null;

    // Ensure that an EJB endpoint is packaged in EJBJAR and a servlet endpoint is packaged in a WAR
    try {
      /*  TODO These conditions will change since ejb in war will be supported
      //uncomment if needed
           if(annCtx instanceof EjbContext &&   (provider !=null) &&
                  (provider.getType("javax.ejb.Stateless") == null)) {
              AnnotationProcessorException ape = new AnnotationProcessorException(
                              "Class {0} is annotated with @WebService and without @Stateless
                               but is packaged in a JAR." +
                               " If it is supposed to be a servlet endpoint, it should be
                                packaged in a WAR; Deployment will continue assuming  this " +
                                "class to be just a POJO used by other classes in the JAR  being deployed",
                              new Object[] {((Class)annElem).getName()}),annInfo);
              throw ape;

          if(annCtx instanceof EjbBundleContext && (provider !=null) &&
                  (provider.getType("javax.ejb.Stateless") == null)) {
              AnnotationProcessorException ape = new AnnotationProcessorException(
                      localStrings.getLocalString  ("enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.webeppkgwrong",
                              "Class {0} is annotated with @WebService and without @Stateless but is packaged in a JAR." +
                                      " If it is supposed to be a servlet endpoint, it should be packaged in a WAR; Deployment will continue assuming this " +
                                      "class to be just a POJO used by other classes in the JARbeing deployed",
                              new Object[] {((Class)annElem).getName()}),annInfo);
              throw ape;
          if(annCtx instanceof WebBundleContext && (provider !=null) &&
                  (provider.getType("javax.ejb.Stateless") != null)) {
              AnnotationProcessorException ape = new AnnotationProcessorException(
                       "Class {0} is annotated with @WebService and @Stateless but is packaged in a WAR." +" If it is supposed to be an EJB endpoint, it should be  packaged in a JAR; Deployment will continue assuming this "
                      +" class to be just a POJO used by other classes in the WAR being deployed",
                              new Object[] {((Class)annElem).getName()}),annInfo);
              throw ape;

      // let's see the type of web service we are dealing with...
      if ((ejbProvider != null)
          && ejbProvider.getType("javax.ejb.Stateless") != null
          && (annCtx instanceof EjbContext)) {
        // this is an ejb !
        EjbContext ctx = (EjbContext) annCtx;
        bundleDesc = ctx.getDescriptor().getEjbBundleDescriptor();
      } else {
        // this has to be a servlet since there is no @Servlet annotation yet
        if (annCtx instanceof WebComponentContext) {
          bundleDesc = ((WebComponentContext) annCtx).getDescriptor().getWebBundleDescriptor();
        } else if (!(annCtx instanceof WebBundleContext)) {
          return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(
              annInfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler(), annInfo);

        bundleDesc = ((WebBundleContext) annCtx).getDescriptor();

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AnnotationProcessorException(
              "WS00023: Exception in processing @Webservice : {0}",
    // in the impl class identifies port-component-name
    // If this is specified in impl class, then that takes precedence
    String portComponentName =;

    // As per JSR181, the serviceName is either specified in the deployment descriptor
    // or in @WebSErvice annotation in impl class; if neither service name implclass+Service
    String svcNameFromImplClass = ann.serviceName();
    String implClassName = ((Class) annElem).getSimpleName();
    String implClassFullName = ((Class) annElem).getName();

    // In case user gives targetNameSpace in the Impl class, that has to be used as
    // the namespace for service, port; typically user will do this in cases where
    // port_types reside in a different namespace than that of server/port.
    // Store the targetNameSpace, if any, in the impl class for later use
    String targetNameSpace = ann.targetNamespace();

    // As per JSR181, the portName is either specified in deployment desc or in @WebService
    // in impl class; if neither, it will; if is not there,
    // then port name is implClass+Port
    String portNameFromImplClass = ann.portName();
    if ((portNameFromImplClass == null) || (portNameFromImplClass.length() == 0)) {
      if ((portComponentName != null) && (portComponentName.length() != 0)) {
        portNameFromImplClass = portComponentName + "Port";
      } else {
        portNameFromImplClass = implClassName + "Port";

    // Store binding type specified in Impl class
    String userSpecifiedBinding = null; bindingAnn =
        ( ((Class) annElem).getAnnotation(;
    if (bindingAnn != null) {
      userSpecifiedBinding = bindingAnn.value();

    // Store wsdlLocation in the impl class (if any)
    String wsdlLocation = null;
    if (ann.wsdlLocation() != null && ann.wsdlLocation().length() != 0) {
      wsdlLocation = ann.wsdlLocation();

    // At this point, we need to check if the @WebService points to an SEI
    // with the endpointInterface attribute, if that is the case, the
    // remaining attributes should be extracted from the SEI instead of SIB.
    if (ann.endpointInterface() != null && ann.endpointInterface().length() > 0) {
      Class endpointIntf;
      try {
        endpointIntf = ((Class) annElem).getClassLoader().loadClass(ann.endpointInterface());
      } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException cfne) {
        throw new AnnotationProcessorException(
                "class {0} referenced from annotation symbol cannot be loaded",
                new Object[] {ann.endpointInterface()}),
      annElem = endpointIntf;

      ann = annElem.getAnnotation(javax.jws.WebService.class);
      if (ann == null) {
        throw new AnnotationProcessorException(
                "WS00025: SEI {0} referenced from the @WebService annotation on {1}  does not contain a @WebService annotation",
                ((javax.jws.WebService) annInfo.getAnnotation()).endpointInterface(),
                ((Class) annElem).getName()));

      // SEI cannot have @BindingType
      if (annElem.getAnnotation( != null) {
        throw new AnnotationProcessorException(
                "WS00026: SEI {0} cannot have @BindingType",
                ((javax.jws.WebService) annInfo.getAnnotation()).endpointInterface()));

    WebServicesDescriptor wsDesc = bundleDesc.getWebServices();
    // not found; as per 109, default port-component-name
    // is the simple class name as long as the simple class name will be a
    // unique port-component-name for this module
    if (portComponentName == null || portComponentName.length() == 0) {
      portComponentName = implClassName;
    // Check if this port-component-name is unique for this module
    WebServiceEndpoint wep = wsDesc.getEndpointByName(portComponentName);
    if (wep != null) {
      // there is another port-component by this name in this module;
      // now we have to look at the SEI/impl of that port-component; if that SEI/impl
      // is the same as the current SEI/impl then it means we have to override values;
      // If the SEI/impl classes do not match, then no overriding should happen; we should
      // use fully qualified class name as port-component-name for the current endpoint
      if ((wep.getServiceEndpointInterface() != null)
          && (wep.getServiceEndpointInterface().length() != 0)
          && (!((Class) annElem).getName().equals(wep.getServiceEndpointInterface()))) {
        portComponentName = implClassFullName;

    // Check if the same endpoint is already defined in webservices.xml
    // This has to be done again after applying the 109 rules as above
    // for port-component-name
    WebServiceEndpoint endpoint = wsDesc.getEndpointByName(portComponentName);
    WebService newWS;
    if (endpoint == null) {
      if (DOLUtils.warType().equals(bundleDesc.getModuleType())) {
        WebComponentDescriptor[] wcByImplName =
            ((WebBundleDescriptor) bundleDesc).getWebComponentByImplName(implClassFullName);
        for (WebComponentDescriptor wc : wcByImplName) {
          if (!wsDesc.getEndpointsImplementedBy(wc).isEmpty()) {
            // URL mapping for annotated service exists - it can be JAX-RPC service
            // as well as some servlet or maybe only invalid port-component-name,
            // so let user know about possible error
                Level.SEVERE, LogUtils.WS_URLMAPPING_EXISTS, new Object[] {implClassFullName});
      // Check if a service with the same name is already present
      // If so, add this endpoint to the existing service
      if (svcNameFromImplClass != null && svcNameFromImplClass.length() != 0) {
        newWS = wsDesc.getWebServiceByName(svcNameFromImplClass);
      } else {
        newWS = wsDesc.getWebServiceByName(implClassName + "Service");
      if (newWS == null) {
        newWS = new WebService();
        // service name from annotation
        if (svcNameFromImplClass != null && svcNameFromImplClass.length() != 0) {
        } else {
          newWS.setName(implClassName + "Service");
      endpoint = new WebServiceEndpoint();
      if (portComponentName != null && portComponentName.length() != 0) {
      } else {
        endpoint.setEndpointName(((Class) annElem).getName());
    } else {
      newWS = endpoint.getWebService();

    // If wsdl-service is specified in the descriptor, then the targetnamespace
    // in wsdl-service should match the @WebService.targetNameSpace, if any.
    // make that assertion here - and the targetnamespace in wsdl-service, if
    // present overrides everything else
    if (endpoint.getWsdlService() != null) {
      if ((targetNameSpace != null)
          && (targetNameSpace.length() != 0)
          && (!endpoint.getWsdlService().getNamespaceURI().equals(targetNameSpace))) {
        AnnotationProcessorException ape =
            new AnnotationProcessorException(
                    "WS00027: Target Namespace in wsdl-service element does not match @WebService.targetNamespace"),
        return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.FAILED);
      targetNameSpace = endpoint.getWsdlService().getNamespaceURI();

    // Service and port should reside in the same namespace - assert that
    if ((endpoint.getWsdlService() != null) && (endpoint.getWsdlPort() != null)) {
      if (!endpoint
          .equals(endpoint.getWsdlPort().getNamespaceURI())) {
        AnnotationProcessorException ape =
            new AnnotationProcessorException(
                    "WS00028: Target Namespace for wsdl-service and wsdl-port should be the same"),
        return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.FAILED);

    // Use annotated values only if the deployment descriptor equivalen has not been specified

    // If wsdlLocation was not given in Impl class, see if it is present in SEI
    // Set this in DOL if there is no Depl Desc entry
    // Precedence given for wsdlLocation in impl class
    if (newWS.getWsdlFileUri() == null) {
      if (wsdlLocation != null) {
      } else {
        if (ann.wsdlLocation() != null && ann.wsdlLocation().length() != 0) {

    // Set binding id id @BindingType is specified by the user in the impl class
    if ((!endpoint.hasUserSpecifiedProtocolBinding())
        && (userSpecifiedBinding != null)
        && (userSpecifiedBinding.length() != 0)) {

    if (endpoint.getServiceEndpointInterface() == null) {
      // take SEI from annotation
      if (ann.endpointInterface() != null && ann.endpointInterface().length() != 0) {
      } else {
        endpoint.setServiceEndpointInterface(((Class) annElem).getName());

    // at this point the SIB has to be used no matter what @WebService was used.
    annElem = annInfo.getAnnotatedElement();

    if (DOLUtils.warType().equals(bundleDesc.getModuleType())) {
      if (endpoint.getServletImplClass() == null) {
        // Set servlet impl class here
        endpoint.setServletImplClass(((Class) annElem).getName());

      // Servlet link name
      WebBundleDescriptor webBundle = (WebBundleDescriptor) bundleDesc;
      if (endpoint.getWebComponentLink() == null) {
        // <servlet-link> = fully qualified name of the implementation class
      if (endpoint.getWebComponentImpl() == null) {
        WebComponentDescriptor webComponent =

        if (webComponent == null) {
          // GLASSFISH-3297
          WebComponentDescriptor[] wcs = webBundle.getWebComponentByImplName(implClassFullName);
          if (wcs.length > 0) {
            webComponent = wcs[0];

        // if servlet is not known, we should add it now
        if (webComponent == null) {
          webComponent = new WebComponentDescriptorImpl();
          webComponent.setWebComponentImplementation(((Class) annElem).getCanonicalName());
          webComponent.addUrlPattern("/" + newWS.getName());
    } else {

      // TODO BM handle stateless
      Stateless stateless = null;
      try {
        stateless = annElem.getAnnotation(javax.ejb.Stateless.class);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
          // This can happen in the installation where there is no ejb
          // Just logging the error
          conLogger.log(Level.FINE, LogUtils.EXCEPTION_THROWN, e);
      Singleton singleton = null;
      try {
        singleton = annElem.getAnnotation(javax.ejb.Singleton.class);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
          // This can happen in the installation where there is no ejb
          // Just logging the error
          conLogger.log(Level.FINE, LogUtils.EXCEPTION_THROWN, e);
      String name;

      if ((stateless != null) && ((stateless).name() == null || > 0)) {
        name =;
      } else if ((singleton != null)
          && ((singleton).name() == null || > 0)) {
        name =;

      } else {
        name = ((Class) annElem).getSimpleName();
      EjbDescriptor ejb = ((EjbBundleDescriptor) bundleDesc).getEjbByName(name);
      if (endpoint.getEjbLink() == null) endpoint.setEjbLink(ejb.getName());

    if (endpoint.getWsdlPort() == null) {
      // Use targetNameSpace given in wsdl-service/Impl class for port and service
      // If none, derive the namespace from package name and this will be used for
      // service and port - targetNamespace, if any, in SEI will be used for pprtType
      // during wsgen phase
      if (targetNameSpace == null || targetNameSpace.length() == 0) {
        // No targerNameSpace anywhere; calculate targetNameSpace and set wsdl port
        // per jax-ws 2.0 spec, the target name is the package name in
        // the reverse order prepended with http://
        if (((Class) annElem).getPackage() != null) {

          StringTokenizer tokens =
              new StringTokenizer(((Class) annElem).getPackage().getName(), ".", false);

          if (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
            while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
              if (targetNameSpace == null || targetNameSpace.length() == 0) {
                targetNameSpace = tokens.nextElement().toString();
              } else {
                targetNameSpace = tokens.nextElement().toString() + "." + targetNameSpace;
          } else {
            targetNameSpace = ((Class) annElem).getPackage().getName();
        } else {
          throw new AnnotationProcessorException(
                  "WS00029: The javax.jws.WebService annotation targetNamespace must be used for classes or interfaces that are in no package"));
        targetNameSpace = "http://" + (targetNameSpace == null ? "" : targetNameSpace + "/");
      // WebService.portName = wsdl-port
      endpoint.setWsdlPort(new QName(targetNameSpace, portNameFromImplClass, "ns1"));

    if (endpoint.getWsdlService() == null) {
      // Set wsdl-service properly; namespace is the same as that of wsdl port;
      // service name derived from deployment desc / annotation / default
      String serviceNameSpace = endpoint.getWsdlPort().getNamespaceURI();
      String serviceName = null;
      if ((svcNameFromImplClass != null) && (svcNameFromImplClass.length() != 0)) {
        // Use the serviceName annotation if available
        serviceName = svcNameFromImplClass;
      } else {
        serviceName = newWS.getName();
      endpoint.setWsdlService(new QName(serviceNameSpace, serviceName, "ns1"));

    // Now force a HandlerChain annotation processing
    // This is to take care of the case where the endpoint Impl class does not
    // have @HandlerChain but the SEI has one specified through JAXWS customization
    if ((((Class) origAnnElem).getAnnotation(javax.jws.HandlerChain.class)) == null) {
      return (new HandlerChainHandler())
          .processHandlerChainAnnotation(annInfo, annCtx, origAnnElem, (Class) origAnnElem, true);
    return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.PROCESSED);