Esempio n. 1
 // we define the method for downloading when pressing on the download button
 public void downvidlink(String msg) {
   try {
     Runtime.getRuntime().exec("wget -c " + msg);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     System.out.println("Downloading with wget failed: " + e);
Esempio n. 2
 // we define the method for getting a streaming link when pressing on the stream button
 public void streamvidlink(String msg) {
   try {
     Runtime.getRuntime().exec("smplayer " + msg);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     System.out.println("Streaming with smplayer failed: " + e);
Esempio n. 3
  class RemindTask_send_update extends TimerTask {
    Runtime rxrunti = Runtime.getRuntime();

    public void
        run() { // ************************************************************************************

      krypton_update_token update = new krypton_update_token(tokenx_buffer);
      // krypton_net_client.send_unconfirmed_update(tokenx_buffer);
      krypton_database_load load = new krypton_database_load();
    } // runx***************************************************************************************************
  } // remindtask
Esempio n. 4
  class RemindTask_restart extends TimerTask {
    Runtime rxrunti = Runtime.getRuntime();

    public void
        run() { // **************************************************************************************

      try {


      } catch (Exception e) {
    } // runx***************************************************************************************************
  } // remindtask
Esempio n. 5
  class RemindTask_server extends TimerTask {
    Runtime rxrunti = Runtime.getRuntime();

    public void
        run() { // ************************************************************************************

      String jsonText2 = new String("");

      JSONObject obj_out = new JSONObject();

      ServerSocket welcomeSocket;

      while (true) {

        try { // *********************************************************

          welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(network.api_port, 0, InetAddress.getByName("localhost"));
          Socket connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept();
          BufferedReader inFromClient =
              new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connectionSocket.getInputStream()));
          DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
          clientSentence = inFromClient.readLine();

          JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();

          try { // *********************************************************

            statex = "0";
            responsex = "e00";
            jsonText = "";

            if (!clientSentence.contains("")) {
              throw new EmptyStackException();
            Object obj = parser.parse(clientSentence);

            jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj;

            String request = (String) jsonObject.get("request");

            String item_id = new String("");
            String item_array = new String("");
            String old_key = new String("");
            String node = new String("");
            try {
              item_id = (String) jsonObject.get("item_id").toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println("extra info no item_id...");
            try {
              item_array = (String) jsonObject.get("item_array").toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println("extra info no item_array...");
            try {
              old_key = (String) jsonObject.get("key").toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println("extra info no key...");
            try {
              node = (String) jsonObject.get("node").toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println("extra info no node...");

            while (network.database_in_use == 1 && !request.equals("status")) {

              System.out.println("Database in use...");
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } // **************************************************************

            if (request.equals("status")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = get_status();
            } // ***************************
            else if (request.equals("get_version")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = network.versionx;
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_tor_active")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = Integer.toString(network.tor_active);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_last_block")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = network.last_block_id;
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_last_block_timestamp")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = network.last_block_timestamp;
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_last_block_hash")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = network.last_block_idx;
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_difficulty")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = Long.toString(network.difficultyx);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_last_mining_id")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = network.last_block_mining_idx;
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_prev_mining_id")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = network.prev_block_mining_idx;
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_last_unconfirmed_id")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = get_item_ids();
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_my_token_total")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = Integer.toString(network.database_listings_owner);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_my_id_list")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = get_item_ids();
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_my_ids_limit")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = get_item_ids();
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_token")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = get_item_array(item_id);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_settings")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = get_settings_array();
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_mining_info")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = get_item_array(item_id);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("get_new_keys")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = build_keysx();
            } //
            else if (request.equals("delete_node")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = delete_node(node);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("delete_all_nodes")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = delete_all_nodes();
            } //
            else if (request.equals("set_new_node")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = set_new_node(node);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("set_old_key")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = set_old_key(old_key);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("set_new_block")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = set_new_block(item_array);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("set_edit_block")) {
              statex = "1";
              update_state = "set_edit_block";
              responsex = update_token(item_array);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("set_transfer_block")) {
              statex = "1";
              update_state = "set_transfer_block";
              responsex = update_token(item_array);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("system_restart")) {
              statex = "1";
              responsex = "restarting";
              toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
              xtimerx = new Timer();
              xtimerx.schedule(new RemindTask_restart(), 0);
            } //
            else if (request.equals("system_exit")) {
              statex = "1";
            } //
            else {
              statex = "0";
              responsex = "e01 UnknownRequestException";

          } // try
          catch (ParseException e) {
            statex = "0";
            responsex = "e02 ParseException";
          } catch (Exception e) {
            statex = "0";
            responsex = "e03 Exception";

          JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
          obj.put("response", statex);
          try {
            obj.put("message", responsex);
          } catch (Exception e) {

          StringWriter outs = new StringWriter();
          jsonText = outs.toString();
          System.out.println("SEND RESPONSE " + responsex);

          outToClient.writeBytes(jsonText + '\n');

        } catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("Server ERROR x3");
      } // **********while
    } // runx***************************************************************************************************
  } // remindtask