private void addRemoveSlaves( final MasterSlaveEntry entry, final ClusterPartition currentPart, final ClusterPartition newPart) { Set<URI> removedSlaves = new HashSet<URI>(currentPart.getSlaveAddresses()); removedSlaves.removeAll(newPart.getSlaveAddresses()); for (URI uri : removedSlaves) { currentPart.removeSlaveAddress(uri); slaveDown(entry, uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), FreezeReason.MANAGER);"slave {} removed for slot ranges: {}", uri, currentPart.getSlotRanges()); } Set<URI> addedSlaves = new HashSet<URI>(newPart.getSlaveAddresses()); addedSlaves.removeAll(currentPart.getSlaveAddresses()); for (final URI uri : addedSlaves) { Future<Void> future = entry.addSlave(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); future.addListener( new FutureListener<Void>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { log.error("Can't add slave: " + uri, future.cause()); return; } currentPart.addSlaveAddress(uri); entry.slaveUp(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), FreezeReason.MANAGER);"slave {} added for slot ranges: {}", uri, currentPart.getSlotRanges()); } }); } }
private void scan() throws IOException, JAXBException { List<String> collectedUris = collectUris();"Collected URIs: %s (%d elements)", collectedUris, collectedUris.size())); DataSource source = loadDataSource(getId()); if (!getUrl().equals(source.getBaseUrl()) && !baseUrl.equals(source.getBaseUrl())) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Data source URL: " + source.getBaseUrl() + " doesn't match URL: " + getUrl()); Set<String> files = collectURIs(source); Set<String> addedUris = new HashSet<>(collectedUris); addedUris.removeAll(files); Set<String> removedUris = new HashSet<>(files); removedUris.removeAll(collectedUris); if (hasDataSourcesServer()) { if (addedUris.size() > 0) addUrisInChunks(source, addedUris); if (removedUris.size() > 0) removeUris(source, removedUris); } format( "Added %d URIs, removed %d URIs out of %d URIs", addCount, removeCount, collectedUris.size())); }
private void updateSelections() { /* Use set intersection/join's to figure out what updates have been done */ /* First, find which temporary bonuses have been removed, and which have been added */ Set<String> newValues = pc.getTempBonusNames(); Set<String> oldValues = new TreeSet<String>(tempBonusWidgets.keySet()); oldValues.removeAll(newValues); newValues.removeAll(tempBonusWidgets.keySet()); if (!newValues.isEmpty()) { addTempBonus(newValues); } if (!oldValues.isEmpty()) { removeTempBonus(oldValues); } /* Now, same for equipment sets. */ newValues.clear(); oldValues.clear(); newValues.addAll(equipSet2Set(pc.getEquipSet())); oldValues.addAll(eqSetWidgets.keySet()); oldValues.removeAll(newValues); newValues.removeAll(eqSetWidgets.keySet()); if (!newValues.isEmpty()) { addEquipSets(newValues); } if (!oldValues.isEmpty()) { removeEquipSets(oldValues); } }
public void clear() { checkIfLoaded(); resetSizeEstimator(); final Collection<Data> lockedKeys = lockStore != null ? lockStore.getLockedKeys() : Collections.<Data>emptySet(); final Map<Data, Record> lockedRecords = new HashMap<Data, Record>(lockedKeys.size()); // Locked records should not be removed! for (Data key : lockedKeys) { Record record = records.get(key); if (record != null) { lockedRecords.put(key, record); updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); } } Set<Data> keysToDelete = records.keySet(); keysToDelete.removeAll(lockedRecords.keySet()); final MapStoreWrapper store = mapContainer.getStore(); // Use an ArrayList so that we don't trigger calls to equals or hashCode on the key objects Collection<Object> keysObject = new ArrayList<Object>(keysToDelete.size()); for (Data key : keysToDelete) { // todo ea have a clear(Keys) method for optimizations removeIndex(key); keysObject.add(mapService.toObject(key)); } if (store != null) { store.deleteAll(keysObject); toBeRemovedKeys.removeAll(keysToDelete); } clearRecordsMap(lockedRecords); cancelAssociatedSchedulers(keysToDelete); resetAccessSequenceNumber(); }
/** * Rules of updating AmazonInfo: - instanceId must exist - localIp/privateIp most exist - * publicHostname does not necessarily need to exist (e.g. in vpc) */ /* visible for testing */ static boolean shouldUpdate(AmazonInfo newInfo, AmazonInfo oldInfo) { if (newInfo.getMetadata().isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Newly resolved AmazonInfo is empty, skipping an update cycle"); } else if (!newInfo.equals(oldInfo)) { if (isBlank(newInfo.get(MetaDataKey.instanceId))) { logger.warn("instanceId is blank, skipping an update cycle"); return false; } else if (isBlank(newInfo.get(MetaDataKey.localIpv4))) { logger.warn("localIpv4 is blank, skipping an update cycle"); return false; } else { Set<String> newKeys = new HashSet<>(newInfo.getMetadata().keySet()); Set<String> oldKeys = new HashSet<>(oldInfo.getMetadata().keySet()); Set<String> union = new HashSet<>(newKeys); union.retainAll(oldKeys); newKeys.removeAll(union); oldKeys.removeAll(union); for (String key : newKeys) {"Adding new metadata {}={}", key, newInfo.getMetadata().get(key)); } for (String key : oldKeys) {"Removing old metadata {}={}", key, oldInfo.getMetadata().get(key)); } } return true; } return false; }
public <T extends TaskRepository> void setRepositories(List<T> repositories) { Set<TaskRepository> set = new HashSet<TaskRepository>(myRepositories); set.removeAll(repositories); myBadRepositories.removeAll(set); // remove all changed reps myIssueCache.clear(); myRepositories.clear(); myRepositories.addAll(repositories); reps: for (T repository : repositories) { if (repository.isShared() && repository.getUrl() != null) { List<TaskProjectConfiguration.SharedServer> servers = getProjectConfiguration().servers; TaskRepositoryType type = repository.getRepositoryType(); for (TaskProjectConfiguration.SharedServer server : servers) { if (repository.getUrl().equals(server.url) && type.getName().equals(server.type)) { continue reps; } } TaskProjectConfiguration.SharedServer server = new TaskProjectConfiguration.SharedServer(); server.type = type.getName(); server.url = repository.getUrl(); servers.add(server); } } }
private boolean solveHouse(House house, Set<Integer> combination) { Set<Cell> selectedCells = new TreeSet<Cell>(); for (Cell cell : house.getCells()) { if (cell.isSolved()) { // This house already contains a cell with // one of this quad's numbers. if (combination.contains(cell.getDigit())) { return false; } continue; } Collection<Integer> cellCandidates = cell.getCandidates(); if (cellCandidates.size() > getSetSize()) { // Can't possibly be a subset continue; } Set<Integer> cellCandidatesCopy = new HashSet<Integer>(cellCandidates); cellCandidatesCopy.removeAll(combination); if (cellCandidatesCopy.size() == 0) { selectedCells.add(cell); } } if (selectedCells.size() == getSetSize()) { Set<Cell> houseCells = new HashSet<Cell>(house.getCells()); houseCells.removeAll(selectedCells); boolean changed = false; for (Cell cell : houseCells) { if (cell.removeAll(combination)) { changed = true; } } return changed; } return false; }
private Set<Vertex> computeMinVertexCover(Set<Vertex> side1, Set<Vertex> side2) { Set<Vertex> konigSet = new HashSet<Vertex>(); Set<Vertex> unmatched = new TreeSet<Vertex>(side1); unmatched.removeAll(matches); // System.out.println("Matches: " + matches); // System.out.println("side 1 unmatched set: " + unmatched); for (Vertex v : unmatched) { konigDFS(konigSet, v, false); } // System.out.println("Konig set: " + konigSet); Set<Vertex> result = new HashSet<Vertex>(side2); result.retainAll(konigSet); // System.out.println("side 2 intersect konigSet: " + result); Set<Vertex> side1notInKonigSet = new HashSet<Vertex>(side1); side1notInKonigSet.removeAll(konigSet); // System.out.println("side 1 not in Konig set: " + side1notInKonigSet); result.addAll(side1notInKonigSet); return result; }
private List<Node> getClosestNodes( Key k, int n, int index, Bucket[] buckets, Collection<Node> exclude) { final List<Node> $ = new ArrayList<Node>(); final Set<Node> t = new HashSet<Node>(); if (index < 0) index = 0; buckets[index].addNodesTo($); if ($.size() < n) { // look in other buckets for (int i = 1; $.size() < n; ++i) { if (index + i < buckets.length) { buckets[index + i].addNodesTo(t); t.removeAll(exclude); $.addAll(t); t.clear(); } if (0 <= index - i) { buckets[index - i].addNodesTo(t); t.removeAll(exclude); $.addAll(t); t.clear(); } if (buckets.length <= index + i && index - i < 0) break; } } return $; }
@Override public void apply() throws ConfigurationException { List<X509Certificate> existing = myTrustManager.getCertificates(); Set<X509Certificate> added = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(myCertificates); added.removeAll(existing); Set<X509Certificate> removed = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(existing); removed.removeAll(myCertificates); for (X509Certificate certificate : added) { if (!myTrustManager.addCertificate(certificate)) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Cannot add certificate for " + getCommonName(certificate), "Cannot Add Certificate"); } } for (X509Certificate certificate : removed) { if (!myTrustManager.removeCertificate(certificate)) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Cannot remove certificate for " + getCommonName(certificate), "Cannot Remove Certificate"); } } CertificateManager.Config state = CertificateManager.getInstance().getState(); state.ACCEPT_AUTOMATICALLY = myAcceptAutomatically.isSelected(); state.CHECK_HOSTNAME = myCheckHostname.isSelected(); state.CHECK_VALIDITY = myCheckValidityPeriod.isSelected(); }
private void checkSlotsMigration(Collection<ClusterPartition> newPartitions) { List<ClusterPartition> currentPartitions = new ArrayList<ClusterPartition>(lastPartitions.values()); for (ClusterPartition currentPartition : currentPartitions) { for (ClusterPartition newPartition : newPartitions) { if (!currentPartition.getNodeId().equals(newPartition.getNodeId())) { continue; } Set<ClusterSlotRange> addedSlots = new HashSet<ClusterSlotRange>(newPartition.getSlotRanges()); addedSlots.removeAll(currentPartition.getSlotRanges()); MasterSlaveEntry entry = getEntry(currentPartition.getSlotRanges().iterator().next()); currentPartition.addSlotRanges(addedSlots); for (ClusterSlotRange slot : addedSlots) { entry.addSlotRange(slot); addEntry(slot, entry);"{} slot added for {}", slot, entry.getClient().getAddr()); lastPartitions.put(slot, currentPartition); } Set<ClusterSlotRange> removedSlots = new HashSet<ClusterSlotRange>(currentPartition.getSlotRanges()); removedSlots.removeAll(newPartition.getSlotRanges()); lastPartitions.keySet().removeAll(removedSlots); currentPartition.removeSlotRanges(removedSlots); for (ClusterSlotRange slot : removedSlots) {"{} slot removed for {}", slot, entry.getClient().getAddr()); entry.removeSlotRange(slot); removeMaster(slot); } } } }
/** * Get the task Map which the task is alive and will be kept Only when type is * ASSIGN_TYPE_MONITOR, it is valid * * @param defaultContext * @param needAssigns * @return */ public Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> getKeepAssign( DefaultTopologyAssignContext defaultContext, Set<Integer> needAssigns) { Set<Integer> keepAssignIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); keepAssignIds.addAll(defaultContext.getAllTaskIds()); keepAssignIds.removeAll(defaultContext.getUnstoppedTaskIds()); keepAssignIds.removeAll(needAssigns); Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> keeps = new HashMap<Integer, ResourceAssignment>(); if (keepAssignIds.isEmpty()) { return keeps; } Assignment oldAssignment = defaultContext.getOldAssignment(); if (oldAssignment == null) { return keeps; } Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> olds = oldAssignment.getTaskToResource(); for (Integer task : keepAssignIds) { ResourceAssignment oldResource = olds.get(task); if (oldResource == null) { LOG.warn("No old assignment of " + task + ", " + defaultContext.toDetailString()); continue; } keeps.put(task, oldResource); } return keeps; }
/** @return the new constraints enforced at this handle, that aren't yet enforced at parents */ public Set<PConstraint> getDeltaEnforcedConstraints() { Set<PConstraint> result = CollectionsFactory.getSet(); // new HashSet<PConstraint>(constraints); if (primaryParentStub != null) result.removeAll(primaryParentStub.getAllEnforcedConstraints()); if (secondaryParentStub != null) result.removeAll(secondaryParentStub.getAllEnforcedConstraints()); return result; }
/** removeAll removes all elements from the given collection */ public void testRemoveAll() { Set full = populatedSet(3); assertTrue(full.removeAll(Arrays.asList(one, two))); assertEquals(1, full.size()); assertFalse(full.removeAll(Arrays.asList(one, two))); assertEquals(1, full.size()); }
private void walk(String authority, Path root, String prefix, int count) throws IOException { Path cachePath = BASE_PATH.resolve(authority); Path dirPath = Paths.get(cachePath.toString(), root.toString()); Set<String> fileNames = Files.walk(dirPath) .filter(p -> p.toString().endsWith(".txt")) .map(p -> Paths.get(p.toAbsolutePath().toString())) .map(cachePath::relativize) .map(Object::toString) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertFalse(fileNames.isEmpty()); Set<String> expected = IntStream.range(0, count).mapToObj(i -> prefix + i + ".txt").collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertFalse(expected.isEmpty()); Set<String> extra = new HashSet<>(fileNames); extra.removeAll(expected); if (!extra.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Extra entries " + extra); } assertTrue("Extra entries ", extra.isEmpty()); Set<String> missing = new HashSet<>(expected); missing.removeAll(fileNames); if (!extra.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Missing entries " + missing); } assertTrue("Missing entries", missing.isEmpty()); }
/** * Given a set of SCC nodes make this the lead member of the SCC and reroute all incoming and * outgoing links accordingly. This eager rewrite is based on the assumption that there are few * cycles so it is better to rewrite once and keep the graph easy to traverse. */ public void makeLeadNodeFor(Set<GraphNode> members) { // Accumulate all successors Set<GraphNode> newSucc = new HashSet<>(); Set<GraphNode> newSuccClosed = new HashSet<>(); for (GraphNode n : members) { newSucc.addAll(n.succ); newSuccClosed.addAll(n.succClosed); } newSucc.removeAll(members); newSuccClosed.removeAll(members); succ = newSucc; succClosed = newSuccClosed; // Rewrite all direct successors to have us as predecessor for (GraphNode n : succ) { n.pred.removeAll(members); n.pred.add(this); } // Find all predecessor nodes and relink link them to point to us Set<GraphNode> done = new HashSet<>(); Set<GraphNode> newAliases = new HashSet<>(); for (GraphNode member : members) { addSiblings(newAliases, member); } becomeLeaderOf(newAliases); for (GraphNode n : members) { if (n != this) { pred.addAll(n.pred); n.relocateAllRefTo(this, done); n.becomeSubordinateOf(this); } } pred.removeAll(members); }
public void testKeySetRemoveAllNullFromEmpty() { final Map<K, V> map; try { map = makeEmptyMap(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return; } Set<K> keySet = map.keySet(); if (supportsRemove) { try { keySet.removeAll(null); fail("Expected NullPointerException."); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected. } } else { try { keySet.removeAll(null); fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException or NullPointerException."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Expected. } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected. } } assertInvariants(map); }
private final synchronized List<? extends PathResourceImplementation> refresh() { List<Dependency> l = getDeps().all(); Set<DependencyPathResourceImplementation> old; Set<DependencyPathResourceImplementation> nue; synchronized (this) { old = new TreeSet<DependencyPathResourceImplementation>(resources); nue = new TreeSet<DependencyPathResourceImplementation>(); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { nue.add(new DependencyPathResourceImplementation(l.get(i), i)); } if (resources.equals(nue)) { return new ArrayList<PathResourceImplementation>(resources); } Set<DependencyPathResourceImplementation> removed = new HashSet<DependencyPathResourceImplementation>(old); removed.removeAll(nue); Set<DependencyPathResourceImplementation> added = new HashSet<DependencyPathResourceImplementation>(nue); added.removeAll(old); for (DependencyPathResourceImplementation d : removed) { resources.remove(d); } for (DependencyPathResourceImplementation d : added) { resources.add(d); } } List<? extends PathResourceImplementation> result = new ArrayList<PathResourceImplementation>(nue); fire(ClassPathImplementation.PROP_RESOURCES, old, result); return result; }
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // private methods //// // Recursively compute the set of free variables for all actors // deeply contained in the given model. private Set _freeVariables(Entity model) throws IllegalActionException { // First get the free variables of contained actors. Set set = new HashSet(); if (model instanceof CompositeEntity) { for (Iterator entities = ((CompositeEntity) model).entityList().iterator(); entities.hasNext(); ) { Entity entity = (Entity); set.addAll(_freeVariables(entity)); } } // Next, compute the set of variable names defined in this container. Set variableNames = new HashSet(); for (Iterator variables = model.attributeList(Variable.class).iterator(); variables.hasNext(); ) { Variable variable = (Variable); variableNames.add(variable.getName()); } variableNames = Collections.unmodifiableSet(variableNames); // Free variables of contained actors that are defined in this // container are not free variables of this container. set.removeAll(variableNames); // Iterate over all the variables of this container, and add in // any free variables they reference. PtParser parser = new PtParser(); ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector collector = new ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector(); for (Iterator variables = model.attributeList(Variable.class).iterator(); variables.hasNext(); ) { Variable variable = (Variable); String expression = variable.getExpression(); ASTPtRootNode root; if (variable.isStringMode()) { root = parser.generateStringParseTree(expression); } else { root = parser.generateParseTree(expression); } Set freeIdentifiers = new HashSet(collector.collectFreeVariables(root)); // Identifiers that reference other variables in the same container // are bound, not free. Set tempSet = new HashSet(variableNames); tempSet.remove(variable.getName()); freeIdentifiers.removeAll(tempSet); set.addAll(freeIdentifiers); } _entityToFreeVariableNameSet.put(model, set); return set; }
protected static Set<String> computeKeywords(Grammar grammar) { Set<String> keywords = new HashSet<String>(GrammarUtil.getAllKeywords(grammar)); keywords.removeAll(getAllKeywords(grammar, "UnrestrictedName")); keywords.removeAll(getAllKeywords(grammar, "EssentialOCLReservedKeyword")); keywords.removeAll(getAllKeywords(grammar, "RestrictedKeywords")); keywords.removeAll(getAllKeywords(grammar, "CollectionTypeIdentifier")); keywords.removeAll(getAllKeywords(grammar, "PrimitiveTypeIdentifier")); return keywords; }
/** * Update the underlying connectiosStore. * * @param oldElement - old element * @param newElement - new element * @throws Exception */ protected void updateConnectionStore(E oldElement, E newElement) throws Exception { if (rollingEnabled && oldElement == null) { rollingTypeahead.offer(newElement); } else { long scn = newElement.getTimestamp(); int elemId = newElement.getElementId(); if (oldElement == null) { // Insert operation for (String term : newElement.getTerms()) { int len = Math.min(term.length(), maxKeyLength); for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) { String source = term.substring(0, i); connectionsStore.addConnection(source, elemId, scn); } } } else if (newElement.getTimestamp() >= getHWMark()) { // Update operation Set<String> oldPrefixes = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> newPrefixes = new HashSet<String>(); for (String term : oldElement.getTerms()) { int len = Math.min(term.length(), maxKeyLength); for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) { String source = term.substring(0, i); oldPrefixes.add(source); } } for (String term : newElement.getTerms()) { int len = Math.min(term.length(), maxKeyLength); for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) { String source = term.substring(0, i); newPrefixes.add(source); } } // Calculate intersection Set<String> commonPrefixes = new HashSet<String>(); commonPrefixes.addAll(oldPrefixes); commonPrefixes.retainAll(newPrefixes); newPrefixes.removeAll(commonPrefixes); for (String source : newPrefixes) { connectionsStore.addConnection(source, elemId, scn); } oldPrefixes.removeAll(commonPrefixes); for (String source : oldPrefixes) { connectionsStore.removeConnection(source, elemId, scn); } } else {"ignored element: " + newElement); } } }
private void scan() throws OperationFailedException { try { scanLock.lockInterruptibly(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } try { if (scanEnabled) { // confirm the scan is still wanted log.tracef( "Scanning directory %s for deployment content changes", deploymentDir.getAbsolutePath()); final List<ModelNode> updates = new ArrayList<ModelNode>(); Map<String, File> foundDeployed = new HashMap<String, File>(); Set<String> newlyAdded = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> registeredDeployments = getDeploymentNames(); scanDirectory(deploymentDir, updates, foundDeployed, newlyAdded, registeredDeployments); // Add remove actions to the plan for anything we count as // deployed that we didn't find on the scan Set<String> toRemove = new HashSet<String>(deployed); toRemove.removeAll(foundDeployed.keySet()); toRemove.removeAll(newlyAdded); // in case user removed the marker and added replacement for (String missing : toRemove) { updates.add(getUndeployOperation(missing)); updates.add(getRemoveOperation(missing)); } if (updates.size() > 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { for (ModelNode update : updates) { log.debugf("Deployment scan of [%s] found update action [%s]", deploymentDir, update); } } Operation composite = getCompositeUpdate(updates); ModelNode results = serverController.execute(composite); // System.out.println(composite); // System.out.println(results); // FIXME deal with result } // Throw away any found marker files that we didn't already know about Set<String> validFinds = cleanSpuriousMarkerFiles(foundDeployed); validFinds.addAll(newlyAdded); this.deployed = validFinds; log.tracef("Scan complete"); } } finally { scanLock.unlock(); } }
/** * Get all users that don't have any special status in this channel. This means that they aren't * ops, have voice, superops, halops, or owners in this channel * * @return An <i>unmodifiable</i> Set (IE snapshot) of non-special users in the channel */ public Set<User> getNormalUsers() { // Build set Set<User> normalUsers = new HashSet<User>(bot.getUsers(this)); normalUsers.removeAll(ops); normalUsers.removeAll(voices); normalUsers.removeAll(halfOps); normalUsers.removeAll(superOps); normalUsers.removeAll(owners); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(normalUsers); }
/** * Finds set of all defs in function given (defSites). Adds parameters of function to this set: * defSites. Finds all variables that are referenced in the function given (alf.names). * windowProps are all global properties available. Closures = alf.names - defSites - windowProps * * @param n root node of the function who's closures are to be found * @return set of closure names */ private Set<String> findClosures(Node n) { Set<String> closureVars = null; SimpleDefinitionFinder defFinder = new SimpleDefinitionFinder(compiler); defFinder.process(externs, n.getLastChild()); Collection<DefinitionSite> defSites = defFinder.getDefinitionSites(); Set<String> localDefs = new HashSet<String>(); for (DefinitionSite site : defSites) { if (site.node.getType() == Token.GETPROP) continue; String def = site.node.getString(); if (def.length() > 0) { localDefs.add(def); } } // adding params to function as defs Node origParamNode = n.getChildAtIndex(1); for (int i = 0; i < origParamNode.getChildCount(); i++) { String temp = origParamNode.getChildAtIndex(i).getString(); localDefs.add(temp); } // System.out.println("\nPrinting LOCAL def sites:" + defs); /*SimpleDefinitionFinder defFinder1 = new SimpleDefinitionFinder(compiler); defFinder1.process(externs, root); Collection<DefinitionSite> defSites1 = defFinder1.getDefinitionSites(); Set<String> defs1 = new HashSet<String>(); for(DefinitionSite site1: defSites1){ if (site1.node.getType() == Token.GETPROP) continue; String def = site1.node.getString(); if (def.length() > 0){ defs1.add(def); } } System.out.println("\nPrinting Global def sites:" + defs1);*/ AllNamesFinder alf = new AllNamesFinder(compiler); NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, n.getLastChild(), alf); // System.out.println("all names: " + alf.names); closureVars = alf.names; closureVars.removeAll(localDefs); closureVars.removeAll(Props.windowProps); closureVars.remove( "this"); // since 'this' is later modified to $$_self we don't need to consider this as // closure return closureVars; }
private void checkSlotsChange( ClusterServersConfig cfg, Collection<ClusterPartition> newPartitions) { checkSlotsMigration(newPartitions); Collection<ClusterSlotRange> newPartitionsSlots = slots(newPartitions); Set<ClusterSlotRange> removedSlots = new HashSet<ClusterSlotRange>(lastPartitions.keySet()); removedSlots.removeAll(newPartitionsSlots); lastPartitions.keySet().removeAll(removedSlots); if (!removedSlots.isEmpty()) {"{} slot ranges found to remove", removedSlots); } for (ClusterSlotRange slot : removedSlots) { MasterSlaveEntry entry = removeMaster(slot); entry.removeSlotRange(slot); if (entry.getSlotRanges().isEmpty()) { entry.shutdownMasterAsync();"{} master and slaves for it removed", entry.getClient().getAddr()); } } Set<ClusterSlotRange> addedSlots = new HashSet<ClusterSlotRange>(newPartitionsSlots); addedSlots.removeAll(lastPartitions.keySet()); if (!addedSlots.isEmpty()) {"{} slots found to add", addedSlots); } for (final ClusterSlotRange slot : addedSlots) { ClusterPartition partition = find(newPartitions, slot); boolean masterFound = false; for (MasterSlaveEntry entry : getEntries().values()) { if (entry.getClient().getAddr().equals(partition.getMasterAddr())) { addEntry(slot, entry); lastPartitions.put(slot, partition); masterFound = true; break; } } if (!masterFound) { Future<Collection<Future<Void>>> future = addMasterEntry(partition, cfg); future.addListener( new FutureListener<Collection<Future<Void>>>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Collection<Future<Void>>> future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { log.error( "New cluster slot range " + slot + " without master node detected", future.cause()); } } }); } } }
/** * removeNoise() methods removes inconsistent data and missing values. For consistency where are * there are reviews relevant and non relevant for each item are considered. */ private void removeNoise() { Set<String> nonRel = itemUserMatrixNonRelevant.keySet(); Set<String> rel = itemUserMatrixRelevant.keySet(); Set<String> noise = new LinkedHashSet<String>(rel); Set<String> iter = new LinkedHashSet<String>(rel); Set<String> niter = new LinkedHashSet<String>(nonRel); noise.retainAll(nonRel); iter.removeAll(noise); niter.removeAll(noise); System.out.println(userItemMatrix.size()); System.out.println(userItemMatrixRelevant.size()); System.out.println(itemUserMatrixRelevant.size()); System.out.println(itemUserMatrixNonRelevant.size()); for (String unwanted : iter) { itemUserMatrixRelevant.remove(unwanted); itemUserMatrixNonRelevant.remove(unwanted); } for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : userItemMatrix.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().removeAll(iter); } for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : userItemMatrixRelevant.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().removeAll(iter); } for (String unwanted : niter) { itemUserMatrixRelevant.remove(unwanted); itemUserMatrixNonRelevant.remove(unwanted); } for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : userItemMatrix.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().removeAll(niter); } for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : userItemMatrixRelevant.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().removeAll(niter); } System.out.println(userItemMatrix.size()); System.out.println(userItemMatrixRelevant.size()); System.out.println(itemUserMatrixRelevant.size()); System.out.println(itemUserMatrixNonRelevant.size()); int maxSize = 0; String userid = ""; for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : userItemMatrixRelevant.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().size() > maxSize) { maxSize = entry.getValue().size(); userid = entry.getKey(); } } System.out.println("Choose user " + userid); }
private void doUpdateModelsSet() { assertCanChange(); for (SModel model : getModels()) { if (model instanceof EditableSModel && ((EditableSModel) model).isChanged()) { LOG.warn( "Trying to reload module " + getModuleName() + " which contains a non-saved model '" + model.getName() + "'. To prevent data loss, MPS will not update models in this module. " + "Please save your work and restart MPS. See MPS-18743 for details."); return; } } Set<ModelRoot> toRemove = new HashSet<ModelRoot>(mySModelRoots); Set<ModelRoot> toUpdate = new HashSet<ModelRoot>(mySModelRoots); Set<ModelRoot> toAttach = new HashSet<ModelRoot>(); for (ModelRoot root : loadRoots()) { try { if (mySModelRoots.contains(root)) { toRemove.remove(root); } else { toAttach.add(root); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "Error loading models from root `" + root.getPresentation() + "'. Requested by: " + this, e); } } toUpdate.removeAll(toRemove); for (ModelRoot modelRoot : toRemove) { ((ModelRootBase) modelRoot).dispose(); } mySModelRoots.removeAll(toRemove); for (ModelRoot modelRoot : toAttach) { ModelRootBase rootBase = (ModelRootBase) modelRoot; rootBase.setModule(this); mySModelRoots.add(modelRoot); rootBase.attach(); } for (ModelRoot modelRoot : toUpdate) { ((ModelRootBase) modelRoot).update(); } }
public synchronized void assertAllEqual(int expectedCount) throws IOException { Set<Uid> primaryIds = getShardDocUIDs(primary); assertThat(primaryIds.size(), equalTo(expectedCount)); for (IndexShard replica : replicas) { Set<Uid> replicaIds = getShardDocUIDs(replica); Set<Uid> temp = new HashSet<>(primaryIds); temp.removeAll(replicaIds); assertThat(replica.routingEntry() + " is missing docs", temp, empty()); temp = new HashSet<>(replicaIds); temp.removeAll(primaryIds); assertThat(replica.routingEntry() + " has extra docs", temp, empty()); } }
private void checkAllArticlesAreAllocatedOrReversed( Collection<? extends Article> deletedArticles) { ArticleStatusCheckResult articleStatusCheckResult = new ArticleStatusCheckResult(getArticleContainerEdit().getArticles()); articlesWithWrongState.addAll(articleStatusCheckResult.getNotAllocatedNorReversedArticles()); articlesWithWrongState.removeAll(articleStatusCheckResult.getAllocatedOrReversedArticles()); if (deletedArticles != null) articlesWithWrongState.removeAll(deletedArticles); if (buttonComp != null && !buttonComp.isDisposed()) buttonComp.setEnabled(articlesWithWrongState.isEmpty()); }
@Override public void set( final SecurityContext securityContext, final NodeInterface targetNode, final Iterable<S> collection) throws FrameworkException { final App app = StructrApp.getInstance(securityContext); final Set<S> toBeDeleted = new LinkedHashSet<>(Iterables.toList(get(securityContext, targetNode, null))); final Set<S> toBeCreated = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (collection != null) { Iterables.addAll(toBeCreated, collection); } // create intersection of both sets final Set<S> intersection = new LinkedHashSet<>(toBeCreated); intersection.retainAll(toBeDeleted); // intersection needs no change toBeCreated.removeAll(intersection); toBeDeleted.removeAll(intersection); // remove existing relationships for (S sourceNode : toBeDeleted) { for (AbstractRelationship rel : targetNode.getIncomingRelationships()) { final String relTypeName = rel.getRelType().name(); final String desiredRelType =; if (relTypeName.equals(desiredRelType) && rel.getSourceNode().equals(sourceNode)) { app.delete(rel); } } } // create new relationships for (S sourceNode : toBeCreated) { relation.ensureCardinality(securityContext, sourceNode, targetNode); app.create( sourceNode, targetNode, relation.getClass(), getNotionProperties(securityContext, relation.getClass(), sourceNode.getUuid())); } }