public SDMSGroup create(SystemEnvironment env, String p_name, Long p_deleteVersion) throws SDMSException { Long p_creatorUId = env.cEnv.uid(); Long p_createTs = env.txTime(); Long p_changerUId = env.cEnv.uid(); Long p_changeTs = env.txTime(); if (env.tx.mode == SDMSTransaction.READONLY) { throw new FatalException(new SDMSMessage(env, "01110182049", "Group")); } validate(env, p_name, p_deleteVersion, p_creatorUId, p_createTs, p_changerUId, p_changeTs); env.tx.beginSubTransaction(env); SDMSGroupGeneric o = new SDMSGroupGeneric( env, p_name, p_deleteVersion, p_creatorUId, p_createTs, p_changerUId, p_changeTs); SDMSGroup p; try { env.tx.addToChangeSet(env, o.versions, true); env.tx.addToTouchSet(env, o.versions, true); table.put(env,, o.versions); env.tx.commitSubTransaction(env); p = (SDMSGroup) (o.toProxy()); p.current = true; } catch (SDMSException e) { p = (SDMSGroup) (o.toProxy()); p.current = true; env.tx.rollbackSubTransaction(env); throw e; } if (!checkCreatePrivs(env, p)) throw new AccessViolationException(p.accessViolationMessage(env, "01402270738")); return p; }
public static SDMSGroup getObject(SystemEnvironment env, Long id, long version) throws SDMSException { return (SDMSGroup) table.get(env, id, version); }
public void go(SystemEnvironment sysEnv) throws SDMSException { final DateTime dt = new DateTime(new Date()); boolean secondsIgnore = false; boolean duplicateFilterIgnore = false; boolean ignoreUpperRange = false; String warning = null; final SDMSInterval ival = (SDMSInterval) obj.resolve(sysEnv); ivalId = obj.objId; if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_BASE)) { final WithHash baseIntervalWith = (WithHash) with.get(ParseStr.S_BASE); if (baseIntervalWith == null) { ival.setBaseInterval(sysEnv, null); ival.setBaseIntervalMultiplier(sysEnv, null); } else { final Integer baseInterval = (Integer) baseIntervalWith.get(ParseStr.S_INTERVAL); final Integer baseIntervalMultiplier = IntervalUtil.getMultiplier(sysEnv, baseIntervalWith); ival.setBaseInterval(sysEnv, baseInterval); ival.setBaseIntervalMultiplier(sysEnv, baseIntervalMultiplier); } } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_DURATION)) { final WithHash durationWith = (WithHash) with.get(ParseStr.S_DURATION); if (durationWith == null) { ival.setDuration(sysEnv, null); ival.setDurationMultiplier(sysEnv, null); } else { final Integer duration = (Integer) durationWith.get(ParseStr.S_INTERVAL); final Integer durationMultiplier = IntervalUtil.getMultiplier(sysEnv, durationWith); ival.setDuration(sysEnv, duration); ival.setDurationMultiplier(sysEnv, durationMultiplier); } } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_SYNCTIME)) { if (IntervalUtil.getDateTime(sysEnv, dt, with, ParseStr.S_SYNCTIME)) secondsIgnore = true; dt.fixToMinDate(); dt.suppressSeconds(); ival.setSyncTime(sysEnv, dt.toLong()); } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_STARTTIME)) { if (with.get(ParseStr.S_STARTTIME) == null) { ival.setStartTime(sysEnv, null); } else { if (IntervalUtil.getDateTime(sysEnv, dt, with, ParseStr.S_STARTTIME)) secondsIgnore = true; dt.fixToMinDate(); dt.suppressSeconds(); ival.setStartTime(sysEnv, dt.toLong()); } } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_ENDTIME)) { if (with.get(ParseStr.S_ENDTIME) == null) { ival.setEndTime(sysEnv, null); } else { if (IntervalUtil.getDateTime(sysEnv, dt, with, ParseStr.S_ENDTIME)) secondsIgnore = true; dt.fixToMaxDate(); dt.suppressSeconds(); ival.setEndTime(sysEnv, dt.toLong()); } } final Long startTime = ival.getStartTime(sysEnv); final Long endTime = ival.getEndTime(sysEnv); if ((startTime != null) && (endTime != null)) { final TimerDate startDate = new TimerDate(new DateTime(startTime, false).toDate()); final TimerDate endDate = new TimerDate(new DateTime(endTime, false).toDate()); if (endDate.eq(startDate)) throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "04210011321", ParseStr.S_STARTTIME + " and " + ParseStr.S_ENDTIME + " must be different")); } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_EMBEDDED)) { final String embeddedName = (String) with.get(ParseStr.S_EMBEDDED); if (embeddedName == null) ival.setEmbeddedIntervalId(sysEnv, null); else { final SDMSInterval embeddedIval = SDMSIntervalTable.idx_name_getUnique( sysEnv, IntervalUtil.mapIdName(embeddedName, obj.seId)); final Long embeddedIvalId = embeddedIval.getId(sysEnv); ival.setEmbeddedIntervalId(sysEnv, embeddedIvalId); } } if ((ival.getEmbeddedIntervalId(sysEnv) != null) && (ival.getDuration(sysEnv) != null)) throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "04311251855", "intervals with " + ParseStr.S_EMBEDDED + " cannot have " + ParseStr.S_DURATION)); if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_DELAY)) { warning = "DELAY not longer supported"; } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_INVERSE)) { final Boolean isInverse = (Boolean) with.get(ParseStr.S_INVERSE); ival.setIsInverse(sysEnv, isInverse); } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_MERGE)) { warning = "MERGE not longer supported"; } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_SELECTION)) { IntervalUtil.killSelections(sysEnv, ivalId); switch (IntervalUtil.createSelections(sysEnv, ivalId, with)) { case IntervalUtil.IGNORED_SECONDS: secondsIgnore = true; break; case IntervalUtil.IGNORED_UPPER_RANGE: ignoreUpperRange = true; } } if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_FILTER)) { IntervalUtil.killFilter(sysEnv, ivalId); duplicateFilterIgnore = IntervalUtil.createFilter(sysEnv, ivalId, obj.seSpec, with); } ival.setSeId(sysEnv, obj.seId); checkSet = new HashSet(); checkStructure(sysEnv, ivalId); SystemEnvironment.timer.notifyChange(sysEnv, ival, TimerThread.ALTER); if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_GROUP)) { final String gName = (String) with.get(ParseStr.S_GROUP); final Long gId = SDMSGroupTable.idx_name_deleteVersion_getUnique(sysEnv, new SDMSKey(gName, new Long(0))) .getId(sysEnv); ChownChecker.check(sysEnv, gId); ival.setOwnerId(sysEnv, gId); } if (duplicateFilterIgnore) result.setFeedback( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "04209270127", "Interval created (WARNING: duplicate " + ParseStr.S_FILTER + " will be ignored)")); else if (secondsIgnore) result.setFeedback( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "04209201344", "Interval altered (WARNING: seconds will be ignored)")); else if (ignoreUpperRange) result.setFeedback( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "04209270144", "Interval created (WARNING: upper range(s) will be ignored)")); else result.setFeedback( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "04207241731", "Interval altered" + (warning == null ? "" : ". " + warning))); }
public void go(SystemEnvironment sysEnv) throws SDMSException { try { obj.resolve(sysEnv); } catch (final NotFoundException nfe) { } final Long seId = obj.seId; final Vector mappedPath = new Vector(obj.path); final String mappedName = (String) mappedPath.remove(mappedPath.size() - 1); final SDMSSchedule parent = SDMSScheduleTable.getSchedule(sysEnv, mappedPath); final Long parentId = parent.getId(sysEnv); if (SDMSScheduleTable.idx_parentId_name.containsKey( sysEnv, new SDMSKey(parentId, mappedName))) { if (replace) { final AlterSchedule as = new AlterSchedule(obj, with, Boolean.FALSE); as.setEnv(env); as.go(sysEnv); result = as.result; return; } throw new DuplicateKeyException( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "04207251651", "Object with name $1 already exists within $2", mappedName, SDMSScheduleTable.getObject(sysEnv, parentId).pathString(sysEnv))); } final Long ivalId; final String intervalName = (String) with.get(ParseStr.S_INTERVAL); if (intervalName == null) ivalId = null; else { final SDMSInterval ival = SDMSIntervalTable.idx_name_getUnique(sysEnv, IntervalUtil.mapIdName(intervalName, seId)); ivalId = ival.getId(sysEnv); } final Long uId = env.uid(); final SDMSUser u = SDMSUserTable.getObject(sysEnv, uId); final Long gId; if (!with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_GROUP)) { gId = u.getDefaultGId(sysEnv); } else { final String gName = (String) with.get(ParseStr.S_GROUP); gId = SDMSGroupTable.idx_name_deleteVersion_getUnique(sysEnv, new SDMSKey(gName, new Long(0))) .getId(sysEnv); if (!SDMSMemberTable.idx_gId_uId.containsKey(sysEnv, new SDMSKey(gId, uId)) && !SDMSMemberTable.idx_gId_uId.containsKey( sysEnv, new SDMSKey(SDMSObject.adminGId, uId))) { throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "03401151027", "User $1 does not belong to Group $2", u.getName(sysEnv), gName)); } } Long inheritPrivs; if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_INHERIT)) { inheritPrivs = (Long) with.get(ParseStr.S_INHERIT); if (inheritPrivs == null) inheritPrivs = new Long(0); } else inheritPrivs = null; long lpriv = (inheritPrivs == null ? parent.getPrivilegeMask() : inheritPrivs.longValue()); if ((parent.getPrivilegeMask() & lpriv) != lpriv) { throw new CommonErrorException(new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03202061327", "Incompatible grant")); } inheritPrivs = new Long(lpriv); if (!with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_ACTIVE)) active = Boolean.TRUE; else active = (Boolean) with.get(ParseStr.S_ACTIVE); String tz; String warning = ""; if (with.containsKey(ParseStr.S_TIME)) { tz = (String) with.get(ParseStr.S_TIME); TimeZone tmp = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz); if (!tz.equals(tmp.getID())) { throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03207031503", "Time Zone " + tz + " unknown")); } } else { TimeZone tmp = TimeZone.getDefault(); tz = tmp.getID(); } SDMSScheduleTable.table.create( sysEnv, mappedName, gId, ivalId, parentId, tz, seId, active, inheritPrivs); result.setFeedback(new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "04207251652", "Schedule created")); }
public void go(SystemEnvironment sysEnv) throws SDMSException { Long sgId = null; Long ZERO = new Long(0); if (!sysEnv.cEnv.gid().contains(SDMSObject.adminGId)) { SDMSPrivilege p = new SDMSPrivilege(); Vector v = SDMSMemberTable.idx_uId.getVector(sysEnv, sysEnv.cEnv.uid()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { SDMSMember m = (SDMSMember) v.get(i); try { SDMSGrant gr = SDMSGrantTable.idx_objectId_gId_getUnique( sysEnv, new SDMSKey(ZERO, m.getGId(sysEnv))); p.addPriv(sysEnv, gr.getPrivs(sysEnv).longValue()); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { } } try { if (sysEnv.selectGroup != null) { SDMSGroup sg = SDMSGroupTable.idx_name_getUnique(sysEnv, sysEnv.selectGroup); sgId = sg.getId(sysEnv); } } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { } if (!(p.can(SDMSPrivilege.MANAGE_SEL) || (sgId != null && sysEnv.cEnv.gid().contains(sgId)))) throw new AccessViolationException( new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03003081235", "Insufficient Privileges")); } int read = 0; SDMSOutputContainer d_container = null; if (cl_size > 0) { clist = new int[cl_size]; ctype = new int[cl_size]; } try { Statement stmt = sysEnv.dbConnection.createStatement(); ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(selectCmd); ResultSetMetaData mdset = rset.getMetaData(); Vector desc = collist(mdset); d_container = new SDMSOutputContainer(sysEnv, "Selected Values", desc); while ( { Vector data = new Vector(); int j = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= desc.size(); i++) { Object o = rset.getObject(i); if (cl_size > 0 && j < cl_size && i == clist[j]) { o = convert(sysEnv, o, j); j++; } data.addElement((rset.wasNull() ? null : o)); } d_container.addData(sysEnv, data); read++; } stmt.close(); sysEnv.dbConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { try { sysEnv.dbConnection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException sqle2) { throw new RecoverableException(new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03310281524", "Connection lost")); } throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03204170024", "SQL Error : $1", sqle.toString())); } if (sv != null && sv.size() > 0) { int sca[] = new int[sv.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < sv.size(); i++) { sca[i] = ((Integer) sv.get(i)).intValue(); if (sca[i] >= d_container.columns) throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "03003081227", "The sort column specified ($1) exceeds the number of columns in the output", new Integer(sca[i]))); } Collections.sort(d_container.dataset, d_container.getComparator(sysEnv, sca)); } result.setOutputContainer(d_container); result.setFeedback( new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03204112153", "$1 Row(s) selected", new Integer(read))); }