/** * Set a property of a resource to a value. * * @param name the property name * @param value the property value * @exception com.ibm.webdav.WebDAVException */ public void setProperty(String name, Element value) throws WebDAVException { // load the properties Document propertiesDocument = resource.loadProperties(); Element properties = propertiesDocument.getDocumentElement(); String ns = value.getNamespaceURI(); Element property = null; if (ns == null) { property = (Element) ((Element) properties).getElementsByTagName(value.getTagName()).item(0); } else { property = (Element) properties.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, value.getLocalName()).item(0); } if (property != null) { try { properties.removeChild(property); } catch (DOMException exc) { } } properties.appendChild(propertiesDocument.importNode(value, true)); // write out the properties resource.saveProperties(propertiesDocument); }
public Resource getResource(String id) { for (Iterator i = getResourceList().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ResourceImpl resource = (ResourceImpl) i.next(); if (resource.getId().equals(id)) return resource; } return null; }
/** * Get the named properties for this resource and (potentially) its children. * * @param names an arrary of property names to retrieve * @return a MultiStatus of PropertyResponses * @exception com.ibm.webdav.WebDAVException */ public MultiStatus getProperties(PropertyName[] names) throws WebDAVException { MultiStatus multiStatus = resource.getProperties(resource.getContext()); MultiStatus newMultiStatus = new MultiStatus(); Enumeration responses = multiStatus.getResponses(); while (responses.hasMoreElements()) { PropertyResponse response = (PropertyResponse) responses.nextElement(); PropertyResponse newResponse = new PropertyResponse(response.getResource()); newResponse.setDescription(response.getDescription()); newMultiStatus.addResponse(newResponse); Hashtable properties = (Hashtable) response.getPropertiesByPropName(); // Hashtable newProperties = (Hashtable) newResponse.getProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (properties.containsKey(names[i])) { PropertyValue srcval = response.getProperty(names[i]); newResponse.setProperty(names[i], srcval); // newProperties.put(names[i], properties.get(names[i])); } else { Document factory = null; try { factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebDAVException(WebDAVStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } // we'll create an xml element with no value because that's // what webdav will need to return for most methods... even if the // property doesn't exist. That's because the // distinction between a propertyname and propertyvalue // is fuzzy in WebDAV xml. A property name is // essentially an empty property value because // all property values have their property // name stuck on. // if we decide to set reviewStatus to null instead (as // we did previously, then the code for MultiStatus.asXML() // needs to be updated to expect null values. // (jlc 990520) Element elTm = factory.createElementNS("X", "X:" + names[i].getLocal()); elTm.setAttribute("xmlns:X", names[i].getNamespace()); newResponse.addProperty(names[i], elTm, WebDAVStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND); } } } return newMultiStatus; }
/** * Get all the properties of this resource. This implementation stores properties in an XML * document containing a properties root element. The properties file name is derived from the URI * by adding the extension PropertiesManager.propertiesSuffix. This applies to collections as well * as other resources. * * <p>Since the properties are stored in a file, and all methods that query and update the * properties must read the XML file into memory and parse it, many of the other property methods * are implemented by calling this method. Subclasses of ResourceImpl may want to use other * techniques depending on how the properties are stored. * * @return a MultiStatus containing response elements with prop elements containing the properties * and their statuses. * @exception com.ibm.webdav.WebDAVException */ public MultiStatus getProperties() throws WebDAVException { Document propertiesDocument = resource.loadProperties(); // create a MultiStatus to hold the results MultiStatus results = new MultiStatus(); // create a response element to hold the properties for this resource PropertyResponse response = null; String urlstring; if (false) { // I consider this to be the more correct way and the // way used in the examples in the spec... but it is // redundant and creates the possibility of the two // redundant parts being out of synch. urlstring = resource.getURL().toString(); } else { // this is the way that mod_dav and a few others do it. This // way also makes it easier to debug clients even if // redirecting through a dedicated proxy. Without this // it's inconvenient to debug IE5. It gets confused if // the host:port (if provided) don't match who it thinks // it's connecting to. urlstring = resource.getURL().getFile(); } response = new PropertyResponse(urlstring); // add the properties to the response NodeList properties = propertiesDocument.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes(); Node temp = null; for (int i = 0; i < properties.getLength(); i++) { temp = properties.item(i); // Skip ignorable TXText elements if (!(temp.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { continue; } Element property = (Element) temp; PropertyName pn = new PropertyName(property); response.addProperty(pn, property, WebDAVStatus.SC_OK); } results.addResponse(response); return results; }
/** * Get the names of all properties for this resource. This implementation reads all the properties * and then extracts their names. * * @return a MultiStatus of PropertyResponses (PropertyValue.value is always null, * PropertyValue.status contains the status) * @exception com.ibm.webdav.WebDAVException */ public MultiStatus getPropertyNames() throws WebDAVException { MultiStatus multiStatus = resource.getProperties(resource.getContext()); Enumeration responses = multiStatus.getResponses(); // we have the result, but all of the properties in our structure contain // values. We don't want to include values. Just names. The following // code strips out the content of these elements. while (responses.hasMoreElements()) { PropertyResponse response = (PropertyResponse) responses.nextElement(); Dictionary properties = response.getPropertiesByPropName(); Enumeration keys = properties.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { PropertyName key = (PropertyName) keys.nextElement(); Element value = (Element) response.getProperty(key).getValue(); response.setProperty( key, new PropertyValue((Element) value.cloneNode(false), WebDAVStatus.SC_OK)); } } return multiStatus; }
/** * Parse an old style OBR repository. * * <p><dtd-version>1.0</dtd-version> <repository> <name>Oscar Bundle Repository</name> * <url>http://oscar-osgi.sourceforge.net/</url> <date>Fri May 07 16:45:07 CEST 2004</date> * <extern-repositories> * <!-- * Stefano Lenzi ([email protected]) --> * <url>http://domoware.isti.cnr.it/osgi-obr/niche-osgi-obr.xml</url> * <!--Manuel Palencia ([email protected]) --> * <!-- * <url>http://jmood.forge.os4os.org/repository.xml</url> --> * <!-- Enrique * Rodriguez ([email protected]) --> * <url>http://update.cainenable.org/repository.xml</url> </extern-repositories> </repository> * <bundle> <bundle-name>Bundle Repository</bundle-name> <bundle-description> A bundle repository * service for Oscar. </bundle-description> <bundle-updatelocation> * http://oscar-osgi.sf.net/repo/bundlerepository/bundlerepository.jar </bundle-updatelocation> * <bundle-sourceurl> http://oscar-osgi.sf.net/repo/bundlerepository/bundlerepository-src.jar * </bundle-sourceurl> <bundle-version>1.1.3</bundle-version> <bundle-docurl> * http://oscar-osgi.sf.net/repo/bundlerepository/ </bundle-docurl> * <bundle-category>General</bundle-category> <import-package package="org.osgi.framework"/> * <export-package package="org.ungoverned.osgi.service.bundlerepository" * specification-version="1.1.0"/> </bundle> * */ private void parseOscar(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception { parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "bundles"); while (true) { int event = parser.next(); // Error .. if (event == XmlPullParser.TEXT) event = parser.next(); if (event != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) break; ResourceImpl resource = new ResourceImpl(this); if (parser.getName().equals("bundle")) { while (parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { String key = parser.getName(); if (key.equals("import-package")) { RequirementImpl requirement = new RequirementImpl("package"); requirement.setOptional(false); requirement.setMultiple(false); String p = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "package"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("(&(package="); sb.append(p); sb.append(")"); String version = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "specification-version"); VersionRange v = new VersionRange("0"); if (version != null) { sb.append("(version="); sb.append(v = new VersionRange(version)); sb.append(")"); } sb.append(")"); requirement.setFilter(sb.toString()); requirement.setComment("Import-Package: " + p + ";" + v); resource.addRequirement(requirement); parser.nextTag(); } else if (key.equals("export-package")) { CapabilityImpl capability = new CapabilityImpl("package"); capability.addProperty("package", parser.getAttributeValue(null, "package")); String version = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "specification-version"); if (version != null) { capability.addProperty("version", new VersionRange(version)); } resource.addCapability(capability); parser.nextTag(); } else { String value = parser.nextText().trim(); if (key.equals("bundle-sourceurl")) resource.setSource(new URL(value)); else if (key.equals("bundle-docurl")) resource.setDocumentation(new URL(value)); else if (key.equals("bundle-updatelocation")) resource.setURL(new URL(value)); else if (key.equals("bundle-description")) resource.setDescription(value); else if (key.equals("bundle-category")) resource.addCategory(value); else if (key.equals("bundle-name")) { resource.setName(value); resource.setPresentationName(value); } else if (key.equals("bundle-version")) resource.setVersion(new VersionRange(value)); else { resource.put(key, value); } } } resources.add(resource); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "bundle"); } else if (parser.getName().equals("repository")) { parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "repository"); while (parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { String tag = parser.getName(); if (tag.equals("name")) { String name = parser.nextText(); if (this.name == null) this.name = name.trim(); } else if (tag.equals("url")) parser.nextText().trim(); else if (tag.equals("date")) parser.nextText().trim(); else if (tag.equals("extern-repositories")) { parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "extern-repositories"); while (parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { if (parser.getName().equals("url")) parseDocument(new URL(parser.nextText().trim())); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid tag in repository while parsing extern repositories: " + url + " " + parser.getName()); } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "extern-repositories"); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid tag in repository: " + url + " " + parser.getName()); } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "repository"); } else if (parser.getName().equals("dtd-version")) { parser.nextText(); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid tag in repository: " + url + " " + parser.getName()); } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "bundles"); }
/** * Edit the properties of a resource. The updates must refer to a Document containing a WebDAV * propertyupdates element as the document root. * * @param updates an XML Document containing propertyupdate elements * @return the result of making the updates describing the edits to be made. * @exception com.ibm.webdav.WebDAVException */ public MultiStatus setProperties(Document propertyUpdates) throws WebDAVException { // create a MultiStatus to hold the results. It will hold a MethodResponse // for each update, and one for the method as a whole MultiStatus multiStatus = new MultiStatus(); boolean errorsOccurred = false; // first, load the properties so they can be edited Document propertiesDocument = resource.loadProperties(); Element properties = (Element) propertiesDocument.getDocumentElement(); // be sure the updates have at least one update Element propertyupdate = (Element) propertyUpdates.getDocumentElement(); String tagName = propertyupdate.getNamespaceURI() + propertyupdate.getLocalName(); if (!tagName.equals("DAV:propertyupdate")) { throw new WebDAVException( WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "missing propertyupdate element"); } NodeList updates = propertyupdate.getChildNodes(); if (updates.getLength() == 0) { throw new WebDAVException(WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "no updates in request"); } Vector propsGood = new Vector(); // a list of properties that // were patched correctly or would have been if another // property hadn't gone bad. // apply the updates Node temp = null; for (int i = 0; i < updates.getLength(); i++) { temp = updates.item(i); // skip any ignorable TXText elements if (!(temp.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { continue; } Element update = (Element) temp; int updateCommand = -1; tagName = update.getNamespaceURI() + update.getLocalName(); if (tagName.equals("DAV:set")) { updateCommand = set; } else if (tagName.equals("DAV:remove")) { updateCommand = remove; } else { throw new WebDAVException( WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, update.getTagName() + " is not a valid property update request"); } // iterate through the props in the set or remove element and update the // properties as directed Element prop = (Element) update.getElementsByTagNameNS("DAV:", "prop").item(0); if (prop == null) { throw new WebDAVException( WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "no propeprties in update request"); } NodeList propsToUpdate = prop.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < propsToUpdate.getLength(); j++) { temp = propsToUpdate.item(j); // skip any TXText elements?? if (!(temp.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { continue; } Element propToUpdate = (Element) temp; // find the property in the properties element Element property = null; PropertyName propertyName = new PropertyName(propToUpdate); if (((Element) propToUpdate).getNamespaceURI() != null) { property = (Element) properties .getElementsByTagNameNS( propToUpdate.getNamespaceURI(), propToUpdate.getLocalName()) .item(0); } else { property = (Element) properties.getElementsByTagName(propToUpdate.getTagName()).item(0); } boolean liveone = isLive(propertyName.asExpandedString()); if (liveone) { errorsOccurred = true; PropertyResponse response = new PropertyResponse(resource.getURL().toString()); response.addProperty(propertyName, propToUpdate, WebDAVStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN); multiStatus.addResponse(response); } // do the update if (updateCommand == set) { if (property != null) { try { properties.removeChild(property); } catch (DOMException exc) { } } if (!liveone) { // I don't think we're allowed to update live properties // here. Doing so effects the cache. A case in // point is the lockdiscoveryproperty. properties // is actually the properites cache "document" of this // resource. Even though we don't "save" the request // if it includes live properties, we don't remove // it from the cache after we'd set it here, so it // can affect other queries. (jlc 991002) properties.appendChild(propertiesDocument.importNode(propToUpdate, true)); propsGood.addElement(propToUpdate); } } else if (updateCommand == remove) { try { if (property != null) { properties.removeChild(property); propsGood.addElement(propToUpdate); } } catch (DOMException exc) { } } } } { Enumeration els = propsGood.elements(); for (; els.hasMoreElements(); ) { Object ob1 = els.nextElement(); Element elProp = (Element) ob1; PropertyName pn = new PropertyName(elProp); PropertyResponse response = new PropertyResponse(resource.getURL().toString()); response.addProperty( pn, (Element) elProp.cloneNode(false), (errorsOccurred ? WebDAVStatus.SC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY : WebDAVStatus.SC_OK)); // todo: add code for responsedescription multiStatus.addResponse(response); } } // write out the properties if (!errorsOccurred) { resource.saveProperties(propertiesDocument); } return multiStatus; }