public static void toCRAWDAD(LinkTrace links, OutputStream out, double timeMul) throws IOException { StatefulReader<LinkEvent, Link> linkReader = links.getReader(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); Map<Link, Long> activeContacts = new AdjacencyMap.Links<Long>();; for (Link l : linkReader.referenceState()) activeContacts.put(l, links.minTime()); while (linkReader.hasNext()) { for (LinkEvent lev : { Link l =; if (lev.isUp()) { activeContacts.put(l, linkReader.time()); } else { double b = activeContacts.get(l) * timeMul; double e = linkReader.time() * timeMul; activeContacts.remove(l); bw.write(l.id1() + "\t" + l.id2() + "\t" + b + "\t" + e + "\n"); } } } linkReader.close(); bw.close(); }
/** Sorts the static LinkedList mainlineLinks in the order they appear on the freeway */ private LinkedList<Link> recursiveLinkSort(LinkedList<Link> links2) { if (links2.size() == 1) { return links2; } else { boolean swapMade = false; ListIterator<Link> itr1 = links2.listIterator(); while (itr1.hasNext()) { Link temp =; int tempindex = itr1.nextIndex(); // if this loop makes any switches, set the flag to true if (links2.getFirst().getUpNode().getNodeID() == temp.getDownNode().getNodeID()) { swapMade = true; links2.addFirst(temp); links2.remove(tempindex); return this.recursiveLinkSort(links2); } } if (!swapMade) { // assign last n-1 links to links3 LinkedList<Link> links3 = new LinkedList<Link>(); Link temp = links2.getFirst(); links2.removeFirst(); links3 = this.recursiveLinkSort(links2); links3.addFirst(temp); return links3; } else { return links2; } } }
private static Set<Link> getLinks(ArrayList<String> linkList, Entry entry) { Set<Link> existingLinks = entry.getLinks(); Set<Link> links = new HashSet<>(); if (existingLinks == null) existingLinks = new HashSet<>(); if (linkList == null) return existingLinks; for (int i = 0; i < linkList.size(); i++) { String currentItem = linkList.get(i); Link link; if (existingLinks.size() > i) { link = (Link) existingLinks.toArray()[i]; } else { link = new Link(); existingLinks.add(link); } link.setLink(currentItem); link.setEntry(entry); links.add(link); } return links; }
/** * Translates the link structure into the cell structure depending on healthy detector locations */ public void createCellStructure() { int i = 0; while (i < mainlineLinks.size() - 1) { if (mainlineLinks.get(i).isHasDetector() & mainlineLinks.get(i).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() == 100) { Cell c = new Cell((int) totalTimeInHours * 60 / 5); c.addLink(mainlineLinks.get(i)); c.setDetectorML(mainlineLinks.get(i).getDetectorML()); c.setDetectorHOV(mainlineLinks.get(i).getDetectorHOV()); while (!mainlineLinks.get(i + 1).isHasDetector() & i < mainlineLinks.size() - 2 | (mainlineLinks.get(i + 1).isHasDetector() & mainlineLinks.get(i + 1).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() != 100)) { c.addLink(mainlineLinks.get(i + 1)); i++; } // Onramps and Offramps in the Cell for (Link l : c.getLinks()) { c.addToOnrampPerLink(l.getUpNode().getInLinks().size() - 1); c.addToOfframpPerLink(l.getDownNode().getOutLinks().size() - 1); for (int linkID : l.getUpNode().getInLinks()) { if (links.get(linkID).getLinkType().equals("onramp")) { if (links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowData().isEmpty() | links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() != 100) { c.addToImputeOR(true); c.appendZeroColumnToMeasuredOnrampFlow(); } else { c.appendColumnToMeasuredOnrampFlow( links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowDataArray()); c.addToImputeOR(false); } } } for (int linkID : l.getDownNode().getOutLinks()) { if (links.get(linkID).getLinkType().equals("offramp")) { if (links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowData().isEmpty() | links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getHealthStatus() != 100) { c.addToImputeFR(true); c.appendZeroColumnToMeasuredOfframpFlow(); } else { c.appendColumnToMeasuredOfframpFlow( links.get(linkID).getDetectorML().getFlowDataArray()); c.addToImputeFR(false); } } } } cells.add(c); } i++; } i = 0; }
public NodeData( Controller parent, Link profileLink, String demandStr, Double knob, Double dpdt, Scenario scenario) { this.knob = knob; this.myNode = profileLink.getBegin_node(); meas = profileLink; feeds = new ArrayList<Link>(); not_feeds = new ArrayList<Link>(); // incoming link sets for (int i = 0; i < myNode.getnIn(); i++) { Link link = myNode.getInput_link()[i]; if (link.isFreeway() || link.isHov()) feeds.add(link); else not_feeds.add(link); } // outgoing link sets not_meas = new ArrayList<Link>(); for (int j = 0; j < myNode.getnOut(); j++) { Link link = myNode.getOutput_link()[j]; if (meas != link) not_meas.add(link); } if (meas == null) return; // find the demand profile for the offramp measured_flow_profile_veh = new BeatsTimeProfileDouble(demandStr, ",", dpdt, 0d, scenario.get.simdtinseconds()); measured_flow_profile_veh.multiplyscalar(scenario.get.simdtinseconds()); // alpha_tilde = new Double[myNode.nIn]; // create the actuator jaxbA = new; se = new; at = new; se.setId(myNode.getId()); se.setType("node"); at.setId(-1); at.setName("cms"); jaxbA.setId(-1); jaxbA.setScenarioElement(se); jaxbA.setActuatorType(at); cms = new ActuatorCMS(scenario, jaxbA, new BeatsActuatorImplementation(jaxbA, scenario)); cms.populate(null, null); cms.setMyController(parent); }
protected String replace(String key, Link link) { if (link != null && link.contains(key)) return "${infinite:" + link.toString() + "}"; if (key != null) { key = key.trim(); if (key.length() > 0) { Processor source = domain; String value = null; if (key.indexOf(';') < 0) { Instruction ins = new Instruction(key); if (!ins.isLiteral()) { SortedList<String> sortedList = SortedList.fromIterator(domain.iterator()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String del = ""; for (String k : sortedList) { if (ins.matches(k)) { String v = replace(k, new Link(source, link, key)); if (v != null) { sb.append(del); del = ","; sb.append(v); } } } return sb.toString(); } } while (value == null && source != null) { value = source.getProperties().getProperty(key); source = source.getParent(); } if (value != null) return process(value, new Link(source, link, key)); value = doCommands(key, link); if (value != null) return process(value, new Link(source, link, key)); if (key != null && key.trim().length() > 0) { value = System.getProperty(key); if (value != null) return value; } if (!flattening && !key.equals("@")) domain.warning("No translation found for macro: " + key); } else { domain.warning("Found empty macro key"); } } else { domain.warning("Found null macro key"); } return "${" + key + "}"; }
private ModelMap getQuote(Link link, UID source, boolean mark) { ModelMap map = new ModelMap(); String quote = link.getQuote() != null ? link.getQuote() : ((Item) source).getContent(); if (mark) { quote = link.getTaggedQuote() != null ? link.getTaggedQuote() : ((Item) source).getTaggedContent(); } map.put("quote", quote); map.put("uri", source.getUri()); return map; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage#createContents(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite) */ protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { Composite comp = SWTFactory.createComposite(parent, 1, 1, GridData.FILL_BOTH, 0, 0); link = new Link(comp, SWT.NONE); link.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.END, GridData.CENTER, true, false)); link.setFont(comp.getFont()); link.setText(PDEUIMessages.CompilersPreferencePage_configure_project_specific_settings); link.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { HashSet set = new HashSet(); try { IJavaProject[] projects = JavaCore.create(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()).getJavaProjects(); IProject project = null; for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) { project = projects[i].getProject(); try { if (project.hasNature(PDE.PLUGIN_NATURE) && fBlock.hasProjectSpecificSettings(project)) { set.add(projects[i]); } } catch (CoreException ce) { // do nothing ignore the project } } } catch (JavaModelException jme) { // ignore } ProjectSelectionDialog psd = new ProjectSelectionDialog(getShell(), set); if ( == IDialogConstants.OK_ID) { HashMap data = new HashMap(); data.put(NO_LINK, Boolean.TRUE); PreferencesUtil.createPropertyDialogOn( getShell(), ((IJavaProject) psd.getFirstResult()).getProject(), "", //$NON-NLS-1$ new String[] {""}, data) .open(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } }); fBlock = new PDECompilersConfigurationBlock(null, (IWorkbenchPreferenceContainer) getContainer()); fBlock.createControl(comp); // Initialize with data map in case applyData was called before createContents applyData(fPageData); return comp; }
@Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof Track)) { return false; } final Track track = (Track) o; if (explicit != track.explicit) { return false; } if (length != track.length) { return false; } if (trackNumber != track.trackNumber) { return false; } if (album != null ? !album.equals(track.album) : track.album != null) { return false; } if (artists != null ? !artists.equals(track.artists) : track.artists != null) { return false; } if (cover != null ? !cover.equals(track.cover) : track.cover != null) { return false; } if (title != null ? !title.equals(track.title) : track.title != null) { return false; } return true; }
public boolean contains(String key) { if (this.key.equals(key)) return true; if (previous == null) return false; return previous.contains(key); }
/** @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage#applyData(java.lang.Object) */ public void applyData(Object data) { if (data instanceof Map) { fPageData = (Map) data; if (link != null && fPageData.containsKey(NO_LINK)) { link.setVisible(!Boolean.TRUE.equals(((Map) data).get(NO_LINK))); } } }
protected BasketItem(INetworkLink link) { super( link, NetworkLibrary.resource().getResource("basket").getValue(), NetworkLibrary.resource().getResource("basketSummaryEmpty").getValue(), new UrlInfoCollection<UrlInfo>(), Accessibility.ALWAYS, FLAGS_DEFAULT & ~FLAGS_GROUP); myBooksInBasketOption = new ZLStringListOption(Link.getSiteName(), "Basket", null); }
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = title != null ? title.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (artists != null ? artists.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (album != null ? album.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + trackNumber; result = 31 * result + length; result = 31 * result + (cover != null ? cover.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (explicit ? 1 : 0); return result; }
@Override protected void initFlow(HierarchicalConfiguration flowCfg) { // int node = flowCfg.getInt("[@node]"); int inLink = flowCfg.getInt("[@inLink]", -1); int outLink = flowCfg.getInt("[@outLink]", -1); // int next = flowCfg.getInt("[@next]"); int no = flowCfg.getInt("[@no]", 0); Node node; Node next; if (inLink != -1) { Link link = idToLinkMap.get(Id.create(inLink, Link.class)); node = link.getFromNode(); next = link.getToNode(); } else { Link link = idToLinkMap.get(Id.create(outLink, Link.class)); node = link.getToNode(); next = link.getFromNode(); } int nodeId = Integer.parseInt(node.getId().toString()); int nextId = Integer.parseInt(next.getId().toString()); flows[nodeId] = new MATSimFlow(nodeId, inLink, outLink, nextId, no); }
@Override protected void populate(Object jaxbO) { jaxbC = ( jaxbO; node_data = new HashMap<Long, NodeData>(); for (Row row : jaxbController.getTable().get(0).getRow()) { Link link = null; String demandString = ""; double dpdt = Double.NaN; double knob = Double.NaN; for (Column col : row.getColumn()) { switch ((int) col.getId()) { case 0: link = getMyScenario().get.linkWithId(Integer.parseInt(col.getContent())); break; case 1: demandString = col.getContent(); break; case 2: dpdt = Double.parseDouble(col.getContent()); break; case 3: knob = Double.parseDouble(col.getContent()); break; } } if (!demandString.isEmpty() && link != null && !Double.isNaN(knob) && !Double.isNaN(dpdt)) node_data.put(link.getId(), new NodeData(this, link, demandString, knob, dpdt, myScenario)); } }
public static String format(Link link) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("type", link.type()); map.put("label", link.label()); map.put("pair", link.pair().label()); if (link.factory().contains(GraphFactory.Family.directed)) { map.put("reverse", link.reverse().label()); } if (link.factory().contains(GraphFactory.Family.fractal)) { map.put("inverse", link.inverse().label()); map.put("down", link.down()); } return format(map); }
@Before public void setup() { nw = new Network(); nw.setName("test network"); dp = new DensityMap(); nw.setNodes(new ArrayList<edu.berkeley.path.model_elements_base.Node>()); nw.setLinks(new ArrayList<edu.berkeley.path.model_elements_base.Link>()); Node nd1; Node nd2; Link ln; nd1 = new Node(); nd1.setId(1L); nd1.setName("one"); nd1.setType("Highway"); nw.getNodes().add(nd1); nd2 = new Node(); nd2.setId(2L); nd2.setName("two"); nd2.setType("Highway"); nw.getNodes().add(nd2); ln = new Link(); ln.setId(3L); ln.setName("three"); ln.setType("Highway"); ln.setLaneCount(4.0); ln.setLength(1000.0); ln.setBegin(nd1); ln.setEnd(nd2); nw.getLinks().add(ln); }
public void deploy(double current_time_in_seconds) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < myNode.nIn; i++) { Link inlink = myNode.input_link[i]; if (feeds.contains(inlink)) { for (j = 0; j < myNode.nOut; j++) { Link outlink = myNode.output_link[j]; // measured gets beta if (meas == outlink) cms.set_split(inlink.getId(), meas.getId(), beta); // not measured scaled to 1-beta else cms.set_split(inlink.getId(), outlink.getId(), 1d - beta); // cms.set_split(inlink.getId(), outlink.getId(), // myNode.getSplitRatio(i, j)*(1d-beta)/alpha_tilde[i]); } } } cms.deploy(current_time_in_seconds); }
@RequestMapping("related") @Model @ResponseBody public Collection<ModelMap> getRelated(@RequestParam String uri) { Set<UID> related = new LinkedHashSet<UID>(); for (Link link : linkDao.getRelated(uri)) { if (!ABBREVIATION.equals(link.getType()) && link.getQuote() == null) { if (link.getUid1().getUri().equals(uri)) { related.add(link.getUid2()); } else { related.add(link.getUid1()); } } } return convertToPlainObjects( related, new ValueObjectUtils.Modifier<UID>() { @Override public void modify(UID entity, ModelMap map) { map.remove("content"); } }); }
/** Reads the network geometry from mainScenario and populates the mainlineLinks list */ public void createMainlineLinkStructureFromMainScenario(int routeID) { for (int i = 0; i < this.mainScenario.getNetworkList().getNetwork().get(0).getLinkList().getLink().size(); i++) { if (routeID != 0) { int routeIndex = 0; // find the route index for (routeIndex = 0; routeIndex < this.mainScenario.getRoutes().getRoute().size(); routeIndex++) { if (Integer.parseInt(this.mainScenario.getRoutes().getRoute().get(routeIndex).getId()) == routeID) { break; } } // go over the route and see if the link belongs to the given route boolean linkInRoute = false; for (int k = 0; k < this.mainScenario .getRoutes() .getRoute() .get(routeIndex) .getLinkReferences() .getLinkReference() .size(); k++) { if (this.mainScenario .getRoutes() .getRoute() .get(routeIndex) .getLinkReferences() .getLinkReference() .get(k) .getId() .contentEquals( this.mainScenario .getNetworkList() .getNetwork() .get(0) .getLinkList() .getLink() .get(i) .getId())) { linkInRoute = true; break; } } if (!linkInRoute) { continue; } } // collect only mainline links in the links list if (this.mainScenario .getNetworkList() .getNetwork() .get(0) .getLinkList() .getLink() .get(i) .getType() .equals("freeway")) { Link l = new Link(); boolean hasDetector = false; Detector detectorML = new Detector(); l.setLinkID( Integer.parseInt( this.mainScenario .getNetworkList() .getNetwork() .get(0) .getLinkList() .getLink() .get(i) .getId())); l.setUpNode( nodes.get( Integer.parseInt( this.mainScenario .getNetworkList() .getNetwork() .get(0) .getLinkList() .getLink() .get(i) .getBegin() .getNodeId()))); l.setDownNode( nodes.get( Integer.parseInt( this.mainScenario .getNetworkList() .getNetwork() .get(0) .getLinkList() .getLink() .get(i) .getEnd() .getNodeId()))); l.setUpLinks(l.getUpNode().getInLinks()); l.setDownLinks(l.getDownNode().getOutLinks()); l.setLength( this.mainScenario .getNetworkList() .getNetwork() .get(0) .getLinkList() .getLink() .get(i) .getLength() .doubleValue()); l.setLanesML( this.mainScenario .getNetworkList() .getNetwork() .get(0) .getLinkList() .getLink() .get(i) .getLanes() .intValue()); for (int key : detectors.keySet()) { if (detectors.get(key).getLinkAssoc() == l.getLinkID()) { hasDetector = true; detectorML = detectors.get(key); } } l.setHasDetector(hasDetector); l.setDetectorML(detectorML); mainlineLinks.add(l); } } // sort mainline links mainlineLinks = this.recursiveLinkSort(mainlineLinks); }
public void writeDemandsAndSplitRatiosToSpreadSheet(String outFilename) throws BiffException, IOException, RowsExceededException, WriteException, IndexOutOfBoundsException { Workbook existingWorkbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(outFilename)); WritableWorkbook workbookCopy = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("Aimsun\\output.xls"), existingWorkbook); // add labels first row workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Label(15, 0, "Split Ratios")); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Label(16, 0, "Offramp Flows")); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Label(17, 0, "Demands")); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Label(18, 0, "Flows")); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Label(19, 0, "Speeds")); int rowIndex = 1; for (Cell c : splitCells) { // find row index while (true) { NumberCell nc2 = (NumberCell) workbookCopy.getSheet(0).getCell(0, rowIndex); if (nc2.getValue() == c.getDetectorML().getSensorID()) { break; } rowIndex++; } // fill in mainline data columns for (int k = rowIndex; k < rowIndex + totalTimeInHours * 60 / 5; k++) { workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Number(18, k, c.getFlowCompare().get(k - rowIndex))); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Number(19, k, c.getVelocity().get(k - rowIndex))); } rowIndex = 1; // if the cell has onramp, find the detector id and fill corresponding columns (assumption: // cells have at most one on-ramp or off-ramp) int onrampLinkID = 0; if (c.getLinks().getFirst().getUpLinks().size() > 1) { // By our assumption (above), there are at most 2 upstream links for each mainline link onrampLinkID = c.getLinks().getFirst().getUpLinks().get(0); for (Link mlLink : mainlineLinks) { if (mlLink.getLinkID() == onrampLinkID) { onrampLinkID = c.getLinks().getFirst().getUpLinks().get(1); break; } } // find associated detector int onrampDetId = 0; for (int key : detectors.keySet()) { if (detectors.get(key).getLinkAssoc() == onrampLinkID) { onrampDetId = detectors.get(key).getSensorID(); } } if (onrampDetId == 0) continue; // find row index while (true) { NumberCell nc2 = (NumberCell) workbookCopy.getSheet(0).getCell(0, rowIndex); if (nc2.getValue() == onrampDetId) { break; } rowIndex++; } for (int k = rowIndex; k < rowIndex + totalTimeInHours * 60 / 5; k++) { workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Number(17, k, c.getOnRampInput().get(k - rowIndex))); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Number(18, k, c.getOnRampInput().get(k - rowIndex))); } rowIndex = 1; } // if the cell has offramp, find the detector id and fill corresponding columns (assumption: // cells have at most one on-ramp or off-ramp) int offrampLinkID = 0; if (c.getLinks().getLast().getDownLinks().size() > 1) { // By our assumption (above), there are at most 2 upstream links for each mainline link offrampLinkID = c.getLinks().getLast().getDownLinks().get(0); for (Link mlLink : mainlineLinks) { if (mlLink.getLinkID() == offrampLinkID) { offrampLinkID = c.getLinks().getLast().getDownLinks().get(1); break; } } // find associated detector int offrampDetId = 0; for (int key : detectors.keySet()) { if (detectors.get(key).getLinkAssoc() == offrampLinkID) { offrampDetId = detectors.get(key).getSensorID(); } } if (offrampDetId == 0) continue; // find row index while (true) { NumberCell nc2 = (NumberCell) workbookCopy.getSheet(0).getCell(0, rowIndex); if (nc2.getValue() == offrampDetId) { break; } rowIndex++; } for (int k = rowIndex; k < rowIndex + totalTimeInHours * 60 / 5; k++) { workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Number(15, k, c.getBeta().get(k - rowIndex))); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Number(16, k, c.getOffRampFlow().get(k - rowIndex))); workbookCopy.getSheet(0).addCell(new Number(18, k, c.getOffRampFlow().get(k - rowIndex))); } rowIndex = 1; } // rowIndex += totalTimeInHours*60/5; rowIndex = 1; } workbookCopy.write(); workbookCopy.close(); existingWorkbook.close(); }
/** * XML Circuit constructor * * @param file the file that contains the XML description of the circuit * @param g the graphics that will paint the node * @throws CircuitLoadingException if the internal circuit can not be loaded */ public CircuitUI(File file, Graphics g) throws CircuitLoadingException { this(""); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder; Document doc; Element root; Hashtable<Integer, Link> linkstable = new Hashtable<Integer, Link>(); try { builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = builder.parse(file); } catch (SAXException sxe) { throw new CircuitLoadingException("SAX exception raised, invalid XML file."); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { throw new CircuitLoadingException( "Parser exception raised, parser configuration is invalid."); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new CircuitLoadingException("I/O exception, file cannot be loaded."); } root = (Element) doc.getElementsByTagName("Circuit").item(0); this.setName(root.getAttribute("name")); NodeList nl = root.getElementsByTagName("Node"); Element e; Node n; Class cl; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); ++i) { e = (Element) nl.item(i); try { cl = Class.forName(e.getAttribute("class")); } catch (Exception exc) { System.err.println(exc.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("Circuit creation from xml."); } try { n = ((Node) cl.newInstance()); } catch (Exception exc) { System.err.println(exc.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("Circuit creation from xml."); } this.nodes.add(n); n.setLocation(new Integer(e.getAttribute("x")), new Integer(e.getAttribute("y"))); if (n instanceof giraffe.ui.Nameable) ((Nameable) n).setNodeName(e.getAttribute("node_name")); if (n instanceof giraffe.ui.CompositeNode) { try { ((CompositeNode) n) .load(new File(file.getParent() + "/" + e.getAttribute("file_name")), g); } catch (Exception exc) { /* try to load from the lib */ ((CompositeNode) n) .load(new File(giraffe.Giraffe.PATH + "/lib/" + e.getAttribute("file_name")), g); } } NodeList nlist = e.getElementsByTagName("Anchor"); Element el; for (int j = 0; j < nlist.getLength(); ++j) { el = (Element) nlist.item(j); Anchor a = n.getAnchor(new Integer(el.getAttribute("id"))); NodeList linklist = el.getElementsByTagName("Link"); Element link; Link l; for (int k = 0; k < linklist.getLength(); ++k) { link = (Element) linklist.item(k); int id = new Integer(link.getAttribute("id")); int index = new Integer(link.getAttribute("index")); if (id >= this.linkID) linkID = id + 1; if (linkstable.containsKey(id)) { l = linkstable.get(id); l.addLinkedAnchorAt(a, index); a.addLink(l); } else { l = new Link(id); l.addLinkedAnchorAt(a, index); this.links.add(l); linkstable.put(id, l); a.addLink(l); } } } } }
public List<HoldingsTree> fetchHoldingsTreeForBib(int bibId) throws Exception { List<HoldingsTree> holdingsTrees = new ArrayList<HoldingsTree>(); holdingsPreparedStatement.setInt(1, bibId); ResultSet resultSet = holdingsPreparedStatement.executeQuery(); Map<String, HoldingsTree> map = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, ExtentOfOwnership> extentOfOwnershipMap = new HashMap<>(); Set<String> uriSet = null; Set<String> noteSet = null; Set<String> donorSet = null; Set<String> coverageSet = null; Set<String> perpetualSet = null; Set<String> extentOfOwnershipNoteSet = null; Set<String> linkSet = null; while ( { String holdingsType = resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_TYPE"); String id = resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_ID"); OleHoldings oleHoldings = null; if (map.containsKey(id)) { oleHoldings = map.get(id).getHoldings().getContentObject(); } else { oleHoldings = new OleHoldings(); Location location = getLocationDetails( resultSet.getString("LOCATION"), resultSet.getString("LOCATION_LEVEL")); oleHoldings.setLocation(location); oleHoldings.setHoldingsType(holdingsType); CallNumber callNumber = new CallNumber(); callNumber.setNumber(resultSet.getString("CALL_NUMBER")); callNumber.setPrefix(resultSet.getString("CALL_NUMBER_PREFIX")); ShelvingOrder shelvingOrder = new ShelvingOrder(); if (resultSet.getString("SHELVING_ORDER") != null && !"null".equals(resultSet.getString("SHELVING_ORDER"))) { shelvingOrder.setCodeValue(resultSet.getString("SHELVING_ORDER")); shelvingOrder.setFullValue(resultSet.getString("SHELVING_ORDER")); } callNumber.setShelvingOrder(shelvingOrder); ShelvingScheme shelvingScheme = new ShelvingScheme(); if (resultSet.getString("CALL_NUMBER_TYPE_ID") != null) { String[] strings = callNumberType.get(resultSet.getString("CALL_NUMBER_TYPE_ID")).split("[|]"); shelvingScheme.setCodeValue(strings[0]); shelvingScheme.setFullValue(strings[1]); } callNumber.setShelvingScheme(shelvingScheme); oleHoldings.setCallNumber(callNumber); oleHoldings.setCopyNumber(resultSet.getString("COPY_NUMBER")); HoldingsTree holdingsTree = new HoldingsTree(); Holdings holdings = null; if (holdingsType.equalsIgnoreCase(PHoldings.PRINT)) { holdings = new PHoldings(); if (resultSet.getString("RECEIPT_STATUS_ID") != null) { oleHoldings.setReceiptStatus(resultSet.getString("RECEIPT_STATUS_ID")); } extentOfOwnershipNoteSet = new HashSet<>(); donorSet = coverageSet = perpetualSet = null; } else { holdings = new EHoldings(); oleHoldings.setAccessStatus(resultSet.getString("ACCESS_STATUS")); oleHoldings.setImprint(resultSet.getString("IMPRINT")); Platform platform = new Platform(); platform.setPlatformName(resultSet.getString("PLATFORM")); platform.setAdminUrl(resultSet.getString("ADMIN_URL")); platform.setAdminUserName(resultSet.getString("ADMIN_USERNAME")); platform.setAdminPassword(resultSet.getString("ADMIN_PASSWORD")); oleHoldings.setPlatform(platform); oleHoldings.setPublisher(resultSet.getString("PUBLISHER")); HoldingsAccessInformation holdingsAccessInformation = new HoldingsAccessInformation(); holdingsAccessInformation.setProxiedResource(resultSet.getString("PROXIED_RESOURCE")); holdingsAccessInformation.setAccessUsername(resultSet.getString("ACCESS_USERNAME")); holdingsAccessInformation.setAccessPassword(resultSet.getString("ACCESS_PASSWORD")); holdingsAccessInformation.setNumberOfSimultaneousUser( resultSet.getString("NUMBER_SIMULT_USERS")); holdingsAccessInformation.setAccessLocation(resultSet.getString("CODE")); holdingsAccessInformation.setAuthenticationType( resultSet.getString("AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ID")); oleHoldings.setHoldingsAccessInformation(holdingsAccessInformation); String statisticalSearchId = resultSet.getString("STAT_SEARCH_CODE_ID"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(statisticalSearchId)) { String[] strings = statisticalSearchCodeMap.get(statisticalSearchId).split("[|]"); StatisticalSearchingCode statisticalSearchingCode = new StatisticalSearchingCode(); statisticalSearchingCode.setCodeValue(strings[0]); statisticalSearchingCode.setFullValue(strings[1]); oleHoldings.setStatisticalSearchingCode(statisticalSearchingCode); } oleHoldings.setLocalPersistentLink(resultSet.getString("LOCAL_PERSISTENT_URI")); oleHoldings.setSubscriptionStatus(resultSet.getString("SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS")); oleHoldings.setInterLibraryLoanAllowed(Boolean.valueOf(resultSet.getString("ALLOW_ILL"))); coverageSet = new HashSet<>(); perpetualSet = new HashSet<>(); donorSet = new HashSet<>(); ExtentOfOwnership extentOfOwnership = new ExtentOfOwnership(); Coverages coverages = new Coverages(); PerpetualAccesses perpetualAccesses = new PerpetualAccesses(); extentOfOwnership.setCoverages(coverages); extentOfOwnership.setPerpetualAccesses(perpetualAccesses); oleHoldings.getExtentOfOwnership().add(extentOfOwnership); } holdings.setHoldingsType(holdingsType); holdings.setId("who-" + id); holdings.setContentObject(oleHoldings); holdings.setCreatedBy(resultSet.getString("CREATED_BY")); holdings.setCreatedOn(resultSet.getString("DATE_CREATED")); if (resultSet.getString("STAFF_ONLY") != null) { holdings.setStaffOnly( (resultSet.getString("STAFF_ONLY").equalsIgnoreCase("Y") ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE)); } holdings.setUpdatedBy(resultSet.getString("UPDATED_BY")); holdings.setUpdatedOn(resultSet.getString("DATE_UPDATED")); holdings.setLastUpdated(resultSet.getString("DATE_UPDATED")); uriSet = new HashSet<>(); noteSet = new HashSet<>(); linkSet = new HashSet<>(); List<Item> itemList = fetchItemForHoldings(Integer.parseInt(id)); holdingsTree.setHoldings(holdings); holdingsTree.getItems().addAll(itemList); map.put(id, holdingsTree); holdingsTrees.add(holdingsTree); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(holdingsType) && holdingsType.equalsIgnoreCase(PHoldings.PRINT)) { if (uriSet.add(resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_URI_ID"))) { Uri uri = new Uri(); uri.setValue(resultSet.getString("TEXT")); oleHoldings.getUri().add(uri); } ExtentOfOwnership extentOfOwnership = null; if (extentOfOwnershipMap.containsKey(resultSet.getString("EXT_OWNERSHIP_ID"))) { extentOfOwnership = extentOfOwnershipMap.get(resultSet.getString("EXT_OWNERSHIP_ID")); } else { extentOfOwnership = new ExtentOfOwnership(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(resultSet.getString("EXT_OWNERSHIP_TYPE_ID"))) { String[] strings = extentOfOwnershipTypeMap .get(resultSet.getString("EXT_OWNERSHIP_TYPE_ID")) .split("[|]"); extentOfOwnership.setType(strings[1]); } extentOfOwnershipMap.put(resultSet.getString("EXT_OWNERSHIP_ID"), extentOfOwnership); oleHoldings.getExtentOfOwnership().add(extentOfOwnership); } String extOwnershipNoteId = resultSet.getString("EXT_OWNERSHIP_NOTE_ID"); if (extentOfOwnershipNoteSet != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(extOwnershipNoteId) && extentOfOwnershipNoteSet.add(resultSet.getString("EXT_OWNERSHIP_NOTE_ID"))) { Note note = new Note(); note.setValue(resultSet.getString(83)); note.setType(resultSet.getString(82)); extentOfOwnership.getNote().add(note); } } else { if (linkSet.add(resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_URI_ID"))) { Link link = new Link(); link.setUrl(resultSet.getString("URI")); link.setText(resultSet.getString("TEXT")); oleHoldings.getLink().add(link); } if (oleHoldings.getExtentOfOwnership() != null && oleHoldings.getExtentOfOwnership().size() > 0) { if (coverageSet != null && coverageSet.add(resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_COVERAGE_ID"))) { Coverage coverage = new Coverage(); coverage.setCoverageStartIssue(resultSet.getString("COVERAGE_START_ISSUE")); coverage.setCoverageStartDate(resultSet.getString("COVERAGE_START_DATE")); coverage.setCoverageStartVolume(resultSet.getString("COVERAGE_START_VOLUME")); coverage.setCoverageEndIssue(resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_COVERAGE_ID")); coverage.setCoverageEndDate(resultSet.getString("COVERAGE_END_DATE")); coverage.setCoverageEndVolume(resultSet.getString("COVERAGE_END_VOLUME")); oleHoldings.getExtentOfOwnership().get(0).getCoverages().getCoverage().add(coverage); } if (perpetualSet != null && perpetualSet.add(resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_PERPETUAL_ACCESS_ID"))) { PerpetualAccess perpetualAccess = new PerpetualAccess(); perpetualAccess.setPerpetualAccessStartDate( resultSet.getString("PERPETUAL_ACCESS_START_DATE")); perpetualAccess.setPerpetualAccessStartIssue( resultSet.getString("PERPETUAL_ACCESS_START_ISSUE")); perpetualAccess.setPerpetualAccessStartVolume( resultSet.getString("PERPETUAL_ACCESS_START_VOLUME")); perpetualAccess.setPerpetualAccessEndDate( resultSet.getString("PERPETUAL_ACCESS_END_DATE")); perpetualAccess.setPerpetualAccessEndVolume( resultSet.getString("PERPETUAL_ACCESS_END_VOLUME")); perpetualAccess.setPerpetualAccessEndIssue( resultSet.getString("PERPETUAL_ACCESS_END_ISSUE")); oleHoldings .getExtentOfOwnership() .get(0) .getPerpetualAccesses() .getPerpetualAccess() .add(perpetualAccess); } } if (donorSet != null && donorSet.add(resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_DONOR_ID"))) { DonorInfo donorInfo = new DonorInfo(); donorInfo.setDonorCode(resultSet.getString("DONOR_CODE")); donorInfo.setDonorNote(resultSet.getString("DONOR_NOTE")); donorInfo.setDonorPublicDisplay(resultSet.getString("DONOR_DISPLAY_NOTE")); oleHoldings.getDonorInfo().add(donorInfo); } } if (noteSet.add(resultSet.getString("HOLDINGS_NOTE_ID"))) { Note note = new Note(); note.setValue(resultSet.getString("NOTE")); note.setType(resultSet.getString("TYPE")); oleHoldings.getNote().add(note); } } resultSet.close(); return holdingsTrees; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET) @Model public ModelMap get( @RequestParam("name") String termName, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean mark) { termName = termName.replace("_", " "); TermsMap.TermProvider provider = termsMap.getTermProvider(termName); if (provider == null) { throw new QuietException(format("Термин `%s` отсутствует", termName)); } if (provider.hasMainTerm()) { provider = provider.getMainTermProvider(); } ModelMap modelMap = new ModelMap(); // (ModelMap) getModelMap(term); Term term = provider.getTerm(); modelMap.put("uri", term.getUri()); modelMap.put("name", term.getName()); if (mark) { if (term.getTaggedShortDescription() == null && term.getShortDescription() != null) { term.setTaggedShortDescription(termsMarker.mark(term.getShortDescription()));; } if (term.getTaggedDescription() == null && term.getDescription() != null) { term.setTaggedDescription(termsMarker.mark(term.getDescription()));; } modelMap.put("shortDescription", term.getTaggedShortDescription()); modelMap.put("description", term.getTaggedDescription()); } else { modelMap.put("shortDescription", term.getShortDescription()); modelMap.put("description", term.getDescription()); } // LINKS List<ModelMap> quotes = new ArrayList<ModelMap>(); Set<UID> related = new LinkedHashSet<UID>(); Set<UID> aliases = new LinkedHashSet<UID>(); UID code = null; List<Link> links = linkDao.getAllLinks(term.getUri()); for (Link link : links) { UID source = link.getUid1().getUri().equals(term.getUri()) ? link.getUid2() : link.getUid1(); if (link.getQuote() != null || source instanceof Item) { quotes.add(getQuote(link, source, mark)); } else if (ABBREVIATION.equals(link.getType()) || ALIAS.equals(link.getType())) { aliases.add(source); } else if (CODE.equals(link.getType())) { code = source; } else { related.add(source); } } // Нужно также включить цитаты всех синонимов и сокращений и кода Set<UID> aliasesQuoteSources = new HashSet<UID>(aliases); if (code != null) { aliasesQuoteSources.add(code); } for (UID uid : aliasesQuoteSources) { List<Link> aliasLinksWithQuote = linkDao.getAllLinks(uid.getUri()); for (Link link : aliasLinksWithQuote) { UID source = link.getUid1().getUri().equals(uid.getUri()) ? link.getUid2() : link.getUid1(); if (link.getQuote() != null || source instanceof Item) { quotes.add(getQuote(link, source, mark)); } else if (ABBREVIATION.equals(link.getType()) || ALIAS.equals(link.getType()) || CODE.equals(link.getType())) { // Синонимы синонимов :) по идее их не должно быть, но если вдруг... // как минимум один есть и этот наш основной термин if (!source.getUri().equals(term.getUri())) { aliases.add(source); } } else { related.add(source); } } } sort( quotes, new Comparator<ModelMap>() { @Override public int compare(ModelMap o1, ModelMap o2) { return ((String) o1.get("uri")).compareTo((String) o2.get("uri")); } }); modelMap.put("code", code); modelMap.put("quotes", quotes); modelMap.put("related", toPlainObjectWithoutContent(related)); modelMap.put("aliases", toPlainObjectWithoutContent(aliases)); modelMap.put("categories", searchController.inCategories(termName)); return modelMap; }
public void analsysNDPHost(Host node, Host host) { if (host.getNdpHash() == null) host.setNdpHash(snmp.getNDPTable(host.getIpAddress(), host.getCommunity())); // 判断该NDP中是否包含node的MAC地址,若包含,则说明node是跟该设备直接连接关系 Hashtable hostNDPHash = host.getNdpHash(); if (host.getMac() == null) { String descr = (String) hostNDPHash.get(node.getMac()); IfEntity nodeIfEntity = node.getIfEntityByDesc(descr); Link link = new Link(); link.setStartId(node.getId()); link.setStartIndex(nodeIfEntity.getIndex()); link.setStartIp(node.getIpAddress()); link.setStartPhysAddress(node.getMac()); // 记录下起点的mac link.setStartDescr(descr); link.setEndIp(host.getIpAddress()); DiscoverEngine.getInstance().addHost(host, link); } else { if (node.getNdpHash() != null) { if (node.getNdpHash().containsKey(host.getMac())) { String hostdesc = (String) node.getNdpHash().get(host.getMac()); String descr = (String) hostNDPHash.get(node.getMac()); IfEntity nodeIfEntity = node.getIfEntityByDesc(descr); IfEntity hostIfEntity = host.getIfEntityByDesc(hostdesc); Link link = new Link(); link.setStartId(node.getId()); link.setStartIndex(nodeIfEntity.getIndex()); link.setStartIp(node.getIpAddress()); link.setStartPhysAddress(node.getMac()); // 记录下起点的mac link.setStartDescr(descr); link.setEndIndex(hostIfEntity.getIndex()); link.setEndIp(host.getIpAddress()); link.setEndPhysAddress(hostIfEntity.getPhysAddress()); link.setEndDescr(hostdesc); DiscoverEngine.getInstance().addHost(host, link); } else { String descr = (String) hostNDPHash.get(node.getMac()); IfEntity nodeIfEntity = node.getIfEntityByDesc(descr); Link link = new Link(); link.setStartId(node.getId()); link.setStartIndex(nodeIfEntity.getIndex()); link.setStartIp(node.getIpAddress()); link.setStartPhysAddress(node.getMac()); // 记录下起点的mac link.setStartDescr(descr); link.setEndIp(host.getIpAddress()); DiscoverEngine.getInstance().addHost(host, link); } } else { String descr = (String) hostNDPHash.get(node.getMac()); IfEntity nodeIfEntity = node.getIfEntityByDesc(descr); Link link = new Link(); link.setStartId(node.getId()); link.setStartIndex(nodeIfEntity.getIndex()); link.setStartIp(node.getIpAddress()); link.setStartPhysAddress(node.getMac()); // 记录下起点的mac link.setStartDescr(descr); link.setEndIp(host.getIpAddress()); DiscoverEngine.getInstance().addHost(host, link); } } }
@Override public String getStringId() { return "@Basket:" + Link.getSiteName(); }
/** * Updates the entry based on the field that is specified. Mainly created for use by the bulk * import auto update * * @param entry entry to be updated * @param plasmid should be set if updating strain with plasmid * @param value value to be set * @param field to set * @return updated entry array containing both entry and plasmid. if plasmid is null only entry is * returned */ public static Entry[] infoToEntryForField( Entry entry, Entry plasmid, String value, EntryField field) { switch (field) { case PI: { entry.setPrincipalInvestigator(value); if (plasmid != null) plasmid.setPrincipalInvestigator(value); break; } case PI_EMAIL: { entry.setPrincipalInvestigatorEmail(value); break; } case FUNDING_SOURCE: { entry.setFundingSource(value); if (plasmid != null) plasmid.setFundingSource(value); break; } case IP: entry.setIntellectualProperty(value); if (plasmid != null) plasmid.setIntellectualProperty(value); break; case BIO_SAFETY_LEVEL: Integer level = BioSafetyOption.intValue(value); if (level == null) { if (value.contains("1")) level = 1; else if (value.contains("2")) level = 2; else break; } entry.setBioSafetyLevel(level); if (plasmid != null) { plasmid.setBioSafetyLevel(level); } break; case NAME: entry.setName(value); break; case ALIAS: entry.setAlias(value); break; case KEYWORDS: entry.setKeywords(value); break; case SUMMARY: entry.setShortDescription(value); break; case NOTES: entry.setLongDescription(value); break; case REFERENCES: entry.setReferences(value); break; case LINKS: HashSet<Link> links = new HashSet<>(); Link link = new Link(); link.setLink(value); link.setEntry(entry); links.add(link); entry.setLinks(links); break; case STATUS: entry.setStatus(value); if (plasmid != null) plasmid.setStatus(value); break; case SELECTION_MARKERS: HashSet<SelectionMarker> markers = new HashSet<>(); SelectionMarker marker = new SelectionMarker(value, entry); markers.add(marker); entry.setSelectionMarkers(markers); break; case PARENTAL_STRAIN: case GENOTYPE_OR_PHENOTYPE: case PLASMIDS: entry = infoToStrainForField(entry, value, field); break; case BACKBONE: case ORIGIN_OF_REPLICATION: case CIRCULAR: case PROMOTERS: case REPLICATES_IN: entry = infoToPlasmidForField(entry, value, field); break; case HOMOZYGOSITY: case ECOTYPE: case HARVEST_DATE: case GENERATION: case SENT_TO_ABRC: case PLANT_TYPE: case PARENTS: entry = infoToSeedForField(entry, value, field); break; default: break; } if (plasmid == null) return new Entry[] {entry}; return new Entry[] {entry, plasmid}; }
public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; int found = 0; ArrayList<Link> links = new ArrayList<Link>(); ArrayList<Integer> gateways = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int N = in.nextInt(); // the total number of nodes in the level, including the gateways int L = in.nextInt(); // the number of links int E = in.nextInt(); // the number of exit gateways for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) { int N1 = in.nextInt(); // N1 and N2 defines a link between these nodes int N2 = in.nextInt(); links.add(new Link(N1, N2)); } for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int EI = in.nextInt(); // the index of a gateway node gateways.add(new Integer(EI)); } // game loop while (true) { found = 0; int SI = in.nextInt(); // The index of the node on which the Skynet agent is positioned this turn for (Link l : links) { if ((l.a == SI || l.b == SI) && ( == 1)) { // System.err.println(SI+" "+l.a+" "+l.b+" "" a"); for (int g : gateways) { System.err.println("g :" + g); if ((l.a == SI && g == l.b) || (l.b == SI && g == l.a)) { System.err.println(SI + " " + l.a + " " + l.b + " " + + " a"); System.out.println(l.a + " " + l.b); = 0; found = 1; break; } } } } if (found == 0) { for (Link l : links) { // System.err.println(SI+" "+l.a+" "+l.b+" "" b"); if ( == 1 && (l.b == SI || l.a == SI)) { System.err.println(SI + " " + l.a + " " + l.b + " " + + " c"); System.out.println(l.a + " " + l.b); found = 1; = 0; break; } } } if (found == 0) { for (Link l : links) { for (int g : gateways) { if ( == 1 && (l.b == g || l.a == g)) { System.err.println(SI + " " + l.a + " " + l.b + " " + + " b"); System.out.println(l.a + " " + l.b); found = 1; = 0; break; } } if (found == 1) { break; } } } if (found == 0) { for (Link l : links) { if ( == 1) { System.err.println(SI + " " + l.a + " " + l.b + " " + + " d"); System.out.println(l.a + " " + l.b); found = 1; = 0; break; } } } // Write an action using System.out.println() // To debug: System.err.println("Debug messages..."); // System.out.println("0 1"); // Example: 0 1 are the indices of the nodes you wish to sever // the link between } }
public void addLink(String url, String rel) { Link link = new Link(); link.setLink(url); link.setRel(rel); this.links.add(link); }
public void update(Clock clock) { int i, j; int e = 0; if (measured_flow_profile_veh.sample(false, clock)) current_flow_veh = measured_flow_profile_veh.getCurrentSample() * knob; if (BeatsMath.equals(current_flow_veh, 0d)) { beta = 0d; return; } // Sf: total demand from "feeds" Double Sf = 0d; for (Link link : feeds) Sf += BeatsMath.sum(link.get_out_demand_in_veh(e)); // compute demand to non-measured, total $+phi, and from feed links phi ArrayList<Double> beta_array = new ArrayList<Double>(); // compute sr normalization factor for feeding links // for(i=0;i<myNode.getInput_link().length;i++) { // if (!feeds.contains( myNode.input_link[i])) // continue; // alpha_tilde[i] = 0d; // for (j = 0; j < myNode.nOut; j++) // if(not_meas.contains( myNode.output_link[j])) // alpha_tilde[i] += myNode.getSplitRatio(i, j); // } // freeflow case beta_array.add(0d); beta_array.add(current_flow_veh / Sf); // rest for (j = 0; j < myNode.nOut; j++) { Link outlink = myNode.output_link[j]; // case for the measured if (not_meas.contains(outlink)) { double dem_non_feed = 0d; // demand on j from non-feeding links double dem_feed = 0d; // demand on j from feeding links for (i = 0; i < myNode.nIn; i++) { Link inlink = myNode.input_link[i]; // Double alpha_ij = myNode.getSplitRatio(i,j); Double Si = BeatsMath.sum(inlink.get_out_demand_in_veh(e)); if (feeds.contains(inlink)) dem_feed += Si; // alpha_ij * Si / alpha_tilde[i]; else // otherwise add to total dem_non_feed += 0d; // alpha_ij * Si; } Double R = outlink.get_available_space_supply_in_veh(e); double num = current_flow_veh * (dem_non_feed + dem_feed); double den = Sf * R + dem_feed * current_flow_veh; beta_array.add(den > 0 ? num / den : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } } beta = Math.min(BeatsMath.max(beta_array), 1d); }