Esempio n. 1
  /* Need to special-case some URLs.  It's yucky to do this,
   * but that's the only way this will work for some of the Drosophila
   * result types.  The assumption in the code is that there is one URL
   * per type, but for us it depends on which database the hit is on. */
  protected String getURLPrefix(FeatureProperty prop, SeqFeatureI f, String id) {
    String defaultURL = prop.getURLString();

    if (!(f instanceof FeaturePair)) return (defaultURL);

    FeaturePair fp = (FeaturePair) f;
    SeqFeatureI fs = (SeqFeatureI) fp.getRefFeature();
    String database = fs.getDatabase();

    String url = defaultURL;

    /* Here we go--a bunch of special cases.
     * It sucks that these are in the code--
     * these should be in the style file or something! */
    String nucleotide = "nucleotide";
    String protein = "protein";
    String ENTREZ_N =
            + nucleotide
            + "&doptcmdl=GenBank&term=";
    String ENTREZ_P =
            + protein
            + "&doptcmdl=GenBank&term=";
    // In most cases, the IDs for BLASTX Similarity to Fly seem to work better
    // with the default SWALL URL; however, the AA ones seem not to be in SWALL
    // and we have to look in Entrez.  Yuck.
    //    if (prop.typeEquals("BLASTX Similarity to Fly") && id.startsWith("AA")) {
    if (prop.getDisplayType().startsWith("BLASTX") && id.startsWith("AA")) {
      url = ENTREZ_P;
    } else if (prop.typeEquals("Rodent") && (database.indexOf("unigene") >= 0)) {
      url = ENTREZ_N;
    } else if (prop.typeEquals("Insect") && (database.indexOf("dbEST") >= 0)) {
      url = ENTREZ_N;
    // This isn't working right yet.  The tRNA ids look like:
    // gb|AE002593|AE002593.trna5-ArgTCG
    // and we want just the part between the first two ||s.
    else {
      String acc;
      if (prop.typeEquals("tRNA-result") && (database.indexOf("na_tRNA.dros") >= 0)) {
        acc = id.substring(id.indexOf("|") + 1);
        acc = acc.substring(0, acc.indexOf("|"));
      } else if (prop.typeEquals("New Fly Sequence")) {
        // These accs look like gi||gb|AY135216|AY135216
        acc = id;
        if (acc.indexOf("|") >= 0) acc = acc.substring(acc.lastIndexOf("|") + 1);

        /* We've already appended the correct acc,
         * but the URL constructor will automatically
         * slap the uncorrected one at the end.
         * The last # is so that when the whole ID is appended at the end, it
         * won't have any effect. */
        url = ENTREZ_N + acc + "#";
    return url;