private void checkSizes() { Dimension vsz = scroll_pane.getViewport().getViewSize(); Dimension csz = draw_area.getSize(); Dimension nsz = new Dimension((int) (vsz.width * x_scale), (int) (vsz.height * y_scale)); boolean chng = false; if (nsz.width > csz.width) { if (vsz.width >= csz.width) { csz.width = vsz.width; chng = true; x_scale = 1; } } else if (nsz.width < csz.width) { if (x_scale == 1) { csz.width = vsz.width; chng = true; } } if (nsz.height > csz.height) { if (vsz.height >= csz.height) { csz.height = vsz.height; chng = true; y_scale = 1; } } else if (nsz.height < csz.height) { if (y_scale == 1) { csz.height = vsz.height; chng = true; } } if (chng) draw_area.setSize(csz); }
/** * Query the maximum image size allowed. * * @return the maximum image size allowed. */ public Dimension getMaximumSize() { final Dimension retval = new Dimension(); final Hashtable depthMap = getDepthMap(); int item = 0; synchronized (getActiveVector()) { final Enumeration keys = getDepthMap().keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { final Bookmark bookmark = (Bookmark) keys.nextElement(); final Rectangle bounds = getTextBounds(item++, bookmark, depthMap.get(bookmark)); final int width = bounds.x + bounds.width; if (width > retval.width) { retval.width = width; } retval.height = bounds.y + bounds.height; } } retval.width += (2 * getFontMetrics(getFont()).getMaxAdvance()); retval.height += (2 * getFontHeight()); return retval; }
public void reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (inEditMode) { defLoc.x = x; defLoc.y = y; defDim.width = w; defDim.height = h; } curLoc.x = x; curLoc.y = y; curDim.width = w; curDim.height = h; super.reshape(x, y, w, h); }
/** * Randomly picks the location of a new window, such that it fits completely on the screen. * * @param desktopPane the desktop pane that the frame is being added to. * @param frame the JInternalFrame which is being added. * @param desiredSize the desired dimensions of the frame. */ private static void setGoodBounds( JInternalFrame frame, JDesktopPane desktopPane, Dimension desiredSize) { RandomUtil randomUtil = RandomUtil.getInstance(); Dimension desktopSize = desktopPane.getSize(); Dimension d = new Dimension(desiredSize); int tx = desktopSize.width - d.width; int ty = desktopSize.height - d.height; if (tx < 0) { tx = 0; d.width = desktopSize.width; } else { tx = (int) (randomUtil.nextDouble() * tx); } if (ty < 0) { ty = 0; d.height = desktopSize.height; } else { ty = (int) (randomUtil.nextDouble() * ty); } frame.setBounds(tx, ty, d.width, d.height); }
/** Is called when the applet wants to be resized. */ @Override public void appletResize(int width, int height) { currentAppletSize.width = width; currentAppletSize.height = height; final Dimension currentSize = new Dimension(currentAppletSize.width, currentAppletSize.height); if (loader != null) { AppContext appCtxt = loader.getAppContext(); if (appCtxt != null) appEvtQ = (java.awt.EventQueue) appCtxt.get(AppContext.EVENT_QUEUE_KEY); } final AppletPanel ap = this; if (appEvtQ != null) { appEvtQ.postEvent( new InvocationEvent( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (ap != null) { ap.dispatchAppletEvent(APPLET_RESIZE, currentSize); } } })); } }
public void paint(Graphics g) { // Only create the image at the beginning - if ((img == null) || (prefsize.width != size().width) || (prefsize.height != size().height)) { prefsize.width = size().width; prefsize.height = size().height; scale = findScale(); // System.out.println("New scale = " + scale); img = createImage(size().width, size().height); ig = img.getGraphics(); redrawneeded = true; } if (redrawneeded == true) { drawBackground(ig,; drawScene(ig); if (drawAxes == true) { drawAxes(ig); } redrawneeded = false; } else { ig = img.getGraphics(); } g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this); }
/** Description of the Method */ public void init() { // super.init(); size = new Dimension(570, 570); contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(borderLayout1); Dimension d = messagePanel.getSize(); d.height += 20; messagePanel.setPreferredSize(d); contentPane.add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); contentPane.setOpaque(true); userPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2); messagePanel.setLayout(borderLayout5); contentPane.setOpaque(true); contentPane.setBackground(Color.white); this.setSize(size); messagePanel.add(labelMessage, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Logg.logg("MhClient: Före XttTree-skapande", 6); this.mhTable = new MhTable(root, false, this.labelMessage); // Logg.logg("MhClient: mhTable-skapande klart", 6); this.contentPane.add(this.mhTable.splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); }
/** * Returns the preferred size of the viewport for a view component. For example the preferredSize * of a JList component is the size required to acommodate all of the cells in its list however * the value of preferredScrollableViewportSize is the size required for * JList.getVisibleRowCount() rows. A component without any properties that would effect the * viewport size should just return getPreferredSize() here. * * @return The preferredSize of a JViewport whose view is this Scrollable. * @see JViewport#getPreferredSize */ public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() { Dimension size = getPreferredSize(); Dimension retval = new Dimension(); retval.width = size.width > 600 ? 600 : size.width; retval.height = size.height > 400 ? 400 : size.height; return retval; }
void jButtonWeights_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { NumberGeneratorDialog dlg = new NumberGeneratorDialog( (Frame) null, "Weights", "Weight of synaptic connections", mySynProps.getWeightsGenerator(), true); // Center the window Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension frameSize = dlg.getSize(); if (frameSize.height > screenSize.height) { frameSize.height = screenSize.height; } if (frameSize.width > screenSize.width) { frameSize.width = screenSize.width; } dlg.setLocation( (screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2); dlg.setVisible(true); jTextFieldWeights.setText(mySynProps.getWeightsGenerator().toShortString()); // mySynProps.setWeightsGenerator(dlg.getFinalNumGen()); }
/** * Get the preferred size at which this Widget will look best. When a WidgetContainer lays out its * contents, it will attempt to make this Widget as close as possible to its preferred size. */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { if (prefColSize == null) calculateSizes(); Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < prefColSize.length; i++) prefSize.width += prefColSize[i]; for (int i = 0; i < prefRowSize.length; i++) prefSize.height += prefRowSize[i]; return prefSize; }
/** * Get the smallest size at which this Widget can reasonably be drawn. When a WidgetContainer lays * out its contents, it will attempt never to make this Widget smaller than its minimum size. */ public Dimension getMinimumSize() { if (minColSize == null) calculateSizes(); Dimension minSize = new Dimension(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < minColSize.length; i++) minSize.width += minColSize[i]; for (int i = 0; i < minRowSize.length; i++) minSize.height += minRowSize[i]; return minSize; }
/** * Returns the preferred size of this component. * * @return the preferred size of this component */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(); int preferredHeight; if (treeNode instanceof ContactNode) { UIContact contact = ((ContactNode) treeNode).getContactDescriptor(); preferredHeight = contact.getPreferredHeight(); if (preferredHeight > 0) preferredSize.height = preferredHeight; else if (contact instanceof ShowMoreContact) preferredSize.height = 20; else if (isSelected && treeContactList.isContactButtonsVisible()) preferredSize.height = 70; else preferredSize.height = 35; } else if (treeNode instanceof GroupNode) { UIGroup group = ((GroupNode) treeNode).getGroupDescriptor(); preferredHeight = group.getPreferredHeight(); if (isSelected && customActionButtonsUIGroup != null && !customActionButtonsUIGroup.isEmpty()) preferredSize.height = 70; else if (preferredHeight > 0) preferredSize.height = preferredHeight; else preferredSize.height = 20; } return preferredSize; }
protected void checkMinimumSize() { Dimension d = getDrawingSize(); if (fViewSize.height < d.height || fViewSize.width < d.width) { fViewSize.height = d.height + SCROLL_OFFSET; fViewSize.width = d.width + SCROLL_OFFSET; setSize(fViewSize); } }
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(); Dimension captionSize = caption.getPreferredSize(); dim.width = captionSize.width; for (int i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { Dimension _dim = pages[i].getPreferredSize(); dim.width = Math.max(_dim.width, dim.width); dim.height = Math.max(_dim.height, dim.height); } dim.width += PADDING * 2; dim.height += PADDING * 2; dim.height += nextButton.getPreferredSize().height; dim.height += captionSize.height; return dim; }
public void reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (inEditMode) { defLoc.x = x; defLoc.y = y; defDim.width = w; defDim.height = h; } curLoc.x = x; curLoc.y = y; curDim.width = w; curDim.height = h; if (!inEditMode) { if ((h != nHeight) || (h < rHeight)) { adjustFont(w, h); } } super.reshape(x, y, w, h); }
/** * Return the size of the area occupied by the contained figures inside the drawing. This method * is called by checkMinimumSize(). */ protected Dimension getDrawingSize() { FigureEnumeration fe = drawing().figures(); Dimension d = new Dimension(0, 0); while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { Rectangle r = fe.nextFigure().displayBox(); d.width = Math.max(d.width, r.x + r.width); d.height = Math.max(d.height, r.y + r.height); } return d; }
@Override public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(final Container parent) { Dimension result = new Dimension(); for (int i = 0; i < parent.getComponentCount(); i++) { final Dimension prefSize = parent.getComponent(i).getPreferredSize(); result.width += prefSize.width; result.height = Math.max(prefSize.height, result.height); } return result; }
public void setSizeRatio(double x, double y) { xRatio = x; yRatio = y; if (x > 1.0) xRatio = x - 1.0; if (y > 1.0) yRatio = y - 1.0; if (defDim.width <= 0) defDim = getPreferredSize(); curLoc.x = (int) ((double) defLoc.x * xRatio); curLoc.y = (int) ((double) defLoc.y * yRatio); curDim.width = (int) ((double) defDim.width * xRatio); curDim.height = (int) ((double) defDim.height * yRatio); if (!inEditMode) setBounds(curLoc.x, curLoc.y, curDim.width, curDim.height); }
public void setEditMode(boolean s) { twin.setEditMode(s); setOpaque(s); if (s) { addMouseListener(ml); curLoc.x = defLoc.x; curLoc.y = defLoc.y; defDim = getPreferredSize(); curDim.width = defDim.width; curDim.height = defDim.height; } else removeMouseListener(ml); inEditMode = s; }
public void setSizeRatio(double x, double y) { double rx = x; double ry = y; if (rx > 1.0) rx = x - 1.0; if (ry > 1.0) ry = y - 1.0; if (defDim.width <= 0) defDim = getPreferredSize(); curLoc.x = (int) ((double) defLoc.x * rx); curLoc.y = (int) ((double) defLoc.y * ry); curDim.width = (int) ((double) defDim.width * rx); curDim.height = (int) ((double) defDim.height * ry); if (!inEditMode) setBounds(curLoc.x, curLoc.y, curDim.width, curDim.height); twin.setSizeRatio(x, y); }
/** Construct an applet viewer and start the applet. */ public void init() { try { // Get the width (if any) defaultAppletSize.width = getWidth(); currentAppletSize.width = defaultAppletSize.width; // Get the height (if any) defaultAppletSize.height = getHeight(); currentAppletSize.height = defaultAppletSize.height; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Turn on the error flag and let TagAppletPanel // do the right thing. status = APPLET_ERROR; showAppletStatus("badattribute.exception"); showAppletLog("badattribute.exception"); showAppletException(e); } setLayout(new BorderLayout()); createAppletThread(); }
TextPanel(String file) { super(new BorderLayout()); JEditorPane text = new JEditorPane(); try { text.setPage(TextPanel.this.getClass().getResource(file)); } catch (Exception e) { text.setText("Error loading '" + file + "'"); e.printStackTrace(); } text.setEditable(false); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(text); Dimension dim = new Dimension(); dim.width = 450; dim.height = 200; scrollPane.setPreferredSize(dim); TextPanel.this.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, scrollPane); }
public static void openFrame(Object frame) { boolean packFrame = false; if (packFrame) { ((JFrame) frame).pack(); } else { ((JFrame) frame).validate(); } // Center the window Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension frameSize = ((JFrame) frame).getSize(); if (frameSize.height > screenSize.height) { frameSize.height = screenSize.height; } if (frameSize.width > screenSize.width) { frameSize.width = screenSize.width; } ((JFrame) frame) .setLocation( (screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2); ((JFrame) frame).setVisible(true); }
public void setEditMode(boolean s) { if (s) { addMouseListener(ml); setOpaque(s); if (font != null) { setFont(font); fontH = font.getSize(); rHeight = fontH; } defDim = getPreferredSize(); curLoc.x = defLoc.x; curLoc.y = defLoc.y; curDim.width = defDim.width; curDim.height = defDim.height; xRatio = 1.0; yRatio = 1.0; } else { removeMouseListener(ml); if ((bg != null) || (isActive < 1)) setOpaque(true); else setOpaque(false); } inEditMode = s; }
@Override public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { super.setBounds(x, y, width, height); currentAppletSize.width = width; currentAppletSize.height = height; }