@Override public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { Component toolbar = parent.getComponent(0); Dimension toolbarSize = toolbar.isVisible() ? toolbar.getMinimumSize() : new Dimension(); Dimension contentSize = parent.getComponent(1).getMinimumSize(); return new Dimension( Math.max(toolbarSize.width, contentSize.width), toolbarSize.height + contentSize.height); }
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { Insets insets = parent.insets(); int ncomponents = parent.countComponents(); int nrows = getRows(); int ncols = getColumns(); int hgap = getHgap(); int vgap = getVgap(); if (nrows > 0) { ncols = (ncomponents + nrows - 1) / nrows; } else { nrows = (ncomponents + ncols - 1) / ncols; } int nComps = parent.getComponentCount(); int y = insets.top; for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { int h = 0; for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { Component c = parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); h = Math.max(h, c.getMinimumSize().height); } } y += h + vgap; } int x = insets.left; for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { int w = 0; for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { Component c = parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); w = Math.max(w, c.getMinimumSize().width); } } x += w + hgap; } return new Dimension(x, y); }
public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { Insets insets = parent.insets(); int ncomponents = parent.countComponents(); int nrows = getRows(); int ncols = getColumns(); int hgap = getHgap(); int vgap = getVgap(); if (nrows > 0) { ncols = (ncomponents + nrows - 1) / nrows; } else { nrows = (ncomponents + ncols - 1) / ncols; } // Set heights int x; int y; int nFills = 0; boolean[] fills = new boolean[nrows]; int lastFillRow = -1; int nComps = parent.getComponentCount(); y = insets.top; for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { // Find largest minimum height for this row int h = 0; for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { Component c = parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); h = Math.max(h, c.getMinimumSize().height); } } // Set heights for this row x = insets.left; for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { JComponent c = (JComponent) parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); int w = c.getWidth(); c.setBounds(x, y, w, h); x += w + hgap; if (col == 0 && getFillRow(c)) { fills[row] = true; } } } y += h + vgap; if (fills[row]) { nFills++; lastFillRow = row; } } // Fill heights if (nFills > 0 && y < parent.getHeight()) { // How much height to add int hAdd = (parent.getHeight() - y) / nFills; int hAdded = 0; for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { if (fills[row]) { if (row == lastFillRow) { // Compensate for rounding error hAdd = parent.getHeight() - (y + hAdded); } for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { Component c = parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); Rectangle b = c.getBounds(); c.setBounds(b.x, b.y + hAdded, b.width, b.height + hAdd); } } hAdded += hAdd; } } } // Set widths nFills = 0; fills = new boolean[ncols]; int lastFillCol = -1; x = insets.left; for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { // Find largest minimum width for this column int w = 0; for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { Component c = parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); w = Math.max(w, c.getMinimumSize().width); } } // Set widths for this column y = insets.top; for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { JComponent c = (JComponent) parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); int h = c.getHeight(); c.setBounds(x, y, w, h); y += h + vgap; if (row == 0 && getFillColumn(c)) { fills[col] = true; } } } x += w + hgap; if (fills[col]) { nFills++; lastFillCol = col; } } // Fill widths if (nFills > 0 && x < parent.getWidth()) { // How much width to add int wAdd = (parent.getWidth() - x) / nFills; int wAdded = 0; for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (fills[col]) { if (col == lastFillCol) { wAdd = parent.getWidth() - (x + wAdded); } for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { if (row * ncols + col < nComps) { Component c = parent.getComponent(row * ncols + col); Rectangle b = c.getBounds(); c.setBounds(b.x + wAdded, b.y, b.width + wAdd, b.height); } } wAdded += wAdd; } } } }