public static Class<?> malform(Class<?> type) throws Exception { ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(type.getName()); ClassWriter classWriter = new ClassWriter(classReader, 0); classReader.accept(new SignatureMalformer(classWriter), 0); ClassLoader classLoader = new ByteArrayClassLoader( null, Collections.singletonMap(type.getName(), classWriter.toByteArray()), null, ByteArrayClassLoader.PersistenceHandler.MANIFEST, PackageDefinitionStrategy.NoOp.INSTANCE); return classLoader.loadClass(type.getName()); }
protected byte[] transformClass(byte[] bytes, String clssname) { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + clssname.replace('.', '/') + ".class"); ClassReader orig = null; try { ClassReader crRepl = new ClassReader(is); ClassNode cnRepl = new ClassNode(Opcodes.ASM4); crRepl.accept(cnRepl, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES); ClassReader crOrig = new ClassReader(bytes); ClassNode cnOrig = new ClassNode(Opcodes.ASM4); crOrig.accept(cnOrig, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES); for (Object ofnRepl : cnRepl.fields) { FieldNode fnRepl = (FieldNode) ofnRepl; if (hasReplaceAnnotation(fnRepl.visibleAnnotations)) { FieldNode fnOrig = findField(cnOrig.fields, fnRepl); if (fnOrig != null) { cnOrig.fields.remove(fnOrig); cnOrig.fields.add(cnOrig.fields.size(), scrubField(cnOrig, cnRepl, fnRepl)); } } else if (hasAddAnnotation(fnRepl.visibleAnnotations)) { cnOrig.fields.add(cnOrig.fields.size(), scrubField(cnOrig, cnRepl, fnRepl)); } } for (Object omnRepl : cnRepl.methods) { MethodNode mnRepl = (MethodNode) omnRepl; if (hasReplaceAnnotation(mnRepl.visibleAnnotations)) { MethodNode mnOrig = findMethod(cnOrig.methods, mnRepl); if (mnOrig != null) { cnOrig.methods.remove(mnOrig); cnOrig.methods.add(cnOrig.methods.size(), scrubMethod(cnOrig, cnRepl, mnRepl)); } } else if (hasAddAnnotation(mnRepl.visibleAnnotations)) { cnOrig.methods.add(cnOrig.methods.size() + 1, scrubMethod(cnOrig, cnRepl, mnRepl)); } } ClassWriter cwNew = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); cnOrig.accept(cwNew); return cwNew.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } return bytes; }
private void generateProxyClass( ClassWriter visitor, StructSchema<?> viewSchema, StructSchema<?> delegateSchema, Collection<String> interfacesToImplement, Set<Class<?>> typesToDelegate, Type generatedType, Type superclassType) { ModelType<?> viewType = viewSchema.getType(); Class<?> viewClass = viewType.getConcreteClass(); declareClass(visitor, interfacesToImplement, generatedType, superclassType); declareStateField(visitor); declareTypeConverterField(visitor); declareManagedTypeField(visitor); declareCanCallSettersField(visitor); writeStaticConstructor(visitor, generatedType, viewClass); writeConstructor(visitor, generatedType, superclassType, delegateSchema); writeToString(visitor, generatedType, viewClass, delegateSchema); writeManagedInstanceMethods(visitor, generatedType); if (delegateSchema != null) { declareDelegateField(visitor, delegateSchema); writeDelegateMethods(visitor, generatedType, delegateSchema, typesToDelegate); } writeGroovyMethods(visitor, viewClass); writePropertyMethods(visitor, generatedType, viewSchema, delegateSchema); writeHashCodeMethod(visitor, generatedType); writeEqualsMethod(visitor, generatedType); visitor.visitEnd(); }
/** * Construct a proxy generator. This generator is used when we need to create a proxy object for a * class or an interface given a map of closures. * * @param closureMap the delegates implementations * @param superClass corresponding to the superclass class visitor * @param interfaces extra interfaces the proxy should implement * @param proxyLoader the class loader which should be used to load the generated proxy * @param delegateClass if not null, generate a delegate field with the corresponding class * @param emptyBody if set to true, the unimplemented abstract methods will receive an empty body * instead of throwing an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. */ public ProxyGeneratorAdapter( final Map<Object, Object> closureMap, final Class superClass, final Class[] interfaces, final ClassLoader proxyLoader, final boolean emptyBody, final Class delegateClass) { super(new ClassWriter(0)); this.visitedMethods = new LinkedHashSet<Object>(); this.delegatedClosures = closureMap.isEmpty() ? EMPTY_DELEGATECLOSURE_MAP : new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); boolean wildcard = false; for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : closureMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey().toString(); if ("*".equals(name)) { wildcard = true; } this.delegatedClosures.put(name, Boolean.FALSE); } this.hasWildcard = wildcard; // if we have to delegate to another object, generate the appropriate delegate field // and collect the name of the methods for which delegation is active this.generateDelegateField = delegateClass != null; this.objectDelegateMethods = generateDelegateField ? createDelegateMethodList(delegateClass, interfaces) : EMPTY_STRING_SET; this.delegateClass = delegateClass; // a proxy is supposed to be a concrete class, so it cannot extend an interface. // If the provided superclass is an interface, then we replace the superclass with Object // and add this interface to the list of implemented interfaces boolean isSuperClassAnInterface = superClass.isInterface(); this.superClass = isSuperClassAnInterface ? Object.class : superClass; // create the base list of classes which have possible methods to be overloaded this.classList = new LinkedList<Class>(); this.classList.add(superClass); if (generateDelegateField) { classList.add(delegateClass); } if (interfaces != null) { Collections.addAll(this.classList, interfaces); } this.proxyName = proxyName(); this.loader = proxyLoader != null ? new InnerLoader(proxyLoader) : findClassLoader(superClass); this.emptyBody = emptyBody; // generate bytecode ClassWriter writer = (ClassWriter) cv; ClassReader cr = createClassVisitor(Object.class); cr.accept(this, 0); byte[] b = writer.toByteArray(); // CheckClassAdapter.verify(new ClassReader(b), true, new PrintWriter(System.err)); cachedClass = loader.defineClass(proxyName.replace('/', '.'), b); // cache no-arg constructor Class[] args = generateDelegateField ? new Class[] {Map.class, delegateClass} : new Class[] {Map.class}; Constructor constructor; try { constructor = cachedClass.getConstructor(args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { constructor = null; } cachedNoArgConstructor = constructor; }