private void loadLists() { final BooksDatabase database = BooksDatabase.Instance(); myAuthors = database.loadAuthors(myId); myTags = database.loadTags(myId); mySeriesInfo = database.loadSeriesInfo(myId); myIsSaved = true; }
public boolean save() { if (myIsSaved) { return false; } final BooksDatabase database = BooksDatabase.Instance(); database.executeAsATransaction( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (myId >= 0) { final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(File); database.updateBookInfo(myId, fileInfos.getId(File), myEncoding, myLanguage, myTitle); } else { myId = database.insertBookInfo(File, myEncoding, myLanguage, myTitle); storeAllVisitedHyperinks(); } long index = 0; database.deleteAllBookAuthors(myId); for (Author author : authors()) { database.saveBookAuthorInfo(myId, index++, author); } database.deleteAllBookTags(myId); for (Tag tag : tags()) { database.saveBookTagInfo(myId, tag); } database.saveBookSeriesInfo(myId, mySeriesInfo); } }); myIsSaved = true; return true; }
public void setBookFavorite(Book book, boolean favorite) { if (favorite) { myDatabase.addToFavorites(book.getId()); } else { myDatabase.removeFromFavorites(book.getId()); } fireBookEvent(BookEvent.Updated, book); }
public void addBookToRecentList(Book book) { final List<Long> ids = myDatabase.loadRecentBookIds(); final Long bookId = book.getId(); ids.remove(bookId); ids.add(0, bookId); if (ids.size() > 12) { ids.remove(12); } myDatabase.saveRecentBookIds(ids); }
public void removeBook(Book book, boolean deleteFromDisk) { synchronized (myBooksByFile) { myBooksByFile.remove(book.File); myBooksById.remove(book.getId()); final List<Long> ids = myDatabase.loadRecentBookIds(); if (ids.remove(book.getId())) { myDatabase.saveRecentBookIds(ids); } if (deleteFromDisk) { book.File.getPhysicalFile().delete(); } } fireBookEvent(BookEvent.Removed, book); }
private void storeAllVisitedHyperinks() { if (myId != -1 && myVisitedHyperlinks != null) { for (String linkId : myVisitedHyperlinks) { BooksDatabase.Instance().addVisitedHyperlink(myId, linkId); } } }
public static Book getByFile(ZLFile bookFile) { if (bookFile == null) { return null; } final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile != null && !physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(bookFile); Book book = BooksDatabase.Instance().loadBookByFile(fileInfos.getId(bookFile), bookFile); if (book != null) { book.loadLists(); } if (book != null && fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { return book; }; if (book == null) { book = new Book(bookFile); } if (book.readMetaInfo()) {; return book; } return null; }
private void initHyperlinkSet() { if (myVisitedHyperlinks == null) { myVisitedHyperlinks = new TreeSet<String>(); if (myId != -1) { myVisitedHyperlinks.addAll(BooksDatabase.Instance().loadVisitedHyperlinks(myId)); } } }
public void markHyperlinkAsVisited(String linkId) { initHyperlinkSet(); if (!myVisitedHyperlinks.contains(linkId)) { myVisitedHyperlinks.add(linkId); if (myId != -1) { BooksDatabase.Instance().addVisitedHyperlink(myId, linkId); } } }
public Book getBookByFile(ZLFile bookFile) { if (bookFile == null) { return null; } final FormatPlugin plugin = PluginCollection.Instance().getPlugin(bookFile); if (plugin == null) { return null; } try { bookFile = plugin.realBookFile(bookFile); } catch (BookReadingException e) { return null; } Book book = myBooksByFile.get(bookFile); if (book != null) { return book; } final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile != null && !physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(myDatabase, bookFile); book = myDatabase.loadBookByFile(fileInfos.getId(bookFile), bookFile); if (book != null) { book.loadLists(myDatabase); } if (book != null && fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { saveBook(book, false); // saved addBook(book, false); return book; }; try { if (book == null) { book = new Book(bookFile); } else { book.readMetaInfo(); } } catch (BookReadingException e) { return null; } saveBook(book, false); return book; }
public void reloadInfoFromDatabase() { final BooksDatabase database = BooksDatabase.Instance(); database.reloadBook(this); myAuthors = database.loadAuthors(myId); myTags = database.loadTags(myId); mySeriesInfo = database.loadSeriesInfo(myId); myIsSaved = true; }
public Book getBookById(long id) { Book book = myBooksById.get(id); if (book != null) { return book; } book = myDatabase.loadBook(id); if (book == null) { return null; } book.loadLists(myDatabase); final ZLFile bookFile = book.File; final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile == null) { // loaded from db addBook(book, false); return book; } if (!physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(myDatabase, physicalFile); if (fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { // loaded from db addBook(book, false); return book; }; try { book.readMetaInfo(); // loaded from db addBook(book, false); return book; } catch (BookReadingException e) { return null; } }
public static Book getById(long bookId) { final Book book = BooksDatabase.Instance().loadBook(bookId); if (book == null) { return null; } book.loadLists(); final ZLFile bookFile = book.File; final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile == null) { return book; } if (!physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(physicalFile); if (fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { return book; }; return book.readMetaInfo() ? book : null; }
public List<Bookmark> invisibleBookmarks(Book book) { final List<Bookmark> list = myDatabase.loadBookmarks(book.getId(), false); Collections.sort(list, new Bookmark.ByTimeComparator()); return list; }
public List<Bookmark> bookmarks(long fromId, int limitCount) { return myDatabase.loadVisibleBookmarks(fromId, limitCount); }
private void build() { // Step 0: get database books marked as "existing" final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(myDatabase); final Map<Long, Book> savedBooksByFileId = myDatabase.loadBooks(fileInfos, true); final Map<Long, Book> savedBooksByBookId = new HashMap<Long, Book>(); for (Book b : savedBooksByFileId.values()) { savedBooksByBookId.put(b.getId(), b); } // Step 1: check if files corresponding to "existing" books really exists; // add books to library if yes (and reload book info if needed); // remove from recent/favorites list if no; // collect newly "orphaned" books final Set<Book> orphanedBooks = new HashSet<Book>(); final Set<ZLPhysicalFile> physicalFiles = new HashSet<ZLPhysicalFile>(); int count = 0; for (Book book : savedBooksByFileId.values()) { final ZLPhysicalFile file = book.File.getPhysicalFile(); if (file != null) { physicalFiles.add(file); } if (file != book.File && file != null && file.getPath().endsWith(".epub")) { continue; } if (book.File.exists()) { boolean doAdd = true; if (file == null) { continue; } if (!fileInfos.check(file, true)) { try { book.readMetaInfo(); saveBook(book, false); } catch (BookReadingException e) { doAdd = false; } file.setCached(false); } if (doAdd) { // loaded from db addBook(book, false); } } else { orphanedBooks.add(book); } } myDatabase.setExistingFlag(orphanedBooks, false); // Step 2: collect books from physical files; add new, update already added, // unmark orphaned as existing again, collect newly added final Map<Long, Book> orphanedBooksByFileId = myDatabase.loadBooks(fileInfos, false); final Set<Book> newBooks = new HashSet<Book>(); final List<ZLPhysicalFile> physicalFilesList = collectPhysicalFiles(BookDirectories); for (ZLPhysicalFile file : physicalFilesList) { if (physicalFiles.contains(file)) { continue; } collectBooks( file, fileInfos, savedBooksByFileId, orphanedBooksByFileId, newBooks, !fileInfos.check(file, true)); file.setCached(false); } // Step 3: add help file try { final ZLFile helpFile = BookUtil.getHelpFile(); Book helpBook = savedBooksByFileId.get(fileInfos.getId(helpFile)); if (helpBook == null) { helpBook = new Book(helpFile); } saveBook(helpBook, false); // saved addBook(helpBook, false); } catch (BookReadingException e) { // that's impossible e.printStackTrace(); } // Step 4: save changes into database; myDatabase.executeAsTransaction( new Runnable() { public void run() { for (Book book : newBooks) { saveBook(book, false); } } }); myDatabase.setExistingFlag(newBooks, true); }
public ZLTextPosition getStoredPosition() { return BooksDatabase.Instance().getStoredPosition(myId); }
public void storePosition(ZLTextPosition position) { if (myId != -1) { BooksDatabase.Instance().storePosition(myId, position); } }
public boolean isFavorite(Book book) { if (book == null) { return false; } return myDatabase.isFavorite(book.getId()); }
public boolean hasFavorites() { return myDatabase.hasFavorites(); }
public Book getRecentBook(int index) { List<Long> recentIds = myDatabase.loadRecentBookIds(); return recentIds.size() > index ? getBookById(recentIds.get(index)) : null; }
public void insertIntoBookList() { if (myId != -1) { BooksDatabase.Instance().insertIntoBookList(myId); } }
public ZLTextPosition getStoredPosition(long bookId) { return myDatabase.getStoredPosition(bookId); }
public void saveBookmark(Bookmark bookmark) { if (bookmark != null) { bookmark.setId(myDatabase.saveBookmark(bookmark)); } }
public void deleteBookmark(Bookmark bookmark) { if (bookmark != null && bookmark.getId() != -1) { myDatabase.deleteBookmark(bookmark); } }
public List<Book> recentBooks() { return books(myDatabase.loadRecentBookIds()); }
public void storePosition(long bookId, ZLTextPosition position) { if (bookId != -1) { myDatabase.storePosition(bookId, position); } }
public List<Book> favorites() { return books(myDatabase.loadFavoriteIds()); }