public static void getBlogs() throws Exception { BlockingQueue<String> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<String>(numCrawler * 4); CrawlerC[] crawler = new CrawlerC[numCrawler]; for (int i = 0; i < crawler.length; i++) { crawler[i] = new CrawlerC(queue); crawler[i].start(); } ResultSet rs = null; int offset = 1; while (true) { offset += 100; myStm.executeQuery("SELECT blogID from blogs where country = 'BR' LIMIT " + offset + ",100"); System.out.println("\n---" + offset + "---"); rs = myStm.getResultSet(); try { if (!rs.first()) break; if (false) break; while ( { // System.out.println(rs.getString("blogID")); if (!queue.offer(rs.getString("blogID"), 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { System.out.println("Offer.Timeout"); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } queue.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < crawler.length; i++) queue.put(CrawlerC.NO_MORE_WORK); for (int i = 0; i < crawler.length; i++) crawler[i].join(); }
private int pollCompletedDownloads() { int tasks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < completedRequests.size(); i++) { parserService.submit(new FeedParserTask(completedRequests.poll())); tasks++; } return tasks; }
public final T take() { if (!state) { return queue.poll(); } else { try { return queue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }
@Test public void testIssue292() throws Exception { final BlockingQueue qResponse = new ArrayBlockingQueue(1); createSingleNodeExecutorService("testIssue292") .submit( new MemberCheck(), new ExecutionCallback<Member>() { public void onResponse(Member response) { qResponse.offer(response); } public void onFailure(Throwable t) {} }); Object response = qResponse.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertNotNull(response); assertTrue(response instanceof Member); }
/** * Waits for completed requests. Once the first request has been taken, the method will wait * WAIT_TIMEOUT ms longer to collect more completed requests. * * @return Collected feeds or null if the method has been interrupted during the first waiting * period. */ private List<Feed> collectCompletedRequests() { List<Feed> results = new LinkedList<Feed>(); DownloadRequester requester = DownloadRequester.getInstance(); int tasks = 0; try { DownloadRequest request = completedRequests.take(); parserService.submit(new FeedParserTask(request)); tasks++; } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } tasks += pollCompletedDownloads(); isCollectingRequests = true; if (requester.isDownloadingFeeds()) { // wait for completion of more downloads long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long currentTime = startTime; while (requester.isDownloadingFeeds() && (currentTime - startTime) < WAIT_TIMEOUT) { try { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Waiting for " + (startTime + WAIT_TIMEOUT - currentTime) + " ms"); sleep(startTime + WAIT_TIMEOUT - currentTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "interrupted while waiting for more downloads"); tasks += pollCompletedDownloads(); } finally { currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } tasks += pollCompletedDownloads(); } isCollectingRequests = false; for (int i = 0; i < tasks; i++) { try { Feed f = parserService.take().get(); if (f != null) { results.add(f); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return results; }
public final void put(T item) { if (!state) { throw new RuntimeException("Putting Forbidden"); } else { try { queue.put(item); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void run() { try { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { // Blocks until a course is ready Plate plate = filledOrders.take(); print(this + "received " + plate + " delivering to " + plate.getOrder().getCustomer()); plate.getOrder().getCustomer().deliver(plate); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { print(this + " interrupted"); } print(this + " off duty"); }
/** * Cancels and clears the queue of all tasks that should not be run due to shutdown policy. * Invoked within super.shutdown. */ @Override void onShutdown() { BlockingQueue<Runnable> q = super.getQueue(); boolean keepDelayed = getExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(); boolean keepPeriodic = getContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(); if (!keepDelayed && !keepPeriodic) { for (Object e : q.toArray()) if (e instanceof RunnableScheduledFuture<?>) ((RunnableScheduledFuture<?>) e).cancel(false); q.clear(); } else { // Traverse snapshot to avoid iterator exceptions for (Object e : q.toArray()) { if (e instanceof RunnableScheduledFuture) { RunnableScheduledFuture<?> t = (RunnableScheduledFuture<?>) e; if ((t.isPeriodic() ? !keepPeriodic : !keepDelayed) || t.isCancelled()) { // also remove if already cancelled if (q.remove(t)) t.cancel(false); } } } } tryTerminate(); }
public void run() { while (true) { try { // System.out.println(r+": Take(wait)"); // String[] info = q.take(); String blogID = q.poll(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (blogID == null) { System.out.println("Poll.Timeout"); continue; } // System.out.println(r+": Take(get) : "+blogID); if (blogID == NO_MORE_WORK) { break; } URL feedUrl = new URL("" + blogID + "/comments/default"); Query myQuery = new Query(feedUrl); myQuery.setMaxResults(25); System.out.print(r + "+,"); Feed resultFeed = myService.query(myQuery, Feed.class); for (Entry entry : resultFeed.getEntries()) { if (entry.getAuthors().get(0).getUri() != null) { String profileID = entry.getAuthors().get(0).getUri().replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""); if (profileID.length() == 20) { try { myStm.executeUpdate( "INSERT IGNORE INTO author SET profileID = '" + profileID + "'"); // System.out.print(r+"+,"); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(r + "ERR,"); } } System.out.println("Bye(" + r + ")"); try { myStm.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
/*package*/ List<O> doJob(List<I> batch) { List<O> generatedBatch; assert lastBatchSent == false; if (batch == POISON_PILL) { lastBatch = true; synchronized (name) { pendingJobs--; } // System.out.println(name + " - lastBatch"); generatedBatch = Collections.emptyList(); } else { EXECUTOR task = taskQueue.poll(); boolean nextNodesAvailable = true; for (Node<O, ?, ?> node : nodes) { nextNodesAvailable &= node.isAvailable(); } if (task == null) { // No available task resubmit(batch); generatedBatch = null; } else if (!nextNodesAvailable) { // Next nodes have to many batches. try { taskQueue.put(task); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } resubmit(batch); generatedBatch = null; } else { // Execute generatedBatch = execute(task, batch); // System.out.println(name + " - end job - " + generatedBatch.size()); for (Node<O, ?, ?> node : nodes) { node.submit(generatedBatch); } try { taskQueue.put(task); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } synchronized (name) { pendingJobs--; } // System.out.println(name + " - pendingJobs " + pendingJobs); } } if (isFinished()) { if (!lastBatchSent) { for (Node<O, ?, ?> node : nodes) { node.submit(POISON_PILL); } lastBatchSent = true; } System.out.println("Node '" + name + "' is finished"); synchronized (syncObject) { syncObject.notify(); } } else { System.out.println("Node '" + name + "' pendingJobs " + pendingJobs); } return generatedBatch; }
public int queueSize() { return changes.size(); }
@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_BAD_PRACTICE") private void sendInterruptMarker() { LOG.debug("Sending interrupt marker in order to interrupt feed consumer"); changes.offer(INTERRUPT_MARKER); }
private void checkIfInterrupted(DocumentChange c) throws InterruptedException { if (c == INTERRUPT_MARKER || (!shouldRun && changes.isEmpty())) { throw new InterruptedException(); } }
public DocumentChange next(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { assertRunningState(); DocumentChange c = changes.poll(timeout, unit); checkIfInterrupted(c); return c; }
public void removeItem(RecordingEpisode episode) { if (!RecordingMaps.remove(episode)) { Log.getInstance() .write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: Failed to remove episode from RecordingMaps."); } }
public final synchronized void init() { queue.clear(); state = true; }
public final int size() { return queue.size(); }
/** * Returns the number of items in the download queue. Does NOT include the currently downloading * item, if any. * * <p> * * @return The number of items in the download queue. */ public Integer getNumberOfQueuedItems() { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: getNumberOfItems."); return RecordingMaps.size(); }
/** * Add an item to be downloaded. Details to follow.... * * <p> * * @param info an array of strings .... * @return true if it succeeded, false otherwise. */ public boolean addItem(RecordingEpisode episode) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: addItem."); return RecordingMaps.add(episode); }
/** The main thread that does all of the downloading. */ @Override public void run() { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Starting."); Thread.currentThread().setName("DownloadThread"); while (!stop) { // Get the first item in the queue and then remove it from the queue. try { CurrentlyRecording = RecordingMaps.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_WARN, "DT: Interrupted. Terminating."); return; } Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Have work to do."); showCurrentlyRecording(CurrentlyRecording); // Make sure we have enough parameters. if (!CurrentlyRecording.isComplete()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: Not enough parameters."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } DownloadManager.getInstance().setCurrentlyRecordingID(CurrentlyRecording.getRequestID()); // Get all of the RSSItems for the Feed Context. List<RSSItem> RSSItems = CurrentlyRecording.getRSSItems(); if (RSSItems == null) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: null RSSItems."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } Log.getInstance() .write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Found episodes for podcast = " + RSSItems.size()); if (RSSItems.isEmpty()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: No RSSItems."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Get the one ChanItem (RSSItem) we are interested in. RSSItem ChanItem = CurrentlyRecording.getItemForID(RSSItems, CurrentlyRecording.getEpisodeID()); if (ChanItem == null) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: null ChanItem."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Set the ChanItem. CurrentlyRecording.setChanItem(ChanItem); // Set the fileExt instance variable. CurrentlyRecording.setFileExt(); // Create the tempfile where the episode will be downloaded to. if (!CurrentlyRecording.setTempFile()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: Failed to setTempFile."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Download the episode to the tempfile. if (! { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: download failed."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Check for 0 size download. if (CurrentlyRecording.isZeroSizeDownload()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_WARN, "DT: File is 0 bytes long."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Move the tempfile to the final location and rename it to the final name. if (!CurrentlyRecording.moveToFinalLocation()) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: moveToFinalLocation failed."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Import the episode into the Sage database as an imported media file. if (CurrentlyRecording.importAsAiring() == null) { Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DT: importAsMediaFile failed."); CurrentlyRecording.failed(); continue; } // Force Episode to update it's Airing information. int AiringID = CurrentlyRecording.getAiringID(); // It worked. Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Completed successfully."); CurrentlyRecording.completed(); CurrentlyRecording = null; } // While !stop Log.getInstance().write(Log.LOGLEVEL_TRACE, "DT: Fatal error. Ending."); } // Run
public DocumentChange poll() throws InterruptedException { assertRunningState(); DocumentChange c = changes.poll(); checkIfInterrupted(c); return c; }
public Iterator<T> iterator() { return queue.iterator(); }
public void submitCompletedDownload(DownloadRequest request) { completedRequests.offer(request); if (isCollectingRequests) { interrupt(); } }
private void handleChange(String line) throws IOException, InterruptedException, JsonParseException, JsonMappingException { changes.put(new StdDocumentChange(OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(line))); }