private void init() { this.transform_ = this.createJSTransform(); this.mouseWentDown() .addListener("function(o, e){var o=" + this.getSObjJsRef() + ";if(o){o.mouseDown(o, e);}}"); this.mouseWentUp() .addListener("function(o, e){var o=" + this.getSObjJsRef() + ";if(o){o.mouseUp(o, e);}}"); this.mouseDragged() .addListener("function(o, e){var o=" + this.getSObjJsRef() + ";if(o){o.mouseDrag(o, e);}}"); this.mouseMoved() .addListener( "function(o, e){var o=" + this.getSObjJsRef() + ";if(o){o.mouseMoved(o, e);}}"); this.touchStarted() .addListener( "function(o, e){var o=" + this.getSObjJsRef() + ";if(o){o.touchStarted(o, e);}}"); this.touchEnded() .addListener( "function(o, e){var o=" + this.getSObjJsRef() + ";if(o){o.touchEnded(o, e);}}"); this.touchMoved() .addListener( "function(o, e){var o=" + this.getSObjJsRef() + ";if(o){o.touchMoved(o, e);}}"); this.setSelectionAreaPadding(0, EnumSet.of(Side.Top)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding(20, EnumSet.of(Side.Left, Side.Right)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding(30, EnumSet.of(Side.Bottom)); if (this.chart_ != null) { this.chart_.addAxisSliderWidget(this); } }
private void internalScrollTo(long newX, long newY, boolean moveViewPort) { if (this.imageWidth_ != Infinite) { newX = Math.min(this.imageWidth_ - this.viewPortWidth_, Math.max((long) 0, newX)); } if (this.imageHeight_ != Infinite) { newY = Math.min(this.imageHeight_ - this.viewPortHeight_, Math.max((long) 0, newY)); } if (moveViewPort) { this.contents_.setOffsets(new WLength((double) -newX), EnumSet.of(Side.Left)); this.contents_.setOffsets(new WLength((double) -newY), EnumSet.of(Side.Top)); } this.generateGridItems(newX, newY); this.viewPortChanged_.trigger(this.currentX_, this.currentY_); }
void expand(int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan) { int newNumRows = row + rowSpan; int curNumColumns = this.getColumnCount(); int newNumColumns = Math.max(curNumColumns, column + columnSpan); if (newNumRows > this.getRowCount() || newNumColumns > curNumColumns) { if (newNumColumns == curNumColumns && this.getRowCount() >= this.headerRowCount_) { this.rowsAdded_ += newNumRows - this.getRowCount(); } else { this.flags_.set(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); } this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); for (int r = this.getRowCount(); r < newNumRows; ++r) { this.rows_.add(new WTableRow(this, newNumColumns)); } if (newNumColumns > curNumColumns) { for (int r = 0; r < this.getRowCount(); ++r) { WTableRow tr = this.rows_.get(r); tr.expand(newNumColumns); } for (int c = curNumColumns; c <= column; ++c) { this.columns_.add(new WTableColumn(this)); } } } }
/** * Consctructor for a media widget. * * <p>A freshly constructed media widget has no options set, no media sources, and has preload * mode set to PreloadAuto. */ public WAbstractMedia(WContainerWidget parent) { super(parent); this.sources_ = new ArrayList<WAbstractMedia.Source>(); this.sourcesRendered_ = 0; this.mediaId_ = ""; this.flags_ = EnumSet.noneOf(WAbstractMedia.Options.class); this.preloadMode_ = WAbstractMedia.PreloadMode.PreloadAuto; this.alternative_ = null; this.flagsChanged_ = false; this.preloadChanged_ = false; this.sourcesChanged_ = false; this.playing_ = false; this.volume_ = -1; this.current_ = -1; this.duration_ = -1; this.ended_ = false; this.readyState_ = WAbstractMedia.ReadyState.HaveNothing; this.setInline(false); this.setFormObject(true); WApplication app = WApplication.getInstance(); app.loadJavaScript("js/WAbstractMedia.js", wtjs1()); this.setJavaScriptMember( " WAbstractMedia", "new Wt3_2_3.WAbstractMedia(" + app.getJavaScriptClass() + "," + this.getJsRef() + ");"); }
void showDiagnostics(boolean showAll) { Set<JCDiagnostic.Kind> kinds = EnumSet.allOf(JCDiagnostic.Kind.class); if (!showAll) { // suppress errors, which are all presumed to be transient resolve errors kinds.remove(JCDiagnostic.Kind.ERROR); } log.reportDeferredDiagnostics(kinds); }
/** * Adds a nested layout item to the grid. * * <p>Calls {@link #addLayout(WLayout layout, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, * EnumSet alignment) addLayout(layout, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.of(alignmen, * alignment))} */ public final void addLayout( WLayout layout, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, AlignmentFlag alignmen, AlignmentFlag... alignment) { addLayout(layout, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.of(alignmen, alignment)); }
void repaintRow(WTableRow row) { if (row.getRowNum() >= (int) (this.getRowCount() - this.rowsAdded_)) { return; } if (!(this.rowsChanged_ != null)) { this.rowsChanged_ = new HashSet<WTableRow>(); } this.rowsChanged_.add(row); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); }
/** Delete a column and all its contents. */ public void deleteColumn(int column) { for (int i = 0; i < this.getRowCount(); ++i) { this.rows_.get(i).deleteColumn(column); } if ((int) column <= this.columns_.size()) {; this.columns_.remove(0 + column); } this.flags_.set(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); }
/** * Adds a layout item to the grid. * * <p>Calls {@link #addItem(WLayoutItem item, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, * EnumSet alignment) addItem(item, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.of(alignmen, * alignment))} */ public final void addItem( WLayoutItem item, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, AlignmentFlag alignmen, AlignmentFlag... alignment) { addItem(item, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.of(alignmen, alignment)); }
/** * Adds a widget to the grid. * * <p>Calls {@link #addWidget(WWidget widget, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, * EnumSet alignment) addWidget(widget, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.of(alignmen, * alignment))} */ public final void addWidget( WWidget widget, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, AlignmentFlag alignmen, AlignmentFlag... alignment) { addWidget(widget, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.of(alignmen, alignment)); }
/** Inserts an empty row. */ public WTableRow insertRow(int row) { if (row >= this.getRowCount()) { return this.getRowAt(row); } else { WTableRow tableRow = new WTableRow(this, this.getColumnCount()); this.rows_.add(0 + row, tableRow); this.flags_.set(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); return tableRow; } }
private void generateGridItems(long newX, long newY) { WVirtualImage.Rect newNb = this.neighbourhood(newX, newY, this.viewPortWidth_, this.viewPortHeight_); long i1 = newNb.x1 / this.gridImageSize_; long j1 = newNb.y1 / this.gridImageSize_; long i2 = newNb.x2 / this.gridImageSize_ + 1; long j2 = newNb.y2 / this.gridImageSize_ + 1; for (int invisible = 0; invisible < 2; ++invisible) { for (long i = i1; i < i2; ++i) { for (long j = j1; j < j2; ++j) { long key = this.gridKey(i, j); WImage it = this.grid_.get(key); if (it == null) { boolean v = this.visible(i, j); if (v && !(invisible != 0) || !v && invisible != 0) { long brx = i * this.gridImageSize_ + this.gridImageSize_; long bry = j * this.gridImageSize_ + this.gridImageSize_; brx = Math.min(brx, this.imageWidth_); bry = Math.min(bry, this.imageHeight_); WImage img = this.createImage( i * this.gridImageSize_, j * this.gridImageSize_, (int) (brx - i * this.gridImageSize_), (int) (bry - j * this.gridImageSize_)); img.setAttributeValue("onmousedown", "return false;"); this.contents_.addWidget(img); img.setPositionScheme(PositionScheme.Absolute); img.setOffsets(new WLength((double) i * this.gridImageSize_), EnumSet.of(Side.Left)); img.setOffsets(new WLength((double) j * this.gridImageSize_), EnumSet.of(Side.Top)); this.grid_.put(key, img); } } } } } this.currentX_ = newX; this.currentY_ = newY; this.cleanGrid(); }
/** Inserts an empty column. */ public WTableColumn insertColumn(int column) { for (int i = 0; i < this.rows_.size(); ++i) { this.rows_.get(i).insertColumn(column); } WTableColumn tableColumn = null; if ((int) column <= this.columns_.size()) { tableColumn = new WTableColumn(this); this.columns_.add(0 + column, tableColumn); } this.flags_.set(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); return tableColumn; }
/** * Move a table row from its original position to a new position. * * <p>The table expands automatically when the <code>to</code> row is beyond the current table * dimensions. * * <p> * * @see WTable#moveColumn(int from, int to) */ public void moveRow(int from, int to) { if (from < 0 || from >= (int) this.rows_.size()) { logger.error( new StringWriter() .append("moveRow: the from index is not a valid row index.") .toString()); return; } WTableRow from_tr = this.getRowAt(from); this.rows_.remove(from_tr); if (to > (int) this.rows_.size()) { this.getRowAt(to); } this.rows_.add(0 + to, from_tr); this.flags_.set(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); }
/** * Deletes a row and all its contents. * * <p>Rows below the given row are shifted up. */ public void deleteRow(int row) { if (this.rowsChanged_ != null) { this.rowsChanged_.remove(this.rows_.get(row)); if (this.rowsChanged_.isEmpty()) {; this.rowsChanged_ = null; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.getColumnCount(); ++i) { WTableCell cell = this.rows_.get(row).cells_.get(i).cell; if (cell != null) cell.remove(); } if (row >= (int) (this.getRowCount() - this.rowsAdded_)) { --this.rowsAdded_; } else { this.flags_.set(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); } ; this.rows_.remove(0 + row); }
/** * Adds a layout item to the grid. * * <p>Adds the <i>item</i> at (<i>row</i>, <code>column</code>). If an item was already added to * that location, it is replaced (but not deleted). * * <p>An item may span several more rows or columns, which is controlled by <i>rowSpan</i> and * <code>columnSpan</code>. * * <p>The <code>alignment</code> specifies the vertical and horizontal alignment of the item. The * default value 0 indicates that the item is stretched to fill the entire grid cell. The * alignment can be specified as a logical combination of a horizontal alignment ( {@link * AlignmentFlag#AlignLeft}, {@link AlignmentFlag#AlignCenter}, or {@link * AlignmentFlag#AlignRight}) and a vertical alignment ( {@link AlignmentFlag#AlignTop}, {@link * AlignmentFlag#AlignMiddle}, or {@link AlignmentFlag#AlignBottom}). * * <p> * * @see WGridLayout#addLayout(WLayout layout, int row, int column, EnumSet alignment) * @see WGridLayout#addWidget(WWidget widget, int row, int column, EnumSet alignment) */ public void addItem( WLayoutItem item, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, EnumSet<AlignmentFlag> alignment) { columnSpan = Math.max(1, columnSpan); rowSpan = Math.max(1, rowSpan); this.expand(row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan); final Grid.Item gridItem = this.grid_.items_.get(row).get(column); if (gridItem.item_ != null) { WLayoutItem oldItem = gridItem.item_; gridItem.item_ = null; this.updateRemoveItem(oldItem); } gridItem.item_ = item; gridItem.rowSpan_ = rowSpan; gridItem.colSpan_ = columnSpan; gridItem.alignment_ = EnumSet.copyOf(alignment); this.updateAddItem(item); }
/** * Move a table column from its original position to a new position. * * <p>The table expands automatically when the <code>to</code> column is beyond the current table * dimensions. * * <p> * * @see WTable#moveRow(int from, int to) */ public void moveColumn(int from, int to) { if (from < 0 || from >= (int) this.columns_.size()) { logger.error( new StringWriter() .append("moveColumn: the from index is not a valid column index.") .toString()); return; } WTableColumn from_tc = this.getColumnAt(from); this.columns_.remove(from_tc); if (to > (int) this.columns_.size()) { this.getColumnAt(to); } this.columns_.add(0 + to, from_tc); for (int i = 0; i < this.rows_.size(); i++) { List<WTableRow.TableData> cells = this.rows_.get(i).cells_; WTableRow.TableData cell = cells.get(from); cells.remove(0 + from); cells.add(0 + to, cell); } this.flags_.set(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintInnerHtml)); }
/** * Set the media element options. * * <p>Calls {@link #setOptions(EnumSet flags) setOptions(EnumSet.of(flag, flags))} */ public final void setOptions(WAbstractMedia.Options flag, WAbstractMedia.Options... flags) { setOptions(EnumSet.of(flag, flags)); }
/** * Set the media element options. * * <p> * * @see WAbstractMedia.Options */ public void setOptions(EnumSet<WAbstractMedia.Options> flags) { this.flags_ = EnumSet.copyOf(flags); this.flagsChanged_ = true; this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintPropertyAttribute)); }
public List<Revision> filter(Collection<Revision> list, EnumSet<Library.Phase> phases) { List<Revision> filtered = new ArrayList<Library.Revision>(); for (Revision r : list) if (phases.contains(r.phase)) filtered.add(r); return filtered; }
protected void paintEvent(WPaintDevice paintDevice) { if (!(this.chart_ != null) || !this.chart_.cObjCreated_) { return; } if (this.chart_.getSeries(this.seriesColumn_).getType() != SeriesType.LineSeries && this.chart_.getSeries(this.seriesColumn_).getType() != SeriesType.CurveSeries) { if (this.getMethod() == WPaintedWidget.Method.HtmlCanvas) { StringBuilder ss = new StringBuilder(); ss.append("jQuery.removeData(").append(this.getJsRef()).append(",'sobj');"); ss.append("\nif (") .append(this.getObjJsRef()) .append(") {") .append(this.getObjJsRef()) .append(" = 'auto';") .append("setTimeout(") .append(this.getObjJsRef()) .append(".repaint,0);}\n"); this.doJavaScript(ss.toString()); } logger.error( new StringWriter() .append("WAxisSliderWidget is not associated with a line or curve series.") .toString()); return; } WPainter painter = new WPainter(paintDevice); boolean horizontal = this.chart_.getOrientation() == Orientation.Vertical; double w = horizontal ? this.getWidth().getValue() : this.getHeight().getValue(); double h = horizontal ? this.getHeight().getValue() : this.getWidth().getValue(); boolean autoPadding = this.autoPadding_; if (autoPadding && EnumUtils.mask(paintDevice.getFeatures(), WPaintDevice.FeatureFlag.HasFontMetrics) .equals(0) && this.labelsEnabled_) { logger.error( new StringWriter() .append( "setAutoLayout(): device does not have font metrics (not even server-side font metrics).") .toString()); autoPadding = false; } if (autoPadding) { if (horizontal) { if (this.labelsEnabled_) { this.setSelectionAreaPadding(0, EnumSet.of(Side.Top)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding( (int) (this.chart_ .getAxis(Axis.XAxis) .calcMaxTickLabelSize(paintDevice, Orientation.Vertical) + 10), EnumSet.of(Side.Bottom)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding( (int) Math.max( this.chart_ .getAxis(Axis.XAxis) .calcMaxTickLabelSize(paintDevice, Orientation.Horizontal) / 2, 10.0), EnumSet.of(Side.Left, Side.Right)); } else { this.setSelectionAreaPadding(0, EnumSet.of(Side.Top)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding(5, EnumSet.of(Side.Left, Side.Right, Side.Bottom)); } } else { if (this.labelsEnabled_) { this.setSelectionAreaPadding(0, EnumSet.of(Side.Right)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding( (int) Math.max( this.chart_ .getAxis(Axis.XAxis) .calcMaxTickLabelSize(paintDevice, Orientation.Vertical) / 2, 10.0), EnumSet.of(Side.Top, Side.Bottom)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding( (int) (this.chart_ .getAxis(Axis.XAxis) .calcMaxTickLabelSize(paintDevice, Orientation.Horizontal) + 10), EnumSet.of(Side.Left)); } else { this.setSelectionAreaPadding(0, EnumSet.of(Side.Right)); this.setSelectionAreaPadding(5, EnumSet.of(Side.Top, Side.Bottom, Side.Left)); } } } double left = horizontal ? this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Left) : this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Top); double right = horizontal ? this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Right) : this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Bottom); double top = horizontal ? this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Top) : this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Right); double bottom = horizontal ? this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Bottom) : this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Left); double maxW = w - left - right; WRectF drawArea = new WRectF(left, 0, maxW, h); List<WAxis.Segment> segmentsBak = new ArrayList<WAxis.Segment>(this.chart_.getAxis(Axis.XAxis).segments_); double renderIntervalBak = this.chart_.getAxis(Axis.XAxis).renderInterval_; this.chart_ .getAxis(Axis.XAxis) .prepareRender( horizontal ? Orientation.Horizontal : Orientation.Vertical, drawArea.getWidth()); final WRectF chartArea = this.chart_.chartArea_; WRectF selectionRect = null; { double u = -this.chart_.xTransformHandle_.getValue().getDx() / (chartArea.getWidth() * this.chart_.xTransformHandle_.getValue().getM11()); selectionRect = new WRectF(0, top, maxW, h - (top + bottom)); this.transform_.setValue( new WTransform( 1 / this.chart_.xTransformHandle_.getValue().getM11(), 0, 0, 1, u * maxW, 0)); } WRectF seriesArea = new WRectF(left, top + 5, maxW, h - (top + bottom + 5)); WTransform selectionTransform = this.hv(new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, left, 0).multiply(this.transform_.getValue())); WRectF rect =; painter.fillRect(this.hv(new WRectF(left, top, maxW, h - top - bottom)), this.background_); painter.fillRect(rect, this.selectedAreaBrush_); final double TICK_LENGTH = 5; final double ANGLE1 = 15; final double ANGLE2 = 80; double tickStart = 0.0; double tickEnd = 0.0; double labelPos = 0.0; AlignmentFlag labelHFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter; AlignmentFlag labelVFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignMiddle; final WAxis axis = this.chart_.getAxis(Axis.XAxis); if (horizontal) { tickStart = 0; tickEnd = TICK_LENGTH; labelPos = TICK_LENGTH; labelVFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignTop; } else { tickStart = -TICK_LENGTH; tickEnd = 0; labelPos = -TICK_LENGTH; labelHFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignRight; } if (horizontal) { if (axis.getLabelAngle() > ANGLE1) { labelHFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignRight; if (axis.getLabelAngle() > ANGLE2) { labelVFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignMiddle; } } else { if (axis.getLabelAngle() < -ANGLE1) { labelHFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft; if (axis.getLabelAngle() < -ANGLE2) { labelVFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignMiddle; } } } } else { if (axis.getLabelAngle() > ANGLE1) { labelVFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignBottom; if (axis.getLabelAngle() > ANGLE2) { labelHFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter; } } else { if (axis.getLabelAngle() < -ANGLE1) { labelVFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignTop; if (axis.getLabelAngle() < -ANGLE2) { labelHFlag = AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter; } } } } EnumSet<AxisProperty> axisProperties = EnumSet.of(AxisProperty.Line); if (this.labelsEnabled_) { axisProperties.add(AxisProperty.Labels); } if (horizontal) { axis.render( painter, axisProperties, new WPointF(drawArea.getLeft(), h - bottom), new WPointF(drawArea.getRight(), h - bottom), tickStart, tickEnd, labelPos, EnumSet.of(labelHFlag, labelVFlag)); WPainterPath line = new WPainterPath(); line.moveTo(drawArea.getLeft() + 0.5, h - (bottom - 0.5)); line.lineTo(drawArea.getRight(), h - (bottom - 0.5)); painter.strokePath(line, this.chart_.getAxis(Axis.XAxis).getPen()); } else { axis.render( painter, axisProperties, new WPointF(this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Left) - 1, drawArea.getLeft()), new WPointF(this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Left) - 1, drawArea.getRight()), tickStart, tickEnd, labelPos, EnumSet.of(labelHFlag, labelVFlag)); WPainterPath line = new WPainterPath(); line.moveTo(this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Left) - 0.5, drawArea.getLeft() + 0.5); line.lineTo(this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Left) - 0.5, drawArea.getRight()); painter.strokePath(line, this.chart_.getAxis(Axis.XAxis).getPen()); } WPainterPath curve = new WPainterPath(); { WTransform t = new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, seriesArea.getLeft(), seriesArea.getTop()) .multiply( new WTransform( seriesArea.getWidth() / chartArea.getWidth(), 0, 0, seriesArea.getHeight() / chartArea.getHeight(), 0, 0)) .multiply(new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -chartArea.getLeft(), -chartArea.getTop())); if (!horizontal) { t.assign( new WTransform( 0, 1, 1, 0, this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Left) - this.getSelectionAreaPadding(Side.Right) - 5, 0) .multiply(t) .multiply(new WTransform(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))); } curve.assign(; } { WRectF leftHandle = this.hv(new WRectF(-5, top, 5, h - top - bottom)); WTransform t = new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, left, -top) .multiply( new WTransform() .translate(this.transform_.getValue().map(selectionRect.getTopLeft()))); painter.fillRect(this.hv(t).map(leftHandle), this.handleBrush_); } { WRectF rightHandle = this.hv(new WRectF(0, top, 5, h - top - bottom)); WTransform t = new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, left, -top) .multiply( new WTransform() .translate(this.transform_.getValue().map(selectionRect.getTopRight()))); painter.fillRect(this.hv(t).map(rightHandle), this.handleBrush_); } if (this.selectedSeriesPen_ != this.seriesPen_ && !this.selectedSeriesPen_.equals(this.seriesPen_)) { WPainterPath clipPath = new WPainterPath(); clipPath.addRect(this.hv(selectionRect)); painter.setClipPath(; painter.setClipping(true); painter.setPen(this.getSelectedSeriesPen()); painter.drawPath(curve); WPainterPath leftClipPath = new WPainterPath(); leftClipPath.addRect( this.hv(new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -selectionRect.getWidth(), 0).map(selectionRect))); painter.setClipPath( this.hv( new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, left, -top) .multiply( new WTransform() .translate( this.transform_.getValue().map(selectionRect.getTopLeft())))) .map(leftClipPath)); painter.setPen(this.getSeriesPen()); painter.drawPath(curve); WPainterPath rightClipPath = new WPainterPath(); rightClipPath.addRect( this.hv(new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, selectionRect.getWidth(), 0).map(selectionRect))); painter.setClipPath( this.hv( new WTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, left - selectionRect.getRight(), -top) .multiply( new WTransform() .translate( this.transform_.getValue().map(selectionRect.getTopRight())))) .map(rightClipPath)); painter.drawPath(curve); painter.setClipping(false); } else { painter.setPen(this.getSeriesPen()); painter.drawPath(curve); } if (this.getMethod() == WPaintedWidget.Method.HtmlCanvas) { WApplication app = WApplication.getInstance(); StringBuilder ss = new StringBuilder(); ss.append("new Wt3_3_5.WAxisSliderWidget(") .append(app.getJavaScriptClass()) .append(",") .append(this.getJsRef()) .append(",") .append(this.getObjJsRef()) .append(",") .append("{chart:") .append(this.chart_.getCObjJsRef()) .append(",transform:") .append(this.transform_.getJsRef()) .append(",rect:function(){return ") .append(rect.getJsRef()) .append("},drawArea:") .append(drawArea.getJsRef()) .append(",series:") .append(this.seriesColumn_) .append("});"); this.doJavaScript(ss.toString()); } Utils.copyList(segmentsBak, this.chart_.getAxis(Axis.XAxis).segments_); this.chart_.getAxis(Axis.XAxis).renderInterval_ = renderIntervalBak; }
/** * Sets an internal margin for the selection area. * * <p>Calls {@link #setSelectionAreaPadding(int padding, EnumSet sides) * setSelectionAreaPadding(padding, EnumSet.of(side, sides))} */ public final void setSelectionAreaPadding(int padding, Side side, Side... sides) { setSelectionAreaPadding(padding, EnumSet.of(side, sides)); }
/** * This class represents a single RESTXQ function. * * @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License * @author Christian Gruen */ final class RestXqFunction implements Comparable<RestXqFunction> { /** Pattern for a single template. */ private static final Pattern TEMPLATE = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\{\\s*\\$(.+?)\\s*\\}\\s*"); /** Supported methods. */ EnumSet<HTTPMethod> methods = EnumSet.allOf(HTTPMethod.class); /** Serialization parameters. */ final SerializerProp output = new SerializerProp(); /** Associated function. */ final StaticUserFunc function; /** Associated module. */ final RestXqModule module; /** Path. */ RestXqPath path; /** Query parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> queryParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Form parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> formParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Header parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> headerParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Cookie parameters. */ final ArrayList<RestXqParam> cookieParams = new ArrayList<RestXqParam>(); /** Query context. */ private final QueryContext context; /** Consumed media types. */ private final StringList consumes = new StringList(); /** Returned media types. */ private final StringList produces = new StringList(); /** Post/Put variable. */ private QNm requestBody; /** * Constructor. * * @param uf associated user function * @param qc query context * @param m associated module */ RestXqFunction(final StaticUserFunc uf, final QueryContext qc, final RestXqModule m) { function = uf; context = qc; module = m; } /** * Processes the HTTP request. Parses new modules and discards obsolete ones. * * @param http HTTP context * @throws Exception exception */ void process(final HTTPContext http) throws Exception { try { module.process(http, this); } catch (final QueryException ex) { if (ex.file() == null); throw ex; } } /** * Checks a function for RESTFful annotations. * * @return {@code true} if module contains relevant annotations * @throws QueryException query exception */ boolean analyze() throws QueryException { // parse all annotations final EnumSet<HTTPMethod> mth = EnumSet.noneOf(HTTPMethod.class); final boolean[] declared = new boolean[function.args.length]; boolean found = false; final int as = function.ann.size(); for (int a = 0; a < as; a++) { final QNm name = function.ann.names[a]; final Value value = function.ann.values[a]; final byte[] local = name.local(); final byte[] uri = name.uri(); final boolean rexq = eq(uri, QueryText.RESTXQURI); if (rexq) { if (eq(PATH, local)) { // annotation "path" if (path != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); path = new RestXqPath(toString(value, name)); for (final String s : path) { if (s.trim().startsWith("{")) checkVariable(s, AtomType.AAT, declared); } } else if (eq(CONSUMES, local)) { // annotation "consumes" strings(value, name, consumes); } else if (eq(PRODUCES, local)) { // annotation "produces" strings(value, name, produces); } else if (eq(QUERY_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "query-param" queryParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(FORM_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "form-param" formParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(HEADER_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "header-param" headerParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else if (eq(COOKIE_PARAM, local)) { // annotation "cookie-param" cookieParams.add(param(value, name, declared)); } else { // method annotations final HTTPMethod m = HTTPMethod.get(string(local)); if (m == null) error(ANN_UNKNOWN, "%", name.string()); if (!value.isEmpty()) { // remember post/put variable if (requestBody != null) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); if (m != POST && m != PUT) error(METHOD_VALUE, m); requestBody = checkVariable(toString(value, name), declared); } if (mth.contains(m)) error(ANN_TWICE, "%", name.string()); mth.add(m); } } else if (eq(uri, QueryText.OUTPUTURI)) { // serialization parameters final String key = string(local); final String val = toString(value, name); if (output.get(key) == null) error(UNKNOWN_SER, key); output.set(key, val); } found |= rexq; } if (!mth.isEmpty()) methods = mth; if (found) { if (path == null) error(ANN_MISSING, PATH); for (int i = 0; i < declared.length; i++) if (!declared[i]) error(VAR_UNDEFINED, function.args[i].name.string()); } return found; } /** * Checks if an HTTP request matches this function and its constraints. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ boolean matches(final HTTPContext http) { // check method, path, consumed and produced media type return methods.contains(http.method) && pathMatches(http) && consumes(http) && produces(http); } /** * Binds the annotated variables. * * @param http http context * @param arg argument array * @throws QueryException query exception * @throws IOException I/O exception */ void bind(final HTTPContext http, final Expr[] arg) throws QueryException, IOException { // bind variables from segments for (int s = 0; s < path.size; s++) { final Matcher m = TEMPLATE.matcher(path.segment[s]); if (!m.find()) continue; final QNm qnm = new QNm(token(, context); bind(qnm, arg, new Atm(http.segment(s))); } // cache request body final String ct = http.contentType(); IOContent body = null; if (requestBody != null) { body = cache(http, null); try { // bind request body in the correct format + IO.XMLSUFFIX); bind(requestBody, arg, Parser.item(body, context.context.prop, ct)); } catch (final IOException ex) { error(INPUT_CONV, ex); } } // bind query parameters final Map<String, String[]> params = http.params(); for (final RestXqParam rxp : queryParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key)); // bind form parameters if (!formParams.isEmpty()) { if (MimeTypes.APP_FORM.equals(ct)) { // convert parameters encoded in a form body = cache(http, body); addParams(body.toString(), params); } for (final RestXqParam rxp : formParams) bind(rxp, arg, params.get(rxp.key)); } // bind header parameters for (final RestXqParam rxp : headerParams) { final StringList sl = new StringList(); final Enumeration<?> en = http.req.getHeaders(rxp.key); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { for (final String s : en.nextElement().toString().split(", *")) sl.add(s); } bind(rxp, arg, sl.toArray()); } // bind cookie parameters final Cookie[] ck = http.req.getCookies(); for (final RestXqParam rxp : cookieParams) { String v = null; if (ck != null) { for (final Cookie c : ck) { if (rxp.key.equals(c.getName())) v = c.getValue(); } } if (v == null) bind(rxp, arg); else bind(rxp, arg, v); } } /** * Creates an exception with the specified message. * * @param msg message * @param ext error extension * @return exception * @throws QueryException query exception */ QueryException error(final String msg, final Object... ext) throws QueryException { throw new QueryException(, Err.BASX_RESTXQ,, ext)); } @Override public int compareTo(final RestXqFunction rxf) { return path.compareTo(rxf.path); } // PRIVATE METHODS ==================================================================== /** * Checks the specified template and adds a variable. * * @param tmp template string * @param declared variable declaration flags * @return resulting variable * @throws QueryException query exception */ private QNm checkVariable(final String tmp, final boolean[] declared) throws QueryException { return checkVariable(tmp, AtomType.ITEM, declared); } /** * Checks the specified template and adds a variable. * * @param tmp template string * @param type allowed type * @param declared variable declaration flags * @return resulting variable * @throws QueryException query exception */ private QNm checkVariable(final String tmp, final Type type, final boolean[] declared) throws QueryException { final Var[] args = function.args; final Matcher m = TEMPLATE.matcher(tmp); if (!m.find()) error(INV_TEMPLATE, tmp); final byte[] vn = token(; if (!XMLToken.isQName(vn)) error(INV_VARNAME, vn); final QNm qnm = new QNm(vn, context); int r = -1; while (++r < args.length && !args[r].name.eq(qnm)) ; if (r == args.length) error(UNKNOWN_VAR, vn); if (declared[r]) error(VAR_ASSIGNED, vn); final SeqType st = args[r].declaredType(); if (args[r].checksType() && !st.type.instanceOf(type)) error(INV_VARTYPE, vn, type); declared[r] = true; return qnm; } /** * Checks if the path matches the HTTP request. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ private boolean pathMatches(final HTTPContext http) { return path.matches(http); } /** * Checks if the consumed content type matches. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ private boolean consumes(final HTTPContext http) { // return true if no type is given if (consumes.isEmpty()) return true; // return true if no content type is specified by the user final String ct = http.contentType(); if (ct == null) return true; // check if any combination matches for (final String c : consumes) { if (MimeTypes.matches(c, ct)) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the produced content type matches. * * @param http http context * @return result of check */ private boolean produces(final HTTPContext http) { // return true if no type is given if (produces.isEmpty()) return true; // check if any combination matches for (final String pr : http.produces()) { for (final String p : produces) { if (MimeTypes.matches(p, pr)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Binds the specified parameter to a variable. * * @param rxp parameter * @param args argument array * @param values values to be bound; the parameter's default value is assigned if the argument is * {@code null} or empty * @throws QueryException query exception */ private void bind(final RestXqParam rxp, final Expr[] args, final String... values) throws QueryException { final Value val; if (values == null || values.length == 0) { val = rxp.value; } else { final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder(); for (final String s : values) vb.add(new Atm(s)); val = vb.value(); } bind(, args, val); } /** * Binds the specified value to a variable. * * @param name variable name * @param args argument array * @param value value to be bound * @throws QueryException query exception */ private void bind(final QNm name, final Expr[] args, final Value value) throws QueryException { // skip nulled values if (value == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < function.args.length; i++) { final Var var = function.args[i]; if (! continue; // casts and binds the value args[i] = var.checkType(value, context, null); break; } } /** * Returns the specified value as an atomic string. * * @param value value * @param name name * @return string * @throws QueryException HTTP exception */ private String toString(final Value value, final QNm name) throws QueryException { if (!(value instanceof Str)) error(ANN_STRING, "%", name.string(), value); return ((Str) value).toJava(); } /** * Adds items to the specified list. * * @param value value * @param name name * @param list list to add values to * @throws QueryException HTTP exception */ private void strings(final Value value, final QNm name, final StringList list) throws QueryException { final long vs = value.size(); for (int v = 0; v < vs; v++) list.add(toString(value.itemAt(v), name)); } /** * Returns a parameter. * * @param value value * @param name name * @param declared variable declaration flags * @return parameter * @throws QueryException HTTP exception */ private RestXqParam param(final Value value, final QNm name, final boolean[] declared) throws QueryException { // [CG] RESTXQ: allow identical field names? final long vs = value.size(); if (vs < 2) error(ANN_PARAMS, "%", name.string(), 2); // name of parameter final String key = toString(value.itemAt(0), name); // variable template final QNm qnm = checkVariable(toString(value.itemAt(1), name), declared); // default value final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder(); for (int v = 2; v < vs; v++) vb.add(value.itemAt(v)); return new RestXqParam(qnm, key, vb.value()); } // PRIVATE STATIC METHODS ============================================================= /** * Caches the request body, if not done yet. * * @param http http context * @param cache cache existing cache reference * @return cache * @throws IOException I/O exception */ private static IOContent cache(final HTTPContext http, final IOContent cache) throws IOException { if (cache != null) return cache; final BufferInput bi = new BufferInput(http.req.getInputStream()); final IOContent io = new IOContent(bi.content()); + IO.XMLSUFFIX); return io; } /** * Adds parameters from the passed on request body. * * @param body request body * @param params map parameters */ private static void addParams(final String body, final Map<String, String[]> params) { for (final String nv : body.split("&")) { final String[] parts = nv.split("=", 2); if (parts.length < 2) continue; try { params.put(parts[0], new String[] {URLDecoder.decode(parts[1], Token.UTF8)}); } catch (final Exception ex) { Util.notexpected(ex); } } } }
/** * Add a media source. * * <p>This method specifies a media source (which may be a URL or dynamic resource). You may add * as many media sources as you want. The browser will select the appropriate media stream to * display to the user. * * <p>This method specifies a media source using the URL, the mime type, and the media attribute. * HTML allows for empty type and media attributes. */ public void addSource(WLink link, String type, String media) { this.sources_.add(new WAbstractMedia.Source(this, link, type, media)); this.sourcesChanged_ = true; this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintPropertyAttribute)); }
/** * Adds a nested layout item to the grid. * * <p>Calls {@link #addLayout(WLayout layout, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, * EnumSet alignment) addLayout(layout, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, * EnumSet.noneOf(AlignmentFlag.class))} */ public final void addLayout(WLayout layout, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan) { addLayout(layout, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.noneOf(AlignmentFlag.class)); }
/** Set the preload mode. */ public void setPreloadMode(WAbstractMedia.PreloadMode mode) { this.preloadMode_ = mode; this.preloadChanged_ = true; this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintPropertyAttribute)); }
/** * Removes all source elements. * * <p>This method can be used to remove all media sources. Afterward, you may add new media * sources with calls to {@link WAbstractMedia#addSource(WLink link, String type, String media) * addSource()}. * * <p>Use this to reuse a {@link WAbstractMedia} instantiation to play something else. */ public void clearSources() { for (int i = 0; i < this.sources_.size(); ++i) {; } this.sources_.clear(); this.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintPropertyAttribute)); }
/** * Adds a layout item to the grid. * * <p>Calls {@link #addItem(WLayoutItem item, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, * EnumSet alignment) addItem(item, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, * EnumSet.noneOf(AlignmentFlag.class))} */ public final void addItem(WLayoutItem item, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan) { addItem(item, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.noneOf(AlignmentFlag.class)); }
public void resourceChanged() { this.parent.sourcesChanged_ = true; this.parent.repaint(EnumSet.of(RepaintFlag.RepaintPropertyAttribute)); }
/** * Adds a widget to the grid. * * <p>Calls {@link #addWidget(WWidget widget, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, * EnumSet alignment) addWidget(widget, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, * EnumSet.noneOf(AlignmentFlag.class))} */ public final void addWidget(WWidget widget, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan) { addWidget(widget, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, EnumSet.noneOf(AlignmentFlag.class)); }