public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!super.equals(other)) { return false; } Persistent2 otherPersistent2 = (Persistent2) other; if (int2 != otherPersistent2.int2) { System.out.println("int2 failed"); return false; } if (string2 != otherPersistent2.string2 && (string2 != null && !string2.equals(otherPersistent2.string2) && otherPersistent2.string2 != null)) { System.out.println("string2 failed"); return false; } if (buffer2 != otherPersistent2.buffer2 && (buffer2 != null && !buffer2.equals(otherPersistent2.buffer2) && otherPersistent2.buffer2 != null)) { System.out.println("buffer2 failed"); return false; } return true; }
public void encode(Encoder encoder) { super.encode(encoder); encoder.encodeInt(int2); encoder.encodeString(string2); encoder.encodeInt(buffer2.remaining()); encoder.encodeKnownLengthBuffer(buffer2); }
private synchronized DBMessage go(DBMessage msg, ByteDecoder decoder) throws IOException { if (_sock == null) _open(); { ByteBuffer out = msg.prepare(); while (out.remaining() > 0) _sock.write(out); } if (_pool != null) _pool._everWorked = true; if (decoder == null) return null; ByteBuffer response = decoder._buf; if (response.position() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); int read = 0; while (read < DBMessage.HEADER_LENGTH) read += _read(response); int len = response.getInt(0); if (len <= DBMessage.HEADER_LENGTH) throw new IllegalArgumentException("db sent invalid length: " + len); if (len > response.capacity()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "db message size is too big (" + len + ") " + "max is (" + response.capacity() + ")"); response.limit(len); while (read < len) read += _read(response); if (read != len) throw new RuntimeException("something is wrong"); response.flip(); return new DBMessage(response); }
private int _read(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { int x =, buf.position(), buf.remaining()); if (x < 0) throw new IOException("connection to server closed unexpectedly"); buf.position(buf.position() + x); return x; }
/** * A reactor that selects on some stuff and then notifies some Communicators that things happened */ public class Overlord { private Selector selector; private Pipe pipe; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Overlord"); private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Communicator> queue; // This is just used to read the one byte off of pipes informing us that // there is data on some queue. ByteBuffer ignored = ByteBuffer.allocate(10); public Overlord() { try { selector =; queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Communicator>(); // open the pipe and register it with our selector pipe =; pipe.sink().configureBlocking(false); pipe.source().configureBlocking(false); pipe.source().register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("select() failed"); } } /** Selects on sockets and informs their Communicator when there is something to do. */ public void communicate(int timeout) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { // Not really sure why/when this happens yet return; } Iterator<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key =; keys.remove(); if (!key.isValid()) continue; // WHY Communicator communicator = (Communicator) key.attachment(); if (key.isReadable()) communicator.onReadable(); if (key.isWritable()) communicator.onWritable(); if (key.isAcceptable()) communicator.onAcceptable(); } // Go through the queue and handle each communicator while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Communicator c = queue.poll(); c.onMemo(); } } public void offer(Communicator c) { queue.offer(c); } /** Registers a SelectableChannel */ public boolean register(SelectableChannel sc, Communicator communicator) { try { sc.register(selector, sc.validOps(), communicator); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** If the selector is waiting, wake it up */ public void interrupt() { selector.wakeup(); } /** Registers a SelectableQueue */ public boolean register(SelectableQueue sq, Communicator communicator) { try { // Register the new pipe with the queue. It will write a byte to this // pipe when the queue is hot, and it will offer its communicator to our // queue. sq.register(this, communicator); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } }
public void testByteBufferCoder() { Persistent3 three = new Persistent3( 10, (float) 4.444, 555555555555L, true, "this is the fourth persistent string", new Date(), new byte[] {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}, null); Persistent2 two = new Persistent2( 1, (float) 2.222, 333333333333L, false, "this is the first persistent string", new Date(), new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, three, 4, "this is the second persistent string", (ByteBuffer) ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(17).putInt(1234).rewind()); Persistent1 one = new Persistent1( 2, (float) 3.333, 4444444444444L, true, "this is the third persistent string", new Date(), new byte[] {10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, two); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(8 * 1024); ByteBufferCoder encoder = new ByteBufferCoder(buffer, true); encoder.encodeCodable(one); buffer.rewind(); ByteBufferCoder decoder = new ByteBufferCoder(buffer, true, new Delegate()); Persistent1 anotherOne = (Persistent1) decoder.decodeCodable(); if (!one.equals(anotherOne)) { fail("unarchived object with type checking does not equal archived one"); } buffer.clear(); encoder = new ByteBufferCoder(buffer, false); encoder.encodeCodable(one); buffer.rewind(); decoder = new ByteBufferCoder(buffer, false, new Delegate()); anotherOne = (Persistent1) decoder.decodeCodable(); if (!one.equals(anotherOne)) { fail("unarchived object without type checking does not equal archived one"); } }