private void validateDate(Date date) { if (date == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selected date must be non-null."); } if (date.getTime() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selected date must be non-zero. " + date); } if (date.before(minCal.getTime()) || date.after(maxCal.getTime())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "selectedDate must be between minDate and maxDate. " + date); } }
/** ----------------------- */ public CalendarPickerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); adapter = new MonthAdapter(); setDivider(null); setDividerHeight(100); setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); final int bg = getResources().getColor(R.color.calendar_bg); // setBackgroundColor(bg); setCacheColorHint(bg); locale = Locale.getDefault(); today = Calendar.getInstance(locale); minCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); maxCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); monthCounter = Calendar.getInstance(locale); monthNameFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(context.getString(R.string.month_name_format), locale); weekdayNameFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(context.getString(R.string.day_name_format), locale); fullDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); if (isInEditMode()) { Calendar nextYear = Calendar.getInstance(locale); nextYear.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); init(new Date(), nextYear.getTime()) // .withSelectedDate(new Date()); } }
List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> getMonthCells(MonthDescriptor month, Calendar startCal) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); cal.setTime(startCal.getTime()); List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> cells = new ArrayList<List<MonthCellDescriptor>>(); cal.set(DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); int firstDayOfWeek = cal.get(DAY_OF_WEEK); int offset = cal.getFirstDayOfWeek() - firstDayOfWeek; if (offset > 0) { offset -= 7; } cal.add(Calendar.DATE, offset); Calendar minSelectedCal = minDate(selectedCals); Calendar maxSelectedCal = maxDate(selectedCals); while ((cal.get(MONTH) < month.getMonth() + 1 || cal.get(YEAR) < month.getYear()) // && cal.get(YEAR) <= month.getYear()) { Logr.d("Building week row starting at %s", cal.getTime()); List<MonthCellDescriptor> weekCells = new ArrayList<MonthCellDescriptor>(); cells.add(weekCells); for (int c = 0; c < 7; c++) { Date date = cal.getTime(); boolean isCurrentMonth = cal.get(MONTH) == month.getMonth(); boolean isSelected = isCurrentMonth && containsDate(selectedCals, cal); boolean isSelectable = isCurrentMonth && betweenDates(cal, minCal, maxCal) && isDateSelectable(date); boolean isToday = sameDate(cal, today); boolean isHighlighted = containsDate(highlightedCals, cal); int value = cal.get(DAY_OF_MONTH); MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.NONE; if (selectedCals.size() > 1) { if (sameDate(minSelectedCal, cal)) { rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.FIRST; } else if (sameDate(maxDate(selectedCals), cal)) { rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.LAST; } else if (betweenDates(cal, minSelectedCal, maxSelectedCal)) { rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.MIDDLE; } } weekCells.add( new MonthCellDescriptor( date, isCurrentMonth, isSelectable, isSelected, isToday, isHighlighted, value, rangeState)); cal.add(DATE, 1); } } return cells; }
@Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v == mTvLeftMonth || v == mTvRightMonth) { if (v == mTvLeftMonth) { mDisplayMonth.add(MONTH, -1); } else { mDisplayMonth.add(MONTH, 1); } setDate(mDisplayMonth.getTime(), false); } }
@Override public void handleClick(MonthCellDescriptor cell) { if (!cell.isSelected()) { clearAllOldSelections(); mSelectedCellList.add(cell); cell.setSelected(true); Calendar newlySelectedCal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); newlySelectedCal.setTime(cell.getDate()); mSelectedCalendarList.add(newlySelectedCal); flushView(); } }
private void initConstruct(Context context) { mTodayCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); setListener(mListener); mTvLeftMonth = (TextView) mTitleView.findViewById(; mTvRightMonth = (TextView) mTitleView.findViewById(; mTvLeftMonth.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); mTvRightMonth.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); }
public void highlightDates(Collection<Date> dates) { for (Date date : dates) { validateDate(date); MonthCellWithMonthIndex monthCellWithMonthIndex = getMonthCellWithIndexByDate(date); if (monthCellWithMonthIndex != null) { Calendar newlyHighlightedCal = Calendar.getInstance(); newlyHighlightedCal.setTime(date); MonthCellDescriptor cell = monthCellWithMonthIndex.cell; highlightedCells.add(cell); highlightedCals.add(newlyHighlightedCal); cell.setHighlighted(true); } } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); setAdapter(adapter); }
private void setDate(Date date, boolean selected) { if (selected) { clearAllOldSelections(); } else { clearOldCellSelections(); } mDisplayMonth = Calendar.getInstance(); mDisplayMonth.setTime(date); if (selected) { mSelectedCalendarList.add(mDisplayMonth); } Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); SimpleDateFormat monthNameFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(getContext().getString(R.string.month_name_format), locale); MonthDescriptor month = new MonthDescriptor( mDisplayMonth.get(MONTH), mDisplayMonth.get(YEAR), date, monthNameFormat.format(date)); final List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> monthCells = getMonthCells(month, mDisplayMonth.getTime()); initData(month, monthCells, false, null, null); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // 结果是YEAR字段加1,MONTH字段为1(二月) cal.set(MONTH, 13); // ① System.out.println(cal.getTime()); // 关闭容错性 cal.setLenient(false); // 导致运行时异常 cal.set(MONTH, 13); // ② System.out.println(cal.getTime()); }
private void scrollToSelectedDates() { Integer selectedIndex = null; Integer todayIndex = null; Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(locale); for (int c = 0; c < months.size(); c++) { MonthDescriptor month = months.get(c); if (selectedIndex == null) { for (Calendar selectedCal : selectedCals) { if (sameMonth(selectedCal, month)) { selectedIndex = c; break; } } if (selectedIndex == null && todayIndex == null && sameMonth(today, month)) { todayIndex = c; } } } if (selectedIndex != null) { scrollToSelectedMonth(selectedIndex); } else if (todayIndex != null) { scrollToSelectedMonth(todayIndex); } }
/** Return cell and month-index (for scrolling) for a given Date. */ private MonthCellWithMonthIndex getMonthCellWithIndexByDate(Date date) { int index = 0; Calendar searchCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); searchCal.setTime(date); Calendar actCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); for (List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> monthCells : cells) { for (List<MonthCellDescriptor> weekCells : monthCells) { for (MonthCellDescriptor actCell : weekCells) { actCal.setTime(actCell.getDate()); if (sameDate(actCal, searchCal) && actCell.isSelectable()) { return new MonthCellWithMonthIndex(actCell, index); } } } index++; } return null; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see net.cockamamy.fauxflix.util.csv.AbstractPropertyConverterTest# * provideConvertValueData() */ @Override protected Object[][] buildConvertValueSuccessData() { Object[][] theData = new Object[3][2]; Calendar aCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); aCalendar.set(2008, 0, 1, 0, 0); aCalendar.set(SECOND, 0); aCalendar.set(MILLISECOND, 0); theData[0][0] = "01/01/2008"; theData[0][1] = aCalendar.getTime(); theData[1][0] = null; theData[1][1] = null; theData[2][0] = ""; theData[2][1] = null; return theData; }
private static boolean sameDate(Calendar cal, Calendar selectedDate) { return cal.get(MONTH) == selectedDate.get(MONTH) && cal.get(YEAR) == selectedDate.get(YEAR) && cal.get(DAY_OF_MONTH) == selectedDate.get(DAY_OF_MONTH); }
/** Clears out the hours/minutes/seconds/millis of a Calendar. */ static void setMidnight(Calendar cal) { cal.set(HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(MINUTE, 0); cal.set(SECOND, 0); cal.set(MILLISECOND, 0); }
private boolean doSelectDate(Date date, MonthCellDescriptor cell) { Calendar newlySelectedCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); newlySelectedCal.setTime(date); // Sanitize input: clear out the hours/minutes/seconds/millis. setMidnight(newlySelectedCal); // Clear any remaining range state. for (MonthCellDescriptor selectedCell : selectedCells) { selectedCell.setRangeState(RangeState.NONE); } switch (selectionMode) { case RANGE: if (selectedCals.size() > 1) { // We've already got a range selected: clear the old one. clearOldSelections(); } else if (selectedCals.size() == 1 && newlySelectedCal.before(selectedCals.get(0))) { // We're moving the start of the range back in time: clear the // old start date. clearOldSelections(); } break; case MULTIPLE: date = applyMultiSelect(date, newlySelectedCal); break; case SINGLE: clearOldSelections(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown selectionMode " + selectionMode); } if (date != null) { // Select a new cell. if (selectedCells.size() == 0 || !selectedCells.get(0).equals(cell)) { selectedCells.add(cell); cell.setSelected(true); } selectedCals.add(newlySelectedCal); if (selectionMode == SelectionMode.RANGE && selectedCells.size() > 1) { // Select all days in between start and end. Date start = selectedCells.get(0).getDate(); Date end = selectedCells.get(1).getDate(); selectedCells.get(0).setRangeState(MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.FIRST); selectedCells.get(1).setRangeState(MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.LAST); for (List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> month : cells) { for (List<MonthCellDescriptor> week : month) { for (MonthCellDescriptor singleCell : week) { if (singleCell.getDate().after(start) && singleCell.getDate().before(end) && singleCell.isSelectable()) { singleCell.setSelected(true); singleCell.setRangeState(MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.MIDDLE); selectedCells.add(singleCell); } } } } } } // Update the adapter. validateAndUpdate(); return date != null; }
List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> getMonthCells(MonthDescriptor month, Date startDate) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); cal.setTime(startDate); List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> cells = new ArrayList<List<MonthCellDescriptor>>(); cal.set(DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); int firstDayOfWeek = cal.get(DAY_OF_WEEK); int offset = cal.getFirstDayOfWeek() - firstDayOfWeek; if (offset > 0) { offset -= 7; } cal.add(Calendar.DATE, offset); while ((cal.get(MONTH) < month.getMonth() + 1 || cal.get(YEAR) < month.getYear()) && cal.get(YEAR) <= month.getYear()) { List<MonthCellDescriptor> weekCells = new ArrayList<MonthCellDescriptor>(); cells.add(weekCells); for (int c = 0; c < 7; c++) { Date date = cal.getTime(); boolean isCurrentMonth = cal.get(MONTH) == month.getMonth(); boolean isSelected = isCurrentMonth && CalendarPickerView.containsDate(mSelectedCalendarList, cal); boolean isSelectable = true; boolean isToday = CalendarPickerView.sameDate(cal, mTodayCalendar); boolean isHighlighted = false; int value = cal.get(DAY_OF_MONTH); if (isToday) {} MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.NONE; final MonthCellDescriptor cellDescriptor = new MonthCellDescriptor( date, isCurrentMonth, isSelectable, isSelected, isToday, isHighlighted, value, rangeState); weekCells.add(cellDescriptor); if (isSelected) { mSelectedCellList.add(cellDescriptor); } cal.add(DATE, 1); } } return cells; }
private static boolean sameMonth(Calendar cal, MonthDescriptor month) { return (cal.get(MONTH) == month.getMonth() && cal.get(YEAR) == month.getYear()); }
private static boolean betweenDates(Calendar cal, Calendar minCal, Calendar maxCal) { final Date date = cal.getTime(); return betweenDates(date, minCal, maxCal); }
static boolean betweenDates(Date date, Calendar minCal, Calendar maxCal) { final Date min = minCal.getTime(); return (date.equals(min) || date.after(min)) // >= minCal && date.before(maxCal.getTime()); // && < maxCal }
public static void test() { TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-0800")); // Any characters not explicitly defined as conversions, date/time // conversion suffixes, or flags are illegal and are reserved for // future extensions. Use of such a character in a format string will // cause an UnknownFormatConversionException or // UnknownFormatFlagsException to be thrown. tryCatch("%q", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%t&", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%&d", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%^b", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // class javadoc examples // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test(Locale.FRANCE, "e = %+10.4f", "e = +2,7183", Math.E); test("%4$2s %3$2s %2$2s %1$2s", " d c b a", "a", "b", "c", "d"); test( "Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ %,(.2f", "Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ (6,217.58)", (new BigDecimal("-6217.58"))); Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(1969, JULY, 20, 16, 17, 0); testSysOut("Local time: %tT", "Local time: 16:17:00", c); test( "Unable to open file '%1$s': %2$s", "Unable to open file 'food': No such file or directory", "food", "No such file or directory"); Calendar duke = new GregorianCalendar(1995, MAY, 23, 19, 48, 34); duke.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 584); test("Duke's Birthday: %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY", "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995", duke); test("Duke's Birthday: %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY", "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995", duke.getTime()); test( "Duke's Birthday: %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY", "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995", duke.getTimeInMillis()); test("%4$s %3$s %2$s %1$s %4$s %3$s %2$s %1$s", "d c b a d c b a", "a", "b", "c", "d"); test("%s %s %<s %<s", "a b b b", "a", "b", "c", "d"); test("%s %s %s %s", "a b c d", "a", "b", "c", "d"); test("%2$s %s %<s %s", "b a a b", "a", "b", "c", "d"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %b // // General conversion applicable to any argument. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%b", "true", true); test("%b", "false", false); test("%B", "TRUE", true); test("%B", "FALSE", false); test("%b", "true", Boolean.TRUE); test("%b", "false", Boolean.FALSE); test("%B", "TRUE", Boolean.TRUE); test("%B", "FALSE", Boolean.FALSE); test("%14b", " true", true); test("%-14b", "true ", true); test("%5.1b", " f", false); test("%-5.1b", "f ", false); test("%b", "true", "foo"); test("%b", "false", (Object) null); // hardcodes the Strings for "true" and "false", so no // localization is possible. test(Locale.FRANCE, "%b", "true", true); test(Locale.FRANCE, "%b", "false", false); // If you pass in a single array to a varargs method, the compiler // uses it as the array of arguments rather than treating it as a // single array-type argument. test("%b", "false", (Object[]) new String[2]); test("%b", "true", new String[2], new String[2]); int[] ia = {1, 2, 3}; test("%b", "true", ia); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %b - errors // --------------------------------------------------------------------- tryCatch("%#b", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); tryCatch("%-b", MissingFormatWidthException.class); // correct or side-effect of implementation? tryCatch("%.b", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%,b", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %c // // General conversion applicable to any argument. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%c", "i", 'i'); test("%C", "I", 'i'); test("%4c", " i", 'i'); test("%-4c", "i ", 'i'); test("%4C", " I", 'i'); test("%-4C", "I ", 'i'); test("%c", "i", new Character('i')); test("%c", "H", (byte) 72); test("%c", "i", (short) 105); test("%c", "!", (int) 33); test("%c", "\u007F", Byte.MAX_VALUE); test("%c", new String(Character.toChars(Short.MAX_VALUE)), Short.MAX_VALUE); test("%c", "null", (Object) null); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %c - errors // --------------------------------------------------------------------- tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatConversionException.class, Boolean.TRUE); tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatConversionException.class, (float) 0.1); tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatConversionException.class, new Object()); tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class, Byte.MIN_VALUE); tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class, Short.MIN_VALUE); tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class, Integer.MIN_VALUE); tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE); tryCatch("%#c", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); tryCatch("%,c", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); tryCatch("%(c", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); tryCatch("%$c", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%.2c", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %s // // General conversion applicable to any argument. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%s", "Hello, Duke", "Hello, Duke"); test("%S", "HELLO, DUKE", "Hello, Duke"); test("%20S", " HELLO, DUKE", "Hello, Duke"); test("%20s", " Hello, Duke", "Hello, Duke"); test("%-20s", "Hello, Duke ", "Hello, Duke"); test("%-20.5s", "Hello ", "Hello, Duke"); test("%s", "null", (Object) null); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("foo bar"); test("%s", sb.toString(), sb); test("%S", sb.toString().toUpperCase(), sb); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %s - errors // --------------------------------------------------------------------- tryCatch("%-s", MissingFormatWidthException.class); tryCatch("%--s", DuplicateFormatFlagsException.class); tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class, 0); tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class, 0.5f); tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class, "hello"); tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class, null); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %h // // General conversion applicable to any argument. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%h", Integer.toHexString("Hello, Duke".hashCode()), "Hello, Duke"); test("%10h", " ddf63471", "Hello, Duke"); test("%-10h", "ddf63471 ", "Hello, Duke"); test("%-10H", "DDF63471 ", "Hello, Duke"); test("%10h", " 402e0000", 15.0); test("%10H", " 402E0000", 15.0); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %h - errors // --------------------------------------------------------------------- tryCatch("%#h", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // flag/conversion errors // --------------------------------------------------------------------- tryCatch("%F", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%#g", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // BigInteger - errors // --------------------------------------------------------------------- tryCatch("%f", IllegalFormatConversionException.class, new BigInteger("1")); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %d - BigInteger // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%d", "null", (Object) null); test("%d", "1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("%,d", "1,234,567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test(Locale.FRANCE, "%,d", "1\u00a0234\u00a0567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("%,d", "-1,234,567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); test("%(d", "1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("%(d", "(1234567)", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); test("% d", " 1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("% d", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); test("%+d", "+1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("%+d", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); test("%010d", "0001234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("%010d", "-001234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); test("%(10d", " (1234567)", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); test("%+d", "+1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("%+d", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); test("%-10d", "1234567 ", new BigInteger("1234567", 10)); test("%-10d", "-1234567 ", new BigInteger("-1234567", 10)); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %o - BigInteger // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%o", "null", (Object) null); test("%o", "1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("%(o", "1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("%(o", "(1234567)", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); test("% o", " 1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("% o", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); test("%+o", "+1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("%+o", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); test("%010o", "0001234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("%010o", "-001234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); test("%(10o", " (1234567)", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); test("%+o", "+1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("%+o", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); test("%-10o", "1234567 ", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("%-10o", "-1234567 ", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); test("%#10o", " 01234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 8)); test("%#10o", " -01234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 8)); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %x - BigInteger // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%x", "null", (Object) null); test("%x", "1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%(x", "1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%(x", "(1234567)", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("% x", " 1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("% x", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%+x", "+1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%+x", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%010x", "0001234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%010x", "-001234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%(10x", " (1234567)", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%+x", "+1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%+x", "-1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%-10x", "1234567 ", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%-10x", "-1234567 ", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%#10x", " 0x1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%#10x", "-0x1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%#10X", " 0X1234567", new BigInteger("1234567", 16)); test("%#10X", "-0X1234567", new BigInteger("-1234567", 16)); test("%X", "1234567A", new BigInteger("1234567a", 16)); test("%X", "-1234567A", new BigInteger("-1234567a", 16)); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %t // // Date/Time conversions applicable to Calendar, Date, and long. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%tA", "null", (Object) null); test("%TA", "NULL", (Object) null); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %t - errors // --------------------------------------------------------------------- tryCatch("%t", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%T", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%tP", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%TP", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%.5tB", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class); tryCatch("%#tB", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class); tryCatch("%-tB", MissingFormatWidthException.class); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %n // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%n", System.getProperty("line.separator"), (Object) null); test("%n", System.getProperty("line.separator"), ""); tryCatch("%,n", IllegalFormatFlagsException.class); tryCatch("%.n", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%5.n", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); tryCatch("%5n", IllegalFormatWidthException.class); tryCatch("%.7n", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class); tryCatch("%<n", IllegalFormatFlagsException.class); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // %% // --------------------------------------------------------------------- test("%%", "%", (Object) null); test("%%", "%", ""); tryCatch("%%%", UnknownFormatConversionException.class); // perhaps an IllegalFormatArgumentIndexException should be defined? tryCatch("%<%", IllegalFormatFlagsException.class); }
/** * Both date parameters must be non-null and their {@link Date#getTime()} must not return 0. Time * of day will be ignored. For instance, if you pass in {@code minDate} as 11/16/2012 5:15pm and * {@code maxDate} as 11/16/2013 4:30am, 11/16/2012 will be the first selectable date and * 11/15/2013 will be the last selectable date ({@code maxDate} is exclusive). * * <p>This will implicitly set the {@link SelectionMode} to {@link SelectionMode#SINGLE}. If you * want a different selection mode, use {@link FluentInitializer#inMode(SelectionMode)} on the * {@link FluentInitializer} this method returns. * * <p>The calendar will be constructed using the given locale. This means that all names (months, * days) will be in the language of the locale and the weeks start with the day specified by the * locale. * * @param minDate Earliest selectable date, inclusive. Must be earlier than {@code maxDate}. * @param maxDate Latest selectable date, exclusive. Must be later than {@code minDate}. */ public FluentInitializer init(Date minDate, Date maxDate, Locale locale) { if (minDate == null || maxDate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "minDate and maxDate must be non-null. " + dbg(minDate, maxDate)); } if (minDate.after(maxDate)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "minDate must be before maxDate. " + dbg(minDate, maxDate)); } if (minDate.getTime() == 0 || maxDate.getTime() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "minDate and maxDate must be non-zero. " + dbg(minDate, maxDate)); } if (locale == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Locale is null."); } // Make sure that all calendar instances use the same locale. this.locale = locale; today = Calendar.getInstance(locale); minCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); maxCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); monthCounter = Calendar.getInstance(locale); monthNameFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(getContext().getString(R.string.month_name_format), locale); for (MonthDescriptor month : months) { month.setLabel(monthNameFormat.format(month.getDate())); } weekdayNameFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(getContext().getString(R.string.day_name_format), locale); fullDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); this.selectionMode = SelectionMode.SINGLE; // Clear out any previously-selected dates/cells. selectedCals.clear(); selectedCells.clear(); highlightedCells.clear(); // Clear previous state. cells.clear(); months.clear(); minCal.setTime(minDate); maxCal.setTime(maxDate); setMidnight(minCal); setMidnight(maxCal); displayOnly = false; // maxDate is exclusive: bump back to the previous day so if maxDate is // the first of a month, // we don't accidentally include that month in the view. maxCal.add(MINUTE, -1); // Now iterate between minCal and maxCal and build up our list of months // to show. monthCounter.setTime(minCal.getTime()); final int maxMonth = maxCal.get(MONTH); final int maxYear = maxCal.get(YEAR); while ((monthCounter.get(MONTH) <= maxMonth // Up to, including the // month. || monthCounter.get(YEAR) < maxYear) // Up to the year. && monthCounter.get(YEAR) < maxYear + 1) { // But not > next yr. Date date = monthCounter.getTime(); MonthDescriptor month = new MonthDescriptor( monthCounter.get(MONTH), monthCounter.get(YEAR), date, monthNameFormat.format(date)); cells.add(getMonthCells(month, monthCounter)); // Logr.d("Adding month %s", month); months.add(month); monthCounter.add(MONTH, 1); } validateAndUpdate(); return new FluentInitializer(); }