Esempio n. 1
  * Helper method to convert properties to string.
  * @param prop a <code>Properties</code> value
  * @return a <code>String</code> value
 public static String convertPropsToString(Properties prop) {
   if (prop == null) {
     return "{null}";
   StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer("{ ");
   for (Enumeration enum1 = prop.propertyNames(); enum1.hasMoreElements(); ) {
     Object obj = enum1.nextElement();
     strBuf.append("[ ").append(obj).append("->");
     Object val = prop.getProperty((String) obj);
     if (val == null) strBuf.append("null");
     else strBuf.append((String) val);
     strBuf.append(" ] ");
   return strBuf.toString();
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: bramk/bnd
  * Take all the properties and translate them to actual values. This method takes the set
  * properties and traverse them over all entries, including the default properties for that
  * properties. The values no longer contain macros.
  * @return A new Properties with the flattened values
 public Properties getFlattenedProperties() {
   // Some macros only work in a lower processor, so we
   // do not report unknown macros while flattening
   flattening = true;
   try {
     Properties flattened = new Properties();
     Properties source = domain.getProperties();
     for (Enumeration<?> e = source.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
       String key = (String) e.nextElement();
       if (!key.startsWith("_"))
         if (key.startsWith("-")) flattened.put(key, source.getProperty(key));
         else flattened.put(key, process(source.getProperty(key)));
     return flattened;
   } finally {
     flattening = false;
  public Response serve(String uri, String method, Properties header, Properties parms) {
    if (!uri.equals("/mediaserver")) {
      return super.serve(uri, method, header, parms); // this way we can
      // also serve up
      // normal files and
      // content

    logger.fine(method + " '" + uri + "' ");

    Enumeration<?> e = header.propertyNames();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      String value = (String) e.nextElement();
      logger.fine("  HDR: '" + value + "' = '" + header.getProperty(value) + "'");
    e = parms.propertyNames();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      String value = (String) e.nextElement();
      logger.fine("  PRM: '" + value + "' = '" + parms.getProperty(value) + "'");

    // TODO: check the actual path...

    final String mediaPath = parms.getProperty("media");
    final String outputFormatStr = parms.getProperty("format");
    final String mimeType = parms.getProperty("mime");"requested media: " + mediaPath);"requested mime type: " + mimeType);
    if (mediaPath == null)
      return new Response(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "text/plain", "mediaPath parameter not specified");
    if (mimeType == null)
      return new Response(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "text/plain", "mimeType parameter not specified");

    // TODO: if we aren't performing any transcoding, just serve the file up
    // directly.
    // TODO: capture sources need to be treated as singletons, with some
    // kind of broadcasting/cloning to ensure
    // that multiple connections can be made.

    final String serverSideUrlStr = mediaPath; // URLUtils.createUrlStr(new
    // File(mediaPath)); // TODO:
    // enforce that we can't just
    // serve up anything anywhere
    final ContentDescriptor outputContentDescriptor =
        new FileTypeDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.mimeTypeToPackageName(mimeType));

    final Format outputFormat;
    if (outputFormatStr == null) {
      outputFormat = null;
    } else {
      try {
        outputFormat = FormatArgUtils.parse(outputFormatStr);
      } catch (ParseException e1) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "" + e1, e1);
        return new Response(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "text/plain", "" + e1);
    }"serverSideUrlStr: " + serverSideUrlStr);"outputContentDescriptor: " + outputContentDescriptor);"outputFormat: " + outputFormat);

    final InputStream is;
    try {
      is = getInputStream(serverSideUrlStr, outputFormat, outputContentDescriptor);
    } catch (Exception e1) {
      return new Response(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "text/plain", "" + e1);

    final String responseMimeType;
    // workaround for the problem that the multipart/x-mixed-replace
    // boundary is not stored anywhere.
    // this assumes that if we are serving multipart/x-mixed-replace data,
    // that MultipartMixedReplaceMux is being used.
    if (mimeType.equals("multipart/x-mixed-replace"))
      responseMimeType = mimeType + ";boundary=" + MultipartMixedReplaceMux.BOUNDARY;
    else responseMimeType = mimeType;"Response mime type: " + responseMimeType);
    return new Response(HTTP_OK, responseMimeType, is);