public static void main(String[] args) { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ try { Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("/home/santosh/Desktop/testData")); int testCases = sc.nextInt(); int i = 0; ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> inputArraysList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); ArrayList<Integer> list; while (i++ < testCases) { int n = sc.nextInt(); int k = 0; list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (k < n) { list.add(sc.nextInt()); k++; } inputArraysList.add(list); } // System.out.println(inputArraysList.size()); for (ArrayList<Integer> arr : inputArraysList) { countPairs(arr.toArray(new Integer[arr.size()])); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** * Returns the <code>Format.Field</code> constants associated with the text at <code>offset</code> * . If <code>offset</code> is not a valid location into the current text, this will return an * empty array. * * @param offset offset into text to be examined * @return Format.Field constants associated with the text at the given position. */ public Format.Field[] getFields(int offset) { if (getAllowsInvalid()) { // This will work if the currently edited value is valid. updateMask(); } Map attrs = getAttributes(offset); if (attrs != null && attrs.size() > 0) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.addAll(attrs.keySet()); return (Format.Field[]) al.toArray(EMPTY_FIELD_ARRAY); } return EMPTY_FIELD_ARRAY; }
/*得到从表多列的信息*/ public final RowMap[] getDetailRowinfos() { RowMap[] rows = new RowMap[d_RowInfos.size()]; d_RowInfos.toArray(rows); return rows; }
static ItemResult extractItemInfo(Element curItem) { ItemResult item = new ItemResult(); // get the item columns String itemId = getAttributeText(curItem, "ItemID"); String name = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Name"); String currently = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Currently"); // get Buy_Price, just put in the "" if it doesn't exist. String buyPrice = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Buy_Price"); // get First_Bid, just put in the "" if it doesn't exist. String firstBid = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "First_Bid"); String numberOfBids = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Number_of_Bids"); String started = convertToSQLTime(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Started")); String ends = convertToSQLTime(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Ends")); Element locationElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Location"); String latitude = getAttributeText(locationElem, "Latitude"); String longitude = getAttributeText(locationElem, "Longitude"); String location = getElementText(locationElem); String country = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Country"); String description = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Description"); description = description.substring(0, Math.min(description.length(), 4000)); Element sellerElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Seller"); String sellerId = getAttributeText(sellerElem, "UserID"); String sellerRating = getAttributeText(sellerElem, "Rating"); // for each itemCategory Element[] categoriesElem = getElementsByTagNameNR(curItem, "Category"); ArrayList<String> categoriesArrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element category : categoriesElem) { categoriesArrayList.add(getElementText(category)); } String[] categories = new String[categoriesArrayList.size()]; categories = categoriesArrayList.toArray(categories); // for each bid Element bidsElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Bids"); Element[] bidElemList = getElementsByTagNameNR(bidsElem, "Bid"); ArrayList<BidResult> bidsArrayList = new ArrayList<BidResult>(); for (Element bid : bidElemList) { // process the user (bidder) first Element bidderElem = getElementByTagNameNR(bid, "Bidder"); String bidderId = getAttributeText(bidderElem, "UserID"); String bidderRating = getAttributeText(bidderElem, "Rating"); String bidderLocation = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bidderElem, "Location"); String bidderCountry = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bidderElem, "Country"); String bidTime = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bid, "Time"); String amount = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bid, "Amount"); BidResult bidResult = new BidResult(bidderId, bidderRating, bidderLocation, bidderCountry, amount, bidTime); bidsArrayList.add(bidResult); } BidResult[] bidResults = new BidResult[bidsArrayList.size()]; bidResults = bidsArrayList.toArray(bidResults); return new ItemResult( itemId, name, categories, currently, buyPrice, firstBid, numberOfBids, bidResults, longitude, latitude, location, country, started, ends, sellerId, sellerRating, description); }