   * This Method returns the 2D Array which is the list of the Items for the selected WorkOrder of
   * the Customer.
   * @param workorderId - WorkOrder Id Foreign Key of WRK_ORDR_DETS table
   * @return Object[][] - 2D Array which is List of the Items for the WorkOrder
  public Object[][] getWorkOrderItems(long workorderId) throws RemoteException {

    WrkOrdrDets wrkordrdts_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(conn);

    RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys_obj = new RHCCBlgKeys(conn);

    Vector workorderdetList = wrkordrdts_obj.getProductList(workorderId);

    // Hashtable BSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems();
    BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys();

    Hashtable BSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys();

    Enumeration BSys = BSysList.keys();

    // The 2-Dimensional array to hold the Items Billing System wise.
    Object[][] prodList = new Object[BSysList.size()][workorderdetList.size() + 1];

    // The Number of Billing Systems are assumed to be equal to the
    // Static Load Billing Systems Hashtable size. The Billing Systems will
    // be in order starting from 1 and incrementing by one.
    for (int i = 0; i < BSysList.size(); i++) {
      // Set the 2D array to store the Billing System as the first element
      // of each row.
      prodList[i][0] = String.valueOf(i + 1);

    // Loop throught the WorkOrder Items List and place them in the appropriate
    // positions in the 2D array.
    for (int j = 0; j < workorderdetList.size(); j++) {
      // Determine the Billing System of the Product
      Vector tmpVector = new Vector();

      WrkOrdrDets workorderObj = (WrkOrdrDets) workorderdetList.elementAt(j);

      RHCCBlgKeys bkObj =
          blgkeys_obj.searchRHCCBlgKeys(((WrkOrdrDets) workorderdetList.elementAt(j)).getRBKID());
      int bsid = (new Long(bkObj.getBsId())).intValue();


      // Based on the Billing System Id retreived place the Product Object
      // in the 2D array.
      int k = 1;
      while (prodList[bsid - 1][k] != null) {
        k = k + 1;
      prodList[bsid - 1][k] = tmpVector;

    // Return the 2D array
    return prodList;
Esempio n. 2
  public static boolean are_d_connected(AbstractVariable x1, AbstractVariable x2, Vector evidence)
      throws RemoteException {
    // Find all paths between x1 and x2, then see if there is some path which is
    // d-connecting given the evidence. If so, return true, otherwise false.

    Hashtable path_sets = new Hashtable(); // HEY !!! THIS OUGHT TO BE CACHED SOMEWHERE !!!
    PathAnalysis.compile_paths(x1, x2, path_sets);

    Vector path_set = (Vector) path_sets.get(new VariablePair(x1, x2));
    if (path_set == null)
      // No connections whatsoever.
      return false;

    Enumeration path_set_enum = path_set.elements();
    while (path_set_enum.hasMoreElements()) {
      AbstractVariable[] path = (AbstractVariable[]) path_set_enum.nextElement();
      if (is_d_connecting(path, evidence)) {
        System.err.print("PathAnalysis.are_d_connected: path ");
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) System.err.print(path[i].get_name() + " ");
        System.err.print("is d-connected given evidence ");
        for (i = 0; i < evidence.size(); i++)
          System.err.print(((AbstractVariable) evidence.elementAt(i)).get_name() + " ");
        return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 3
 private RMItem readDataFromLog(int id, String key, int xId) {
   synchronized (logArray) {
     int indx;
     if ((indx = logContains(xId)) != -1) {
       Log temp = (Log) logArray.elementAt(indx);
       return (RMItem) temp.get(key);
   return null;
Esempio n. 4
 private int logContains(int xId) {
   synchronized (logArray) {
     for (int i = 0; i < logArray.size(); i++) {
       Log temp = (Log) logArray.elementAt(i);
       if (temp.getXId() == xId) {
         return i;
   return -1;
Esempio n. 5
 private void writeDataToLog(int xId, String key, RMItem value) {
   System.out.println("entering writedatatolog");
   synchronized (logArray) {
     Log temp;
     int indx;
     if ((indx = logContains(xId)) != -1) {
       temp = (Log) logArray.elementAt(indx);
       temp.put(key, value);
     } else {
       temp = new Log(xId, new RMHashtable());
       temp.put(key, value);
Esempio n. 6
  public void abort(int transactionId) throws RemoteException, InvalidTransactionException {
    int indx = logContains(transactionId);

    Log temp;

    if (indx > -1) {

      temp = (Log) logArray.elementAt(indx);

    } else {
      System.out.println("nothing in array");

    for (Enumeration e = temp.getKeys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      System.out.println("For loop");
      String key = (String) (e.nextElement());
      RMItem obj = temp.get(key);
      if (obj.getType() == 0) {
        Flight flight = (Flight) obj;
        if (flight.getCount() == -1) {
          System.out.println("entering count=-1 block");
          removeData(transactionId, key);
        } else {
          System.out.println("entering other block");
          writeData(transactionId, key, flight);
      } else if (obj.getType() == 1) {
        Customer cust = (Customer) obj;
        if (cust.getID() == -1) {
          System.out.println("entering remove data for customer");
          removeData(transactionId, key);
        } else {
          System.out.println("entering write data for customer");
          writeData(transactionId, key, obj);
Esempio n. 7
   * This method returns a <tt>Class</tt> for a helper which can handle the list of distributions
   * specified by <tt>seq1</tt>. We maintain a cache of recently-loaded helpers, so check the cache
   * before going to the trouble of searching for a helper. The cache is blown away every
   * <tt>HELPER_CACHE_REFRESH</tt> seconds.
   * <p>If we can't find a helper in the cache, we must search through the list of available helpers
   * to find an appropriate one. First try to find helper using class sequence as specified by
   * <tt>seq</tt>. Whether or not that succeeds, promote any <tt>Gaussian</tt> in the sequence to
   * <tt>MixGaussians</tt>, and try again. If we get a better match on the second try, return the
   * helper thus found.
  public static Class find_helper_class(Vector seq1, String helper_type)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {
    // Let's see if an appropriate helper is in the cache.
    // If the cache is too old, empty it and search for the helper anew.

    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - cache_timestamp > HELPER_CACHE_REFRESH) {
      helper_cache = new Hashtable();
      cache_timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
      // Go on and search for appropriate helper.
    } else {
      HelperCacheKey key = new HelperCacheKey(helper_type, seq1);
      Class helper_class = (Class) helper_cache.get(key);
      if (helper_class != null) {
        if (Global.debug > -1)
              "PiHelperLoader.find_helper_class: found helper class: "
                  + helper_class
                  + "; no need to search.");
        return helper_class;
      // else no luck; we have to search for helper.

    // Well, we didn't find a helper in the cache, so let's go to work.
    if (Global.debug > -1)
          "PiHelperLoader.find_helper_class: DID NOT FIND HELPER CLASS; NOW SEARCH.");

    Class c1 = null, c2 = null;
    ClassNotFoundException cnfe1 = null, cnfe2 = null;
    int[] class_score1 = new int[1], count_score1 = new int[1];
    int[] class_score2 = new int[1], count_score2 = new int[1];

    try {
      c1 = find_helper_class1(seq1, helper_type, class_score1, count_score1);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      cnfe1 = e;
    } // hang on, we may need to re-throw later.

    Class gaussian_class = Class.forName("riso.distributions.Gaussian");
    MixGaussians mog = new MixGaussians(1, 1);

    Vector seq2 = new Vector(seq1.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < seq1.size(); i++)
      if (gaussian_class.isAssignableFrom((Class) seq1.elementAt(i)))
      else seq2.addElement(seq1.elementAt(i));

    try {
      c2 = find_helper_class1(seq2, helper_type, class_score2, count_score2);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      cnfe2 = e;

    if (cnfe1 == null && cnfe2 == null) {
      // Both matched; see which one fits better.
      // Break ties in favor of the helper for non-promoted messages.

      if (class_score1[0] >= class_score2[0]
          || (class_score1[0] == class_score2[0] && count_score1[0] >= count_score2[0])) {
        if (Global.debug > 1)
              "\taccept helper " + c1 + " for non-promoted classes instead of " + c2);
        if (Global.debug > 1)
                  + class_score1[0]
                  + ", "
                  + class_score2[0]
                  + "; "
                  + count_score1[0]
                  + ", "
                  + count_score2[0]);
        helper_cache.put(new HelperCacheKey(helper_type, seq1), c1);
        return c1;
      } else {
        if (Global.debug > 1)
          System.err.println("\taccept helper " + c2 + " for promoted classes instead of " + c1);
        if (Global.debug > 1)
                  + class_score1[0]
                  + ", "
                  + class_score2[0]
                  + "; "
                  + count_score1[0]
                  + ", "
                  + count_score2[0]);
        helper_cache.put(new HelperCacheKey(helper_type, seq1), c2);
        return c2;
    } else if (cnfe1 == null && cnfe2 != null) {
      // Only the first try matched, return it.
      helper_cache.put(new HelperCacheKey(helper_type, seq1), c1);
      return c1;
    } else if (cnfe1 != null && cnfe2 == null) {
      // Only the second try matched, return it.
      helper_cache.put(new HelperCacheKey(helper_type, seq1), c2);
      return c2;
    } else {
      // Neither try matched. Re-throw the exception generated by the first try.
      throw cnfe1;
Esempio n. 8
   * This is the main controller logic for item selection servlet. This determines whether to show a
   * list of items for a WorkOrder, add a item, edit a item's detail information, or delete a item.
   * The product_action parameter is past to this servlet to determine what action to perform. The
   * product_action parameter is a button defined by JSPs related to product presentation screens.
   * <p>The default action is to show all product related to a parent WorkOrder.
   * @param req HttpServlet request
   * @param resp HttpServlet response
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    WorkOrderDetailRemote workorderdetEJBean = null;

    securityChecks(req, resp);

    // Get the current session
    HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);
    if (session == null) return;

    String sTmp = "";

    // Get a new business logic EJB (custInfoEJBean)
    USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("getting buslogic EJB", this, null);
    try {
      workorderdetEJBean = workorderdetHome.create();
      USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("EJBean Created", this, null);
    } catch (CreateException e) {
      String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
      String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB connect", this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      String errorMsg = "Critical Exception no EJB created";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);

    try {

      // Button user pressed in the itemselection.jsp
      String sJSPAction = req.getParameter("product_action");
      USFEnv.getLog().writeWarn("product_action from JSP: " + sJSPAction, this, null);

      short year = Short.valueOf((String) session.getValue("Iyear")).shortValue();
      long customerId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rcustId")).longValue();
      long applicationId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rappid")).longValue();
      long workorderId = 0;
      long bkId = 0;
      long billkeyId = 0;
      long bsId = 0;
      long wodId = 0;
      String editflag = "";
      String bsNm = "";

      java.sql.Date strtDate = null;
      java.sql.Date endDate = null;
      String prodError = "";

      // Check to make sure session does have an WorkOrder ID
      if (session.getValue("WorkOrderId") != null) {
        // If Yes get the parent WorkOrder ID from session
        workorderId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId")).longValue();

      // Button Action from JSP is empty then show the Default page of the
      // Product Listing.
      if (USFUtil.isBlank(sJSPAction)) {
        USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Display product list for FRN.", this, null);
        // list items for parent Work Order Number

        Vector billingsystems = null;

        WrkOrdrDets workorderdets = new WrkOrdrDets();

        billingsystems = workorderdets.getBillingSystems();

        req.setAttribute("BillingSystems", billingsystems);

        for (int s = 0; s < billingsystems.size(); s++)
              .writeDebug("INSIDE BILLING SYSTEMS " + billingsystems.elementAt(s), this, null);

        listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);

      // Button action from JSP is to Add a new Item
      else if (sJSPAction.equals("add")) {
        // Remove the Product Object from session

        editflag = "addnew";
        req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag);

        // Read the Item and the Billing System for adding the New
        // Item.
        String formProdBsId = (String) req.getParameter("formProdId");
        String formProdId = formProdBsId.substring(0, formProdBsId.indexOf("|"));
        String formProdName = formProdBsId.substring(formProdBsId.indexOf("|") + 1);
        long rscId = (new Long(formProdId).longValue());
        // bsId = (new Long( formBsId ).longValue()) ;
        String billSystem = formProdName.substring(0, formProdName.indexOf("-"));
        String itemName = formProdName.substring(formProdName.indexOf("-") + 1);

        BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys();
        bsId = blgSys.getBsId(billSystem);

        // Create db connection for EJB

        // Get the WorkOrder Object.
        WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId);

        // Get the list of Billing Keys for the Billing System.
        String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId);

        // Release db connection for EJB

        // If no Billing Keys for the Billing System selected then redirect
        // to the List Items screen and show the error Message.
        if (blgKeys == null) {
          BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys();
          Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys();
          //	Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems();

          // Set the JSP error message
          req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "No BTNs for Billing System " + billSystem);

          // list products for parent WorkOrder Number
          listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);

        req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N");
        req.setAttribute("bsystem", String.valueOf(bsId));
        req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys);
        req.setAttribute("prodId", formProdId);
        String wid = String.valueOf(workorderId);

        session.putValue("workorderId", wid);

        req.setAttribute("billingsystem", billSystem);

        req.setAttribute("itemname", itemName);

        // Include the JSP to Edit Product
        includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem");

      // Button action from JSP is to Edit a Product
      else if (sJSPAction.equals("edit")) {
        String bsysid = req.getParameter("bsId");
        session.putValue("bysysidforedit", bsysid);

        wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue();
        // bkId = (new Long( (String) req.getParameter("bkId"))).longValue() ;

        session.putValue("workorderdetid", String.valueOf(wodId));

        bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bsId"))).longValue();

        BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys();
        bsNm = blgSys.getBsName(bsId);

        // Create db connection for EJB

        // WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId);

        // Get the WorkOrder Number Object
        WrkOrdrDets wodets_obj = new WrkOrdrDets();
        wodets_obj = workorderdetEJBean.getProductInfo(wodId);

        // Get the List of Billing Keys for the Billing System.
        String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId);

        // Check if the Item has any Credits. If any credits then Billing
        // Key is not Editable else Editable.
        if (workorderdetEJBean.hasCredits(wodId)) {
          req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "Y");
        } else {
          req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N");

        // Release db connection for EJB

        // If Item Object is not null (which generally is the case) then
        // set the Attributes for the JSP.
        if (wodets_obj != null) {
          // Put the Item Object in session
          editflag = "edit";
          session.putValue("wodets", wodets_obj);
          req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag);

          // Set the attributes for the Billing System, Billing Key List,
          req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys);
          req.setAttribute("bsname", bsNm);

          // Include the JSP to Edit the Item.
          includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem");

        // If Item Object is null (which generally should not Occur) show
        // the Default page of Item List for the WorkOrder Number
        else {
          // Set the JSP error message
              "errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Information not available in the Data Base");

          // list items for parent WorkOrder Number
          listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);


      // Button action from JSP is to Delete an Item
      else if (sJSPAction.equals("delete")) {
        String formWodId = req.getParameter("wodId");

        wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue();

        // Create db connection for EJB

        // Delete the Item
        if (workorderdetEJBean.deleteProduct(wodId)) {
          req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Deleted");
        } else {
              "Deletion Failed. Product Key - " + wodId + " is associated with amounts.");
        // Release db connection for EJB

        // Show the Item List screen
        listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);


      // Button action from JSP is to Save a Product. This includes Insertion
      // of New Product or Updation of an Existing Product.

      else if (sJSPAction.equals("save")) {
        boolean save = false;
        boolean newProd = false;
        // long qty=0;

        // Read the Billing System Id
        String formBsId = (String) req.getParameter("bs_id");

        String bsysid = (String) req.getParameter("bsysid");
        String trans_type = (String) req.getParameter("trans_type");

        //String quantity = (String) req.getParameter("qty");
        String quantity="";
        if (!(req.getParameter("qty").equals("")))
        	quantity=(String) req.getParameter("qty");

        	qty = (new Long(quantity).longValue());
        } */
        String prod_stat = (String) req.getParameter("prod_stat");

        double nrcg_dscnt =
            (new Double((String) req.getParameter("NonRecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue();

        double rcg_dscnt =
            (new Double((String) req.getParameter("RecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue();

        String start_month = (String) req.getParameter("strt_month");
        String start_day = (String) req.getParameter("strt_day");
        String start_year = (String) req.getParameter("strt_year");
        String end_month = (String) req.getParameter("end_month");
        String end_day = (String) req.getParameter("end_day");
        String end_year = (String) req.getParameter("end_year");

        String start_date = start_month + "-" + start_day + "-" + start_year;

        String end_date = end_month + "-" + end_day + "-" + end_year;

        long wrkordrid = (new Long((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId"))).longValue();

        String for_editing = req.getParameter("for_editing");
        String for_new = req.getParameter("for_new");

        String formBkId = (String) req.getParameter("bk_id");

        String formBKId = formBkId.substring(0, formBkId.indexOf("|"));

        String formBTN = formBkId.substring(formBkId.indexOf("|") + 1);

        billkeyId = (new Long(formBKId)).longValue();

        try {
          bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bs_id"))).longValue();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Exception is " + e, this, null);

        RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys = new RHCCBlgKeys();

        if (for_editing.equals("editing")) {
          blgkeys.setBsId(new Long(bsysid).longValue());

        if (for_new.equals("new")) {

        int index = 0;

        WrkOrdrDets wod_obj = new WrkOrdrDets();

        // wod_obj.setTxTyp(trans_type);
        // wod_obj.setQty(qty);

        if (!(start_date.equals(""))) {
          strtDate =
              new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(start_date).getTime());
        // Else if the Start Date is null update the Item Object Date to
        // null
        else {

        // If Item Service End Date is not null read the date and update
        // the Item Object with the date
        if (!(end_date.equals(""))) {
          endDate =
              new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(end_date).getTime());
        // Else if the End Date is null update the Item Object Date to null
        else {

        // Check if the Start Date is after the End Date or equals End Date
        if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.after(endDate))) {
          prodError = "Product Service Start Date is after Product Service End Date. \n";
          index = 1;
        } else if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.equals(endDate))) {
          prodError = "Product Service Start Date equals Product Service End Date. \n";


        if (for_editing.equals("editing")) {
          long workorderdetID = (new Long((String) session.getValue("workorderdetid"))).longValue();

          if (index == 0) {
            save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj);

          if (save) {
            prodError =
                prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information updated";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);
          } else {
            prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to update Product Information";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);

        if (for_new.equals("new")) {
          if (index == 0) {
            int prodId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("prod_Id"));
            save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj);

          if (save) {
            prodError =
                prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information Saved";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);
          } else {
            prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to Save Product Information";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);


        listProducts(wrkordrid, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);

    } // End of try block
    catch (Exception e) {
      if (workorderdetEJBean != null) {
        // calling bean release method
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(" Exception in calling release() method ", this, e);
      String errorMsg = "Processing Exception in Items Servlet: ";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg, this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);
    } // End of catch block
  } // end of doPost()
Esempio n. 9
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean do_compile_all = false;
    String bn_name = "", x1_name = "", x2_name = "";
    Vector evidence_names = new Vector();

    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      if (args[i].charAt(0) != '-') continue;

      switch (args[i].charAt(1)) {
        case 'b':
          bn_name = args[++i];
        case 'a':
          do_compile_all = true;
        case 'x':
          if (args[i].charAt(2) == '1') x1_name = args[++i];
          else if (args[i].charAt(2) == '2') x2_name = args[++i];
          else System.err.println("PathAnalysis.main: " + args[i] + " -- huh???");
        case 'e':
          System.err.println("PathAnalysis.main: " + args[i] + " -- huh???");

    try {
      BeliefNetworkContext bnc = new BeliefNetworkContext(null);
      AbstractBeliefNetwork bn = bnc.load_network(bn_name);
      Hashtable path_sets;
      Enumeration p;

      if ((p = PathAnalysis.has_directed_cycle(bn)) == null)
        System.err.println("PathAnalysis: no directed cycles found in " + bn_name);
      else {
        System.err.println("PathAnalysis.main: " + bn_name + " has a directed cycle; quit.");
        System.err.print(" cycle is: ");
        while (p.hasMoreElements()) {
          System.err.print(((AbstractVariable) p.nextElement()).get_name());
          if (p.hasMoreElements()) System.err.print(" -> ");
          else System.err.println("");


      Vector evidence = new Vector();
      if (evidence_names.size() > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < evidence_names.size(); i++)
          evidence.addElement(bn.name_lookup((String) (evidence_names.elementAt(i))));

      if (do_compile_all) {
        path_sets = PathAnalysis.compile_all_paths(bn);
      } else {
        AbstractVariable x1 = (AbstractVariable) bn.name_lookup(x1_name);
        AbstractVariable x2 = (AbstractVariable) bn.name_lookup(x2_name);
        path_sets = new Hashtable();
        PathAnalysis.compile_paths(x1, x2, path_sets);

        if (PathAnalysis.are_d_connected(x1, x2, evidence))
              x1.get_name() + " and " + x2.get_name() + " are d-connected given evidence ");
              x1.get_name() + " and " + x2.get_name() + " are NOT d-connected given evidence ");

        for (int i = 0; i < evidence.size(); i++)
          System.err.print(((AbstractVariable) evidence.elementAt(i)).get_name() + " ");

      System.err.println("PathAnalysis.main: results of path finding:");

      AbstractVariable[] u = bn.get_variables();
      for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) {
        System.err.println(" --- paths from: " + u[i].get_name() + " ---");

        for (int j = i + 1; j < u.length; j++) {
          VariablePair vp = new VariablePair(u[i], u[j]);
          Vector path_set = (Vector) path_sets.get(vp);
          if (path_set == null) continue;

          Enumeration path_set_enum = path_set.elements();
          while (path_set_enum.hasMoreElements()) {
            AbstractVariable[] path = (AbstractVariable[]) path_set_enum.nextElement();
            System.err.print(" path: ");
            for (int k = 0; k < path.length; k++) System.err.print(path[k].get_name() + " ");

    } catch (Exception e) {